Fairly Odd Life of Timantha T...

By mNakahara

24.8K 597 98

Timantha "Timmy" Turner is an average girl no one understands. Mom, dad and her evil babysitter Vick giving h... More

Fairly Odd Partner
Oh Yeah, Chaos!
Oh Boys...
Fairly Odd Pet
Zappy Awards
Fairly Odd Couple
To the Most Fairest Fairy
The Switch Glitch
The Fairy Fever
The May Prom
She's Da Man
The Horror's Eve
Love At First Height
Lil Mama's House
A Thankful Thinking

Summer Fun

1K 27 3
By mNakahara

It was the early morning as Timmy was still sleeping in her bed peacefully. Minutes left then her first day of June rises. Feeling the tickles, she giggled as she thought Poof was ticking her. That is until she slowly opened her eyes, only to see a leopard glancing at her sitting like a patient cat.

"WHAT DAAAAA?!?!?!" Timmy shrieked as the leopard flinched.

From the window, a familiar fairy of summer peeked with a giggle and entered.

"GOOD MORNING~~!!" Lil' Summer Maiden squealed.

"GAH!!" Timmy jumped in surprise.

Even Eddie the furry gerbil flinched, fully awake as Gary was poofed with the fairies, confused. Cosmo, Wanda and Poof raised their wands and poofed away the mess Summer Fairy's adoptive leopard mother made.

"Hi, Timantha Turner~! Gary~! I'm Lil' Summer Maiden~~!" The petite fairy flew to her, wings sprinkled in excitement.

Timmy and Gary glanced at each other before waving at her.

"Since it's first day of June, it is time for BIG FUN~!" Lil' Summer giggled as she spin around.

"And...?" Timmy and Gary said.

"That means I chose both of you as one of god-kids to have fun with ME~!"

There was brief moment of silence around the room.

"... WHAT?" Timmy, Gary and their fairies exclaimed.

With a summer fairy's poof, they were all arrived where other godchildren and their fairies stood, bewildered in a beginning of Summer. Winston was hiding behind Tooth Fairy and Jorgen, Sally was irritated while holding his hand, Molly just didn't seem to care, Dwight was freaking out, Remy was complaining that his peaceful sleep was disturbed. Even the other three godchildren were confused as Arnold was still in his pajamas, Michelle was whining while doing her makeup as Hugo was yelling Spanish languages in annoyance despite being a little sleepy.

"What's going on...?" Timmy asked.

"They will also join us in having extreme fun for a day~!" Lil' Summer Maiden replied.

Timmy looked around as she could see that fairies doesn't have an option to stay with their godchildren. In fact, the fairies are worried for them.

'Oh well, what could possibly go wrong...?' Timmy sighed.

And what they were worried about went real...

"WHOO-HOO~~~!" Lil' Summer Maiden cheered as she was surfing the tsunami wave in a middle of ocean.

Winston and Sally were in same surfing boat as the frightened boy hugged the blond girl who managed to catch up with the Summer fairy. Dwight screamed in fright as Molly just sits on a surfing board. Arnold and Michelle were either try to row the surfing board or keep themselves from falling.

"EXTREEEEME!!" Timmy and Gary screamed as Remy was too frozen to do anything.

And Hugo seemed to be the only one enjoying the surfing.

"BIGGER WAVES INCOMING~~!!" Lil' Summer squealed.

From distance the bigger tides were approaching.

'Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off. Please don't fall off!!!!' Were the only reaction of most godchildren.

"And we're going to SWIM in~!" The petite summer fairy giggled.

"Oh, okay—WHAAAAT?!?!" Timmy shrieked as Lil' Summer Maiden grabbed her and Gary's hand.

"On... two...," the tide went closer as she yelled in glee, "THREE~!!"

With that, all godchildren jumped off from their board, diving in a high tides. The black-haired Summer Fairy swam as the children were trying their best to LIVE until they were all washed up to the deserted island, inhaled and exhaled to catch their breath.

"Next is mountain climbing~!"

All kids dropped their jaw in horror. Well, most of them.

And the next was climbing the mountain WITHOUT safety gear.

"This. Is. EXTREME..." Timmy shook a little in fear while still climbing, flinched as pieces of large rocks slid NEXT to her.

"Don't worry...~," Lil' Summer smiled, "this mountain is just a bite prone to land slides~!"

" T-thanks for the notification..." Molly dreaded slightly.

Winston and Sally were sharing one rope to tie another as the girl was a bit stronger compare to red-headed boy. Hugo was annoyed of Remy's quick exhaustion and whining. Arnold flinched as he heard something.

"Guys..., is it just me or this mountain is... shaking...?"

They froze in unison, feeling the rocky landscape quaking wildly.

"Oh no..." They gulped.

Before they could ask their fairies for help, Lil' Summer, with her wand, poofed up a magic where she and the godchildren jumped off from where they were climbing and falling as they screamed. She brought in a soft, slightly bouncy clouds as they were landed on them.


And the third survival game began as the clouds when high up in the sky, Lil' Summer poofed a skydiving gears around each and every godchild.

"Time for SKYDIVING~~!"

The children dreaded as Hugo was the only one seemed to be excited.

"We're gonna die..." Dwight squeaked in fright.

"We DID die." Molly replied.

"Are we in heaven...?" Winston asked timidly.

