Family Secrets and Desires

Galing kay Silversong203

5.3K 105 9

Alternate Universe Period AU, takes place in Westeros and Essos, there's no kings or queens in this story, ju... Higit pa

Coming of Age
Chance Encounters
The Dragon and The Wolf
Family Ties
Offers and Refusals
Things to Come
And Now We Are One
Trouble in Paradise
You're Mine
Secrets from the Past
The Things We Do For Love
Family Secrets Part 1
Family Secrets Part 2
Battle for the Iron Islands
Nothing will ever be the Same
Facing One's Past
Just A Friend
Calm Before The Storm
Family Is Everything Part 1

The wicked and the Good

177 4 0
Galing kay Silversong203


It was cold that morning, the sun was already coming up over the horizon as the wind swept across her dark hair. Many had gathered from earlier that morning in preparations for the event, or ceremony the way these Iron-born loved to make it seem. Which it was not, it never was. Her eyes drifted towards the man who called himself a priest of their faith, her hands twisted within the dark grey frock she wore, wondering what man calls himself a man of faith but found nothing wrong with what he was about to do? The young lady that was trying to scream could not, for no sound came from her lips.

She knew why they did that to all of them before they were sacrificed to their drowned god. All salt wives of the man who called himself the drowned god reborn were subjected to the same torture once they became heavy with child. The majority of them were sacrificed or like the way she thought about it, the ones he became bored of.

First, their tongues were removed by him until they were covered in his blood, she had seen all his cuts whenever he wanted to lay with her.

He always claimed she was his favorite when he took her, never did his seed ever take within her, no child would ever come from her womb, has he spilled inside of her while calling her by his niece's name Asha.

That was not her name, but she would not tell him that. The man was both mad and cruel and took pleasure in making those around him suffer. The men who were closest to him and traveled with him spoke no words, their tongues removed. They were silent like his ship the Silencer.

What she often considered a curse for never providing her husband an heir quickly became a blessing, knowing what she was now about to witness would never befall her.

Her heart clenched chest tightened her breath slow, it was time, even if she didn't want to look, she knew she had no choice, everyone watched each other to make sure they all looked, at the sacrifice being offered to the Crow's Eye, a man she knew as Euron Greyjoy, the evilest living being the gods ever breathed life into.

Her eyes roamed back on the tear filed young woman, her green eyes red from crying, while her honeyed blond hair blew as the winds on top of the cliff started picking up causing her to shiver. A storm was coming and she prayed a silent prayer to gods she no longer believed in after what she had been through and witnessed since living on this godforsaken shit infested island, would take Euron and the men who sailed with him to the bottom of the sea, drowning them in salt until they reached the pits of the seven hells.

He would be setting sail after the ceremony, from the little she had heard when the man spoke in his sleep after he drank shade of the evening, an inky blue substance he claimed gave him visions something the warlocks of Qarth often supplied him.

That night the man spoke of taking what was his, claiming he had already owned the seas, now he needed his rock-wife and make her queen of Westeros. She wanted to laugh especially when everyone knew all the Iron-born did was attack civilian ships, her heart ached then memories she had tried to force to the back of her mind were now making their way back to her, a tear slipped from her eye as she quickly wiped it away before anyone saw her glossy eyes.

Grey eyes looked at her filled with love, "I love you with all my heart, I need you to be strong." His lips crashed to tear-soaked lips as his arms tightened around her. That day the sun had disappeared a storm was on its way, pity no one knew that storm was like none she had ever faced. Their ship had been overrun by the Iron-born who was now boarding. Her eyes followed the one-eyed man with the dark hair, beard, and inky blue lips who was eyeing all of them keenly.

Her breathing slowed recalling these memories. "Please don't let me go." She pleaded before they were pulled apart by one of the Iron-born men, who said nothing, only scowled at them until he motioned with his hand for the one with the pale blue eyes and sandy blond hair to take her.

She watched in horror as they tied up her husband and his father, the crew members that were still alive were made to kneel, where their throats were sliced right before her eyes. Many of these men she knew, some this was their first time going this far from the North, one of which was just a young man of nineteen. Her tears ran down her face that day, where she cried like never before in all her life.

The man with the patch over his left eye only laughed while smearing their blood over his face. Before he walked over towards her with a menacing smile, "what do we have here? A Stark ship is it?" He was grinning like a mad hyena then.

Ashara could feel the man's breath on her face as he toyed with her dark hair in his filthy hands, his blue lips against her face, his tongue ran down her face while his dark beard chaffed against her soft skin.

"This one smells good, and tastes just as sweet; I will take you for one of my salt wives"

She was awoken from her reverie, Aeron was now speaking, his unkept long gray hair swaying in the wind, his drowned men standing close to him. "To our drowned god Euron Crow's Eye Greyjoy, we offer you this maiden heavy with child as a sacrifice."

