Cruel Reality (Completed) 18+

By darksprinkles_321

22.3K 1.4K 226

Plot: Max is a pure blood vampire, which means he doesn't have to drink blood to survive like the half-blood... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28

Part 3

881 56 4
By darksprinkles_321

**Tul's POV**

I didn't ask for this life but unfortunately I was born into it.

Oh how much easier life would be if I didn't know that vampires existed. Not only do I know that they exist but I also happen to be in the one main family that the vampire hunter origination (VHO for short) have to rely on the most for the extermination of vampires.

There are 10 family's that the VHO open up to about the extensive destruction that vampires have brought to our world. Unfortunately I was born into the #1 family and I really wish I wasn't.

VHO has one rule for all children of the 10 family's.


On everyone's 21st birthday they are given a name in an envelope that you have to terminate. It does not matter if you have killed a vampire before your birthday or if you train. The test is known to give you someone in your town and no matter who they are you must kill them. If it is not done in the span of a week then you are automatically branded a traitor striped of all titles and sentenced to death...

For the most part everyone is able to accomplish their missions but when they can't it's a sad day for everyone...

About 3 years ago my sister was one of the ones that wasn't able to carry out her mission and she was killed In front of every one of the 10 family's as an example...

I guess she had fallen in love with one of her classmates and he ended up being her 3rd mission. She refused to hurt him and the order was passed on to someone else as they killed him In front of her and then killed her In front of all of us as she cried for her love.

After that happened, I stopped getting close to everyone and only stayed with the twins. They are the only ones I trust to never lose. Why get close to strangers to just end up losing them some day.

I don't want to make the same mistake my sister did...

There's only a few more months until my birthday...

Doesn't help that the only way to really know who is a vampire is when they crave blood. You see our VHO only hunts half-bloods, as far as we've been told pure bloods are no threat to us. So about 3,000 years ago we started to only target half-bloods because there violent and unpredictable.

Xing: She squirms in my arms and looks up at me with a concerned look on her face. "Are you thinking about the past again?"

Crap, I didn't want to wake her up...

Tul: I kiss her forehead and look over at the clock and groan. "yea, it kind of just popped into my head. Did you sleep alright?"

Xing: She sits up while pulling the blanket with her. "I keep telling you that you shouldn't think about those things. You can't change the past no matter how much you want to, believe me I know... And I guess so, you kept rolling around in your sleep. I know that we don't have classes until after lunch but I don't understand why you always want to go to sleep so late."

Unlike her, I didn't care that I was naked. It's not like she hasn't seen everything already anyways. 

I get up as her words get thrown around in my head as I head over to my closet to get my uniform while she stares at me from the bed.

Tul: "I know babe, I just can't help it sometimes. I keep waking up to that same dream of Natasha dying and it just brings back a lot of memories. You should try and hurry up, if we don't leave soon we won't be able to eat lunch before class starts and I'm feeling extra hungry today."

She pulls the blanket off the bed with her wrapped tightly in it before I raise my eyebrow at her like *really?*. After that she sighs and drops the blanket as her cheeks turn red and she hurriedly changes into her uniform.

I shake my head as I finish tucking in my shirt into my pants.

She's kind of cute when she's shy...

Xing: Coming up behind me as I throw my bag over my shoulder. "You know your sister loved you and she made her own choses. You just have to be smarter than she was. Come on lets go get something to eat. You always cheer up after you have something in your stomach. Plus, I need to kick my brothers ass for ditching us last night."

I nod my head as I stay silent and drape my arm over her shoulder.

Here goes another day...

Closing the door to my dorm, we make our way to the cafeteria as I contemplate on the last 3 years. I glance down at her as were making our way over to the campus building. She really is amazing, pretty, kind and selfless but I can't help the fact that I truly do not love her...

It's just that since we were little she had a crush on me and didn't keep it hidden. She wasn't the only one that wanted us to be together either, my family kept telling me it would be good to continue the family tradition by marrying another member of the 10. 

