South Park: The Four Marks Of...

By CherryblossomLv5

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They are called The Four Marks Of Hope due to them possibly shifting the others fate from their original, and... More

Saya Phoenix
Alex Shade
Kevin Nightshade
Kagami Iruha
Haruki Nakamura
Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 1
Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 2
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 1
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 2
Episode 3: Volcano. Part 1
Episode 3: Volcano. Part 2
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 1
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 2
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig. Part 1.
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love To A Pig. Part 2.
Episode 6: Death. Part 1.
Episode 6: Death. Part 2.
Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 2
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 1.
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 2.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 1.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 2.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 1.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 2.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 1.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 2.

Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 1

64 1 0
By CherryblossomLv5


I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

WARNING: Trigger Warning.

It will be COMPLETELY different from the actual episode, and also I'll be adding TWO WHOLE new characters to this. But only one is temporary. So bare with me here. Okay?..

Kagami Iruha by @-High_priest_Zane and Dying Max by me. Kagami Iruha is in the character sheets. But Dying Max is not. I have decided to add him last second. He's called Dying Max cause well, he's dying of cancer. He only had a few weeks left to live, and he wants to die anyways. So, why not just turn him into a zombie? Right? Now, enough of my rambling, and let's get on with the show! *Silence, then Cricket sounds.* Um, I meant book... *nervous cough* Onwards now. *slowly backs out of the room* ....


October 30, Outer Space. Mir Space Station is shown orbiting earth.

Comrade 1 - "Vladned chaviski. Bodad comrade Dobalsted. (Propulsion systems stable... No problems with Mir...)"

A second comrade, in an alien mask, sneaks up on the first.

Comrade 2 - "Graaah."

Comrade 1 - "Ayyy!"

Comrade 2 - "Porchad. Hehe, vlided il chalfeka. (Gotcha, Happy Halloween)"

Comrade 1 - "Shtaad, boded but shtaad. (You scared me, you communist bastard)"

A warning button flashes. The message beneath it reads:
Una Problema

Comrade 2 - "Oh, shtool. (Oh...Crap)"

Comrade 1 - "Shtool. (Crap)"

Bus Stop.


I have my wolf ears, cat tail, and silvery white hair out on display since it's Halloween now. *sigh* GODS I fucking love AND hate Halloween. 1: I love it cause I can show my true self, and NOT be judge. Same with Papa and Alex too. And 2: I hate it because it's my BUSIEST time of the year when it comes to fighting actual monsters. Again, same with Papa and Alex as well. ESPECIALLY when it comes to fucking zombies. 'Wait, is that a rabbit cloud?¹ Fuck, it IS!' Alex - 'Yeah, it is.' 'I fucking thought so! Be on guard, and at the ready. You may never know when they'll start showing up.' I tell him that as we're both looking around. Alex - 'Right.'

The boys, Saya, and a new kid await the bus.

As we were waiting, I felt my left wolf ear twitch at an EXTREMELY high pitched sound, and winds roaring. When I looked up, my eyes got big. 'Holy fucking Christ! There's a fucking space shuttle headed right for us!' I quickly pull Kenny away, and jumped back. I breath out a HUGE sigh of relief both from saving him in time, and from when I first heard it falling. 'FUCK that scared me!'

Mir crashes. One end of it VERY nearly falls on top of Kenny, actually landing on Dying Max, and narrowly missing the other boys, and Saya.

Saya - "Fuck! Kenny! Are you okay!?" He looked really shocked that he almost died, Again. And again if it wasn't for me saving him, yet again. The others were really shocked too. He just nodded his head in pure shock. I went ahead and scanned him just in case, and thank heavens nothing was wrong, other than being in shock. "Oh thank HEAVENS! I was SO scared that I wasn't able to pull you back in time!" I gave him a desperate bear hug and was softly crying in relief, and a bit of fear. I started to shake a bit. That must have snapped him out of it. He hugged me back just as desperate. After a few minutes, we let go, but I was now hugging him close from behind, and had my face completely buried in his neck trying to calm down my still racing heart. He was really worried about me, and I don't blame him either. Especially since I had a fucking NIGHT TERROR last night about it landing on him, him turned into a ZOMBIE, and Kyle killing him with a FUCKING CHAINSAW! NOT going to FUCKING happen on MY watch Gods damn it! NO!

Stan - "Oh my God! They almost killed Kenny! But killed Dying Max!"

Kyle - "You bastards!"

Cartman - "What the hell is that thing?"

Kyle - "It looks like a UFO."

Cartman - "There's no such thing as UFOs."

Alex/Saya - "Says the kid who got anal probe by one."/"(Says the kid who got anal probe by one.)" I still had my face halfway buried in Kenny's neck this time, while the others laugh.

Cartman - "Hey! That never happened! My mom said so God damn it!"

Sirens wail as ambulance pulls up. Two paramedics go over to Dying Max's corpse.

Paramedic - "Let's get 'im to the morgue."

They put his corpse in a body bag, then toss the bag into the ambulence and drive off. 'Ouch. Poor kid.' Alex/Kenny - 'Really.'

Cartman - "Hey, wait til you see my Halloween costume tomorrow. It kicks ass." I'm a bit more calmer now, so I can now talk better.

Saya - "Oh no fucking hell it ain't. But mine, Alex's, AND Kenny's WILL be" Kenny was surprised that I got him one.

Alex - "She's right."

Kenny - "(What?)" I smiled softly at him.

