Beyond the Realms of Reason (...

By Miracle-the-Fangirl

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A human from our world gets teleported to the trollhunters show. Now they must find a way home without destro... More

A New World
Figuring Things Out
A Friendly Visit and an OtherWordly Call
HeartStone TrollMarket
A Heroes Merit
Trollhunters Woes
Gnome Hunters
Reposting this from another Chapter
Hi this is important
Shrinking Solves Everything
CreepSlayerz X Reader?
Small Issue
A Decision to Make
Waka Chaka
I started a Ko-Fi!!!
Goblins and Changelings
Guys I'm Alive, Chill

Magic Musings

2.8K 103 51
By Miracle-the-Fangirl

  It was the next day and the boys would be here soon. Vendel had stayed with you for the night and had done his best to care for you. He tried to make you as comfortable as possible when he realized stone wasn't good for humans to sleep on like it was for trolls but in all honesty he was just hoping for the best. He didn't know a lot about your kind. Adjusting the pillows he'd ordered be brought to him and pulling a warm blanket he'd found over you he hums.

  The orange glow of the HeartStone reflected off your skin making you appear ethereal. Your hair was a mess and you had bags under your eyes but Vendel wasn't concerned with your looks at the moment. Watching carefully he heard your soft breathing observing that the blanket he'd put over you shifted as your chest rose and fell. He assumed if you were breathing your heart was beating so he had to believe you were just sleeping.

  As he was checking your pulse to confirm your heart was indeed beating there was a loud door slam. Huffing already knowing who it was he frowned rolling his eyes. Loud footsteps are heard and a moment later Blinky and Aarrrgh burst into his study disturbing his care for you.

 "Great gorgons! Are they dead?" Blinky demands as Vendels door slams into the wall. Snorting in annoyance Vendel turns not like being interrupted as the two rush towards him. This was the hundreth time in the last 24 hours they'd barged in demanding updates when he had none. 

 He couldn't blame them but it was frustrating none the less.

  He continues holding your hand and hums at your steady pulse. It was slow but there. You were indeed alive just as he'd suspected.

 Stone ground against stone and as Vendel looked up Blinky was nervously fidgeting with all four hands as his six eyes stared at you. He had lamented many times now that he was worried you weren't going to wake up depsite your discovered powers. Aarrrgh also had anxieties about you. The brute had admitted to Vendel that he was was terrified Toby and Jim would have to say goodbye to you and that you'd be another loss in this endless war.

 Vendels only worry was they were stunting your recovery by barging in and visiting for the upteenth time. You needed quiet. You needed rest. And they were the loudest trolls he'd every met. 

 "Aarrrghamont Blinkous. I already told you. When they wake I will inform you. It's almost time but they are still resting. Leave them be." He scolds gently laying your arm down next to your body.

 You had a pulse. You were breathing. There were no fractures in your skull and your wound thanks to your newfound magic had closed and healed. Surely you would wake soon and all would be fine. But if they kept disrupting your rest you'd never wake. 

 Blinky rushes forward seeing Vendels done. Blinkous grabs the hand Vendel was just holding, double checking the elder trolls work. He feels for a pulse in the wrong place and looks at Vendel unsure. Vendel signed tired as Blinky continued to fumble looking for a pulse panicked. Watching the troll closely Vendel saw Blinkies overalls were dishelved and he looked like an utter mess as he stood there close to sobbing. His hair was tussled as if he'd been pulling at it and his horns were unsharpened.

 "Vendel are you sure-" Blinkous questions. Vendel glares and Blinky stiffens grip tightening on your arm while Aarrrgh chuffs behind him. 

 Taking a deep breath and pinching his nose Vendel taps his staff twice. Blinky and Aarrrgh shut up staring at Vendel with wide eyes. 

 "Blinkous. They are fine. They have a pulse. They have brain activity. Their heart is still beating. Their body is healed. They are just resting after overextending themselves." He states for the thousandth time.

