The Sanctuary✔️

By vixen_magic

5.7K 154 11

"You have no idea how much I would love to tie you up Ms. Nicholes. Make you squirm and flourish underneath m... More



129 4 1
By vixen_magic

Opening her eyes rather quickly, Ashley groaned as the sunlight barley streamed through the curtains. There was a headache ready to pound Ashley's head in when she woke up and her body was sore.

Staring at the wall for a moment before realizing a warm feeling on her stomach, Ashley looked down and saw a tanned arm laying across it. Looking behind her quickly, she bit back a gasp when she saw Gabriel sleeping next her, peacefully laying there with his arm around Ashley's bare waist.

She smiled a little as she watched his shoulders rise and fall calmly and his hair was sprawled out on his face. Very clearly remembering her previous night Ashley mentally slapped herself as she remembered who Gabriel really is.

Her boss.

She had slept with her boss and was still lying here naked in bed with him. She turned her head back around to face the wall and furnace in front of her as she worried for a moment.

It was a good night, no, it was one of the best times she had ever had. She felt good.

She didn't necessarily regret it, but she needed to leave.

Do people even leave like this? Please don't let him wake up. Slowly moving his arm off of her body, Ashley sat up and grabbed whatever was near her to cover her bare body, the first thing being a towel on the chair by her.

She could shower in her room where Marco probably still was sleeping she thought as she looked around the floor.

Ashley quietly got up and started searching for her clothes with the small towel wrapped around her bust and stomach, thanking the world for letting her underwear still be intact.

She quickly slipped on the black panties before running to the door and grabbing her bra, clasping it shut from the front before grabbing her key card on the floor by the door and taking the towel around her body again.

She remembered coming in Diana's shorts, but she was scared that Gabreil would wake soon and she didn't want to be here for that. She had clothes in her room, so slipping the towel over her body Ashley decided that if anyone had asked, she went for a swim.

Hurrying to unlock the door and get out, she took a look back at Gabriel, who was sound asleep on the bed with sheets pooling around his daunt waist. Closing the door, Ashley ran down the hall and unlocked her room as quickly as she can to find Marco where she had left him.

Smiling as he snores loudly, she tightens the towel around her bust and heads to the bathroom quietly once again to not wake Marco up yet.

She had no idea where her phone was and hadn't had the slightest clue on what time it was due to the rush of leaving Gabriel's room before he had a chance to wake up and question everything that happened.

Getting into the small hotel bathroom and closing the door shut, Ashley leans against the door before looking at herself in the mirror. For a girl with a hangover and who had sex for the first time in a long time last night, she looked okay. Her short hair was a mess, there was no question there.

She looked pale with the few dark marks on her chest and the redness around her neck and arms from being held tightly. Her face was unforgiving with dark circles under her eyes from lack of sleep and her lips were a dark shade of red.

Her hands were pulled up to her lips when she saw them, running a hand over them lightly. Ghosting them with her fingertips as she smiled to herself. She shouldn't be happy about what she just did, she knew that. She slept with her boss, who was a very unforgiving man from what she heard about him. But from what she rally knew of him, he was nice enough that Ashley hoped he would just not fire her for this. 

But she felt good, not about who or what happened necessarily, but she just felt good. She felt somewhat wanted by Gabriel last night, her mind was pulling her into thoughts and thoughts about him.


Screaming when a person opened the bathroom door, Ashley grabbed the towel and covered her body up as best she could as Marco covered his eyes. "Oh my god! I am so sorry Ashley!"

"I-It's fine Marco."

"I just saw parts of titties girl! It's not okay! I'm gay!"

"Then get out!"

"I have to pee!"

"Gosh Marco." She said with a small laugh, she made sure the towel covered her properly before leaving the bathroom so he could use it. He quickly hurried in with another rushed apology before closing the door. Ashley decided to use this time to get out clothes for when she got out of the shower, gathering what she had been wearing the night before since there wasn't any other option for her.

While waiting for Marco to finish, she found a dark pink shirt that she deemed would look nice as some sort of shirt dress. I have a belt, and my shoes match it okay.

"Hey! I'm done! Sorry for violating your private times, I just really really needed to pee."

Ashley smiled and shook her head, waving him off. "It's totally fine Marco, don't worry about it."

He nodded before walking off, probably to go back to sleep as Ashley went back into the bathroom. She took off her towel and found a washcloth to use along with soap. Turning on the shower, nearing the hottest setting, she got in and sighed at the feeling.

Will Gabriel be mad when he wakes up and sees that I'm gone? Isn't that what I'm supposed to do? It probably wasn't anything more to him than a one night stand, a hookup that wouldn't be done again.

She closed her eyes and let the hot water flow onto her face, annoyed with her thoughts. Ashley quickly washed herself and her hair before getting out. She looked under the cabinet of the sink and found a new box of toothbrushes and an unopened bottle of toothpaste to use. Once her hygiene was completely taken care of, she dried off she put on the shirt she had found.

