The Mafia And His Queen

By Miss-Lynn

8.2M 189K 153K

β€’ Roxie is running away from her past with her seven year old daughter. After moving to a new city, she ends... More

Before You Read - πŸ–€
Chapter 1 - πŸ–€
Chapter 2 - πŸ–€
Chapter 3 - πŸ–€
Chapter 4 - πŸ–€
Chapter 5 - πŸ–€
Chapter 6 - πŸ–€
Chapter 7 - πŸ–€
Chapter 8 - πŸ–€
Chapter 9 - πŸ–€
Chapter 10 - πŸ–€
Chapter 11 - πŸ–€
Chapter 12 - πŸ–€
Chapter 13 - πŸ–€
Chapter 14 - πŸ–€
Chapter 15 - πŸ–€
Chapter 16 - πŸ–€
Chapter 17 - πŸ–€
Chapter 18 - πŸ–€
Chapter 19 - πŸ–€
Chapter 20 - πŸ–€
Chapter 21 - πŸ–€
Chapter 22 - πŸ–€
Chapter 23 - πŸ–€
Chapter 24 - πŸ–€
Chapter 25 - πŸ–€
Chapter 26 - πŸ–€
Chapter 27 - πŸ–€
Chapter 28 - πŸ–€
Chapter 29 - πŸ–€
Chapter 30 - πŸ–€
Chapter 31 - πŸ–€
Chapter 32 - πŸ–€
Chapter 33 - πŸ–€
Chapter 34 - πŸ–€
Chapter 35 - πŸ–€
Chapter 36 - πŸ–€
Chapter 37 - πŸ–€
Chapter 38 - πŸ–€
Chapter 39 - πŸ–€
Chapter 40 - πŸ–€
Chapter 41 - πŸ–€
Chapter 42 - πŸ–€
Chapter 43 - πŸ–€
Chapter 44 - πŸ–€
Chapter 45 - πŸ–€
Chapter 46 - πŸ–€
Chapter 47 - πŸ–€
Chapter 48 - πŸ–€
Chapter 49 - πŸ–€
Chapter 50 - πŸ–€
Chapter 51 - πŸ–€
Chapter 52 - πŸ–€
Chapter 53 - πŸ–€
Chapter 54 - πŸ–€
Chapter 55 - πŸ–€
Chapter 56 - πŸ–€
Chapter 57 - πŸ–€
Chapter 58 - πŸ–€
Chapter 59 - πŸ–€
Chapter 60 - πŸ–€
Chapter 61 - πŸ–€
Chapter 62 - πŸ–€
Chapter 63 - πŸ–€
Chapter 64 - πŸ–€
Chapter 65 - πŸ–€
Chapter 67 - πŸ–€
Chapter 68 - πŸ–€
Chapter 69 - πŸ–€
Chapter 70 - πŸ–€
Bonus Chapter - πŸ–€
New Book Announcement - πŸ–€

Chapter 66 - πŸ–€

67.3K 1.6K 1.5K
By Miss-Lynn

•Roxie's POV ~

* Five Months Later *

"Roxie, can you hold this for me?" Sebastian asks, while handing me his Capri Sun.

"Yeah, sure." I respond, before grabbing his drink from him. "Are you going back to play with Lily again?"

"Yes." He says, as he looks around the large yard and focuses his gaze on her. A large smile spreads across his face and he waves at me while running towards her. "Okay, bye!"

I shake my head and laugh to myself as I watch them both play with, Nico. A few moments pass by before Damon comes walking out of the house.

"What are you doing, baby?" He asks, as he takes a seat beside me.

"Watching the kids play with, Nico." I respond, never taking my eyes off of them.

Damon places his hand on my stomach, gently rubbing it, "And what's my baby boy doing?"

In that moment, at the sound of Damons voice, our baby boy starts kicking. A huge smile appears on Damon's face before he leans down and kisses my stomach. I watch as he rests his head on my belly and begins talking to our baby about random things.

Five months ago at the hospital, after Damon confirmed that Apricot was truly dead, Doctor Greene revealed the gender of our baby. Damon was of course beyond happy that we're going to have a boy.

When we told Lily that she's going to have a baby brother, she was just as excited as Damon was, if not more. I think she was mostly happy that she would still be the only princess.

