War of 3015 (Completed)

By xXRoseLightningxX

991 103 3

In the year of 3015, after all technology has been burnt to ashes, humanity has started over, going through m... More

War of 3015: Chapter Two
War of 3015: Chapter Three
War of 3015: Chapter Four
War of 3015: Chapter Five
War of 3015: Chapter Six
War of 3015: Chapter Seven
War of 3015: Chapter Eight
War of 3015: Chapter Nine
War of 3015: Chapter Ten
War of 3015: Chapter Eleven
War of 3015: Chapter Twelve
War of 3015: Chapter Thirteen
War of 3015: Chapter Fourteen
War of 3015: Chapter Fifteen
War of 3015: Chapter Sixteen
War Of 3015: Chapter Seventeen
War of 3015 : Chapter Eighteen
Author's note

War of 3015: Chapter One

194 9 0
By xXRoseLightningxX

In 3015, over a century since the disaster of 2212, the world in still living with humans, but it has retraced the lives of people in the mid 1800's. The world is currently at war. Nowhere is considered as safe as it once was. All technology that once existed has turned into ash and electricity no longer exists. 

In many places of the world, they have established ranks among themselves once more, one rank being the highest of them all. Being ranked as a royal. The Royals at the moment are the Stratfords. The King is Dameo. He has ruled for over 20 years with his wife, Elizabeth, and his only son, Eithan. One year ago, he has divorced his wife and she is rumoured to have the disease which is spreading around the country. His son still lives within the palace with his father, but some have started to speculate that he might not be on his father's side. Of course, to his father Dameo, that is absurd and is only a vicious rumour. Ever since his divorce from his wife Elizabeth, he has been getting women from left to right. None of which stayed in the palace for more then a day and night.

The people have rebelled ever since Dameo divorced Elizabeth. They are against his wrong doings and are tired of allowing him to rule the country. An organization of rebellion eventually out beat the others that were created for the same goal. The organization called Everlyn. It has gotten further then the other organizations since it managed to kill some soldiers who still serve Dameo, managed to stay hidden under the radar of the king and his followers for a whole two years, and it now has over 2,000 members. It is led by a young, 20 year old, sandy blond haired, green eyed woman.

In the beginning of this organization, no one truly knew who the leader was. She masked herself well and no one figured out until six months ago that the creator of this organization was a young women. Some decided to leave the organization after finding out, but the women told them that if they left, they would be killed. After all, they knew to much. They knew the organization's hideout, leader, members, plans... Some lives were spared as they gave in, others were lost.

How do I know this you ask? Well that's quite simple. I am Roselyn, leader of the Everlyn organization, leader of the Rebellion of 3015.

In the far east of the palace of the Startfords, lied the headquarters of Everlyn. It was smartly placed there, due to the fact that many of us thought of the far east as a cursed place for the dead, who still lived among us ever since the accident of 2212. No one dared to go past the stone wall that was built all along the east side. Well, everyone but the members of Everlyn.

The members would go to an empty street, late at night, with nothing but a candle light illuminating the route in front of them. They would climb the wall and would let themselves fall on the other side. Luckily, the wall wasn't built very high. Once on the other side they would walk a good 15min in the almost darkness, until they found the little two story house made of wood. A small horse stable was built not to far from it on the left.

The reason why I chose this place was because it would only bring the people with courage and the will to face danger and of the unknown. I didn't want to handle the ones who were only here half-heartily.

When they would enter the house, they would be greeted with me and several other members, sitting together at a rather large table. (Of course, some nights, there were a larger number of members, so they ended up standing around us.) There would be a thin sheet of paper with a few writings on it, but mostly pictures, for the ones who could not read or write. Unfortunately, most members didn't know how to do both.

"Another raid on the palace, Roselyn?" Dark asks.

I nod. "Yes. It is necessary to gain more money to be able to buy stronger equipment to battle."

"That is absurd! They will kill some of us in order to gain this! This will cause un-necessary deaths!" Lee states standing up from his seat in outrage.

I nod calmly. "I agree, it will, unfortunately, cause un-necessary deaths. But it is an element we cannot win without. With no strong equipment, we will fail. If we try and gain some equipment from the palace and succeed, those of us alive can continue the plan to bring down the Royal family."

No one talks for a moment. I watch as some of them sigh and nod in agreement.

"I understand, Roselyn." Markus says, breaking the silence and the now solemn atmosphere.

I nod a thank you.

"I, too, will join this mission." Dark states soon after.