Ashara was disgusted by the way they used the word maiden loosely, especially when everyone knew the women who were sacrificed were all raped by Euron and killed when they became heavy with child.

Her first time witnessing what these mad zealots did to these poor women only made her want to throw herself off the cliff they know all stood atop of. There were times her thoughts were also filled with taking Euron with her, show them he was only a man and not a god.

But who was she fooling, she would never get close to Euron, she was always boxed in by his men. Many of the women and men on the shit infested island of Pyke considered her his rock-wife and they would rather kill themselves than allow her to kill herself or their so-called god Euron.

These barbarian zealots were so lost in their ways, she wondered if they believed what he and his brother Aeron did was right? Would they fight back if it was one of their daughters that were being used and raped? Or worse offered as a sacrifice to a man and not a god? Ashara only huffed out a sigh. They probably would consider it a blessing to be sacrificed

Many of the Iron-born women considered it a blessing to be even considered a rock-wife, if only they knew the man took her against her will for all these years while screaming his niece's name in my ear.

If the Iron-born weren't bad enough or lost in their ways, there were some of the women who were captured over the years and made into salt-wives. Some were even foolish enough to have fallen in love with the Crow's Eye, even pleaded before their tongues were cut out their mouths that they did everything he had asked of them. One-woman Ashara would never forget.

Falia Flowers was her name, and she had hailed from the Reach, the bastard daughter to Humfrey Hewett. Unlike the others, Falia was tied to his ship naked and pregnant for all to see, her tongue cut from her mouth. That was the last Ashara ever saw of the woman. She was sure Falia either died to the rough seas or her throat was slit-like the rest.

Euron smiled as the young woman shook her head pleading with him even though she could not speak the words. "Do not worry it will be over soon." Ashara watched as he forced his lips on the young lady before pulling away, slicing her neck in the process as he used his black boots to kick her bloodied body over the cliff.

His people cheered and chanted his name, while his bastard sons who he allowed to live only stood stoic and watched, their tongues had also been removed since they served on the Silencer.


It took a few weeks but they had finally arrived in the Riverlands, the night before and would be leaving for Riverrun once they got enough food inside of their bellies.

"You two look quite familiar, as anyone ever told you?" Rhaella looked upon the chubby young man looking at both her and her husband and offered him a small smile. While Aerys just said nothing to the chubby young man, who only continued speaking while handing them their rabbit stew and dark bread, before he took a seat next to them and Barristan who made the trip with them, and Jaime who was still upstairs sleeping. Barristan had remained at Casterly Rock, the man knew them like no one else and had been with the family since they came back to Westeros all those years ago from Lys.

"Has anyone ever told you that?" the pudgy boy asked, as he poured ale to Barristan who refused.

Aerys took his drink when the young man poured it for them, same as Rhaella, she would need a drink, if this young man managed to put two and two together.

It had been closer to four decades when they returned to Westeros after they ran away from who their parents wanted to marry them off to back in Meereen.

She was sure Tywin Lannister figured out years ago the two were related but never said anything on it since his wife after all was his first cousin. Just like Tywin and Joanna, both Aerys and Rhaella were much more than lovers, they were after all cousins who ran away from home and made life back in Westeros after their family left these shores two centuries ago after losing everything when their house fell. In the beginning, it wasn't easy for any of them, they were married young and already were expecting their firstborn.

Hotpie continued speaking even though neither was even paying any attention to him. "You two look a lot alike."

Rhaella could hear herself scream, please don't say it, don't tell us we look like family.

"A young woman who stayed here a month ago with a dark-haired woman until they left with a certain lord Stark and his companions." The young man whispered to them before looking around those already seated and eating. "Don't tell anyone you heard it from me, but word his lord Stark married the young woman who looks a lot like the two of you."

Rhaella finally let out a smile, so it is true? Our Dany has married. Before she could think on it any longer, the young man began speaking once more, it seemed he was the type who enjoyed gossiping and finding out new things, just to gossip it to someone else. He would not get any information from them. That she was sure about, but she would not mind hearing anything he had to say on their marriage. "Was it a grand affair?" She asked as the young man huffed out his breath.

"I heard it was a small intimate affair, not many lords were invited." Hotpie sighed, "I thought they would've invited me to come and cook for their wedding, heard the food wasn't up to par, especially with how they loved the food I made for them daily. The dark-haired one seemed to love my kidney pies while the silver-haired one hardly said anything."

