Two Sides Of A Serial Killer...

De Aurora_thoughts

12.9K 917 461

He kills people for pleasure. She kills people for work. He has a dark past, she has secrets. He is fascin... Mai multe

☠️ Preface🔪
1: The Club
2: Spin The Bottle
3: You're Welcome
4: Thirst For Freedom
5: End Of The Night
6: Devil's Lair
7: Thanks But No Thanks
8: Whiskey Neat
9: The Hawk
10: Poor Little Fingers
11: Voodoo Magic
12: Devil In Disguise
13: Rest In Piece
14: Seal The Deal
15: The Right Justice
16: A Cup Of Keir
17: Double Trouble
18: Unclassified
19: Deadly Sleep
20: Gorgeous
21: Mutual
22: Night Dreamer
23: Ephialtes
25: Post Vacation Blues
26: Insurgent Killer
27: Ultimate Ruin
28: Make Sense
29: Push And Pull
30: Woke Up Hurting
31: The Zebra
32: Endure The Risk
33: Not Today
34: The Biggest Mistake
35: Highs Too High
36: Lows Too Low
37: Move On
38: It's Over
☯︎ Epilogue - Two Sides ☯︎
Cast And Aesthetics ❣︎

24: Precarious

202 18 8
De Aurora_thoughts

Keir admired Selene as the sunlight hit her dishevelled hair from behind, glowing like golden threads.

In the last night's hurry he forgot to close the blinds of the glass wall though he won't mind the beauty that it created.

He previously had trouble sleeping at night with nightmares every now and then. Since he revisited the nightmare, he was sure that he would experience them again.

He didn't want Selene to see a sweat drenched gasping mess in the middle of the night. So he decided not to sleep altogether.

A slow smile formed on his lips reminiscing everything that happened in his room. He wished they could stay here a little longer and not go back to Downtown.

Pulling out his hand beneath her back, he tucked a hair strand out of her face. His fingers lingered over her cheek, running featherly along her cheekbone. She was a beauty to withhold.

He came across many women who are criminals but never met someone like her. Then again, he tossed the thought away, comparing her to them is an insult to her.

He wondered how she managed to work with those brutal men like Haden and stay in one piece. If anything he knew, she is very strong at heart and mind.

Keir leaned over, softly pecking her pouty lips. It's a peculiar way to sleep, he thought.

He ended up waking her up. She stirred and groggily opened her eyes to find the handsome killer smiling at her. Last night's events jogged up her memory, comforting her that everything was real and not just a sweet dream.

"You're awake?" She croaked out.

He didn't answer, he was too busy watching her.

"You didn't sleep, did you?" She answered for him.

He responded with a slight shake of his head, still smiling.

"Why are you smiling?" She asked, feeling her lips curve into a smile as well.

His smile just grew more. He was busy imprinting this scene before him in his mind, making sure he would never forget it.

Selene closed his eyes with her palm, "Stop..." She giggled.

He chuckled and laid beside her, reluctantly staring at the ceiling. It was Selene's turn to look at him but his smile was gone now, replaced by a thin line. She propped up on her elbows placing a concerned look.

"I was thirteen when I knew something was wrong with me," He said suddenly.

Selene sat up crossing her legs and listened to him attentively.

"After that incident, I went mute. Mom and grandma were concerned. They tried everything, therapy, hospitals but I didn't speak. I couldn't." He spoke, still staring at the ceiling.

"Then one day mum was rushed to hospital. She was in labour with Jenny. I was so scared that I would lose her too. I was angry-" He paused and looked at her, "I wanted to hurt Jenny, as I was convinced that she is behind this problem. After a half day long struggle, Jenny came to this world. I went into their room. Mom was tired and asleep. Jenny was in a crib beside her-"

Selene stiffened not really sure what to expect next.

"I pulled her out of the crib and walked out of the room. I was determined to toss her away, anywhere. My quick movements woke her up and she watched me with her big eyes." He paused, a small smile grew on his lips.