Lee, Anne, Raoul, Serinity, Leila, Fern, Jack, Leo, Hailey, Dan, and others soon followed.

"Then were done here. Leave. Come back here tomorrow at the break of dawn, make sure no one see's you, and we will finish the preparations and we will be on our way to execute the plan." I finish, then leaving the house to go and get my horse, Annabelle.

My horse was always with me whenever we did anything with the organization, even before I started Everlyn. I walk in the stable and she raised her head from her stable so that she could try and lean towards me. I smiled and petted her maine. Tommorow wasn't going to be an exeption. She would come with me to the raid. Of course, she would have to stay outside at some point. But I have it figured out. I'd put her with the other horses that the knights and soldiers have at the palace. If they would try and ride her, they would end up the ones dead, not us.

The morning quickly came, and the day happened fairly quickly.

A little before sundown, I had my candle lighted infront of a mirror in my house on the second floor, as I tied up my long hair in a ponytail. I had my fighting armour on and I had the shaft of my long silver blade in my left hand. I was ready to leave and head for my headquarters. I picked up my candle in my right hand and went downstairs and out of my house, to be greeted with Annabelle. She was all settled up and ready to go. I blew out the candle and mounted the horse, then started to go towards the sun setting.

I let my long blond hair flow louse around my head and ears, as I saw the newspaper headlines. Galloping towards the palace, I ordered Annabelle to stop. It was a beautiful tall, wide, white building, with many towers with the country's flag waving in the air and a huge opening gate, surrounded by four soldiers whom never seemed to move. It was beautiful, a place I surely would have wanted to live in, if I had not known the truth about it's owner's wrong doings. It seemed exactly like the blueprints I received from my friend the pager.

Since the wall guarding the Everlyn's hideout wasn't very high, Annabelle jumped over it and we soon arrived at the headquarters of Everlyn. Everyone was already there when I walked in. None of us spoke. We merely said hello with a nod, then left a few minutes later. by that time the only natural light was from the stars, since the moon was hidden behind clouds.

After arriving, everyone on foot with their swords expect for me, who was leading them with Annabelle, the soldiers who never seemed to moved, moved. I un-mounted my horse.

"What's your buisnness here?" One asked.

The other one laughed, "Not here to raid us are you?"

"Oh, but we are." I stated with a smile.

"Now why would a young girl like you say that?" The second soldier stated, coming towards me and touching the side of my face. Annabelle gave a sort of yelling sound in warning to move away from me, but she was ignored.

I took out my sword and quickly put it to his neck.

"I would say such a thing, because the king you serve is as bad as the devil himself." I hissed.

The third soldier laughed. "The devil? Oh my..."

"You wouldn't dare kill me." The soldier I had the sword to his neck stated.

I smiled and pushed the blade a bit more into his neck. His eyes grew wide. "You'd be murdered!" He yelled. I smiled. "Not if I kill all of you." I stated. And sure enough I took his life then and there. His body fell to the floor, and his head rolled abit, then came to a stop, not to far from his body. Blood was pooring and spreading on the rock path.

The other three soldiers attacked us a few seconds after, as many other soldiers started to come out of the castle with there blades in hand. I quickly took the chance of the gates being opened and went in, with Annabelle into the castle. If the blue prints my friend the pager had given me were right, the stable was actually inside on the first room on the right... I soon found it and left Annabelle there and raced upstairs, trying to not make any sounds as no one seemed to have noticed I passed all of them and went into the palace. As I reached the second floor, I scanned for the equipment room. Sure enough I found it, but I had a minor problem. The room before I could reach the equipment room was occupied. I knew who they were. In the room stood Dameo and Eithan. They seemed to be having a conversation about leaving the palace.

"We need to leave this place, son." Dameo stated.

Eithan shook his head. "Why? So we could be hunted down somewhere else for what you've done?" He said, his tone raising.

Dameo sighed. "You don't understand why I did it, son. If you knew―"

"You're right, I don't understand why you did it. You divorced my mother just so you could screw that other lady who had been roaming around the palace as a maid! And where is she now? Was she worth divorcing my mother? Was she worth breaking the laws of the Royals?" He yelled.

"She wasn't deserving of me." Dameo replied, picking up his sword.

"And none of the others you've screwd around was deserving of you either? What about mother? She wasn't deserving of you?"

Dameo threw his sword acrros the room, towards Eithan. Eithan ducked. "What's done is done, son." He hissed. "We need to leave." He continued, with no tone of anger in it.