I'm not sure how well they'll get along in a few years seeing as he gets excited every time Damon talks. Everyone knows that Lily is Damon's little princess. She loves him a lot and honestly, she spends more time with him than with me. Though, our baby boy seems to favorite Damon also.

"I love you, my little mafia prince." Damon says, right after he kisses my stomach.

"Do you realize that both of them like you more?" I ask, causing him to laugh.

"I'm sure that's not true, baby. When our son is born, he'll most likely be a mommas boy." He tells me, while wrapping an arm around my shoulders and giving me a kiss.

I lean into him and wait a couple of minutes before saying, "So, we've never talked about names yet."

He stares off into the yard, furrowing his eyebrows, "What names did you have in mind?"

I shrug my shoulders, "I don't know."

"Ohhh, are we talking about names for the baby?!" Charlotte asks, as she runs outside and jumps into a chair across from us.

Her twin sister, Sarah, left back home with their mother four months ago. Sarah was really helpful after the whole masquerade ball, but their mother just wanted to go back home so Sarah decided to go with her to take care of her.

Charlotte, however, didn't want to go back home with them. She said that her life was boring back home and over here, there's a lot more torture and killing going on.

Most days, it isn't difficult to notice that Charlotte misses being around Sarah, but doing jobs with Damon and the guys keeps her satisfied.

"We are, you're not." Damon responds, causing her to roll her eyes at him.

"Why not? I have an amazing name for him!" She excitedly says, practically bouncing in her chair.

"No." Damon tells her, but she waves him off and turns her attention to me.

"Hear me out." She clears her throat and sits at the edge of her seat, leaning in close to me. "My name is, Charlotte. Since you're having a boy, you can't give him my name, but... you could give him the boy version of my name."

I raise an eyebrow at her, "And that would be?"

She gives me a huge smile and glances at Damon before saying, "Charlot."

"No!" Damon quickly replies while shaking his head.

"Oh, come on!" She throws her head back and groans. "You didn't even think the name over."

"That's because I didn't have to think it over." Damon says, as he crosses his arms over his chest. "I'm not giving my son that name so that everyone could make fun of him as he grows up."

Charlotte looks at him in disbelief, "What's wrong with that name?"

He raises an eyebrow at her and scoffs, "Do you really need to ask?"

She waves an arm in my direction, "Fine, but Roxie never told me what she thought of the name."

Damon laughs and wraps his arm around me again, "I could already tell you that she hates it."

"Shhh!!" Charlotte shoots out of her chair and shushes him while she stomps her foot on the ground. "Is your name, Roxie? No, so shut up."

He rolls his eyes at her and they both turn to me, waiting for my thoughts on the name.

"Well..." I bite the inside of my cheek as I watch Charlottes facial reaction. "I don't think there's anything wrong with the name-"

Her face lights up as she points a finger at, Damon, "See, I told you!"

"It's just..." I continue, making Charlotte turn back to me. "Not the name that I would give to any of my children."

She stays silent and stares at me for a few moments before shrugging her shoulders, "Whatever." She turns and walks away. "I'm going to have a threesome with, Marcus. We'll be in my room if anyone needs us, which I hope for everyones sake, you all do not."

After she goes inside, I rest my head on Damon's shoulder and turn my attention back to the kids and Nico.

Everything seems so calm and easy right now. You know that feeling that you get way deep down in your gut when you think that everything is fine? Well, I've been getting that feeling a lot recently.

I keep waiting for something to go wrong at any moment but nothing ever happens and then I think, maybe I'm feeling this way because of everything we've been through. What if it's nothing and I'm just stressing myself out for no reason?

"Hey." Lucky's voice breaks through my thoughts, catching my attention.

"What's going on?" Damon asks, as he stands and helps me up.

Lucky's eyes widen a bit, "Oh, don't worry. It isn't anything bad. I just wanted to let you know that Doctor Greene is here. She's in the living room."

I let out a sigh and give him a small smile, "Do you mind bringing the kids inside in about thirty minutes?"

"Of course I don't mind. I never really spend time with them anyways since I'm always busy." He nods his head towards the door. "You two go ahead."

"Thanks man." Damon says, while grabbing my hand and leading us to the living room.

Once we walk in, my eyes land on, Doctor Greene, who has just finished prepping everything.