"Her beautiful eyes reminded me of my mother. Not the rapist, not that terrible night. Just my mom. She gave me an innocent smile oblivious to the plans I had in my mind.

Then I thought for a moment. Why am I punishing her for what they did? What difference is there between me and them? I questioned myself and at that moment, I decided that I will never hurt her ever again.

I parted my lips and spoke for the first time in one year, I'll protect you always, little sister." Keir gave a half smile, looking lost.

Selene felt her eyes moistened listening to the torment he had gone through. She placed a hand on his thigh and patted in support.

"You stood by your word, Keir. You protected her." She tried to cheer him up.

He shook his head with a sad smile, "That's where I was wrong." He sighed and continued, "Next few years were a delight after the grief we had been through. I thought I moved past my grief. I thought I got better, but I was wrong. I never forgot what happened that night. It was there, deep in my mind.

I was thirteen when I started having nightmares at night. The things that I thought I forgot came back since I know what's murder and what's rape by then. Slowly it became more clear of what happened to my family. I was in shock again but this time it was more malignant than the last time.

One night I woke up to our dog barking, I still remember that night, Brute wouldn't shut up. It went on and on for an hour. I walked out of my room and got down to Brute's kennel. I looked into his eyes and I killed him. Just like that." He stopped, the silence that followed was deafening.

Selene's breath quickened. She gulped trying not to indulge too much into his grief or she would end up carrying a burden that is not her responsibility.

"And after that it was all chaos. The feeling was surreal and the rush was addictive. I started getting into fights, hurting my peers. I didn't want to, I desired to. At first I thought it was temporary, a way to deal with my grief but slowly my urges were turning darker. I was scared that I would hurt my family next.

The only thing that they needed to be protected from was me. So I went off to a boarding school. It was tough, I was a lone kid. No one talked to me, they were scared to mess with me. This went on for a few years and then I joined college. The freedom was sudden and overwhelming. It was then that I knew I can torture humans and kill them. And that I find solace in it." He scoffed to himself. He looked frustrated.

"And then I never stopped, I was a notorious serial killer quicker than I knew." He laughed drily.

"How come your family never knew?" Selene asked, even though she had hunch how that was possible.

"I never gave them a chance to see me like this. The only time I was caught was the cop massacre, lucky for me the news never made it into their ears."

"What about the other murders?" Selene asked. He must have killed approximately ten or more before that incident.

"You know how I kill, Selene. No bodies-"

"No murder." Selene completed the line for him, gulping the growing discomfort in her neck.

He nodded, "There is no actual evidence to connect me to the murders. No one knows how an Angel wings killer looks like. Well, not the general people anyway." He shrugged.

Selene heart thumped, when he suggested that the intelligence agencies, like in which Selene works might know what he looks like.

"It's a good thing right? You kill criminals and protect women." She tried to lighten the situation.

He raised an eyebrow at her a little amused, "What makes you think, I never killed women?"

Blood left from her face, instinctively she leaned back which did not go unnoticed by him.

He sighed, casting his eyes down ashamed, "It was my initial phase. I was figuring out my urges then. I didn't know who or why I killed. I was precarious. As I recall, I killed around three women when I was nineteen, I think." He gulped. It was clear that those weren't his best times.

"One day as I was walking down the streets in search of a victim. I came across a woman pinned down by a couple of men-" He gritted, closing his eyes to calm himself down. "She was being raped."

"At that moment, I was nine again. All I saw was my mom and her rapists-" His voice broke.

"I ran towards them and killed the men. I saved her, Selene." He looked at her with pain. "I felt like I saved Mom. It was when I decided that I would never lay a hand on women or girls ever again. In fact I would never deliberately kill an innocent again.

From then on, I had a motive. I started searching for criminals, mafia, rapists in every city that I went. I planned death beds for every man, every night and I killed every one of them with pleasure." He seethed, proudly.

Selene understood that Keir saw his mom in those damned women and the murderers in those criminals he killed. He believed that what he did was right and so his urge to elusively clear up the world from the sinners grew more and more everyday.