Eithan shook his head and left the room. I was shocked at how he suddenly left the room and hid quickly behind a statue that was twice as tall as me. I only hoped that he didn't see me. Luckely, he left towards the equipment room and closed the door to what I presumed was his room, right beside the equipment room. I waited for Dameo to do the same, to leave and go to his room, only to find him walking towards the sword he threw and pulling it out then just standing there. I pulled my head back behind the statue, trying to send telepathic commands for him to leave the room before I would get caught by some maid or soldiers...

He left the room suddenly and went downstairs. I panicked once more as he slowly walked passed the statue I was so poorly-cleverly hiding behind. He didn't seem to notice, as he passed beside me with rage clearly on his face.

The moment he was out of sight, I dashed silently towards the equipement room and slowly opened the door. I found many helmets of metal on the floor, some body armour for men, some shields, sone swords of different lenths...I would need more then one person to be able to bring everything in here. I would have to wait―

"Who are you? You seem to be pretty short for a fighter." Eithan's voice rang through my ears. I froze. I didn't want to fight alone against the Prince who is rumoured to be a great fighter. But then if it meant that I would be the one to die in order for the others to succeed, then so be it.

I pulled out my sword and turned around to face him. He was leaning casually against the doorframe, arms crossed.

His face filled with surprise. "You're a girl?" He asked.

I nod.

He laughed. "Please, as if you could defeat me."

"Draw your sword already if you are going to fight me." I replied. If I had to die, I wanted it to be a swift clean cut and a short death. I didn't want time to think about what if's...

He smiled. "If that's what you want." He pulled out his sword, and walked towards me. When he was in arm's lenth, I swung at him, aiming for his right shoulder. He blocked, but it seemed like an unnatural bending to block it.

The fight went on for about three minutes, when he told me to stop. I debeated weather or not this was a trick of his, then decided to take a few steps back with my sword still drawn.

"Relax, I wasn't actually aiming to kill you." He stated.

"Then what was the point of fighting?" I asked.

He smiled. "I wanted to see your fighting skills."

I stayed silent. I remembered the rumours I heard about him being on our side. He had every right to be on our side. His father betrayed his mother, put her outside and know I hear she is even dying of a disease! The scene I had witness before made the rumours make sence...

He took a few steps towards me, his sword out and still in his hands, but faced to the floor.

"How did you know I was here. You had the door closed in your room before I came here. I didn't make any noise." I asked, still on guard.

He looked at me then sighed. "For a good fighter, you suck at hiding."

So he had seen me behind the statue. Well that sucks. I thought I pulled it off a 100% with him. He's father on the other hand...

"So, your goal to this invasion was to get equipment?" He asks, suddenly.

I nod, but corrected him that it was my organization that plan this, not me.

He looked a bit confused. "An organization would hire women to fight? That seems a bit odd, don't you think? Wouldn't it be morelikely that the organization's leader was a woman, therefore she could fight? If I remember correctly, most organization do not have women in them. Yours had a few of them fighting outside, when I checked through the window of my room."

I'd rather not tell that I am the leader of Everlyn to anyone outside the organization, but I had to admit that I did not want him to think that women shouldn't be able to fight. I decided to take a chance. This prince was rumoured afterall to be on our side...The fact that he hadn't killed me by now prouved that he was at least hesistating...I believe.

"You're right. I am the leader." I stated.

He smiled. "Then let me help you get your equipement to your hideout before there are more unessecairy deaths for this mission." He said, picking up two metal helmets after putting away his sword.

I considered killing him, right then and there, considering how he was defenless...But something stopped me. I believed that during a fight, it should be a bit fair. Both fighters should have a weapon drawn. I know, that could very well be my downfall if anyone were to find out.

He was insane if he tought I would just tell them were our hideout was. I would have to lead him to another place...somewhere near by our hideout, but far enough that he would never suspect where if he were to find out it were to be a fake hideout...The only place that came into my mind was my house. It seemed big enough, it had a mini stable and it didn't have a lot of furniture...

"Ah yes...My father....He went downstairs didn't he?" He asked. After I nodded, he continued. "I'll make sure he won't see us bringing out the equipment. I'll also tell my soldiers to stop attaking." He stated, as he put back down the metal helmets. "Stay here." He stated, as he closed the door half-way, then stopped. He pulled out his sword suddenly and turned towards me once more. I lifted up my sword. I knew there was a catch. The rumours couldn't possibly be true.

He laughed and put his sword away once more, and mumbled something half inaudible. It sounded alot like ··I think I might get to like you··, and walked towards the stairs.