Saya - "Well, yeah. I thought we could go as a couple." My ears dropped in nervousness and a bit of fear thinking I stepped out of line, or something. "But um, if, if you don't want to, it's fine. It was really stupid anyways." I started to pull away feeling VERY insecure about myself suddenly. But I then jumped a bit in shock.

Kenny - "(NO! No, I really do want to go as a couple! Thank you!)" He hugged me, so I hugged him back. Oh he's going to LOVE it lol. I hope.

Kyle - "Dude, it can't be cooler than mine."

Stan - "Hey man, we gotta get home and get our costumes ready."

They walk off.

Saya - "Come on, we need to get you fitted for your costume, and test it out." I started to pull a shocked Kenny behind me.

Kenny - "(Wait, test it out? What do you mean by that?)" I started to giggle in excitement, and at his look lol.

Saya - "You'll see! Now come on!"

Kenny - "(No, tell me!)"

Saya - "Nope!"

Kenny - "(But Saya!)" He was starting to pout and whine a bit now. Cute. I looked behind us to see if Alex was there, and I saw a softly chuckling Alex walking behind us. He's just very happy to see me act my PHYSICAL age, and not my MENTAL age. Which VERY rarely ever happens actually. Sad really. Right?

South Park Morgue.


Outside, an owl hoots, then a crow reaches the morgue's sign and shits on it. Inside the morgue a mortician places a hose into Dying Max, blood starts flowing out.

Mortician - "You know, I think death is least funny when it happens to a child."

Marty places a hose into Dying Max, green embalming fluid flows in.

Marty - "Oh, yes, I know what you mean."

Marty pulls out a hot dog, pours Worcestershire sauce on it, and takes a bite.

Mortician - "Marty, do you have to put that stuff on everything?"

Marty - "I don't know, it ju- it just makes everything taste so...English."

Mortician - "Well, let's let him drain."

They walk away. Worcestershire sauce falls over and pours into embalming fluid. Dying Max's eyes open, and he gets up.

Mortician - "...So then the necrophiliac says, "If this ain't a cadaver then I-""

Dying Max busts through a door and takes a bite out of the mortician's head.

Mortician - "Hey!"

Dying Max bites Marty's shoulder.

Marty - "Aaah!"

Dying Max walks away.

Marty - "God damn! That little turd bit me!"

Mortician - "Me too!"

Dying Max leaves the morgue and an owl hoots.

Bus Stop.


Me, Alex, and Kenny were walking to the bus stop. Oh I REALLY can't wait for them to see our costumes. After getting Kenny fitted for his "costume", and I had him train with me and Alex to see how it held up. And it held up alright. Even after getting ice blasted by Alex by accident. Ouch though.

*flashback starts*

Saya - "Okay Kenny, you really do need to hold still. Unless you want to become a human porcupine or a pin cushion. Now do you?" I was in the middle of TRYING to pin the fabric a bit tighter on him, but he keeps squirming.

Kenny - "(No.)"

Saya - "Then stop squirming damn it! You're going to make me-OW! Shit!" His squirming made me stab my own finger. Aaand now it's bleeding.

Kenny - "(Saya!)" He sounded a bit scared for some reason. Oh. Wait. He still remembers Death "killing me". Shit.

Saya - "Easy Kenny. I'm fine. Really baby. Look, no blood. See?" I was just able to heal it, and vanished the blood away before he saw it. It took me an HOUR to finally finish his costume. And let me tell you, he looks damn sexy in it for an 8 year old. Now I just need to see him without that DAMN parka. Can't wait to see him when he's 18 years old. ...Oh, wait...I won't actually live that long...Shit....I completely forgot about that... I shook those negative thoughts out of my head. "Okay. Try moving around in it. Let's see how feels and holds up. Shall we?" I was already wearing mine, and Alex was getting into his now. *sigh* I can't believe he actually picked that to be his costume. I Fucking swear brother mine. It's time to test if Kenny could keep up with us. But of course we'll be going easy on him at first as a warm up.

He hopped off the stool and started to slowly stretch, getting the feel for it. I had to remake it so that it'll fit over his parka that he refused to take off. After a few minutes, he seemed to like it. Good. I'm glad.

Saya - "Well? How's it feel?"

Kenny - "(It fits perfectly. I really like it. Thanks. But, what are we supposed to be?)"

Saya - "Good. I'm glad you like it so much. And you're very welcome sweetie. Also, no, I'm not telling you. You need to figure it out on your own. Lol." He was NOT happy with me now. Good. Now let's see if I can get him to chase us. I crossed my arms and gave him a Cheshire smirk. "Sorry babe, but I ain't telling you.." I saw Alex at the corner of my eye getting ready to run with the door already open. Good. "Unless you can catch us first!" I ran, and bolted out the door, down the street, and into town. I was giddy with excitement, and giggling madly as Kenny ran after us, telling us to stop. HA! Like that'll ever happen lol!

Kenny - "(Saya! Alex! Get back here!)"

Saya/Alex - "Never! You'll never take us alive!" We were all mad giggling by now. We were parkouring left and right, and Kenny was actually keeping up surprisingly well considering. It was as we were flipping off the U-store It building is when it happened. Alex slipped and accidentally pushed the trigger on his prototype ice gun.  It would've hit me, but Kenny had somehow managed to push me behind him in midair, and took the hit instead! RIGHT SQUARE IN THE CHEST! SHIT!

Saya/Alex - "KENNY!" Fuck! I managed to catch him before he hit the ground. He was COVERED in a thick layer of frost. I was trying to wake him up, but it wasn't working. I started to cry and panic a bit. 'No no no NO! This, this CAN'T be happening!'

Alex - "Fuck! I'm, I'm so so so SO sorry sis! I, I thought I had it on safety!"

