Beyond the Realms of Reason (...

By Miracle-the-Fangirl

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A human from our world gets teleported to the trollhunters show. Now they must find a way home without destro... More

A New World
Figuring Things Out
A Friendly Visit and an OtherWordly Call
HeartStone TrollMarket
A Heroes Merit
Trollhunters Woes
Magic Musings
Reposting this from another Chapter
Hi this is important
Shrinking Solves Everything
CreepSlayerz X Reader?
Small Issue
A Decision to Make
Waka Chaka
I started a Ko-Fi!!!
Goblins and Changelings
Guys I'm Alive, Chill

Gnome Hunters

2.7K 90 68
By Miracle-the-Fangirl

 "For centuries the troll and human world stood seperate and in peace. Divided by bridges that acted as doorways between our two realms. But the Gum Gums wanted to devour all of Mankind. There were led by Gunmar the Black. The rest of trollkind fought against him. Culminating the great mantle of Killahead bridge. The portal to Gunmars darklands.

  After many moons good triumphed over evil and our great Trollhunter Deya the Deliver locked Gunmar away, exciling him to the Darklands. And sealed the Killhead bridge with the Daylight amulet. After we tore it apart stone by stone. We left the old world in search of peace. We stowed away on a ship called the Mayflower. Just a handful of us and a couple gnomes we brought along for companionship and nourishment. Finally we arrived in the strange and exotic realm." Blinky states proudly as he reads from the book.

 "New Jersey." Aarrrgh states.

 "We kept walking." Blinky states chuckling. "Eventually we came across a new HeartStone and we realized we had found a new home. Under Arcadia." Blinky smiles and lowering the book he looks at you and Jim. You were still getting used to the energy drain that was  magic . Vendel had kept you up all night to help you practice your gift and you were beyond tired. Meanwhile Jim hadn't been sleeping and you guessed because of Blinkies calm voice you had both drifted off. A loud thud makes you jolt back to your senses and look up, heart racing.

 "Lo sientos Senoir Draal!" Jim yells before flinching thinking he's about to be hit. You squeeze his shoulder and he pauses taking in his surroundings before calming down.

 "Training in troll history may seem like a minor duty Master Jim but..." Blinky states angrily.

 "Sorry I pulled an all nighter studying for my Spanish exam comprehension exam and my brain is muy guey..." Jim says guilty. There were deep bags under his eyes and you felt bad but you'd been forced to stay awake as well so your sympathy was lacking. Vendel wasn't kidding when he said he'd teach you magic. He'd kept his promise but one night with him and you were ready to die again. 

 "I literally died and came back to life." You state glaring at Blinky. "Any sleep I get is a win you heathen." Blinky ignores you and you lean against Aarrrgh wanting to rest. He chuffs and nuzzles you.

 "Not die." He corrects and you smile reaching up to scrach at his horns. True you didn't die but floating around as a spirit still felt like death.

 "I don't know." Jim speaks up. "I just thought if I'm facing Draal in a week you know for (Y/N)'s choice in marriage and MY LIFE my training would be... more active?" He questions before standing up and stretching. Toby follows and you whine as Aarrrgh nudges you forcing you to stand.

 "Yeah when is he gonna learn Trollkwando? Or rockjitzu?" Toby questions punching and kicking the air.

 "Those don't exist." You cut off sharply and the boys pout at you. You chuckle and Blinky crosses his arms unamused. 

 "This is no laughing matter." He scolds all of you. "Besides Master Jim Before one fights. One must understand why one fights. For these precious early steps wll decide whether a young trollhunter will become a Deya the Deliver..." Blinky states pointing at the statue of Deya.

 "Or Unkar the Unfortunate." Aarrrgh chuffs glancing at the cowering troll statue.

 "Hey Jim's already done more than Unkar. He's not the worst!" You protest and Blinky huffs seeming frustrated. You glare and Blinkies about to say more but Jim interjects.  

 "Look tomorrow is my Spanish exam with Senior Uhl the Unforgiving. My main concern is for my immediate future." Jim huffs.

 "Y conseguir una buena nota para permanecer en el juego para besar Clara." (And getting a good grade so you can snog Claire) You state in Spanish unamused.

 Jim stares at you confused and you smile innocently.

 "Que?" He questions suspicious as you shrug. Toby chuckles having caught snog and Clara putting what you meant together. Blinky done with your interruptions puts a book between you two separating you and Jim. Huffing Blinky turns towards Jim as you push the book away.