She turns to me and gives me a warm smile, "How are you feeling recently?"

"I'm feeling fine, I guess. I've just been having a difficult time breathing and I've been super tired." I tell her, as I sit down on the couch.

She nods her head in understanding, "Well, that's to be expected. I remember being pregnant with my daughter. Let me just say, I wasn't the best person during my pregnancy."

I laugh with her and lean back on the couch before she starts doing the regular checkup.

"Everything looks absolutely great. You both have strong heartbeats." She happily tells us. "With the way things are looking, the birth should go smoothly without any complications."

Damon smiles and leans down to kiss my forehead before looking at, Doctor Greene, "I want you to be ready for when she goes into labor. Meaning, keep your phone with you at all times."

"I understand, boss." She nods her head once. "She could go into labor at any moment now. I've already made sure that I'm prepared and ready. My daughter, husband and I, are currently staying in a place closer to the hospital for the time being."

"Good." He replies, while crossing his arms over his chest. "You and your family will be at that place until after Roxie gives birth then?"

She shakes her head before saying, "Well, until after Vanessa gives birth."

"What!?" Nessa shouts, as she comes into the living room. "I heard my name. Is someone talking shit about me behind my back?"

"Why would anyone do that when they could tell you shit to your face?" Jax questions, following in behind her.

She spins around on him and points a finger to his face, "Shut the fuck up and go get your kids some food! They're hungry!"

About a month after the masquerade ball, Nessa had an appointment with, Doctor Greene. She and Jax, found out that they're having twins. One boy and one girl.

With Charlotte and Sarah being twins themselves, they were both very excited about another pair of twins coming into the family.

"Again?!" He asks in disbelief. "You just ate a large ass meal ten minutes ago!"

"And?" She raises an eyebrow at him. "Did I ask you to confirm how long ago I ate? No, I didn't."

"I'm just playing around." Jax laughs and leans in to give her a kiss.

She puts her hand on his face and pushes his head away from her, "Well, I wasn't playing around. Now go get us some food."

He groans and turns around to leave while saying, "I love you, Ness."

Instead of responding back, she rolls her eyes at him and turns to, Doctor Greene. Damon's phone starts ringing and he pulls it out of his pocket to look at the screen.

"I'll be right back. I need to answer this call." He tells me, before giving me a kiss and walking out of the living room.

"I actually wanted to check up on you also, since I'm already here." Doctor Greene says to, Nessa.

"Fine." She lets out a sigh. "Just make it quick. I want to go to sleep after I eat again."

I push myself off from the couch and yawn, "You know, going to sleep doesn't sound like a bad idea. If anyone asks, tell them that I'm asleep."

Nessa waves me off and sits down on the couch where I was sitting, "Yeah, sure thing, Rox."

I exit the living room and begin making my way to our bedroom. As I'm walking down the hallway, Val and Enrique both walk up to me.

"There you are, sweetheart." Enrique says, once they both come to a stop.

My eyebrows furrow together as I look at them, "Were you both looking for me for a while?"

Val shakes her head, "No, love. Only for a few minutes."

"Oh, okay." I look down and that's when I notice the suitcases. "Are you both going somewhere?"

"We're going to visit, Kole." Enrique answers.

"We've already told Damon that we're leaving. We just didn't tell him where we were going." Val speaks up. "We said bye to Lily, too."

"When will you two come back?" I ask, while crossing my arms over my chest.

"We're not sure yet, but we do have to leave now. If we don't, we'll miss our flight." Enrique says, before leaning in to give me a hug. "We'll be back soon."

I nod my head and give Val a hug also, before they both grab their suitcases and leave. Continuing on my way down the hall, I turn to the right and bump into, Theo.

"Shit, I'm sorry." He apologizes, while taking a step back.

I laugh and wave him off, "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Hey, umm..." He nervously rubs his arm. "Have you seen, Marcus?"

I shake my head, "No, but Charlotte said that they were going to be in her room."

"Oh." His shoulders slump and his eyes drop to the floor. "Alright then."

I tilt my head to the side a bit and look at him with concern, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I am." He pauses and exhales a sigh while shaking his head. "No, I'm not. Can I be honest with you?"

"Of course." I tell him, as I lean against the wall.