Saya - "Nevermind about that! Help me heal him!" It took us a few minutes to thaw, and heal him, but we were finally able to. But unfortunately, he still wasn't waking up. I held him close, and used my Static Shock on us. After a couple of tries, it finally worked. "Oh thank heavens!" I hugged him close while crying in relief.

Kenny - "(Saya? What's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt?)" He was gently wipping my tears away.

Saya - *sniff* "It's just that, I almost lost you. You were a human popsicle for a few minutes. But we were able to thaw you out" I hugged him again. "I'm just glad you're okay now." Thank HEAVENS I put those heating charms on him then. It kept him alive. After making sure that ALL footage and audio was COMPLETELY wiped, we left. We walked Kenny home, and we were able to officially meet little Karen. But unfortunately she's a bit sick, and can't go trick or treating with us. But I did show her a little "magic trick" though, and made some candy appear. Both of them were really amazed by that. I giggled softly. Kids. Right?

Karen - [Amazed.] "Wow! How'd you do that?"

Kenny - [Amazed.] "(Really.)" I just giggled softly.

Saya - "Ah ah, sorry little one, but a true magician NEVER reveals their secrets. Now do they?" They pouted. Which was very cute.

Karen/Kenny - "No."/"(No.)" I smiled softly.

Saya - "Exactly." Me and Alex went home and had to fix his ice gun. Apparently Blue Ice¹ was too cold for it. It frozed it. Hm. Maybe Liquid Nitrogen would work better?

*flashback ends.*

I giggled softly remembering that he never did figure out what we're dressed as. I looked up and saw Stan dressed as a doll? 'The fuck?'

Kyle is standing there with a Chewbacca mask on. Stan walks up; his costume consists of red yarn hair and big rosy cheeks.

Kyle - "Ha ha, you look like a pansy."

Saya/Alex - "That he does."

Stan - "Shut up you guys!"

Kyle - "What uh, what are you supposed to be?"

Stan - "I'm Raggedy Andy."

Kyle - "Hehe. Why the hell did you dress up like Raggedy Andy dude?"

Saya/Alex - "Really."

Stan - "Wendy's going as Raggedy Ann, and she said this way we'd win the costume contest for sure." I sighed knowing what's going to happen to him.

Saya - "Stan sweetie, no she's not."

Stan - "Wait, she's not!?" He sounded a bit panicky, and mad. I don't blame him.

Saya - "Yes. She did. She changed it without telling you. I knew she was going to pull something like this, so I went ahead, and made you a cute bear costume. You can put it on at school. Alex can help you if you need any. Okay?" I handed him a cute little Winnie the Pooh costume.

Stan - "Really? Thanks Saya!"

Saya - "Sure. No problem."

Kyle - "No way dude. I'm gonna win the costume contest with this sweet Chewbacca costume."

Stan - "Wendy said that first prize is two tons of candy."

Kyle - "Wow! Cool!"

Saya/Kenny - "Sweet!"/"(Sweet!)"

Alex - "Literally lol!" They finally sees mine, Kenny's, and Alex's costumes.

Kyle - "What are you three supposed to be?"

Kenny - "(Really. I've been trying to figure that out too. But they STILL won't tell me!)" Me and Alex laugh at that, especially since he was pouting. So damn cute.

Saya - "I'm sorry baby, but I thought it was painfully obvious."

Kenny - "(Apparently not since I still don't get it.)"

Saya - "Clearly. Babe, we're obviously a couple as zombie slayers! Lol!" He looked surprised at first, then he realized his stupidity. He groaned and did a face palm.

Kenny - "(Oh my God. I'm so damn stupid.)" I had to giggle at him.

Saya - "Yes, but you're MY stupid." I gave him a small kiss on the cheek, and making him smile and blush faintly. So cute.

Stan - "And Alex?" Alex got a Cheshire smirk. 'Oh no. I know that look. Alex, don't you FUCKING dare!'

Alex - "I'm the DC Villain Sub Zero of course. I just thought he was so super cool looking." '*Sigh* Damn it Alex!'

Saya - *sigh* "OBVIOUSLY pun intended there my dear brother." -_- I saw him tense a bit, but was still laughing.

Cartman walks up. And I SNARLED at him. Both Alex AND Kenny had to hold me back from attacking him.

Cartman - "Hey, dudes. What's her problem?"

Kyle - "Cartman! What kind of costume is that?"

Cartman - "It's Adolf Hitler costume. Sieg Heil, sieg heil."

Alex - "And that's WHY she's trying to attack you! She takes a MAJORLY HUGE offense to it since she's PART German! AND that others have came after her because of that!" I felt Kenny tense up, and held me closer when Alex said that. 'Gods damn it Alex! Kenny didn't need to know that yet!' Alex - 'Opps. Sorry sis. It slipped..' 'Yeah fucking right!' Alex - 'Sorry. I'll make it up to you later. Okay?' 'Oh you fucking better damn it.' Alex - 'I will.' 'Good.'

Cartman - "Good!"

Alex - "NOT good! You NEED to change your costume damn it!"

Cartman - "No way man! It's fun watching her get riled up hahaha!" I continued to growl at him. I tried to get to him, but Kenny stopped me by stepping in front of me, and hugged me tightly. After a few moments, I was able to finally calm down. Now I was hugging HIM from behind this time, with my face buried in his neck, breathing in his calming scent. But this time, I smelled a very faint hint of the cool frost from yesterday mixed in. But it's slowly fading, which is good. I still held him closer and whimpered very faintly. Not that he didn't mind it. He just wrapped his arms around mine to try and get me closer somehow. Alex even had his hand gently on my right shoulder. Just in case.