  "Aha but you see, too learn what will happen in the future one must only look to the past." He states before dropping a brief recapitulation of troll lore into Jims arms. "I suggest a brief recapitulation of troll lore by the voulable Behilda volume one of forty seven." Jim frowns and holding the book close he puts his Spanish book ontop.

 "Okay but if I don't pass the exam I'm grounded and if I'm grounded I can't be the Trollhunter. Sorry Blinky but the amulet chose me and now I have two lives to keep up." He states slowly backing towards the exit. Blinky looks like he wants to say something but pauses.

 Loud footsteps are heard and the clang of metal against stone. Turning towards the Forges entrance Bagdwella bursts into the arena going straight to Blinky. The green troll with wild red hair and purple lips takes in deep breaths trying to compose herself as she waves her arms around for attention. Blinky is alarmed at seeing her in such disarray and his six eyes widen.

 "Oh no is it the HeartStone?" He inquires. Bagdwella shakes her head jewellery making tiny tings as the skulls on her belt shake from her breathing so hard. 

 "No." She states continuing to shake her head as she leans over still heaving in air.

 "Stalking?" Aarrrgh questions concerned. Toby taps his arms asking what a stalking is.

 "Is Bular in Trollmarket?" Jim asks clutching his books close as he looks around. Bagdwella still catching her breath flings up her arms frustrated. 

 "No no no!" She repsonds. Her yell echoes around the Forge and as the group keeps asking questions it's clear she's stressed. 

 "Guys give her a second! Let her breath!" You scold and step forward. Rubbing her back gently you bend down to be level with her face. "Bagdwella what is it?" You ask softly.

  "Go-gnomes!" She yells panicked. "Rogue gnomes!!!" She screeches throwing you back as she stands up. Blinky catches you and you watch as she runs the sound of stone hitting stone and the rings of jewelery echoing around the froge. 

 Running away without explanation you pull at Jim before chasing after her to see what the problem is. Trolls yell at you as you rush by them but your ignore them following after a fretful Bagdwella. She finally stops at her shop before rushing in. You wait for the others and observe her store eyes wide. You'd never been in a trolls store before.

 One with Jims training you just hadn't found the time and two there was the possibility of running into Draal. Wandering around Bagdwella tapped her foot impatiently waiting for the others. 

  Ignoring her crystal lights hung from the ceiling along with some buckets filled with various items and socks that were up for display. Barrels and vases were strewn around her shop seemingly without order and she appeared to carry a little of everything. There were crystals, screws, rusted nails, and various human items scattered around. It was a messy space but it was fascinating.

   Jim and the others finally catch uo and Bagdwella walks over to her stone check out stand.

 "First I couldn't find my monocle. Then my collection of bed coils now something disapears every minute." She states in deep despair. Sitting back to plop down in her chair you grab her arm to keep her from falling backwards as a giggling gnome snatches it. She turns watching as it's stolen before looking back at you.

 "Thankyou." She hums. You nod and Blinky chuffs annoyed. 

 "Ahhh yes gnomes." Blinky says distastefully as one runs away with something or another. "Scum of the earth..." He growls. 

 "Dirty little pests." Bagdwella sneers agreeing. "Up to last week the glue traps were working just fine." She explains holding up a trap with the skeletol remains of a gnome. You all hear a giggle and in a flash it's gone as a live gnome runs off with it to who knows where. Bagdwella shrieks before turning towards Jim. "Fix it Trollhunter." Bagdwella begs putting her hands together and fluttering her eyelashes in a pleading way.

  You snicker, about to say of course you'd do it but Jim steps forward shifting nervously.

  "Ummmm yeah I'm really sorry about that but you need a gnome catcher and I'm well... a trollhunter." He states nervously. Bagdwella frowns and you nudge Jim aside. 

 "Yes we'll help." You state. Jim bawks at you but you wave him away. Blinky just nods approvingly while Bagdwella looks happy. Blinky pulls Jim aside as Bagdwella begins securing things. 

 "Master Jim a trollhunter can not refuse a call no matter how small the task. Besides what better way for you to train then with a pint sized quarry?" Blinky continues talking but you ignore him as you hear music. Looking up you see a gnome appear through a curtain of socks with a stringed hoe guitar. He strums the three strings before he begins singing. You pause and feeling the rock in your pocket you look up at the gnome. This was eventually going to be gnome Chompsky... had gnome Chomsky given you the rock when you first arrived in TrollMarket? If so why? 

