HeartStone TrollMarket

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  "Bular almost killed us!" Jim yells as you take deep breaths. Your eyes are wide as adrenaline courses through your veins. Bular almost ate you and Jim. And what did Bular mean by mage?

 Blinky simply stood at the a little ways aways and smiled clapping his hands together. Still catching your breath knees and arms throbbing you bend over hands gripping tightly to a crystal.

 "Aha but Master Jim a life of almost is a life of nevers!" Blinkous states. Glancing up you glare at Blinky. Huffing you decide to focus on breathing instead of him.

  Feeling better you begin to look around. Crystals jutting out of the ground and black rock surround you on all sides. Your all standing in a small cavern with barely any light and you wonder if this is any better than being outside with Bular. At least then the street light and stars would let everyone with non troll vision see better.

  Blinky steps away from all of you and watching him closely he smiles excited. Tapping his foot the sound ricochets bouncing off the walls. Suddenly blue light softly illuminates the cave as crystal steps descend deep into the Earth.

 "Besides Master Jim." He states turning to walk down the stairs. "You must remember you are the first human trollhunter. The Amulet will have it's setbacks and confusions." He hums. Jim makes strangled noises and looks at you for support but your taking in your surroundings and not the trolls twisted logic.

 "... This is Trollmarket?" You mumble in awe. Blue and purple glowing crystals now decorated the cave, the black rock they grew from reflecting their bright light. Holding out your hands you were a kaleidoscope of colors.

 "Entrance." Aarrrgh corrects before nudging you forward. Observing the small details you take it all in, slowly descending down the crystal steps as you follow your friends.

 "... I want to live here." You mumble and Aarrrgh purrs at the idea. Petting him he chuffs. Blinky turns smiling back at all of you.

 "This way Masters. This way." Blinky states leading you all forward. Looking around mouths open in awe and eyes wide he seems happy.

 "Woah!" Toby gasps watching the crystals behind you turn off before hurrying after Blinky. Jim hesitantly follows after looking up at where you'd come from.

 "Are... are you sure were safe in here?" Jim questions Blinky skeptical. He shifts nervously and the blue troll turns.

 "Indeed. The incantation forbids entry to HeartStone Trollmarket by Gum Gums." Blinky explains. "Including Bular for they are the most fearful trolls."  

 "Gum gums?" Jim asks looking at you. You shrug and Aarrrgh chuffs tickling your neck with hot air.

 "Scary ones." He explains as you stiffle a giggle. Nodding in understanding you hum taking the information in. Jim looks nervous and rushing forward he steps in front of Blinky.

 "So wait wait. Bular can't get in here? To HeartStone Trollmarket?" Jim demands. He was stressed and you could see him shaking. Seeing cuts on his hands you flinch remembering your own.

 You could see the amulet glowing but the Daylight armor didn't appear. The amulet could tell Jim was scared but not in any real danger.

 Blinky stops and smiling softly he puts his hands on Jims shoulders comfortingly.

 "No Master Jim." Blinky states before pushing the young lad forward gently. Jim stumbles almost falling off the steep steps but catching himself he looks up. When he does he gasps.

  You, Toby, and Jim stare at the scenery before you in awe. "This is the world you are bound to protect! Welcome to Heartstone Trollmarket!" Blinkous says proudly.

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