Stan - "Where'd you get that?"

Cartman - "My mom made it, isn't it cool?"

Kyle - "No it's not cool!"

Alex/Kenny - "Exactly!"/"(Exactly!)"

Cartman - "What are you supposed to be Stan, Howdy Doody?"

Stan - "No, I'm Raggedy Andy, fat-ass! But I'm changing later. Thanks to Saya."

Cartman - "Ohh, heh- wow, you look pretty cool."

He and Kyle laugh.

Alex - "Not as cool as me though haha!" Cartman seemed to finally notice our costumes.

Cartman - "What are you supposed to be then, frost bite?"

Alex - "No. I'm the DC Villain Sub Zero of course. I just thought he was so super cool looking." '*Sigh* Damn it Alex. Not again.' Alex - 'Yes again.' '*sigh* I Fucking swear kid.' Alex - 'Hey! I'm NOT a kid! I'm the oldest one here!' 'Be that as it may, you still act like a child sometimes.' Alex - 'Touche.' 'Exacly.'

Kyle - "Hehe. Sissy." I sent him a dead glare.

Stan - "I'll kick your ass, Kyle!"

Cartman - "Oh look out, Holly Hobby's all pissed off!" Both Kenny and Alex tightened their grip on me when I started to growl a bit deeply him.

I suddenly smelled something rotten, and I can see that Alex did too. 'Hey Beta, head's up.' Alex/Beta - 'I know Alpha. And I'm already ready.' 'Good.' We were both tensed, getting ready for anything. I felt Kenny tense a bit when I did. I guess he caught on to my habits? Huh. Good.

Dying Max's corpse approaches. 'Fuck!' Alex/Beta / Kenny - 'Really!'

Stan - "Hey look, Dying Max's not dead." Both Alex/Beta and Kenny nod when I faintly whispered that he IS dead.

Kyle - "You forgot to wear a costume Dying Max."

Stan - "Yeah, what's the matter? Couldn't your family afford a costume for you?"

Saya/Alpha - "Oh come on, you know his parents can not help it. They have so many medical bills to pay." I felt Kenny tense more. Shit.

Alex/Beta - "She is right."

Kyle - "Yeah, why's your family so poor Dying Max?"

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "You know why!"

Cartman - "Dying Max's family is so poor that, yesterday, they had to put their cardboard box up for a second mortgage."

Stan laughs. Dying Max does nothing while birds chirp.

Saya/Alpha - "STAN!" I had a slight growl in my voice, but he still stopped laughing, and looked down in shame. Good.

Stan - "Sorry."

Saya/Alpha - "Good, you better be."

Cartman - "I said, your family had to put a cardboard box up for a second mortgage, Dying Max!"


Cartman - "I'm talking to you Dying Max, achtung!"


Cartman - "Poor piece of crap." A "random" snowball comes flying at him, and he gets hit in the face. "Ow! Hey!"

Everyone laughs. Alex/Beta - 'Nice one sis.' 'Thanks my dear brother.'

Ms. Crabtree's bus pulls up.


Stan / Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "Aah, we're always running late you ugly stank."

Ms. Crabtree - "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"

Stan - "I said, "I can't wait to own a fishing tank.""

Ms. Crabtree "Oh, neither can I."

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "~Dumb assss fucking bitch.~"

South Park Clinic. Marty and the mortician are being treated.


Doctor - [á la James Stewart] "Very interesting."

Mortician - "What, what is it doc?"

Doctor - "Well, your- your temperature is only 55 degrees, you have no pulse, no heartbeat, and your, your eyes are all puffy and sticky."

Mortician - "Oh no, you mean..."

Doctor - "Yeah, I'm afraid the two of you have - Pink Eye."

Marty and the mortician gasp.

Doctor - "I'd give you topical medicine, but I don't wanna touch ya."

Marty - "Oh I'm so hungry, and all I can think about eating is, eh, brains!"

Doctor - "Yeah, well for God sake don't touch your eyes. I'll prescribe some antibiotics."

South Park Elementary. The boys and Saya are walking into class.


At least Stan changed his costumes.

Kyle - "Just wait till everyone sees my sweet Chewbacca costume. They're gonna be so jealous..."

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "No they will not."

The entire class but one has a Chewbacca mask on.

Stan - "Whoa, dude!"

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "Told you."

Kyle - "Everyone came as Chewbacca?!"

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "Looks like it."

Mr. Garrison is in drag, Mr. Hat has a Chewbacca mask on.

Saya/Alpha - "They both look HELL of a LOT better in a straight jacket, AND behind bars."

Alex/Beta - "So true." Kenny nodding.

Mr. Garrison - "It sure does seem to be a popular costume this year Kyle."

Mr. Hat - "Roar." Finally notices Alex. "Why is there a Fifth Grader here?"

The whole class looks. Alex, me and Kenny tense, and me and Kenny step in front of him protectively, while I'm growling.

Mr. Garrison - "You're right Mr. Hat."

Alex/Beta - "I am here with my little sister Saya."

Mr. Garrison - "Oh. I guess you can stay then."

Kyle throws off his mask.

Kyle - "Dammit!"

Stan - "Wendy?"

Wendy - "Hi, Stan."

Stan - "You said we were going to be Raggedy Ann and Andy, remember? And Saya was right."

Wendy - "Yeahhh?"

Stan - "We were going to enter the costume contest as a pair. But now it's only Saya and Kenny."

Wendy - "I know, but then... I guess I just realized how stupid we would look."