 "He's trying to distract us! Hold tight to your valuables!" Blinky advises as his hands rest over his overalls pockets. Following his advice you clutch your phone and wallet close as the gnome continues his song. 

 "What? Nah he can't be that bad." Toby says rushing up to get a better veiw. He begins clapping along to the gnome and smiles as it strums it's little song. The gnome looks up and Toby flinches as it giggles flashing it's fangs before it runs off zooming around. Tobies belt is yanked off and he's spun around as the little guy runs circles around him. 

 "Oh no my belt." Toby reaches into his pocket before sighing. "Well at least he didn't take my nougat nummy." Grabbing it from Tobes before Gnome Chompsky can the gnome circles back and yoinks it from you. Toby glares at where the gnome had run too. "We need to catch that gnome." He states fists clenched. 

 "Over there!" Jim yells pointing at a pile of rocks. Walking towards him gnome Chompsky giggles and runs to the other side of the room. 

 "No over there!" Toby repsonds seeing him swing from the socks above your heads.

 "No over here!" Seeing gnome Chomsky run in circles you grab a nearby empty bucket and hold it out. 

 "Right here." Aarrrgh growls annoyed as the gnome waves from his horns. Taking off Jim tried and fails to tackle him. Waiting for your chance you clamp a bucket over him only for Bagdwella to come running over and accidentally kick it letting the gnome free. Getting frustrated and wanting answers from the little punk you turn only to see the creature wiggling out of a giant hole from a basket. The gnome giggles and getting free waves at Blinky who sees from the hole. Blinky growls glaring at the gnome. Sneaking forward slolwy the gnome sees your shadow and jumps up onto the basket Blinkies holding before hopping onto Blinkies head and then Bagdwellas before flinging himself up into the lights. 

 "Catch it!" Bagdwella screeches and you huff wondering what she thinks your doing. Charging forward you Jim and Toby dogpile the poor guy but he squeezes through your fingers with a triumphant laugh. Jumping up you lunge again swiping under Aaarghs foot but he barley grazes your fingertips and once again gets away. Looking up at Aarrrgh frowning he chuffs softly. 

 "Pacifist." The trolls says shrugging as you glare up at him. Huffing he helps you up and you watch the gnome go wild. It throws socks, rocks, springs, crystals, gears, and anything it can find to mess up in Bagdwellas shop. Zipping around, it weaves around all of you giggling the entire time. Jim gasps and looking up at him you watch him tap his pockets.

 "Oh no. Where's the amulet?" Jim asks eyes wide in panic. Turning in shock you see gnome Chompsky smirking as he holds the Trollhunters amulet. He shakes it and your stomach drops.

 "Oh shit." You mumble. Blinky looks equally troubled as he takes a step towards the gnome. Gnome chompsky simply does his signature giggle before sliding behind a wardrobe. Jim pushes at it panicked but it doesn't move. Aarrrgh chuffs and shoving it aside there's a hole in the cave wall.

 A gnome den. 

 "Hole." Aarrrgh chuffs as you nod and getting closer he nuzzles you. Scratching his horns focused on the hole you hum at the current dilemma.

   You see it's a tiny den the little guy probably chewed out from the rock. Green crystals light his path and further into the cave you see candy wrappers and odd items scattered about that it'd snatched. Pipes block you from seeing further and you huff.

 "It appears the plot quit literally deepens." Blinkous states staring into the hole. You nod agreeing and wonder how you could lure the little guy out.

 Jim reaches into the hole avoiding the green crystals and flexes his fingers as it grabbing something. 

 "Come back. Come back...." He mumbles trying to will the amulet too him. Seeing it's not working he yanks his hands back and throws them down. "Shouldn't the amulet be coming back to me about now?" Jim demands. You pat his back and he sighs looking tired. 

 "That rule Master Jim only applies if you reject the amulet. If theived it's another story." Blinky hums crossing his arms. "If you had read a brief recapitulation you would have known that." Blinky hums. 

 "Blinky Jim is not just the trollhunter he's also a human who goes through school and has a lot of stuff going on. Let it go." You huff pissed off at his pettiness. Looking at the gnome den you hum trying to come up with ideas. 

  Toby suddenly does a happy dance and you turn seeing he has an idea.