He killed four men in those two weeks she met him. At this pace, he could have killed more than what the estimated records suggest. He might be the next top serial killer in the world.

But Selene didn't want to believe that. She didn't want to believe that a nine year old that cried his life out upon his dad's body is capable of killing hundreds of them.

Selene was pulled out her thoughts when Keir touched her arm, calling her.

When she looked at him, all she could see was a nine year old going through a terrible past, a teenager left alone in a boarding school, a college student with uncertainties. Most importantly she saw a man that looked at her with nothing but good in his eyes. A man that killed a cop just because he disrespected her.

"I know you have doubts about my judgement-" She cut him off, leaning over kissing off his words.

He stiffened in astonishment but soon eased in. He pulled her on top of him, taking everything that she gave him.

Despite what NIA believes, they don't know what this criminal had gone through. They saw him murdering humans, she saw him bringing justice. They don't know him but now she does.

At that moment, her scales of what's right and what's wrong had gone off balance. She didn't care. If she had to hand him over to NIA, she will but she won't regret not kissing him at this moment.

They pulled back, catching their breaths.

"What was that for?" He asked, leaning his forehead over hers.

Selene shrugged, "Just felt like it."

He grinned pulling her close but Selene pushed him away with a mock glare.

"You said you don't kill women, then why did you bring me to the shed along with Will?" She folded her hands, demanding an explanation.

Keir scratched his neck, "I wanted to see you again, after our brief eye-encounter at the club." He chuckled.

She widened her eyes at him, "You made me a victim, just to see me?!"

He laughed, throwing his head back, there it was, that addictive laugh again. "I did." He admitted.

"What if Drake killed me? You are a psycho! " She glared at him, really offended by his weird moves to meet a girl.

"I wouldn't let him." He whispered and leaned over her, pushing her on the bed. "And yes, I am. What will you do, Angel?" He smirked.

Selene's tongue was caught at his sexy move. She just glared at him showing that she is mad but all it did was amuse him more.

"Keir breakfast is ready!" The door suddenly opened and came in Sasha with a bright smile. The smile was short lived when she saw them canoodling in his bed.

"Oh!" She froze.

Selene and Keir got up sitting upright. Luckily they stopped last night or she would've seen them naked.

"Perhaps I should come later?" Selene could have sworn that she threw a teased look at Keir.

"Mmhmm." Keir nodded.

"Shall I bring the breakfast and coffee for you both?" Sasha who was suddenly nicer, asked.

"Yeah." Keir nodded, scratching his head.

"No wait!" Selene called after her.

"Just the coffee. We will join you for breakfast." Selene gave a tight smile to her.

Sasha placed a smile as well, "Okay. Two cups of coffee, coming up!" She snapped her fingers and went off.

"Why can't we just have breakfast here?" He asked, annoyed.

"Because we are leaving in a few hours and I'd love to have one last lively breakfast with your family again." Selene got up from the bed before he could pull her back and laughed when he pouted.

She stretched her arms and legs, feeling them turn stiff from sleeping in a new bed.

She turned around when she felt his scorching gaze directed at her. He was staring at her and she mentally noted that she should get used to his dead stares.

"Quit staring at me like that."

His face relaxed into a smirk, "Like what?"

She rolled her eyes, "I'm going to take a shower." 

"In my room." She added when his smirk grew.

"I can help with that." He teased.

Pulling open the door she shot him a dirty look, "Over my dead body."

"I can help with that too." He yelled behind the closed door.

She shook her head, smiling at his goofiness and made her way to her room.


"I'm gonna miss you so much, Keir!" Grandma squeezed the life out of him, which was not less than a deadly hug.

Keir who looked unaffected by the pressure, just laughed at Grandma for getting all emotional. "I promise I'll visit more often."

"You better." She warned wiping her moistened eyes.

He turned to his mom and hugged her, whispering something in her ears. It sounded like 'please don't forget to take care of yourself'.

He pulled Jenny into their hug and kissed the top of her head, "No partying after midnight." He warned to which his sister responded with a tantrum.