Stan - "You what?! And you're lucky Saya told me, and gave me another costume to change into!"

Wendy - "I thought you would reach the same conclusion, so, I came as Chewbacca."

Stan bangs his head against a desk. I gently pat him shoulder in comfort.

Saya/Alpha - "There there child."

Stan - "Oh shut up Saya." I giggled softly.

Bill - "Heheh. Heheh."

Fosse - "Hey Stan, you look almost cute enough to kiss." I was starting to growl in warning.

Bill - "Yeah, you want to be my girlfriend? Huhuh." Now I'm growling.

Stan bangs his head again.

Fosse - "Yehaha." *slip*

Bill - "Huhuh." *Double slip*

Cartman - "There, you see? All of a sudden, my costume is pretty badass, huh?"

Kyle / Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "Dude, dressing up like Hitler is not badass!"

Cartman - "You're just jealous! Why don't you go back to Endor you stupid wookie?!" Alex and Kenny had to hold me back again as I snarled at him again.

Kyle - "Wookies don't live on Endor!"

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "Exactly!"

Cartman - [In a mocking voice.] "Wookies don't live on Endor." I managed to kick him somehow. "Ow!"

Kyle - "Well at least my mom's not on the cover of Crack Whore magazine!"

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "He is right."

Cartman - "What?! What did you say?"

Mr. Garrison - "Okay now, all you little Chewbaccas take your seats. But first, we have a new student joining us today. Her name is Kagami Iruha, and she's all the way from Japan. Can you please stand up, and tell us a bit about yourself?"

Kagami - *sigh* Fine, whatever. I like very little, and dislike a lot. I just moved here to be with my half little brother Pip, and full older brother Pete. Mess with him, and I'll hurt you. That's it. Now leave me alone." She said that in a very sarcastic and bored tone. As soon as she sat back down, Pip ran and hugged her. Cute. I sensed something, DIFFERENT about her. Like, like she's like me and Alex/Beta somehow in a way. And I know Alex/Beta can tell too. I also noticed something VERY rare about her though. 'Beta...' Alex/Beta - 'Yeah. I know. I can sense it too. She has not one, but TWO mates!' 'Yeah. I Fucking thought so.' Alex/Beta - "And it looks like Kyle is one of them too.' 'As long as she doesn't hurt him in any way, shape, or form. Then she can live. For now.' Alex/Beta - 'Right. She can.' Never realizing until MUCH later, that she heard everything SOMEHOW. Shit. Right?

Mr. Garrison - "Children, since today is Halloween, I thought we should learn something about the great horror writer, Jackie Collins. You see, when Jackie Collins first wrote her novel-"

Saya/Alpha - *Tired sigh* "Aaand here we go again."

Alex/Beta - "Really."

Dying Max's arm falls off and Mr. Garrison stops. 'Fuck!' Alex/Beta /Kenny - 'Really!'/'(Really!)'

Wendy looks down at it.

Wendy - "Eww!" 'Bitch!' Alex/Beta / Kenny - 'Really!'

Mr. Garrison - "Is there a problem Dying Max?"


Mr. Garrison - "Let's try to keep our hands and arms to ourselves, okay?"

Kyle - "I'm never gonna win that two tons of candy looking like everybody else!"

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "True."

Kyle - "Not helping you two."

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "Sorry haha."

Kyle - "No you're not." -_-

Saya/Alpha / Alex/Beta - "Nope! Haha!" We had matching Cheshire smiles, and was chuckling a bit, while Kyle just sighed.

In front of Cartman's House. Mrs. Cartman is decorating the house and yard, and she sings...


Mrs. Cartman - "Oooh, I'm gonna decorate the house for Halloween, with scary ghosts and bats and creepy crawly things..."

She places a poster of Richard Nixon (aka Tricky Dick) on the door. Two zombies, formerly the mortician and Marty, pass by.

Mrs. Cartman - "Hello there!"

Zombie - "Uuuhh."

Mrs. Cartman - "Happy Halloween!"

Zombie Mortician - "Must eat brains."

They attack a passer by, eating his brains and tearing his arms off.

Mrs. Cartman - "It's the most wonderful time of the year,
do do do do do do do do-"

Passer-by - "Aaargh!!! Oh my God!!!"

The zombies finish him off.

School Cafeteria.


Me, Alex, AND Kenny were still a bit tense and keeping an eye on Dying Max. Just in case he tries anything. Unfortunately me and Alex can't do anything right now. WAY too many witnesses to be able to pull off the kill to take him out. Damn it all to fucking hell and back! Right now I was cuddled into Kenny's side relaxing only a tiny bit, not that he ever minded. He has his left arm around me protectively, so that I don't fall. Ha! Like that'll ever happen. Right? Both mine, and Alex's left wolf ear keeps twitching every few seconds at the extremely low sounds Dying Max keeps making. I even saw the new girl Kagami Iruha, I think her name was, watching us from the corner that has a view of all the windows and doors. Soldier tactic. Wait, her name means 'Tough Lily'. Huh. I wonder if she can keep up with us. We'll soon find out later tonight. Now won't we?

Kyle - "I'm gonna make a new costume during recess. I can still win that candy."

Saya - "I can help you if you want."

Kyle - "No thanks. I want to do it myself."

Saya - "Okay then." I yawned slightly cause of the new medicine Papa has me on. And it makes me really tired. Thankfully I won't be taking it later tonight. I need to be ready for anything tonight.

Cartman - "Hey Dying Max, are you gonna eat your pudding?" [As Dying Max.] "No Eric, go ahead and take my pudding, if you'd like." [As himself.] "Why thank you Dying Max. How nice of you."