 "(Y/N) use your magic!" He suggests excited. Sitting down he stares at you kicking his feet out as he smiles. Grabbing some troll food he begins eating it as he watches you.

 "Awwww yes. You are a mage (Y/N). Surley you could try something." Bagdwella states.

  Everyone stares at you and you swallow before looking at the den. You hadn't exactly learned anything yet. What you did back in the arena was an accident and Vendel explained it was your emotions reacting to the situation. Also everything he was teaching you was from books. All you'd done was read about runes and look at pictures of people taking stances before casting spells. You'd praticed the movements but hadn't actually done the magic. 

  You don't know any real magic yet and Vendel had only started teaching you. Neither of you were even sure what kind of magic you had yet or what it could do. The spells you were practicing were limited and your concept of magic was just developing. 

 "... I... I don't know if that's a good idea." You admit honestly as you look at your hands. Summoning spells were higher level and you weren't sure practicing a compliacted spell in a small space was a good idea. Toby smiles and begins pumping his fists up and down bouncing on the table he's on to encourage you. Swallowing you nod and look back to the gnome hole.

 Taking a deep breath you close your eyes and hold out your hand. Thinking of the amulet thinking of what it looks like you imagine an invisible string connecting you and the amulet. Yanking your arm back to pull the amulet to you your eyes snap open as the magic string snaps. You... you couldn't do it.

 Looking at your hand a red string dangles from it. Like the one you'd imagined pulling the amulet to you. Feeling frustrated you couldn't do it you begin gathering the string. Jim bends down helping you and hands it to you. Smiling you greatfully take it before shoving it in your pocket turning to Blinky. 

 "A valiant effort Master Jim. Mage (Y/N)." He says softly. You nod still feeling like a failure as his hand rubs your shoulder gently. Bagdwella scoffs as she holds a broom beggining to sweep up the mess.

 "Hmmm some Trollhunter and mage you are." She huffs. Seeing Toby eat her wares she grabs the basket hes holding and glares. Toby swallows and holding up his hands he slides off the table and backs away slowly. Bagdwella looks at you and Jim and tsks annoyed. "Hmmm... Jim the babyhanded..." She mumbes before walking off to fix her shop.  

 "Master Jim press on this is not the moniker you want." Blinky states sternly.

 "Well what else can I do? I can't fit in there!" He loudly protests. You look back to the hole and hum. Vendel had suggested size spells as a good starter. Maybe you could learn to shrink things. Incrementum was growth and Exilis was shrink or small.

  That was a possibility bit you weren't going to test your first spell out on Jim.

  "Unless (Y/N) shrunk you." Toby suggests. He shakes your arm excited but you roll your eyes. Not gonna happen Tobes.

 "No Tobias the effects of a spell gone wrong are no laughing matter and their magic is new. They can't use it on humans or trolls for some time. But I do have an idea." Blinky mumbles tapping his chin.

 "Bad idea." Aarrrgh chuffs immediately arguing Blinkouses case.

 "But no trollhunter has ever lost his amulet. This must be done  However... We will need time to procure the Furgalator." Blinky hums in thought as Aarrrgh shakes his head. 

 "Uhh the Furgelator?" Jim asks. Your eyes widen.

  Oh no not that shrink ray death device. 

 "Don't worry about it Master Jim. Attend to your studies. We'll watch over the gnomes den. Tomorrow you'll return refreshed to deal with this..." Blinky pauses before he lets out a chuckle. "Little problem." He says amused. 

 Nodding at Blinky you take Jims hand.

 "Come on me and Tobes can help you study." You state pulling Jim out of the shop. "Besides I have to practice some magic Vendels given me as homework anyways. Most of the roots are Latin or greek. We can compare notes." 


  Walking into Jims house you immediately turn on Gun Gun robot and put it on the Spanish sub. Taking out your phone you look at Jim and Toby.

 "Pepperoni? Cheese? Meatlovers?" Toby and Jim make their requests and you nod ordering two pizzas and a drink for all of you to share. Barbara always left Jim some money for takeout so you decided to make your study session fun with pizza. 

  Toby begins quoting the movie by heart and Jim repeats the words that the actors are saying and what they mean. Sitting down on the couch you take all your school stuff out and all the things Vendel wants you to study laying them across the table.

 "La not el." You correct as Jim says a feminine word with a masculine pretext. He nods and they continue.