  Blinky opens his mouth but Vendel taps his staff again making the talkative troll fall silent. "Leave them be and let them heal. The mage is fine just sleeping after their first use of magic." He states firmly. "It's been awhile since I've seen a mage in action but the first time they use magic is the strongest burst they will experience in their life. As a child it makes them a bit sleepy but soon their bodies adjust. Since their first use of magic happened later in life and in a traumatic experience they will be resting longer. But I assure you they are just resting and should wake up fine." He hums. Aarrrgh chuffs seeming unconvinced and lays his head on your stomach. He nuzzles your body concerned and whines softly. Vendel signs tired watching as your pillows and blankets get shifted.  

 "Blinky. Aarrrgh. Go to the pub. Go prepare for the Trollhunters lesson. Go do something!" He instructs waving his hand towards the door. "Just leave. I promise you they'll wake soon they just need to sleep this off." He huffs pushing Blinky and Aarrrgh towards the exit. "When they wake you will be the first to know. Trust me." Vendel promises before kicking them out of his study and locking the now damaged door.

 Aarrrgh goes to protest but guards thankfully lead them away allowing a peaceful silence to settle.

 Huffing he sits back in his chair and stares at your unconcious form. When you woke you'd probably have more than a few questions so he might as well enjoy the quiet he can get now.  

 "... You are a lot of trouble." He murmered before he paused. Walking over he signs and pulls your blanket back up where Aarrrgh had dragged it down. He hums and rearranges your pillows as well making sure you'd wake up warm and comfortable. "I sincerely hope your worth it." He hums tapping your forehead before settling back into his chair. 

 He had a feeling you were. But he wouldn't say that aloud. Not yet.


  You wake up feeling strange. Your head is dizzy and you aren't sure where you are or what's happened but something feels off. Blinking, orange light fills your vision. You whine fingers instinctively grabbing your covers only to realize their not your covers.

 Head still reeling you try and stay calm as your eyes struggle to focus. The orange is less bright but your vision is still blurry and your surroundings are fuzzy at best.

 Where were you? What was going on? Your head throbs and your surroundings are unfamiliar leaving you on edge.

 ".... Hello?" You ask softly. Your voice is strained and you feel exhausted as vague memories drift in and out of your mind. You can't make sense of them and you don't try to as you blink feeling nauseous. Trying to focus, your eyesight remains poor and the sounds around you are all muffled. Where were you? You can't remember.

 "Your awake." Closing your eyes and slowly shifting on what feel like a stone table you groan. Opening your eyes again you see a fuzzy outline of Vendel surrounded by intense orange light. He appeared to be in a chair on the opposite side of the room reading what looked like a book. You close your eyes nodding at his statement, throat hurting to much to speak again. You listen to a distant thump as he places the book down and quiet tapping as he begins walking over to you. 

 You feel yourself relax as you vaguely remember him carrying you to his study.

  You're safe in the HeartStone. It's blurry but you remember being dragged here after you got hurt but the details escape you. Something about Jim and Draal and a burst of light? So much yelling and outrage but you don't know why. Grunting you try and block it out, it just made your head hurt. 

 "How are you feeling?" Vendel asks softly. His hand goes over your forehead and the cold stone feels nice against your flushed skin. Your more alert now and opening your eyes again, your vision is slowly clearing as everything begins to focus. 

 "..." You raise your hands looking at them and then look back to Vendel. Your heads still fuzzy and you can barely think but you have an idea of what happened. You also had dream like memories that took place after you passed out.

 Contemplating what to say, Vendel waits for an answer. Thinking you open your mouth before closing it. You swallow throat still feeling sore.

  "I..." Your unsure what to say and it burns forcing yourself too speak so you close your mouth again.

   Vendels eyes meet yours and their warm despite his intial cold behavior towards you. You find the words you want and push them out through gritted teeth. "... what am I? How did...?" You mumble trying to get answers despite the pain in your system. You cough feeling light headed and Vendel looks concerned.

 He hums and quickly walking away he comes back. You watch as he holds up a bottle with what appears to be sludge in it. 

 "Drink this." He mumbles and you agree chugging whatever he wants you too. He tilts the jar back and you quickly drink what's inside. The taste of old earth, honey, and sharp mint fills your mouth making you flinch.

   He pulls the jar away and you feel your chest get lighter as your head begins to clear. The pain in your body slowly dulls and you blink processing how you feel.

 "What did...?" You question softly confused by the sudden change. 