Saya/Alex - "Really dude." -_-

Kyle - "Aren't you hungry Dying Max?"

Dying Max just sits there.

Stan - "He hasn't moved an inch, or said anything."

Saya - "~That's because he's DEAD you fucking dumbass!~"

Alex/King - "~Really!~" Both of us saw that that got her attention. Huh. She very faintly smells like snake and raven almost. I wonder if she has one like Alex and Papa does. She also smells like a demon wolf? Huh. I wonder if she's like us somehow? Especially Alex. Right?

Chef - "Hello children."

Kyle/Stan/Alex - "Hey Chef."

Chef notices Cartman's Hitler costume.

Chef - "What in the hell are you doing dressed up like that?!"

Cartman - "Eating Dying Max's pudding.

Principal Victoria walks up.

Principal Victoria - "Hello there, children. Ooh, love the Elvis costume, Chef."

Saya/Alex - "That's NOT Elvis!"

Chef - "Elvis? I'm Evel Knievel. Why the hell would I dress up like Elvis?"

Saya/Alex - "Really."

Principal Victoria - "Well, why the hell would you dress up like Evel Knievel?"

She turns to the boys, and Saya.

Principal Victoria - "Anyway, I hope that you kids are-Daagh!"

Noticing Cartman's costume.

Principal Victoria - "Eric, God bless it, what do you think you're doing?!"

Saya - "Aaand here we go. This should be interesting hehe."

Alex/Kenny - "Really."/"(Really.)"

Cartman - "Hey, he said I could have his pudding! Ask him yourself."

As Dying Max, poking the side of Dying Max's head with a fork for effect.

Cartman - "That's right, Principal Victoria. It's okay with me because Eric is cool."

Saya/Alex - "Really kid?"/"NEVER as cool as me though!"

Saya - *Aggravated/tired sigh* "Gods fucking damn it Alex, I Fucking SWEAR!" Now I have a growl in my voice as I sent him a pissed off glare. All he did was Laugh nervously, and sweat a bit. Good. And he's lucky that Kenny's between us right now. I saw her still watching us. The fuck is with her?

Principal Victoria - "Where did you get that costume, young man?!"

Cartman - "My mom made it. Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil!" I saw Kagami stand up quickly when I snarled at Cartman. Huh. Odd.

Principal Victoria - "Sshh! Oh, God bless America."

She grabs Cartman's shoulder; he starts screaming.

Principal Victoria - "You get into my office before anyone else sees you. I have to show you an educational video."

Cartman - "Eeehh, I don't want to see a educational video-o."

Principal Victoria drags him from the table. Me, Alex, and Kenny were laughing at him. I even saw Kagami chuckled a bit. At least she has a sense of humor. Clyde enters the cafeteria with his lunch, and Dying Max...

Clyde - "Owww, you bit my arm!"

Saya/Alex - "Shit! Clyde!" We both stand up just in case something else happens.

Clyde's arm begins to throb and glow.

Saya/Alex - "Fuck!"

Kyle - [Pleased.] "Oh, good. Dying Max's back to normal."


Principal Victoria's office.


Principal Victoria - "Watch the video Eric."

She starts up the VCR.

Narrator - "Adolph Hitler was a very, very naughty man."

Adolf Hitler - "Schnell ach. Lovental bros lieben. Alle Menschen werden Brüder. Doktor Stalin? Alarm! Menchoss? Zellan vei zamboa- (Quick ah. Lovental bros love. All people become brothers. Doctor Stalin? Alarm!  Menchoss? Zellan vei zamboa-)"

Cartman begins daydreaming of himself as Hitler.

Cartman - "Juden est verboten, a den ascriber utz, kapieda hockuh. Juden est verboten, God dammit! (Jews are forbidden, a den ascriber utz, kapieda hockuh. Jews are forbidden God dammit!)"

Puffy the Bear - "So remember kids, dressing like Hitler in school isn't cool!"

Principal Victoria - "Now, do you have any questions?"

Cartman - [Gleefully.] "Could I see that again? That was cool."

Principal Victoria - "You must remove that costume, immediately!"

Cartman - "I can't, I have to win those two tons of candy."

Principal Victoria - "Well, how about we make you a new costume. Let's see now."

She spies a white sheet behind Cartman.

Principal Victoria - "Aha, thought of something. How about we make you a nice scary ghost costume?"

Cartman - [Whining.] "I don't wanna be a stupid scary ghost!"

Principal Victoria - "Aaand, let me just make a few quickie alterations, and there ya go, young man."

Cartman looks suspiciously like a Ku Klux Klan member.

South Park Street.


Pack of zombies walks down the street. A pair of joggers are jogging.

Jogger - "Ho, looks like they got a touch of that pink eye that's going around."

The zombies attack the joggers, who scream for their lives.

School gym, the costume contest is about to start.


That Kagami girl keeps following us. I saw you looking for someone. Huh. I wonder if she's looking for Kyle. Speaking of which, where the fuck IS that kid anyways.

Cartman - "Boo! I'm a ghost."

Saya/Alex - "NO HELL YOU'RE NOT!" THIS time it was both Kenny, AND Stan holding us back. Stan was clearly having some trouble holding him back. But Kenny, he wasn't really having any trouble. Huh. Looks like he started to work out so that he could protect me better. Poor kid. Right?

Stan - "Oh man, I feel like a total choad."

Saya/Alex - "You're Winnie the Pooh Bear." -_-

Cartman - "Aw, come on Stan, maybe that's just because you look like a total choad." Both me and Alex kicked him, HARD. "OW!"

