A Woman Scorned

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They said marriage was for better and for worse but what can she do when her husband dumps her for a mistress... Více

Chapter 1
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's note
Author's note


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Od corlenessssssss

Kayla's POV

A day before Christmas, Kayla was helping her grandmother bake some chocolate cookies. The cookies were to be used in a dessert the following day at the family gathering and some where baked for the children.

She looked over to the sitting room and she enjoyed what she saw. She smiled as she saw Sibusiso reading to Ayanna who was very engrossed in the book. As if he could feel her eyes on him, Sibusiso raised his head from the book, gave her a seductive smile and blew her a kiss before turning back to the book.

Kayla felt herself blush, she was  unaware that her grandmother was watching her the whole time. He was looking very attractive, sitting there with Ayanna in his arms. He looked too good to eat.

"You look happy ngwanangwanake (my granddaughter). He is a good boy and he loves you." Her grandmother said besides her, jolting her from her unholy thoughts.

"I'm happy grandma, he makes me happy and I love him too. After Michael I never thought I would love again but then he came along. He is so good to me and Ayanna." Kayla said with a stray smile on her face. Her eyes went back to Sibusiso and she wondered how she got so lucky.

"I'm happy for you my baby. You deserve to be happy." Ma'Agnes said before she went back to mixing the eggs and flour.

That evening Kayla gave Sibusiso a long passionate kiss. She was sexually frustrated and everything he did turned her on. Since they arrived at her grandmother's place a week ago, Sibusiso has been reluctant on them having sex. Being a well behaved and matured person that he was he thought it was disrespectful to have sex in her grandmother's place. He also reminded Kayla that she was loud during sex, which has made her blush crimson red.

Now she gave him a kiss, seducing him with a sexy lingerie that he had bought her before they left the city. He was reluctant at first but Kayla managed to convince him to take her in the shower. That way the water will mask her screams of joy. He was passionate and attentive to her, giving her pleasure in the most gentle way ever. He even masked her screams with his hands. After their passionate love making they went to bed and locked in each others embrace.

Kayla reminisced back to the day they  arrived at the village for the Christmas holidays. Sibusiso had loved the village, he loved the green trees that aligned along the road giving it an Amazon vibe. He loved how the wild animals occasionally came by the road before running away from the sound of the cars. She had enjoyed the look on his face as his eyes feasted on the majestic beauty of mother nature. He had used his camera to capture some of the views of her village.

Kayla had been nervous about her family meeting Sibusiso. She had prayed that her grandma and uncle take a liking to him. Turns out that she worried for nothing. Sibusiso had charmed her uncle on the very few minutes of them meeting. On knowing that Sibusiso was a novelist and artist, Spencer was intrigued. He mostly loved that he met the author of one of his favourite books, "Dusk comes before Dawn".

Apparently Dusk comes before Dawn was an inspirational novel that Sibusiso wrote and her uncle loved it  very much. Her grandmother on the other hand was at first sceptical of him. She watched him with suspicious and careful eyes but after a conversation that the old woman had with Sibusiso her attitude changed. Kayla didn't know what her grandma and Sibusiso had talked about. She was just happy that they were finally in a good place.

The days following their arrival, Sibusiso had been invited to the cattle post by her Spencer and her great uncles. It was the first time he ever went to the cattle post and Kayla had been a little frightened for him. But when they came back everyone was signing him praises. Apparently he was a fast learner and he had managed to milk a cow on the first try. Her great uncles were also taken by Sibusiso so they included him in every activity taking place.


Kayla woke up excited, she was humming to a Christmas carol as she showered and went to give Ayanna a bath. Sibusiso teased her saying she was like a little girl. Ma'Agnes and Spencer were already at the kitchen preparing breakfast.

Kayla was excited by the events of the day, they were going to open presents, go for a family gathering and later on listen to Ma'Agnes telling stories about her husband and daughter. Kayla loved hearing stories about her mother because it made her feel close to her. The family gathering was happening at her late great grandparent's place. The place was not far from Ma'Agnes's homestead.

First thing before breakfast, they exchanged Christmas gifts. The first gifts to be opened were Ayanna's. Her father got her a big pink teddy bear and a beautiful Elsa doll from frozen. Sibusiso got Ayanna a beautiful princess dress and a painted portrait of her baby picture. Kayla was touched, she didn't even know that Sibusiso had painted Ayanna. Her grandmother got Ayanna a building block game and a play mat while her uncle got her a couple of bed time story books.

Then Ma'Agnes got a set of beautiful white gardenia ceramic bowls that were personally made by Sibusiso. She also got a cook book and a new sewing station from Kayla while Uncle Spencer gave her a tea set.

Uncle Spencer got a coffee maker from Kayla for his office and a box of Stranahan's Single Malt Whiskey from Sibusiso.

Sibusiso got a custom made military green canvas apron from Ma'Agnes and a book from Uncle Spencer. The book was titled Art and Fear and according to her uncle it was a book that tackled artistic insecurities, and the internal and external challenges that professional artists faced throughout their journeys.

Kayla didn't miss the soft emotions that played in Sibusiso's face as he received the thoughtful gifts from her family. Her on the other hand got him a bottle of his expensive favourite cologne, a leather artist brush roll pencil case and a wooden sketch book. Truth was she didn't know what to get a guy who seemed to have everything so she thought getting him some art supplies would be nice and it looked it she was right. His smile indicated that he loved the present.