 "An elixir to give you energy. Can you move without pain?" He demands. Swallowing you nod and slowly flex your fingers before moving your feet back and forth. You felt less sore now. Vendel hums again watching you with curious eyes before nodding. 

 "Good. You'll live." He states. Your nose crinkles as you stare at him.

 "Was there a doubt?" He chuckles and you swallow nervously at his sick sense of humor. Leaning up he pushes a pillow behind your head to prop you up. Shifting in the soft things you look up at Vendel concerned. 

 You remembered what happened now or at least you think you do. There was a blast of light and it came from you. "Vendel what am I...?" He walks away avoiding the question.

 "You've been out for almost an entire day. You're going to be sore for awhile once the elxir fades however once the pain fades after that there shouldn't be any lasting effects." Nodding still confused your hand touches the back of your once throbbing head. Pulling away there's no blood, no wound. You don't know what's happened or how your healed but miraculously you were. 

 "... H-how...?" You mumble. Vendel snorts seeming annoyed at your endless questions but you needed to know what happened. 

 "I healed you or more accurately you healed yourself. There should be no lasting brain damage and your skull is still intact. Humans and their breakable bones..." He murmers before he begins organizing his shelves.

 You listen to the clinks and clanks of bottles and pause. You blink and remember floating over your body, watching Vendel do what he is now. The sound bounces against your skull filling your ears as memories that are yours but aren't fill your mind.

 Groaning in pain grabbing at your head wanting ot to stop Vendel pauses. Turning he rushes towards you staff tapping the ground as he does so. God that dumb tapping, it was worse than the clinking at this point.

 "(Y/N)?" He questions and you grunt head spinning. The memories stopped when the sound ceased but it left you feeling strange. It was so vivid it couldn't just be a dream but... you were floating? Above yourself? Seeing things outside your body. It just wasn't possible, was it? So many things didn't make sense. Was it you? Was something wrong with you? 

 Vendels hands are gentle as he carefully probes you. You wince and he stops flinching. 

 "(Y/N) what's wrong?" He asks softly. You lower your hands and feel tears in your eyes. You feel insane. It wasn't possible and yet you still remember what it felt like for someone to go through you. You touch Vendels hand but he's solid. He's here. You're okay. 

 "... Vendel can... can I get up?" You ask softly. You don't want to be laying down anymore, you wanted to get up. You wanted some control back.

   The goat man looks a little alarmed but seeing the distress on your face and hearing it in your voice he nods agreeing.

 Slowly pushing yourself off the makeshift bed you feel nauseous. Letting out a whine Vendel scolds you telling you to pace yourself.

  Now sitting up his hand is against your back for support. Taking a deep breath in you shift throwing your legs over the table ledge. Looking at Vendel he hums and you nod pushing yourself off. Your legs are numb but with Vendels support and your hand on the slab your able to stand. 

  Steadying yourself feeling better you smile at him and he gently rubs your back. Your knees are shaking but you ignore that and look at Vendel needing some answers. 

 "How are you feeling?" He questions giving you his arm to grip onto. You feel the grooves of his arm as you cling tightly to him to remain upright. 

 "Better." You hum. You weren't as dizzy but still felt woozy and your legs were like rubber.  Vendel nods looking relieved and slowly the pins and needles in your legs fade as you begin to steady.

 "Do you remember what happened?" He asks softly. You stiffen thinking back.

 Jim was in danger. You grabbed an axe. You charged. There was a flash of light. You hit a wall. Black but then waking up? Being awake but not? Floating? Watching everything from an outside perspective. You thought you were dead... Whatever that was it wasn't normal. You weren't normal. 

 "... Vendel... what am I?" You ask again and he sighs softly. The light seemed dim in the HeartStone as his face falls and you swallow worried.

 "(Y/N)..." He leads you to a chair and gestures for you to sit. Doing so albeit recludentally he takes a deep breath. "You're are what's called a mage." He states. Tilting your head looking confused he takes a deep breath and continues. "At least that's what I believe you to be." He explains slowly. Your nose crinkles up as you look at him confused.

 "What's a mage?" Vedel hums and takes out a book opening it and placing it in your lap. You realize you've seen it before and pause. Blinky had looked over this while he sat next to you. Vendel had used the word mage then as well but you still didn't understand. Looking up at Vendel he nods towards the book. 