"Well, you already know that Marcus and I, are close. What you don't know is why we're close." He says, while running his hand through his hair. "I was in an orphanage ever since I was a baby. My parents never wanted me so they got rid of me. Honestly, to this day I still ask myself why my mom never got an abortion."

I watch as he takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a minute. When he opens them, he looks to the floor and puts his hands in his pockets.

"I was always by myself and I never talked to anyone. When I was nine years old, I snuck out of the orphanage late at night. I was a dumb kid back then who believed that I could find my parents even though I had no idea what they looked like." He laughs an empty laugh and shakes his head. "While I was walking on the sidewalk, a small car pulled up across the street from where I was at. I stopped walking to watch and see what was happening."

I push myself up off from the wall and bite the inside of my cheek. His eyes begin to water but he doesn't seem to notice.

As he continues talking, it seems like he's telling it to himself instead of me, "A man and a woman both got out of the car. The woman had a small backpack in her hands while the man had opened the back door and dragged a screaming boy out onto the sidewalk. He was crying for his mom and dad, but they ignored him, got back into the car and took off without looking back."

Tears begin to fall down his face, so I stand closer to him and place my hand on his shoulder. I stay silent, letting him take all the time he needs.

After a few moments, he takes a couple of breaths and gives me a light sad smile before continuing, "I don't know how long I just stood there, watching him cry on the side of the road for his mom and dad. I knew they weren't going to go back. When I had finally snapped out of the shocked state that I was in, I crossed the street and went up to him. That was how I met, Marcus. I took him back to the orphanage with me and from that day forward, we've never been apart from each other. We had each other's backs growing up. When I was seventeen years old, we met, Damon. We got involved with the things that he did. Back then, we didn't know that he was in the mafia. We only learned about it when we gained his trust."

I let out a sigh and hug him, "I'm sorry about what happened to you both."

He hugs me back for a few moments before pulling back, "Yeah, well, you of all people know how shitty parents can be."

I laugh at that and place my hands on my hips. I think I understand why he looked sad when I told him that Marcus is with Charlotte in her room.

"So, you're upset by how much time he's spending with, Charlotte?" I ask, wanting to be sure instead of just assuming things.

He slowly nods his head, looking a little bit ashamed, "I know it's probably dumb, but I'm so used to it being just the two of us." He clears his throat and rolls his eyes. "Anyway, thank you for listening to me. I should probably go. I don't want to take up any more of your time."

He walks past me and I call out after him, "Theo!"

He turns around to face me, "Yeah?"

I hesitate for a moment and then say, "You should talk to, Marcus. About how you're feeling."

He nods his head and gives me a small smile, "Yeah, I'll do that later tonight."

After finally going up to mine and Damon's room, I get comfortable on the bed and fall asleep. Some time later, I wake up to someone poking my face. My eyes slowly open and Lily's face comes into view.

"Mommy, wake up." She whispers, with a cute little smile on her face.

I yawn and check the time to see that only two hours have passed. Pushing myself up into a sitting position on the bed, I look at lily, who still has a smile on her face.

"What are you so happy about?" I ask, looking at her with suspicion.

She practically jumps on top of me, unable to hide her excitement as she says, "Earlier, bash told me about school! He said that it's where everyone goes to make friends and play! Can I go to school with bash, mommy!?"

"Umm..." I stare into her excited eyes and grab her hand. "Bubbles, school is where you go to learn things. Yes, you could make friends there too, but when you go to school, you have to get good grades and do work."

"I could do work, but bash made it sound really fun. Please, mommy! Can I please go to school with, bash?!" She begs, looking up at me with sad eyes.

"You know, most kids beg their parents to stop making them go to school. Yet, here you are begging your mom to put you in school." Damon chuckles as he walks into the room.

I know she would've had to go to school sooner or later. The only reason that I didn't have her in school yet was because it wasn't safe. I didn't know where Frankie was at the time but I knew that he was looking for us.

I did teach her some things that kids would learn in school by myself, but I was just too afraid to put her in school. I guess she could go now. After all, she has her bodyguard, Mark.

"I'll tell you what. When the new school year starts, I'll register you into the same school as, Sebastian." I announce, causing her to yell in excitement.

"Thank you, mommy! I love you!" She yells, while throwing her arms around me and hugging me. After a moment, she jumps off of the bed and runs towards the door. "I'm going to go tell, bash!!"