  As you wait for the pizza you begin making Jim and yourself flashcards. Spanish for him and Latin for you. Toby reads the Spanish book and Jim repeats after Toby slowly memorizing the words. 

 Halfway through the movie your eating your pizza and quizzing Jim on his Spanish.

  You'd taken over because Toby kept butchering the pronunciation confusing Jim. Toby was busy eating and watching Gun Gun robot cheering you and Jim on as you quizzed each other. Jim hadn't started making his presentation yet still focusing on learning the vocabulary so you were both helping him write out a story for Senoir Uhl.

 Jim remembered Blinkouses spiel from earlier. Taking inspiration from his story Jim decides to focus on a story about a voyage. He also decided to do it about Cloumbus discovering America because it allowed him to double up on studying. Strickler had a history test coming up so this would help with both classes. 

 "Christopher Cloumbus can count as two Spanish words right?" Jim asks you before looking over his notes. "I mean it's a name most names don't have direct translations right?" He tries to reason. You snort because one that was wrong and two Jim was clearly lying to himself. Toby shakes his head and pats Jims back tsking.

 "Oh Jimbo Jimbo Jim. This is Senoir Uhl were talking about." He states making you stiffle a laugh. Jim frowns before sighing biting into a slice of pizza. 

 "Okay. Okay hit me with another one." He demands with his game face on. Laughing you smile as Toby silently cheers Jim on.

 "Water." You state and Jim smiles.

 "I know this one! Aqua?" He questions. Nodding taking a bite of your food he smiles fist bumping the air. Swallowing his bite he looks up at you.

 "Okay your turn. What's water in Latin?" He quizzes. You snort.

 "Aqua." You respond before watching his face fall as he looks at the answer. Bursting into laughter you and Toby fall to the ground wheezing. 

 "What? No." He whines. "Why is latin so easy? You already have like everything memorized." He lamates annoyed.

 "Porque el español y el latín son casi idénticos dummy." You tease making Jim frown as he struggles to decipher what you just said. (Because Spanish and Latin are practically identical dummy.)

 "... You said Spanish dummy. Latin and identical." He guesses and you nod still laughing.

 "You're learning." You chirp while he frowns. He begins munching on his pizza annoyed before sighing.

  "Why is this so easy for you?" He asks and you smile shurgging.

 "Dude Claire's one of their friends. They already know a lot of Spanish. They just took it for the easy grade." Toby states and Jim groans.

 "You're like ungodly smart." He hums and you wink at him before flipping to the next card.

 "Ship." You ask making Jim hum. 

 "Em... Embarcacion?" He questions. Nodding he smiles finishing his slice. You feel better seeing he's more confident and continue flipping through the note cards.

 "What about sail?" You ask. Jims brows furrow but he knows this one. 

 "Vela?" He questions. 

 "See your getting it." He nods looking at his notes while you look at the clock. "It's late Jim. Get some sleep and don't stress. You got this." He whines but seeing the time he nods.

 "Thanks guys. Hopefully I don't tank tomorrow." Leaving with Toby you have a feeling Jim will be just fine. 

 Still something feels off. Going to your house ready for bed you push the feeling away. Everything was going to be fine. 


 Sitting down in Senoir Uhl's class you hum looking at Jim. Flashing him a thumbs up since you'd worked all night on his presentation and feel confident about it he doesn't look so sure. You knew he'd pass but he swallows nervous. Chuckling you settle in the desk next to him.

 "You're gonna do fine Jim." You promise and he nods. 

 Light shines through the window and looking outside it appears to be a calm day. Your stomach twists and you swallow feeling something coming.

  Ignoring it you listen as Senoir Uhl calls out five names. Jim sighs relieved when he's not one of them. 

 Rolling your eyes and preparing your notes a desk scrapes in the background as Uhls instructions bounce around your head. You absent mindly tap your pencil thinking of Vendels lessons, Trollhunting tasks, how there were changelings in Arcadia, the play, and all your classes. 

  Biting your lip deep in thought you hum absent mindedly at Senoir Uhl's instructions.

 Each student had ten minutes max for their presentation and had to use a certain number of Spanish words they'd learned to pass the exam. Trying to get out of your own head you glance around as the first presentation starts. Seamus was going first it seemed.

  Jim was curentully reading the book Blinky gave him or at least glancing over the pictures as he struggled to decipher their meaning. You send him a smile and he smiles back looking tired. You tap your foot too busy scribbling notes down with your pencil.