  Glancing down at the pages the trollish flashes gold before becoming your foreign tongue. You can now read the words with ease but your worried about what they'll say. Vendel hums tapping the page.

 "A mage young (Y/N) is a human with magical abilities. Witches, Wizards, Mages. They are one in the same." He explains pointing at the top passage.

 Looking down you see a woman and man in  cloaks both doing a spell. Runes covered the page and various facts about your kind and your history filled the book.

 Tracing the golden letters you feel a slight zing. Blinking at the feeling you think of Vendels words before pausing. 

 "Wait if I'm a mage why hasn't anything like this happened before?" Toby and Jim would know right? You may be from another world but surely they'd mention something like that?

  Vendel clicks his chin humming in thought. 

 "Well you see my theory is seeing Jim in danger evoked a very powerful emotional response. Being surrounded by magical creatures also may have sparked your powers." He explains. You hum thinking of Bular calling you mage and seeing the changelings true forms. 

 It was all starting to make sense but it still didn't explain how you got in this world. Confused and looking for answers you begin flipping through the pages before loud bangs jolt you. Looking at Vendel shocked he shook his head.

 "Blinky and Aarrrgh have been concerned about you. I assume that's them." He states walking towards the door. "I'm coming! I'm coming don't break down my door!" Vendel orders.

  Getting off the chair and watching him when he opens the door Jim and Toby run past him too you. At the door Blinky taps his fingers nervously and Aarrrgh smiles sheepishly. Vendel grunts unamused but chuffs seeing the kids. 

 He opens the door and Blinky walks in with Aarrrgh. Giving you all some privacy he decides to leave for now. 

 "(Y/N)!!!" Getting tackled by Toby you hug him close as Jim squeezes you from behind.

 "You're okay!!!" Jim shouts. You smile nodding at the two of them. Tears fill your eyes and you smile laughing in joy as you hug them back.

  Feeling stone wrap around you you cry out as Aarrrgh scoops you all up chuffing.

 "Hey big guy!" You greet happily making him purr.

 "Okay." He rumbles nuzzling you and you nod smiling at him.

 "Still a little dizzy but I'm okay." You assure making the troll happy. He slowly puts you down and you lean against him. Blinky pauses and walks up to you slowly.

 "(Y/N) I..." Charging at him you jump into his open arms. "... Great gorgons you're alright..." He mumbles holding you close. You nod and he smiles squeezing you close. His overalls pinch your skin but you don't care as you squeeze him close. Pulling away he brushes your hair out of your face and smiles. "You charged Draal with an axe." He states chuckling.

 "Yeah I did." You state smiling at him. 

 "With a bloody axe." He mumbles shaking his head as he keep laughing. 

 "Yep." You respond beginning to laugh yourself. 

 "You knocked him over." He states clasping your shoulders with his hands and shaking you.

 "I did?" You ask excited. You did? You don't remember that! 

 "You did! And Master Jim challenged him for your honor!" Blinky says proudly. Eyes wide you pause.

 "Wait what?" You demand worried.  

  Turning away from Blinky Jim chuckles rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

 "You what?" You glare at him and he chuckles.

 "I challenged Draal to a rematch...?" He says unsure. You groan and he smiles sheepishly while Toby snickers. 

 "When?" You question and he shifts looking nervous. 

 "A week. Rematch in the Forge." Toby says hunching over and copying Draals deep voice. Snorting you chuckle. God you can't be mad at them even if they are stupid sometimes. 

 "Don't die." You state glaring at Jim playfully. He nods before his eyes light up.

  "Oh I have this for you." He hums taking something out from his backpack. Holding the paper he hands you your thumb brushes over the words. Romeo and Juliet.

  Right rehearsal.

 "I forgot I got the part..." It was only two days ago and yet it felt like weeks ago. Everything was happening so fast. You weren't sure what to do now. "What did you tell Miss Janeth? She's not mad is she? I have her math class." You state worried.

 "I said you were sick and she let it go. Eli filled in for you." Nodding you hold the script close before looking at Jim uneasy.

 "So Draal." You state. Jim hisses and you playfully hit his head with the script. "This." You state holding the script out. "Won't make me forget that after getting your ass kicked you decided going against him again was a good idea." You hum. 