Rhaella had to agree on the food part, this was the best rabbit stew she had ever had, a matter of fact it was the best stew she had ever eaten. It was both meaty and thick, while the bread was still hot and fresh as she dipped it inside the stew. "I am sure they had their reasons for not hiring you." Rhaella paused a second before continuing, "sorry I don't know how to address you?"

She watched as the young man wiped his hand in his flour stained pants before reaching over to shake her hand that was still holding her spoon causing her to drop it. "It's Hotpie, my name is Hotpie milady."

That's different Rhaella thought, but would not ask any other question that went along the lines is that truly your real name since she found it odd anyone would name their child such a name. But then again, the young man probably adopted this name that someone probably gave to him. So instead she asked another question, "do you know if this lord Stark and his wife are still staying in the Riverlands? Or better yet are they still staying at Riverrun?"

Her husband flashed her a curious look wondering where she was going with this, they were supposed to be keeping a low profile, stay the night which they had already done, and then eat to be on their way before both their daughter and granddaughter left. But then again, maybe finding out if they were still there would save them the time in coming back here, since the Inn at the Crossroads did separate the North from the southern part of Westeros.

Hotpie nodded his head, "they are my lady, word is the young lord has been having countless meetings with all the important lords of Riverrun on trades, but tell no one I told you this, you know how people love to gossip. I'm only telling you two and your friend here because you three seem like good and friendly people." Hotpie slapped Barristan gently on the back causing their old friend to grunt before pushing the young man's hand away, as Hotpie offered her a thin smile. "Well, maybe two out of the three of you are nice."

Rhaella only offered him a weak smile, there was no telling if another traveler entered with their Valyrian features if the young man would do the same. Viserys was still out there somewhere and only the gods knew what her son would be capable of if he got word about Dany and Rhaeny's whereabouts. They had already sent a letter off to Rhaegar before they left Casterly Rock, letting him know of the recent developments and where both his daughter and sister were now. Looking over at her husband she could see he was thinking the same thing that was causing her worry.

"Hotpie?" Rhaella looked at the young man once she caught his attention, as he moved his dark-brown curls from his sweaty face. "I appreciate you trusting us with this information, but I do ask that you not share this information with anyone else, especially if a certain person showed up, with features such as ours, or if their hair was dyed another color, their lilac eyes, however, would be a dead giveaway."

She shifted in the hardwood chair, "I only ask that you say you know nothing of anyone who looks like us, I also ask that you not speak of us either." Rhaella took his hand in hers causing Hotpie to blush red. "You never saw us, or anyone that looks like us. Can count on you to do that?" She smiled then.

"I promise."Hotpie blurted out, not wanting her warm hands to be released from his. Until she heard her husband cleared his throat.

"I think it's time we take our leave, my love, I will and wake Jaime." Aerys took a look at his pocket watch, it was already close to noon, they needed to leave right away if they intended to catch their daughter and granddaughter before lord Stark took them North. "Barristan get the horses ready."

Before both Rhaella and her husband could take their leave Hotpie blurted out once more, "will I ever see you again my fair lady?"

Rhaella only giggled, placing her right index finger over her lips, "remember what I said, you never saw us."

Nodding his head in understanding as he rose from his seat to hug her, causing Rhaella to become shocked at his affection towards her. "I thank you; it's been awhile since anyone has shown any motherly affection towards me."

She could feel her heartbreak into pieces as she looked at her husband, surely, they could afford a cook since he fired most of their employees. It's not like they both didn't agree that this was the best food they had eaten in years. Once Aerys gave her a nod, Rhaella used her hand to lift the young man's chin, his eyes were glossy. "I tell you what, if the owner doesn't mind you leaving and finding work elsewhere, we'll take you for our new cook."

Just his smile alone warmed her heart as she watched the young man hurried off to pack his things.


It had been two days since he last had time alone with his wife and now here they were frolicking in the mid-afternoon sun in one of the isolated waters to the east of Riverrun. Dany's back was up against the edge of the water's bank her legs wrapped around his lower back, Jon's sex thrusting deep inside of her, causing her to moan with every grunt and thrust he made, the deeper he went touching her very womb.

She was already close and knew the same could be said for her lord husband, his thrusts picking up causing an overwhelming warm feeling in the pit of her stomach as she screamed his name, not caring who heard her or who was watching her husband fuck her. She was his, and he was hers as she rode the soft waves of pleasure within her.

Jon grunted once more his balls tightening when Dany's tight walls clenched around his sex milking his seed, as he tried catching his breath. What started as just a horseback ride around the grounds for the both of them to explore the outer parts of Riverrun quickly escalated the moment Dany stripped before his eyes next to the pond where they ate lunch.

