A Heroes Merit

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 Staring up at the Soothescryer Jim turns back towards Vendel.

 "Insert your right hand Trollhunter." Vendel instructs slamming his staff down, the sound booms echoing around the forge. Looking at the open mouth of the Soothescryer then Vendel Jim swallows nervous.

 "I'll get it back right?" Jim questions. Vendel chuckles as he leans forward.

 "That's apart of the test." He responds smirking. Blinky shifts his feet and looks back and forth between you and Jim. Jim freezes up unsure of what to do. He swallows again before taking a deep breath in.

 "... great." He mumbles. Shifting Jim stares back at the Soothescryer. "Come on help me." He states to you and Tobes looking at the tall ledge he has to jump up onto. Nodding your head you step back taking a running leap before you jump towards the platform, grabbing the edge and yanking yourself up. Jim gets on Tobies shoulders and with your help you pull him up then reach down and pull Toby up too. Vendel grunts slightly impressed before staying silent as he watches you and Jim.

 Jim pauses staring into the mouth of the Soothescryer. You watch the teeth begin to rotate and spin. Jim was shaking but you chuckle. 

 "If you loose your hand it'll be a heck of a story." You say teasing him. You know the ghosts haven't decided yet and that Jim would just get scared but would ultimately be fine. So as his friend it was your duty to mess with him. 

 "(Y/N)!" Jim yells panicked. You snort and Toby snickers before staring into the fanged mouth. 

 "What? They're right." Toby agrees.

 "TOBES!" Jim takes a deep breath to calm down and glancing back at Vendel he hesitantly sticks his hand into the Soothescryer. You jump back flinching as the blades chomp down on Jims arm.

 "Ahhhhhh!" He begins screaming panicked and starts thrashing but there was no blood. His arm was fine. 

 "Jim. Jimbo your fine." Putting your hand on his shoulder he wrenches his arm back and the mouth opens making him stumble and fall. Turning you thankfully grab him before he lands on the ground. "Jim?" You question. He looks up at you and you slowly lower him before jumping off the smooth platform. Tobes slides off too and stands next to you looking at the Soothescryer.

  You flinch as your knees still sting and the sharp impact jolted them but your less worried about yourself and more concerned about Jim and his mental state. All of this was pretty overwhelming. Walking closer to make sure he's okay you noticed a cut laid on his arm and staring at it one single crimson drop fell. 

 Jim turns away and stares at Vendel and when you glance at his arm the cut and blood are gone. It must have been your imagination.

  Looking at his hand then you and Tobes Jim smiles holding it up and waving it around. "I'm okay. I'm OKAY!" He says beginning to hop from one foot to the other. Vendel seems unimpressed and glancing at you, you shrug making the goat man chuff. Toby looks back at the Soothescryer before looking up at Vendel.

 "Well what is it? What's the verdict?" He demands. Glancing at the Soothescryer you notice it's red lights have dimmed and that it appeared dormant. They hadn't decided. 

 Jim continues looking at Vendel and stares waiting for an answer. 

 "Inconclusive." Vendel responds looking frustrated. He looks away from the Soothescryer and begins walking back to the HeartStone.

 "Inconclusive? I'm not doing that again." Toby huffs annoyed. Jim seems unfulfilled and runs towards Vendel. 

 "Wait. Wait. Wait. What does inconclusive mean?" Jim questions keeping pace with Vendel panicked.

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