Magic Musings

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  It was the next day and the boys would be here soon. Vendel had stayed with you for the night and had done his best to care for you. He tried to make you as comfortable as possible when he realized stone wasn't good for humans to sleep on like it was for trolls but in all honesty he was just hoping for the best. He didn't know a lot about your kind. Adjusting the pillows he'd ordered be brought to him and pulling a warm blanket he'd found over you he hums.

  The orange glow of the HeartStone reflected off your skin making you appear ethereal. Your hair was a mess and you had bags under your eyes but Vendel wasn't concerned with your looks at the moment. Watching carefully he heard your soft breathing observing that the blanket he'd put over you shifted as your chest rose and fell. He assumed if you were breathing your heart was beating so he had to believe you were just sleeping.

  As he was checking your pulse to confirm your heart was indeed beating there was a loud door slam. Huffing already knowing who it was he frowned rolling his eyes. Loud footsteps are heard and a moment later Blinky and Aarrrgh burst into his study disturbing his care for you.

 "Great gorgons! Are they dead?" Blinky demands as Vendels door slams into the wall. Snorting in annoyance Vendel turns not like being interrupted as the two rush towards him. This was the hundreth time in the last 24 hours they'd barged in demanding updates when he had none. 

 He couldn't blame them but it was frustrating none the less.

  He continues holding your hand and hums at your steady pulse. It was slow but there. You were indeed alive just as he'd suspected.

 Stone ground against stone and as Vendel looked up Blinky was nervously fidgeting with all four hands as his six eyes stared at you. He had lamented many times now that he was worried you weren't going to wake up depsite your discovered powers. Aarrrgh also had anxieties about you. The brute had admitted to Vendel that he was was terrified Toby and Jim would have to say goodbye to you and that you'd be another loss in this endless war.

 Vendels only worry was they were stunting your recovery by barging in and visiting for the upteenth time. You needed quiet. You needed rest. And they were the loudest trolls he'd every met. 

 "Aarrrghamont Blinkous. I already told you. When they wake I will inform you. It's almost time but they are still resting. Leave them be." He scolds gently laying your arm down next to your body.

 You had a pulse. You were breathing. There were no fractures in your skull and your wound thanks to your newfound magic had closed and healed. Surely you would wake soon and all would be fine. But if they kept disrupting your rest you'd never wake. 

 Blinky rushes forward seeing Vendels done. Blinkous grabs the hand Vendel was just holding, double checking the elder trolls work. He feels for a pulse in the wrong place and looks at Vendel unsure. Vendel signed tired as Blinky continued to fumble looking for a pulse panicked. Watching the troll closely Vendel saw Blinkies overalls were dishelved and he looked like an utter mess as he stood there close to sobbing. His hair was tussled as if he'd been pulling at it and his horns were unsharpened.

 "Vendel are you sure-" Blinkous questions. Vendel glares and Blinky stiffens grip tightening on your arm while Aarrrgh chuffs behind him. 

 Taking a deep breath and pinching his nose Vendel taps his staff twice. Blinky and Aarrrgh shut up staring at Vendel with wide eyes. 

 "Blinkous. They are fine. They have a pulse. They have brain activity. Their heart is still beating. Their body is healed. They are just resting after overextending themselves." He states for the thousandth time.

  Blinky opens his mouth but Vendel taps his staff again making the talkative troll fall silent. "Leave them be and let them heal. The mage is fine just sleeping after their first use of magic." He states firmly. "It's been awhile since I've seen a mage in action but the first time they use magic is the strongest burst they will experience in their life. As a child it makes them a bit sleepy but soon their bodies adjust. Since their first use of magic happened later in life and in a traumatic experience they will be resting longer. But I assure you they are just resting and should wake up fine." He hums. Aarrrgh chuffs seeming unconvinced and lays his head on your stomach. He nuzzles your body concerned and whines softly. Vendel signs tired watching as your pillows and blankets get shifted.  

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