Trollhunters Woes

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 Everyone is staring at you but it's an out of body experience.

  You can't see them but you can sense them and you know they're there but you can't speak or move despite wanting too. Everything's cold and you feel so light.

 Groaning Vendel rushes forward the loud tapping of his staff sounding muffled and far away. It's like everything's been submerged underwater and your floating in a void. Somewhere far away but close at the same time.

 "Move! Move!" He demands. Trolls begin to whisper and you feel something tap your forehead.

  With a loud gasp your eyes shoot open but their not your eyes. Looking down you kick your legs and swish your arms around shocked. Your out of your body. You're out of your body!!! Your floating!!!

 'Guys? Guys! Woah!!!' You call out panicked but no one hears you as you begin drifting. Hanging upside down you stop midflip. Your now facing the other side of the Forge and. Clothes drooping off you, you watch as Draal shifts from where you'd hit him. He chuffs loudly and slowly getting up he inches closer. His yellow eyes were wide and the troll looked panicked. Flapping your arms you complete the flip and see your body below you. You realize Draal had a part in that and wonder if he blames himself. Floating there glancing between him and your body you hoped he was doing okay. But you also hoped you were doing okay. 

 "What happened? Are they alright?" Jim demands. Spinning yourself you get upright and turning around you now face Jim.

  Vendel hums ignoring Jim and looks closely at the crystal he just tapped you with. Whatever it was it woke you up and your both thankful and horrified at the development. 

 The elder troll mumbles something incoherent and bending closer Vendel inspects your form. You see there's dry blood where you landed and your body is limp. However your chest is slowly raising and falling so at least your breathing. Vendel observes the crystal he tapped to your forehead closely. You watch over his shoulder as it slowly changes colors. He attaches it back to his belt and quickly picks you up cradling your body close. 

 "Out of the way! Move!" He demands. A sea of trolls that came when they heard the blast move and Vendel marches to the HeartStone still cradling you close.

 "WAIT! WHAT'S WRONG! WHAT HAPPENED? ARE THEY OKAY?" Jim and Toby rush forward but trolls block their path so Vendel may get where he needs to go undisturbed.

 His steps echo across the Forge and you feel each step vibrate within you. You can feel his arms around your body and wonder what's going to happen now. A door opens and closes and suddenly it's silent. The Forge is deathly still and you shiver.

   You look back and forth between Toby and Jim and where Vendel took your body. You were left with so many questions. Where was Vendel taking you? Why couldn't Toby and Jim come? What was happening to you right now? Why had the crystal changed color? Were you alive? 

 Shaking you begin to sniffle panicked. Are you dead? Are you stuck? What happens now?

 Sinking to the floor slowly you sit inches above the ground watching trolls glance at Jim and Toby before whispering. Blinkous stands in front of the boys shielding them from the trolls before turning towards Aarrrgh.

 "Aarrrgh stay with Tobias and Master Jim!" Blinky demands and Aarrrgh hums nodding. "I will attend to (Y/N)." He comforts Jim and Toby the best he can before running after Vendel. You jump up quickly trying to get his attention.

 'Wait Blinky I'm right here! What's-' The troll passes through you shaking you to your core. You blink and listen to his retreating footsteps as he leaves feeling hollow inside. 

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