A Decision to Make

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  (I'm so sorry this took so long. A lot has been going on in my life and the fandom.

 However just a reminder guys if I get anymore pls mores, Jim/Draal X Reader, Great chapter update soon, I'm going to scream. If your commenting asking or demanding for more is not how to get the writer to continue a story)


 Hearing quiet chittering and loud scratching you shift restlessly in your sleep. Your hands grip your sheets as images flash through your mind.

  Visions of Killahead, Bular, Strickler, Gunmar they haunt your dreams. Tormenting you even as you tried to escape with rest. The sky was on fire and the screams of those you wanted to protect filled the air. Taking deep breaths you kick in your sleep as you toss and turn. Tears begin to fill your eyes behind your closed eyelids as your heart rate quickens. 

 'You can not protect the Hunter.' The Darklands. Gunmars roar. A quiet lady whispering as music plays. 

 'Yes but are you learning? What is he truly teaching?' Vendels books, flashes of endless studying but never any real magic. Than Strickler offering you the Hecate blade. Offering to teach you. 

 'Hecate you are far out of your element.' Getting backhanded by Bular skidding across the street. Strickler clicking his pen. Golden eyes watching you from every angle.

 Past and future collide as you gasp sitting up in bed, cold sweat dripping down the back of your neck. Closing your eyes as you put your hand over your chest you take deep breaths. Opening your eyes heart still hammering you see your in the replica of your room in the copycat house.

  Flopping back down on the bed you stare at the ceiling. So it wasn't a long dream. You were still here. Still stuck. Still confused and still very lost.

 Sighing as you glance at your clock you groan seeing the very late time. Turning away staring out your window you see the stars shining outside. Closing your eyes trying to get some more sleep before training, you pause hearing something.

  Was that scratching? Peaking your eye open remaining still something shifts outside your window casting shadows across your room. Jolting upright you reach for the window opening it. Cold air rushes in giving you goosebumps on your arms as you lean out to look outside. The night is dark and the lightposts outside your house are dim. As you struggle to see into the darkness your hand touches the side of the window. You feel something slimy. Flinching at whatever it is you lean further out of the window to try and see what that thing was. 

 Feeling the curtains brush around you scampering noises slowly get further and further away as a trashcan rattles and falls on the street below. The distant call of a green creature saying waka chaka echoes through the silent night as your adrenaline soars.

 "... Goblins?" This wasn't good. 


 Sitting in the Heartstone waiting for Vendel you think of last night. The goblins. Your dream, the dream you'd had before. Groaning you rub at your eyes trying to wake up. You never did get any sleep thanks to all the craziness and having to wake up early for trollhunting or magic  sucked.

  As Vendel runs late you hum events bouncing around in your head. Biting your lip you glance at your bag. Making sure no one's around you reach into it taking out Stricklers gift. As much as you didn't trust him he made a good point, you weren't learning with Vendel. You hadn't had many lessons but you should be able to do something by now.

 Staring at the dagger with distrust, you turn it in your hands looking for any tricks Strickler may have put into it.

   The blade was old. You could see it was worn on the sides with tiny scratches from battles long past, but the iron of the blade was still sharp. Sharp and deadly to a fae. Pausing as you rub your finger over the Hecate coin on the front you notice it turns.

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