It couldn't have belonged to Marco since he didn't change since everyone had left the bar. So it could have belonged to Jack. She decided to just put it on anyway, not particularly fond of putting on the clothes she had been wearing the night before. But she did toss on her dark jeans from last night, tying the belt around her waist over the shirt. After getting dressed and fixing her hair to the best of her abilities she decided to take a short walk to clear her mind.

Ashley got her phone then she told Marco where she would be going before leaving. He mumbled an okay and something along the lines of I'll text you later, for when He wanted to head out. Texting Danny that she had a ride with Marco and would be fine, he agreed to leave her there as Him and Jack got into an Uber and left for home.

She didn't think much of it as she left the hotel building and started to walk outside for a bit, going just down the street and past the bar they all were at last night. Danny said Him and Jack had a long night and both wanted to get home, Ashley thought it was to just sleep because of the hangovers.

She hadn't heard from Billy or his wife, whom she had gotten a phone number from that night, nor had she heard from Tommy or Diana. Their cars were still in the bar parking lot as she passed it, everyone's were actually.

They all must be sleeping still; and that they were.

As Ashley walked her phone buzzed occasionally, but nothing important was appearing on her screen so she just kept walking until she found a few shops and a small coffee shop that caught her eye, all coffee shops caught Ashleys eye, and this one drew her in their doors quickly as she pulled out her wallet from her small pocket.

Texting Marco to stay put because she is getting food and coffee, Ashley looked over the menu for a second before her phone buzzed and she stepped forward in line, smiling at the girl behind the counter.

"Um...Just two black coffees and two scones?"

"Size and flavor of those scones?"

"Medium and strawberry?"

"Alright, fourteen please?" Pulling out her credit card as the girl eyed someone behind Ashley, she handed the car to her quickly with a smile, the girl instantly getting things for Ashley.

When she was handed a drink holder and a bag with her food, she turned and attempted to leave the store before she ran into a man, who carefully caught her and her drinks before Ahsley had a chance to spill or fall over.

Looking up at the man who held her at the waist and who held her hand so she wouldn't spill her drinks, Ashley gulped as he stared at her carefully before bringing her back up to a normal standing position quickly and smoothly with a smile.

"I am so sorry. I should have-"

"It's fine Doll. I wasn't looking. Are you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?"

"Y-Yeah-I mean no! You didn't hurt me at all, I'm fine." Looking up at the man, Ashley was speechless for a moment when she saw him, he seemed familiar. She couldn't place it though...His jaw line was sharp and his brown hair barely dipped into his face as it was fluffed up a bit.

He was wearing all black, pants, shoes and a hoodie, very plain. And he was still holding onto Ashley's hand.

"I am sorry, you have no idea how sorry I would be if this coffee had spilt on you!" Looking back at the coffee with now very pink cheeks from embarrassment, Ashley attempted a weak smile at the guy who laughed a bit.

"I would be more concerned with you Doll. Are you sure you're good?"

"Yes. Thank you, for catching me and not letting my coffee spill. That would have been bad."

"Any time." Letting go of Ashley's hand finally, she stepped away from him as he smiled and moved to the side, letting Ashley to the door. She smiled back and started to walk away from the guy, but couldn't. She felt as if she knew him somehow, he seemed so familiar.

Though she couldn't name why, her instincts took over as she turned around and spoke again, making sure he could hear her before he ordered something. "I'm sorry, do I know you from somewhere?"

"Hmm?" He turned and tilted his head, hsi hair fell a bit. Ashley felt her chest tighten the smallest bit and her cheeks grow pink as she spoke again, scared to make a fool out of herself more than she already felt she did.

"Do I know you? You seem...very familiar."

"Unless you have visited Ohio, I don't think so Doll. I am sure I would remember a face as pretty as yours."

"Oh...thank you? I'm sorry, you just seem like someone I know from somewhere. Though I haven't really traveled much. I'm sure you just remind me of someone."

"Well I am sorry to disappoint Doll." Ashley's heart thumped in her chest a bit harder every time the man called her doll, it was cute. It didn't help that he called her pretty either. He was attractive and sweet, it made Ashley's heart thump.

"It's fine. Have a good day, and thanks again." Opening the door with her back, Ashley smiled one last time at the man before he yelled back to her before she left, leaving his place in the small line to help her with the door.

"Wait, I didn't get your name." Holding the door open with one big hand, the other on the other side of the door frame somewhat blocking Ashley from leaving again, he smiled. Ashley's heart rate sped up a tad bit when he did so, not because of the nice feeling he gave to her but because he was blocking the door.

Only John blocked her from leaving anywhere.

Forgetting about that panic as quick as it came, Ashley returned the charming smile, "It's Ashley."

"I'm Troy."


18-tis fun, only because we like to make things awkward between characters and love bringing in new people. 

Troy-you like him? You don't like him? Hmmm?


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