Finally it was Kayla's time to open her presents. She got a sewing kit from her grandmother and a gift voucher from her uncle at one of her favourite boutiques. The most extravagant present she got was from Sibusiso, he got her a set of eternity emerald silver plated necklace and earrings. They looked so beautiful and Kayla promised to cherish them for ever.

After the exchange of presents they had breakfast. Around 10 o'clock they left to meet the extended family. Kayla and Sibusiso were leaving in his car while her grandma, uncle and Ayanna left in a separate car. That gave her alone time with Sibusiso.

"Today has been amazing." Sibusiso had a sad smile on his face as he said that.

"It's Christmas baby, it's suppose to be amazing. I told you Christmas in our family is all about family. Wait till you meet everyone." Kayla responded passionately, trying to cheer him up.

"You are so lucky to have all of this. Thank you for allowing me to spend Christmas with your family." He kissed her cheek softly.

Sibusiso's POV

Sibusiso looked around him, Kayla had given him the best Christmas gift ever. That is spending Christmas with her and her family. The member of her family were just middle class civilians but they looked happy. He could see the love and joy in their eyes as they conversed with one another.

Sibusiso turned back to the men around him and enjoyed their  conversation. He mostly talked with Spencer because they shared love for  novels. Sibusiso thought back to Ma'Agnes, he loved how warm and loving her she was. Though the old lady was sceptical of him at first, she had warmed up to him after he  reassured her that he was deeply in love with Kayla and he wished to marry her.

He had enjoyed the time he spent with Kayla and her family. He enjoyed the soulful meals they shared everyday, the light conversations they made and the stories that the old woman shared with them.

He thought back to the gifts that Kayla's family got him. Normally with his family it was competition on who bought who an expensive gift. Today he found himself touched by the simple gifts he got, they were not expensive but they were meaningful to him.

Looking at the extended family, he enjoyed the conversations made by men as they cooked meat. They mostly talked about football and women. Sibusiso laughed as the great uncles teased Uncle Spencer of being a bachelor at his age.

The yard was filled with happy chats and laughters as kids happily ran around. Sibusiso wished that he was part of this everyday of his life, he wished to have grown up in this kind of environment. He wished this for his baby sister.

His eyes went over to Kayla, she was chatting happily with her aunties and cousins. The woman were preparing salads and cooking samp, porridge and pastas. Kayla was smiling, looking beautiful as ever in simple blue jeans and a white T-shirt. She looked nothing like a savvy business woman from the city. He heard soft familiar giggles so he looked over to see Ayanna enjoying the attention that the older kids were giving her.

"The way you are looking at my niece, I have to say you look quite taken by her." Spencer commented behind him, he had watched him this entire time.

"I want to marry her, she is the best thing that's ever happened to me." Sibusiso said with such seriousness, he really wanted to make her his wife.

"That's what I like to hear. When are you asking the big question?" Spencer asked happily.

"If it was up to me I would have already asked her to marry me. But that ex husband of hers did a number on her, I'm not sure if she is ready for marriage." His voice was laced with a sense of sadness.

"Don't doubt her love for you. All you have to do is reassure her of your love and she will gladly become Mrs
Sibusiso" Spencer said encouragingly.

Sibusiso smiled at the thought of making her Mrs Sibusiso. It would fit her well, he thought. Suddenly the conversation around him changed and he found himself chipping in.

The meat got ready and they dished it into big bowls before it was taken inside the house. The women were to dish and serve the food with the help from the children. The man and the elderly went to sit under the shades of the big jacaranda and Mayberry tree. A soft breeze blew by, cooling the sweat that had formed on his forehead from the fire.

One by one the woman and children came to give them a plate of food. Sibusiso watched as women serve their husbands first. His eyes connected with Kayla who smiled shyly as she came over to him. He smiled lovingly at her as she served him water to wash his hands. He felt like a king, she bought him a plate of food. Kayla had served him samp and  seswaa (pounded meat). It was a traditional meal that he hasn't had in years.

After everyone was served, Kayla came to sit by him. She got sour porridge and beef stew in her plate. He watched as she ate her food and she occasionally fed Ayanna. He wished she would feed him like that but knowing Kayla, he knew she would be too shy to do that infront of her realtives.

After they finished eating, the plates were collected from them and the women went to clear them. Sibusiso took Ayanna from Kayla as she went to help at the kitchen. One of Kayla's cousins was playing music in the big stereo speakers.

Cooler boxes full of alcohol were bought towards them and everyone was encouraged to choose their own poison. Sibusiso settled on drinking St Louis while other man went for black label and others drank traditional beer. He gave Ayanna a juice box which she happily drank from. The young children danced to the music while they sipped on their soft drinks.

After a while the ladies came back and she saw that Kayla had a glass of wine in her hand and she had changed in a beige blue dress. She looked like she just took a shower, most of the ladies did. The gathering went about nicely, people drinking and dancing to the music. Around eight in the evening , they had a braii. Ma'Agnes left the gathering first with Ayanna but the others left around midnight. Both Sibusiso and Kayla were tipsy from drinking and dancing most of the night. That night he made gentle, passionate love to her as a way of saying thank you for the great Christmas.

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