   Feeling a poke you turn thinking it's Toby but are surprised when you see it's not. Blinking the red head gives a shrug from across the room. He sticks out his tongue at having his spot snatched before turning towards Uhl as the teacher writes notes while Seamus presents. 

 "Hey you missed rehearsal yesterday." Steve says. He was leaning on his elbow trying to get closer to you. Watching you closely he smiled sweetly. You observed he'd moved his desk closer to yours and realized the scrape sound was him.

 "... I was sick. I'm fine now." You quickly lie. Steve chuckles and leans closer after seeing Senoir Uhl is faced towards the board and not the class. 

 "I'm not buying. Did you get sudden stage fright? You know we could go over lines together sometime if that helps." Steve suggests winking at you. You awkwardly chuckle and look down at your textbook and notes. You were writing down any words other kids used so you could change your wording in your presentation to make it unique. 

 "I'm doing fine memorizing the lines on my own." You respond. "I don't really say all that much." Reaching over and moving some hair out of your eye Steve snorts.

 "Your one the stars of the show don't sell yourself short." He responds and you feel your face grow hot. Pulling away you cough into your hand feeling awkward. Did Steve like you? Or was he using you to get at Jim?

   Either way you would like him not to do whatever he's doing now...

 "Uhhh... Thanks Steve." You stae quickly trying to end the conversation. He nods and finger guns you winking. Senior Uhl turns and Steve chuckles settling back in his seat before scribbling some stuff down. Senior Uhl hums turning back to the board and continues grading the torture that was class presentations.

  Time flew and there was only ten minutes left. Then school would be over with so you could go to Trollmarket. Senoir Uhl called the next person up and you watched as Mary walked to the front of the class and took a seat. 

  She fidgets nervously and observing her you get distracted by her presentation about two lovers.

 "...Little did anyone know Maria was juggling two hombres. Manolo was muy guapo." Writing some notes about her structure you ignore as Steve holds up a drawing near your head. Hearing shifting Steve is suddenly leaning behind you holding up the paper he was scribbling on earlier. 

 "You broke my tooth Lake. I'm going to break your life. When I'm through with you your gonna wish your dead." He crumples the paper and about to throw it at Jim when you catch his fist. Scowling you rip the paper away. Kicking at his chair annoyed you glare at him and Steve pulls back giving you your space. 

 "Steve knock it off." You mumble narrowing your eyes at him. "Ass hat or nice guy you can't be both." You hiss before tossing the paper back on Steve's desk. Steve huffs and you ignore him continuing to watch Mary as she presented. 

 God Steve made you furious but in his own weird way he was nice.

 "And poor Maria had a pedoso heart." You flinch. Mary wrong word. Senoir Uhls chalk scratches and everyone in the room pauses. Mary begins shaking.

 "What kind of heart did Maria have, Mrs. Wang?" You mouth pesado. A heavy heart. Pes sa do. Mary tilts her head before she goes back to her notes. She blinks and realizes she had pronounced it wrong.

 "A pesado heart! Or ummmm... a heavy heart Senoir Uhl." Senoir Uhl narrows his eyes at Mary before glancing at you. Smiling nervously he turns away and Mary looks at you shocked. You send her a smile and a small shrug. She nods back seeming relieved. 

 "Bueno presentation Mrs. Wang. C+." She sighs and the bell rings dismissing you all for the day. As you grab your backpack and put away your notes you and Jim walk out with Toby. 

 "Mr. Lake. (L/N) I look forward to your presentations tomorrow." Senoir Uhl states. 

 "Yeah... I'm ready." Jim says nervously. You elbow him.

 "Stop acting like it's a funeral Jim, you'll ace it. Both of us will." You state smiling. Waving goodbye at Senoir Uhl he nods watching you both leave.

  You notice Steve walking towards you but you push Jim and Toby the other way avoiding him. 

 Jim looks at his trollish and Spanish book before he huffs.

 "I'm gonna die before I graduate." He whines. Smiling you and Toby nudge him.

 "Come on it'll be fine." You assure and he nods agreeing. "Oh we have the Furgalator thing! That should be cool." You offer. Jim keeps frowning and Toby chuckles.

 "Come on Jimbo we studied forever. Let loose. Have fun." The bell rings and Toby smiles.

 School was finally over! 

 "To the place!" He yells and you and Jim follow smiling unbeknownst to you three trouble was brewing in Arcadia.

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