Chef - "Hello, children."

Saya/Alex - "Oh no."

Kenny - "(What?)"

Saya/Alex - *sigh* "You'll see. In 3, 2..."

Cartman - "Hey Chef."

Saya/Alex - *sad sigh* "1.."

Chef - "Aaaaah!"

Kenny - "(Oh.)"

Chef runs away

Saya/Alex - "Yeah."

Cartman - "Whoa, Chef's really scared of ghosts, huh?"

Saya/Alex - "No he's not!

Stan - "Hey, where's Kyle?"

Kyle bursts in through the doors. I have NEVER seen anyone spin around so fast until now.

Saya/Alex - "There."

Kyle - "Check this out!"

Stan - "Whoa, dude!"

Saya/Alex - "Cool."

Cartman - "What is that?" I face palmed.

Kyle - "I'm the whole solar system! The planets even all revolve the right way. That tub of candy is as good as mine!" Sadly it won't.

Mr. Garrison blows a whistle. Both me and Alex winch at the noise.

Saya/Alex - "..ow..."

Kenny - "(Are you okay baby?)"

Saya - "Yeah. I'm okay. It's just that, my hearing is extremely sensitive is all. Especially now, since it's a full moon tonight."

Kenny - "(I understand.)"

Mr. Garrison - "Okay children, let's get you lined up so the judge can get a good look at your stupid little costumes."

Saya/Alex - "Hey!" I saw Kagami with a rag doll clown Pip, and a very gothic vampire Pete. But she's dressed as a Japanese Geisha³, but without the white make-up? But in a red and white Spider Lily kimono. The FUCK?!

They line up on the stage.

Mr. Garrison - "Children, this year we have a celebrity judge, the star of 'Family Ties', Miss Tina Yothers."

Some scattered applause.

Cartman - "Who?"

Kyle - "Dude, I thought she was dead."

Stan - "Yeah, me too."

Saya/Alex - "Really."

Tina hands Mr. Garrison the results.

Mr. Garrison - "Thank you Miss Yothers. Okay, the fourth place for the only couple's costumes goes Kenny and Saya for their hybrid zombie slayers costumes!" 'If only they knew.'

Tina gives Saya and Kenny the fourth place ribbon for them to hold.

"Third place for the COOLEST costume goes to....Alex, for his DC Villain Sub Zero costume!" Both me and Kenny face palmed at that. While Alex just has a smug smile on. Dick ass mother fucker, I Fucking swear.

Tina places the third place ribbon on Alex.

"Second place award for best costume goes to... Dying Max, for his Edward James Olmos costume."

Tina places a second place ribbon on Dying Max.

Mr. Garrison - "...And the award for the very best costume goes to... Wendy, for her Chewbacca costume!Tina places a first place ribbon on Wendy.

Saya/Alex/Kenny - "What!?"/"(What?!)"

Kyle - "What?! But she looks just like everybody else. Up yours, Tina Yothers!"

Saya/Alex/Kenny - "Really!"/"(Really!)"

Tina looks on shocked.

Mr. Garrison - "And the award for worst costumes this year goes to... Stan, and Pip, for his stupid little clown thing, and gay looking bear costumes. Let's all point at them and laugh, children." [Everyone laughs.] "Yeah."

Saya/Alex/Kagami - "HEY!" she seemed really surprised we were standing up for Pip.

Stan - "Thanks a lot, Wendy! You ruined my Halloween!"

Saya - "Stan sweetie, I'm SO sorry about them calling your costume gay looking.."

Stan - "It's okay cus, you didn't know." I just nodded.

Wendy - "Relax Stan. You'll feel better once we're out trick-or-treating."

Stan - "I don't wanna trick-or-treat with you. You lied to me."

Saya/Alex - "Really."

Mr. Garrison - "Okay, children. Let's all gather around and bob for stupid apples now. You go first, Bebe."

Bebe begins bobbing for apples.

Mr. Garrison - "That's good, just use those mouth muscles like the girls in Beijing."

Saya/Alex - "The FUCK dude!" We saw Kagami, Pete, and Pip walking to us. But then Pip came running at me for a hug. I was ready since I knew he was going to like always, but this time for comfort. I caught him when he jumped. I hugged him close and spun us one time. I gently set him down, and wiped his tears away. Kagami, and Pete were watching the whole time. I guess to make sure we don't hurt him. Like we'll EVER do that! He's like an annoying little brother to us.

Saya - "Shh, Shh. It's okay Pip. They're just jealous of your creativity is all. We happen to love it actually.

Pip - *sniff* "Really?" I smiled softly, and nodded at him. Poor kid.

Saya - "Yes, really."

Pip - "Thank you sister!" As he hugged me, I saw Kagami tense a bit.

Saya - "You're welcome my dear sweet little brother." After a few moments, he finally lets go, and runs back to his actual sister. She still seems a bit wairry of us. And I know why. Poor girl. I looked her right in the eyes. "Hello miss Tough Lily. It's nice to finally meet you. Little Pip told us so much about you. And let me tell you, the way he described you, just did NOT do you any justice. You are WAY more beautiful in person." I gave her a gentle smile, as I slowly put my hand out. She seemed really surprised by all that. She was eyeing us cautiously few a few minutes, but we held our ground. After a few moments, I guess she found what she was looking for. She finally smiled, and shook my hand. "Wow, strong grip there. Nice."

Kagami - "Thank you. And please, you can call me Kagami."

Saya - "You're welcome. And you can call me Saya."

Kagami - "A pleasure Swift Arrow." She had a fox like smile.