"Sash!" He opened his arms and hugged her, sweeping her off the ground and placing her back down.

"I'll call you." He said.

Selene's attention was shifted from them to Grandma when she called her. "Moon!"

"You visit again, you understand?" She warned.

"Uh yeah sure."

"Come here." She pulled Selene suddenly, engulfing her into an unexpected hug.

"Group hug!" Jenny yelled and soon Olivia and her joined. Laughing at them, Sasha joined along.

"What? Without me?" Keir frowned at them.

"This is an only girls zone." Sasha teased him.

"Since when Grandma is a girl?" Keir retorted.

"You little brat! Come here." Grandma scared him with her walking stick but Keir took off with their luggage, laughing.

"Come." Sasha pulled Selene and they walked slowly hand in hand towards the car.

"I'm guessing he told you about his past?" Sash said when Keir and everyone was out of ear shot.

"He did." Selene admitted feeling a little proud.

"I'm sorry if I came out a bit bitchy at first. I've known him since we were kids. Overprotectiveness is the side effect of it, I'm afraid. I just want what's best for him. I'm trusting that's you since he trusted you with his past."

Selene had an urge to scoff at the moment. If anything, plotting with NIA to catch him for good, is not what's best for him. But she smiled nevertheless.

They soon hit the highway and were on their way to the shithole again. Once they go back, will it be the same as it was before? They both didn't have an answer to that. Would they want to go back like they were before? They didn't have an answer to that either.

"It's not fair, you know?" Keir said suddenly.

"What's not?"

"I told you everything about myself but you gave me nothing about you."

Selene gave a chuckle, "What about me? You know everything about me."

No, he doesn't, Selene thought.

"No, I don't. I know nothing about you except that you work for Haden and that you are addicted to my coffee." He gave her a pointed look.

Selene dreaded this situation might come.

"We had enough time travelling into the past for one day. Some other time, maybe?" She bit her lip, hoping he would give up.

He sighed and nodded.

Selene was relieved. It's not that she didn't want to tell him about her past. She didn't want to tell him a past where she had to omit the truth about NIA, which was the life turning moment for her.

If a miracle happens, maybe a day will come when she can tell him without fearing her cover to be blown. If not, the past will be in her past like it always has been.

Soon they reached Downtown and Keir dropped her at her house.

Opening her door, silence and loneliness met her again, her all time best friends. She made her way to the room but stopped when she heard her phone vibrate from the drawer beneath the coffee table.

She left her phone in here deliberately, so that it won't be tracked to her actual location. She didn't expect any calls but guess she was wrong.

There were four missed calls from Haden and three from NIA. She dialled Haden's number first.


"Where were you? I called you like ten times!"

"Four times, Haden." She corrected him. "What is it?"

"Need to discuss business. Come over."

"Yeah, alright I'll be there in an hour."

"Why an hour?" His question vexed her.

"For fucks sake! If you've waited this long and might as well wait an hour more!" She yelled and hung up.

She let out a string of curses, which were helpful to calm her down. There's something in this fucking town that squeezed out the sanity in her.

Calming herself, she dialled NIA.


"Where were you?" Ashton's voice came from the other side. She was expecting Thindrel.

"Where does my location say?" She snapped.

"Your home." He said, confused.


Sighing, he spoke, "Chief asks for a meeting."

Selene pinched her nose bridge, "Yeah. I'll be there."

"When?" He asked.

This scumbag of a Junior Thindrel!

"Unfortunately, Haden— your long term pain in my ass requested my presence in an hour. I'll be there as soon as I'm done with him. Is that okay with you, Sir?"

Selene was so vexed that her dry sarcasm managed to scare the shit of that Junior agent.

"Yeah. Yeah. OK. Whatever." He stammered and hung up.

Tossing her phone on the couch forcefully. She let out a groan of frustration.

It hasn't been a minute since she came back and everyone is already reminding her what had to be done.

There's a long day ahead for Selene.


Ugh! Back to Downtown and shit started spiralling again!

The vacation is over and from now it's all business.

Let's see what awaits for Selene.

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