Damon shakes his head and turns to me, "Why don't you come downstairs and I'll make you something to eat."

He helps me up off from the bed and takes me to the dining room. After I sit down in a chair, he leaves to the kitchen to make me some food.

I pull out my phone and start to play games while I wait for him to come back. As I'm waiting, I hear someone walk into the dining room with me.

Looking up, my eyes land on, Luciana, "Hey, where's Axel?"

She smiles shyly and shrugs her shoulder, "I don't know. We haven't really talked recently."

"Oh." I put my phone down.

She bites her lip and takes a seat across from me at the table, "Roxie, do you know why he's been acting distant lately?"

"Mmm, I don't think he's been acting distant. At least, he isn't acting that way around me or Damon." I tell her, and watch as her face drops.

She lets out a sigh, "I think I'm making a mistake with him."

My eyebrows furrow together and I tilt my head to the side a bit, "Why do you say that?"

"I'm just not sure that us being together is a good thing." She says, more to herself than to me.

I lean back in my chair, "Well, answer this question for me. Do you want to be with him?"

She stays silent for a moment before answering, "I do."

"Do you like him?" I question, causing her face to turn red.

"I think..." She puts a strand of hair behind her ear. "I think that I might love him."

I smile at her, which makes her blush even harder, "So, what seems to be the problem then?"

She rubs her temples and frowns, "I- I don't think he feels the same way about me."

"No?" I ask, and she shakes her head.

"He's always so hot and cold towards me. One minute he's being nice, the next minute he's either being rude or ignoring me completely." She tells me, with sadness laced in her tone. "I heard him talking on the phone to another girl a few days ago."

"Well, I don't think he has commitment issues. I mean, he did have a girlfriend after all." I remind her, causing her to sink down in her chair.

She rests her elbow on the arm of the chair and puts her chin in her hand, "Sometimes, I wish I could be a little girl again."

Damon walks in at that moment and brings my food over. He places it down on the table in front of me along with a cup of water.

"Thank you." I tell him, and he smiles at me before taking a seat beside me.

"I'm going to go look for, Sebastian." Luciana says, while standing up from her chair. "Thank you for talking to me, Roxie."

I shake my head with a small smile, "You don't have to thank me."

She shyly waves at Damon and I, before turning around and leaving the dining room. As I eat, we both talk about what we're going to do after the baby is born.

"Damon, I think we should move out." I say, after taking a bite of spaghetti.

"Where do you want to move to?" He asks me, as he rests his arm on the back of my chair.

I look at him and put my fork down, "I've always wanted to go to, Chicago."

He puts his palm on my cheek and caresses my skin, "Then we'll go to, Chicago. Whatever my queen wants, she gets."

"Can we get a boat?" I nervously ask him.

"Baby, you're my wife. You can get a big ass yacht." He says, before he leans down and kisses my lips. I smile into the kiss and he tangles his hand in my hair.

Someone clears their throat and knocks on the dining room door, "Mr and Mrs. Knight, there's someone here to see you both."

Damon groans against my mouth before pulling back and glaring at, Abbey, "I don't care. Tell who ever it is to go away. We're busy."

"Mr. Knight, you want to see her." Abbey continues, causing me to raise an eyebrow.

"Her?" I question, and Abbey nods her head in response.

Walking out of the house, we both make our way down to the large gate where a bunch of guards are standing. Some are walking around the perimeter of the house with guns.

As soon as we get to the gate, I notice Mark pointing his gun at her. My heart drops at the situation that she's in. One guard is holding her arms behind her back while she has a gun pointed at her head.

"What are you doing?!" I exclaim, trying to rush forward but Damon holds me back. "Let her go!"

Mark looks at, Damon, waiting for an order from him. After a few seconds, Damon nods his head and the guard releases her.

"Jenny, what are you doing here?" I ask, while Damon keeps his arm around me.

She has unshed tears in her eyes as she cautiously takes a step forward, "We need to talk."


I'm not home at the moment, so I don't have my journal with the birthdays written down. No birthday chapter today. Sorry everyone.🙁

💙??Boy names??💙

Happy New Years!🎆
I hope this year will be better for everyone!🖤

I'll see you guys in the next chapter but before I go, Gimme Kiss!😘

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