I wasn't just going to stay hauled up in a room after I've been ordered to stay by someone whom I don't know, and whom I don't know what side he's on. I followed where he went a few minutes later and stopped halfway down the stairs. The main doors were still open, Annabelle yelled a hello to me as she saw me at the stable room, which I just noticed I left unclosed, and Prince Eithan was ordering, almost quietly for all the soldiers of his to stop fighting. To my surprise they listened to him right away, without questions. Dark looked shocked, dispite his severe injurey on his left leg and arm and so were the others. He told his soldier to go inside and stay inside until he tells them to. He warns them not to talk to his father because he is in a bad mood. Again, to my surprise they listened without asking questions. They all walked in, and went to what seemed to be their own two huge arena sized rooms beside the stable.

He turned around, as though expecting to see me in the stairs and waved me to join him. I do. Once I arrived beside him, no one from my organization talked.

"I will help you all by helping you all bringing the equipment we have in the equipment room upstairs to your hideout." Prince Eithan stated.

Every member looked at me in shock that moment. I was sad how they thought I would be so stupid. But I went along with it, making sure that Prince Eithan didn't catch on. Now I only hopped that they would talk among each other stating 'hey, that's not our hideout!'.

Prince Eithan, Dark, Lee, and I went up and down the stairs lightly, bring the equipment to the others, who would wait until we were all done bringing equipment. None of us talked while this happened. After we were done, I seemed to have surprised Eithan by hopping on Annabelle's back.

"You came here with your horse?" He asked, stunned.

I nod and we were on our way. I knew the others quickly cached on to what I was doing, since they seemed to be getting more relaxed and layed back. I hoped that Prince Eithan didn't notice this...

Once we all arrived at my house, I told them all to just drop the equipment where they see fit in the first room they enter. They did this and returned. Prince Eithan on the other hand stayed and glanced around the place.

"May I see all the rooms?" He asked, realizing I was there without turning back towards me.

"No." I stated.

He turned around and smiled. "Why not? You still don't trust me?"

I shrugged. And he eventually left the house and he said he would return to his Palace and hope his father hadn't realized that the soldiers just stopped fighting...He also stated something along the lines of making him believe we just turned around and left due to many injuries, while mounting his horse and galloping away after saying farwell.

After he became out of sight in the darkness, we all headed home. Well, expept for me. I had to go to the shop I worked at and hope that my boss would be accepting of my last minute problem...Sure enough, she was. It was the first time I ever got to see the second floor of the shop I always worked in. Otherwise she always kept it locked. Good thing she was still awake too...otherwise she wouldn't have had that window open with the dim flickering of a candle light. I later found out that the only reason she stayed up late was that she ended up getting hooked on a book that she recently bought...

The next morning I worked earlier then my usual hours, trying to pay back my boss's kindness. I just hopped that my house was still standing when I would arrive back home tonight. Not like I would be staying there again, but I had to bring the equipment to our real headquarters tonight, without Prince Eithan or anyone else seeing. Dark and the others were willing to help, dispite there injuries, so it shouldn't last too long.

The night soon came and I greeted everyone else in the front yard of my house. I was the first to walk in, and I just hoped that I didn't get robbed or something. It turns out that I didn't. Everything looked exactly as they had been left. The equipement was at the entrance, everything seemed normal. I walked through the rooms on the first floor to find nothing untouched. I walked upstairs and went staright to my room. Nothing seemed untouched, but a piece of papaer was found on the desk which was below my mirror. It was note. It had elegant hand writing.

Dear leader,

I noticed how you have a book shelf in your room, so I'm gussing you know how to read. I'm sorry, but yes, I've came back today and I took the liberty of showing myself around your 'hideout.' Although I must admit that this does look more like a house then a hideout, don't you agree? I'll give you credit for doing this though. It is very smart of you to have thought this through with the little amount of time given. No wonder you are the leader, and that I have not heard of an organization with a woman as a leader...Your keeping yourself a secret from the other townsfolk aren't you? Anyways, I won't be coming back, so feel free to sleep in your house. You know, if I were your enemy, I would have killed you yesterday. You should trust me more.

Prince Eithan.

After reading this, I was 100% sure I wasn't sleeping in my house tonight.



I am uncertain about the rating for this story should be...I might change it.

Note that since it is in the futur, not every element of the 1800's is exactly how it was, therefore there can be differences. I'm just putting that out there.

Unedited, feel free to correct me. ;)

I am a college student, so tell me if this story is worth continuing. It is one of my more recent stories that I decided to put up here on wattpad.

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