On top of that Zee practically begged me to go out with her so she would shut up about how much she loved me. I guess it was slowly driving him insane.

So eventually I just gave in and said yes when she asked me out. I mean I'm not miserable or anything, I'm actually quite happy but I just can't seem to get myself to fall in love with her the way she thinks that I am...

Main reasons I don't just end things with her is because 1, her brother Is my best friend and he probably wouldn't forgive me if I ever hurt her and 2 my family is already planning on arranging our marriage after we graduate so why ruin something that's already decided, you know?

Once we reached the cafeteria I started to look around for Zee but I couldn't find him anywhere. I guess Xing noticed too because she glances up at me with confusion on her face.

Xing: "Where the hell is Zee?"

Tul: I shrug my shoulders as I remove my arm from her shoulders and start to get my food. "I was just about to ask you the same thing. He hasn't contacted me since he left yesterday."

Xing: "He's probably somewhere with his dick in something. He doesn't seem to know how to keep it in his pants. It's disgusting..."

Tul: I couldn't help but laugh. "Damn you have no patience for your brother do you? He's been like this for years, why do you still expect him to change? You know he doesn't like the whole relationship thing. Mainly because he doesn't care what he's fucking since there's no attachment. Gives him more choices."

Xing: She huffs with a pout but continues grabbing her food. "My brother is really twisted..."

I mean she has a point, he is kind of twisted when it comes to affection but as far as I know, he's actually a really nice person who is protective of his loved ones.

Tul: I grab her hand as I pull her toward the tables. "Let's eat. I'll call him in a second if that will help you feel bette..."

My train of thought was cut off as a guy walks past us with his head down and his hand gripping his backpack. I don't know what it is about that guy but I've never been able to figure him out...

 He's like a jigsaw puzzle that has no solution... 

When I first saw him in one of my classes a few years ago he was always so happy around his close friends who were only two other guys. Other than that, he would shut himself off from the world and it made me curious to know if he was one of the 10.

After doing some research I found out that he wasn't and that made me even more curious as to who he was. What human would willingly cut himself off from the rest of the human race if he wasn't apart of VHO?

For the past few years, I've been silently observing him but try to not be too obvious about it because Xing noticed once and got really jealous and accused me of being gay. 

I don't think I'm gay, I just can't figure him out and its confusing but fascinating at the same time...

As we sit down Xing looks at me all weird as I stare at the table and try to clear my thoughts of the strange guy.

Xing: "You're doing it again. Where does your mind go when you day dream?"


Tul: Shaking my head I start to eat hurriedly since the bell was going to ring soon. "I don't really know. I just get random thoughts and it makes me confused sometimes."

Xing: I could see on her face that she didn't believe me but didn't say anything else about it. "Okay um... Should we call Zee now?"

Tul: I nod my head and put down my chopsticks. "Yea I'll do that now. It wouldn't be smart for him to miss any more days this year. We have to graduate."

Xing: "He probably doesn't care about graduating since our birthday is coming up soon. Remember ours is before yours by two weeks. He's always cared more about being a true hunter than graduating and you know this. He only even went to college because you wanted him to."

Tul: I slowly pull out my phone feeling the pressure from this morning's thoughts. "Yea I remember... Unlike you guys, I'm not looking forward to my birthday. I mean, yea I have killed before but only when I got attacked or caught one attacking someone else. I've never had to kill someone just because there name is on a piece of paper... it just feels wrong for some reason."

She stays quiet to that as I dial Zee's number.

Come on man, please pick up so I can tell your stupid ass to get back to school. I don't know how much more alone time I can take with Xing, she just knows me too damn well and I just want to be left to my thoughts.

Plus I couldn't get that strange guy out of my head now and I don't know why.

It was stressing me out...

*Ring. Ring. Ring.*

Zee: *What the hell do you want?*

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