 "I surrender. I surrender. Don't blast me don't blast me!" He states playfully as he dodges another hit from the rolled up script. 

 Jim hides behind Toby and you laugh trying to smack him again without Toby getting caught in the crossfire. 

 "Yes speaking of your declaration. Jim we should discuss the words you used. I did not know you were mates with (Y/N)." Your face scrutches up and you look Blinky confused.

 "Blinkous were not?" You state. Blinky tilts his head before pausing.

 "Oh. Oh dear. I assumed since Jim bet you that you two were..." He taps his fingers to each other. "Together?"

 "Wait he what?" Turning back towards Jim alarmed he looked as confused as you were.

 "Blinky what are you talking about?" Toby questions. 

 "Well you said for (Y/N) after you faced Draal. Did you not?" Blinky asks.

 "Well yeah for them. Like for their honor? What are you talking about?" Jim demands looking panicked. Blinky blinks before pausing fiddling with his handsnuneasy.

 "...  Well Jim in troll culture the way you phrased how you declared battle against Draal sounded like a dueling spar. You bet your life and honor for the hand of (Y/N)." Blinky elaborates. You turn away looking back at Jim.

 "What no! That's not what I-" He begins stuttering and Toby looks a mix between concerned and biting back his laughter.

 "YOU BET ME!!! AS IN YOU BET ME AS A PARTNER WITHOUT MY CONSENT!!!" You begin beating his arm and Jim does his best to defend himself holding up his arms. 

 Vendel had come in hearing the commotion. Jim looked at him before glancing at you.

 "Vendel tell me this doesn't count! I didn't know I meant for them like in that way! I wasn't referring to them as an object! I meant as a friend like for them, for their honor because of what happened." Vendel pinched his nose seeming done with everything.

 "Are you askimg to take back a rematch Trollhunter?" Jim nods looking hopeful and Vendel snorts insulted. "A rematch can not be undone hunter. What you have declared must now come to fruituation." Vendel states angry.

 "Well Jimbo looks like (Y/N)'s marrying a troll. (Y/N) so sorry for your loss." Toby states. Frowning you punch Tobies arm making him flinch before looking at Jim seriously.

 "You better start training." You state sighing. "Your going to win and were gonna show that jerk just what humans can do." Putting your hand in front of Jim he pauses before smiling relieved. He puts his hand on top of yours. Toby does the same and you laugh.

 "Team trollhunter?" You question and the boys nod.

 "Team Trollhunter!" Toby shouts raising his fist. Jim and you copy making the trolls snort. Laughing you push Jim towards the door. 

 "Come on you have to go to the Forge. If you lose to Draal I will never forgive you." You state giving him a shove.

 "I'm sorry! I got caught in the moment after I beat up Steve!" He states rushing out the door.

 "You what???" You demand.

 "Don't kill me. Don't kill me!" He begins running towards the Forge panicked, your about to follow but Vendel touches your shoulder stopping you.

 "A word alone?" He questions before looking at Aarrrgh and Blinkous. The trolls seem unsure but under Vendels glare they quickly leave, giving you and Vendel privacy as the others wait for you in the Forge. 

 Silence fills the room as the others leave. He in relief sighs before looking at you.

 "(Y/N) I'd like to give you an offer." Looking at Vendel confused he gets on his knees to be at your level. "You are very rare. Mages. Witches. Wizards. Any type of magic users are far and few inbetween in this modern world." He states. "As a mage you have the choice to use your magic now that it's been discovered. Or let it fade out of existence." Blinking surprised Vendel puts his hand on your shoulder. "I'd like you to learn magic. I can't teach you directly since I myself can't cast spells like you clearly can but I have books that can teach you. I know about potions and how magic develops in a mage. I can help you and show you how to make runes and answer your questions as you begin to hone your skills. As Jim learns to be a trollhunter you can learn to be a mage." Staring at Vendel in shock you look at your hands before nodding.

 "I'd like that." Smiling at you he gestures to the door. 

 "Go to your friends. Next time you come to Trollmarket I will be prepared." Vendel promises. Getting up you watch as he smiles at you.

 Feeling excited you beam as you run out of his study. You're going to help Jim beat Draal ans your going to learn how to do magic. 

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