Saya - "Oh you little Vixin hahaha!" She laughed a bit at that. That's good. I introduced Alex and Kenny to her. "By the way, this is my brother in everything but blood, Alex."

Alex - "Hey. Nice to meet you." They shook hands. "Saya's right. You DO have a strong grip. That's good."

Kagami - "A pleasure. And thanks."

Alex - "You're welcome." I went up to Kenny, and hugged him from behind.

Saya - "And this here, is my very sweet soulmate, Kenny. Say hey hon."

Kenny - "(Hey hon.)" I lightly smacked his arm for that one.

Saya - "Oh quit being cheeky you." All of us were giggling. That's good.

Kenny - "(Awe, but you still love me.)"

Saya - "Yes. Yes I do. So very much." I hugged him, and he hugged back. I can tell that she saw the love we have for each other. After a bit, I introduced the others from our little slowly growing group. I pointed at the Winnie the Pooh. "That's Stan, my younger cousin." Then I pointed at the fat ass. "That's Eric Cartman, but everyone just calls him Cartman. Unless you're mad at him, and call him Eric." She glared at him cause of his costume. *sigh* "Yeah. We know. Blame Principal Victoria for THAT. They think he's a fucking ghost, but he ain't." She raised an eyebrow when she heard the slight growl in my voice, Alex gently squeezing my left shoulder, and Kenny gently squeezing my arms. Both trying to calm me down. After a calming breathe, I introduced her to ONE of HER soulmates. "And that there, is Kyle. The mad solar system." Now THAT got her attention. We knew it would too. She faintly whispered his name, make me, Alex, and Kenny smile.

Pete cleared his throat.

Kagami - "Oh! Sorry. This is Pete, my older brother."

Saya - "Hey Pete my man. How's it going? Dark, and dreary as always?" We fist pumped.

Pete - "Yes. Always. How's my fellow Necromancer⁴?"

Saya - "That's good. I'm glad. And I'm doing just fine actually."

Pete - "Very. And I'm glad too."

Everyone else was really shocked by what just happened.

Saya/Pete - "What? We've been hanging out for a while now." We both smirked and chuckled a bit. Alex, Kenny, and Pete introduced themselves to each other.

Clyde - "Brainnns. Ahh."

Alex - "Oh shit." We all looked to see Clyde.

Clyde attacks Bebe, attempting to eat her brains.

Bebe - "Ahhh!"

Mr. Garrison - "Wait your turn Clyde."

Saya - "Fuck!" I ran, and yanked him off. But I got scratched by him when I threw him back. "Shit!"

Alex/Kenny - "Saya!"/"(Saya!)" They ran over to me to make sure I was okay. Alex with his mini emergency kit already out and ready.

Kenny - "(Shit! Are you okay!?)" Fuck, he's starting to panic a bit. And Alex was already cleaning the scratch.

Saya - "Yeah Kenny. I'm okay. It's just a-" I hisses in pain when Alex put the alcohol on it. "Shit that hurts!"

Alex - "Sorry. But I'm trying to clean it."

Saya - "Yes, but for now on, give me a fucking warning damn it!"

Alex - "Sorry."

Saya - *Annoyed sigh* "As I was saying, it's just a scratch. So it won't effect me. BUT, if I was BIT, then it'll be a whole nother problem all together. Right?" I can already feel it effecting me. Now normally I'm COMPLETELY immune to it. But for some reason, this time I'm not. And thankfully only Alex can see that.

Alex - "Right." Kenny just nodded his head still unsure. Poor kid.

Outside Chef's House. Somebody jumps out from behind a bush.


Johnson - "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuhh!"

Chef - "Ah! Damn Johnson, what the hell's gotten into you?"

Johnson - "Piiink eyyye."

Chef - "Get the hell out of here Johnson! I don't want no god damn pink eye!"

Chef closes the door and sits down to watch TV.

News 4 Special Report, referring to Mir's crash landing.

Tom - "...And the President responded to the incident by saying, quote, "Screw those Commie bastards, and screw their little wussy space station.""

The backdrop shifts to a pair of pink eyes.

Tom - "In other news, a pink eye epidemic is now sweeping the town of South Park. Here with a live report is a midget wearing a bikini."

Cut to Midget, behind which zombies are shown ransacking the town.

Midget - "Thanks Tom, already more than half the townspeople here in South Park have been infected with the pink eye virus."

Zombies are shown attacking another townsperson, and generally ransacking South Park.

Midget - "Symptoms include a complete loss of heart functions, blood pressure, lung activity, and of course, sticky puffy eyes."

Chef - "Pink eye my ass. I've seen this kind of thing before."

Continues in part 2.


¹ = The rabbit cloud is from the books Alice in zombieland by Gena Showalter. And it's a warning Alice's late baby sister gives her that means zombies are coming that night. I liked it so much that I figured that I'll use it. Plus it DOES fit. Does it not? Lol.

² = Blue ice is slippery, causing most entities to slide, including items. It is even more slippery (0.989) than ice or packed ice (0.98). This allows for increased speed of items in water currents by placing the blue ice under the water current. Mobs do not travel faster in water currents on blue ice. And EXTREMELY cold.

³ = Japanese Geisha (芸者) or geigi (芸妓) are traditional female Japanese entertainers. They are skilled at different Japanese arts, like playing classical Japanese music, dancing and poetry. Some people believe that geisha are prostitutes, but they are not. ... Another term for a geisha is geiko (芸子). This word is mainly used in Kyoto.

⁴ = Necromancer is a person who practices necromancy; the way of the dead basically.

(7800 words minus this.)

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