"I KNEW IT." Sally facepalmed.

And they leaped off from the cloud, tears flowing from their eyes as they let out a frightened scream while the small fairy of Summer let out a delighted squeal.

Meanwhile, in Anti-Fairy World's palace, the children and Lil' Summer Maiden's "extreme fun" were watched by Dark Fairy of Nightmares and Fears, who seemed to enjoying the display from his crystal sphere as he laughed and slammed his hand on a table.

Back to Lil' Summer and the children, all EXTREME fun were concluded with a camp in the savannah of Northern Africa. Timmy was resting with Gary and other godchildren as some were a bit sulky with their first day of Summer—which they wanted to be peaceful—was interrupted by the hyper fairy. Remy had Juandissimo poofed a coat to warm himself.

But unfortunately, this alarmed Lil' Summer and Timmy because his coat was genuine leopard-skinned one.

"REMY! NO!" Timmy then called up her fairies, "I wish his coat were black trench coat!"

With that, his warm coat was replaced with black trench coat, much to his confusion and dismay.

"Turner, what is a big deal?"

"Don't wear that. You will anger Lil' Summer's mama leopard." Timmy replied.

Remy raised his eyebrow, for he had never seen nor met Lil' Summer Maiden having leopard as "mother". With an idea, he began to speak.

"Well, Turner, if you insist, why don't you tell me all of the things I shouldn't do to not anger her."

"Okay, that's easy. First, don't bring that coat you got from your family's big game hunting." The brunette replied.

"Alright, what else?"

"Never use your flashlights and wave it back and forth really fast, or have lights around you." Lil' Summer Maiden answered.

"Like cats, she is alarmed or attracted by it." Timmy added.

"You're kidding..." Remy blinked.

"Don't stomp fast, she takes that as a challenge." The summer fairy said.

"Go on." Remy began to write it on his notepad.

"Don't ever eat a meat." Timmy continued.

"Raw or barbecued?" The Buxaplenty kid asked.

Timmy and Lil' Summer whispered to one another before answering.

"Barbecued, the smell provoke her more."

"Alright, anything else?"

"Never wear animal pajama." Molly answered.

"Especially Zebras!" Dwight added.

"Or possessing stuffed animals." Michelle said.

"Or mini-pigs." Arnold replied.

"And never..." Timmy paused.

"Ever..." Gary followed.

"...EVER..." Sally gulped.

"...AH!!" Winston squeaked in fright.

"LAUGH LIKE A HYENA!" Kids said in unison.

Within short seconds of silence, Remy blinked before responding.

"Wow, I'm surprised there are many things that can keep the mother leopard away."

"When I encounter her this early morning until arriving at Lil' Summer's, she scares me all over again... seeing her at night, Oh-hoho, I'd believe that she's a devil...," Hugo shivered a little before whispering with Juandissimo, "...el diablo..."

"And suddenly, I feel like we are in danger..." Remy looked around.

"W-why...?" Winston asked, scared a little.

"I don't know...," then with a devious smirk, "just a feeling~!"

As Remy wished for everything that shouldn't provoke Mama Leopard.

"...NO." Timmy's eyes widened.

"YES..." Remy nodded with grin.

The flashlights on moving back and forth, Remy used a fan to spread the smell of barbecued meat as he was now in a pajama of Zebra pattern stomping around, much to Lil' Summer and the other kids' horror.

"Ay, AYY DON'T, REMY!" Hugo tried to warn him.

"Stop!!" Timmy and Lil' Summer yelled.

Remy only sneered, finding story of Mama Leopard fictitious to him. That is, until they heard growling from the savannah bush. The poor Buxaplenty boy turned with his flashlight still on, directing the light towards none other than...

"Mama Leopard...," Timmy then said, "RUN."

Most kids went inside the camping care as Mama Leopard was in her pouncing stance while her almond-shaped eyes piercingly gazed on frightened Remy. The blond boy tried to run, but that only provoked the predator more as its mouth on the boy's pajama fabric and wildly shakes it right, left, up and down as she pounced on him before leaving.

"Remy! Are you okay?" Timmy asked as she peeked, "don't run, it only makes her more upset!"

"Thank you for notification...," Remy managed to speak, "then I guess I'll just have to limp over..."

"NO!" Kids yelled as Mama Leopard charged and 'played' with Remy again before leaving off-screen.

"She hates limping more than running!" Lil' Summer added.

"Then... I guess I will just—"

But the leopard "attacked" again off-screen, walks away afterward.

"I should have warned you about crawling." Timmy spoke, still inside the camping car.

And there goes another attack before leaving again.

"What did I do this time?!" Remy cried out.

"I don't know, I guess she just doesn't like you!" The pink-hatted girl answered.

"Hide in a bush!" Michelle said.

ONCE AGAIN, from off-screen Mama Leopard played with her most hated fairy god-child and left.

"Don't show your back when she's still around!" Molly spoke.

Quickly, Remy hid behind Timmy. Mama Leopard approached towards the children with a scowl, paused as she noticed he was behind Lil' Summer and her favorite godchild Timmy. With a growl, she pointed at him with her clawed paw before walking away.

"I told you...," Hugo sighed made a cross over his heart, "...el diablo....."

Timmy and Gary rolled their eyes. First day of Summer was something they would never forget.

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