A New World

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   You wake up with a splitting headache as you hear laughter surround you. With a light groan you blink your heavy-lidded eyes open. Ugh... why was it so bright? Where were you and why did your head burn so much...? 

  "(Y/N) are you alright?" Your teacher questions. Oh yeah school. You were in school? Why did that not feel right? "It's very unlike you to fall asleep in my class." You can still feel vibrations on your desk from something being dropped on it. Opening your eyes slowly you see a heavy textbook had been dropped next to your head. Feeling sick you groan loudly slowly pushing your head off the desk. Blinking and squinting to adjust to the harsh light you roll your sore shoulders popping them loudly. Why did you feel so stiff and sore today? 

  "I'm sorry sir..." You begin to apologize feverishly thinking your teachers going to punish you severely. You continue to blink your eyes as light floods them giving you a headache. You briefly wander why your teachers voice sounded so strange as your head spins. Blinking as hard as you can adjusting to the bright lights you look up at your teacher and pause. Tilting your head blinking repeatedly your brain stalls.

  Staring at the man infront of you, your mouth goes dry as your eyes go wide. That... that was impossible.

   Strickler?! Wathomew Stricklander?!

   Strickler clicks his pen as he looks over you seeming worried. 

  "Are you alright Hecate? You seem dazed. I know slamming the book down may have been a little excessive on my part but this video is important for the upcoming test. Please pay attention." He advises gently. He smiles down at you petting your hair fondly. Leaning into the touch subconsciously you looked into his bright green eyes. There was no malice there. No threating undertone. You felt incredibly safe like he'd protect you, like he was your friend. Eyes widening you jerk away. No. NO!

  Seeing his skin slowly begin to turn green you close your eyes. You had to wake up. This was weird. Really weird. Even for you. And you didn't like it. This just felt wrong. Strickler was the bad guy and you were so much younger than him!!! You couldn't trust or LIKE him.

   "Umm bathroom!" You shout jumping up from your desk and sprinting for the door. You knock over some books from your desk on the way but you don't care. Beggining to panic as you feel the class stares you run out the classroom door hearing Mary snicker as you leave.

  "Weirdo." Someone mumbles making the class roar in laughter as you ran down the hall.

  You were too stressed to be upset as you dashed down Arcadia Highs hallway. You could only imagine Strickler glaring at them but saying nothing. You'd just made quit a scene in his class but you didn't have time to think of that. If this was a dream you wanted to wake up. You were afraid any second Strickler would come chasing after you with his throwing knifes and the eternal night would be outside as Gunmar roared in the distance.

  It was too much too fast to just be a dream and that scared you.

   Dashing through the halls you bumped into several familiar looking students from the show. Claire. Eli. Shannon. Your head swam with colors blurring as you ran through the maze of a school. You felt like you were about to puke. This couldn't be happening? It couldn't be real! Crashing into someone eyes wide you looked up scared. Nomura? Draal? Gunmar?

   Seamus. It was that dick kid from the show Seamus and he didn't seem too happy you ran into him. Holding your hands up backing up he glares at you sneering. Ears ringing as you get into fight or flight mode Steve holds his arm out smiling as he winks at you.

  "Hello (Y/N)." You think he's greeting you but you can't be sure. Seamus shook it off as Steve told him to back down. Shivering you apologized before sprinting the other direction. 

  After some time and running into random classrooms more than once you stood in the an empty restroom breathing deeply. Gripping the edge of the sink trying to calm down you stared into the mirror infront of you. Closing your eyes dipping your hands in the sinks cold water you began splashing water on yourself trying to wake up. This wasn't happening!!!

   "Come on..." You mumble trying to wake up from the weird dream. "Come on!" You start to get irrational as your body shakes and you begin to breath in deeply again. Something felt off and your body tingled. This wasn't a dream. Ot was too real to be a dream. Something was very wrong here. Shaking and trying to stop yourself from crying you stare into the bathrooms mirror in panic. This couldn't be happening. How was this happening???

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