Pulling out of her, he could hear her sigh under her breath, causing him to place a kiss on her pouty lips. "We should get dressed before someone comes searching for the both of us." He was about to unwrap himself from her grasp and swim away just to gather their clothes until his wife tightened her hands back around his neck. His dark eyes met her violet orbs, he knew she would rather just stay out there with no concern of what awaited them back at Riverrun. She was just like him when it came to hosting dinner, but sometimes one just had to grin and pretend to care, especially when hosting certain lords and ladies. The Frey's and the Blackwood's were leaving Riverrun the next morning to head back to their own homes, while lord Whent seemed to crave wanting to visit Winterfell and meet his family there, whatever that meant. "I will make it back up to you tonight ok Dany?" He was about to make her a promise on it until he felt how tense she seemed in his arms.

She shrugged him off not wanting to hear what he had to say releasing her grasp on him, "this is the first time we have spent any time together in days Jon, and now you're in a hurry just to get back." She hissed at him after she spat out her words, swimming away from him.

She had a point he knew, as he stood knee-deep in the water thinking over her words. In truth she was right since lord Whent arrived he had been spending a lot of time with the man and Arthur, they had even left with Robb and Edmure on a hunt along with a couple of guards, leaving both Dany and Rhaenys in the company of Larence and everyone there.

If he were honest with himself, he did miss his wife the entire time he was away, but he still enjoyed his time with the other men. Back home in Winterfell most of his days were spent meeting with other lords or going over trade agreements with his uncle and Stannis. He would need to make it up to her and already he knew what he would have to do. Which brought a smile to his face knowing how much she enjoyed when he performed the lord's kiss between her warm folds.

His head turned to meet his wife's porcelain skin as she hurried to dress, her silver-blond hair soaked and messed up from the elaborate braids Rhaenys did to her hair that morning.

Yet before he could get out of the water, it seemed his wife had other ideas causing him to smile wide watching her snatch his clothes up off the grass and began walking in the opposite direction towards where they tied the horses, teasing him to come and get his clothes if he dared. He would play this game with her.

"Dany, don't you dare do what I think you're planning on doing!" He yelled out while pretending to clench his jaws in annoyance.

His breathing slowed, looking around to see if anyone was watching them as he rose naked out of the waters to chase down his wife. He would make her pay, even though he knew what he planned to pay her with she would only enjoy while yearning for more of his touch.

By the time he finally caught her, both tumbling together on top of the tall grasses. Her intoxicating laugh when he tickled her only seemed to make him hard once more where he stood on top of her gazing into her eyes. The warmth he felt whenever he was with her was only getting stronger, already he knew he loved her, and it didn't matter to him at this moment if she felt the same for him. "I love you," Jon whispered planting a kiss on top of her forehead. "I promise I'll make it back up to you tonight but first we have a dinner to get ready for dear wife."

Dany held onto him a smile laid on her lips that reached her eyes, as she rolled him over his back laid flat on the grass. "I love you too Lord Stark."

She smiled at him before pulling her dress over her head, placing his hand on her left breast, before easing herself on top of his sex as she rocked slowly between moans, "let your wife show you just how much she loves you." Placing a kiss on top of his lips as she began riding him faster, causing Jon to grip her hips matching her bounces with his thrusts deep inside of her knowing there was no way he could ever deny her what she needed from him.

They did not make their way back until way into the evening, too exhausted from their frolicking only to fall asleep laid between the tall grasses hidden away from prying eyes. They both didn't even manage to get towards the corridor to their room when they heard a loud screech should word to both of them.

"Where have you both been Dany?" Rhaenys hissed as she looked at her aunt's hair that was both messed up from how she styled it that morning, not to mention all the small grass, dried leaves, and dirt.

She then hissed at Jon then, as she spat, "can't you two fuck each other like normal people? Look at her hair, Jon? Do you know how long it took me to do that style this morning for this evening's dinner? Not to mention you both only have an hour to get ready." Rhaenys grabbed Dany's hand away from out of Jon's grasp. "Lucky for you both I figured what you two were up to and ended up doing your job for you Dany with the guests for tonight's dinner, while also gathering your items for that said dinner party. Now say goodbye to your husband Dany you're getting dressed in my room."

Before Jon could offer his apology Rhaenys raised her hand to him dismissively stopping him. "I don't want to hear it, Jon, you look a mess also, go get ready also."

With that Jon watched his wife be dragged off by her niece while he went the other way towards their room to get ready, wishing Rhaenys all the luck in the world is getting all those dried grasses and leaves out of Dany's hair.

By the time Jon was finally dressed he looked himself over in the mirror. Tonight, he wore grey pants matching it with a white shirt along with his crimson tailcoat. He figured it was only fitting he would somewhat match his wife's house colors. While his hair, Jon decided it best to let it out, his wife preferred his wild curls let out that being tied back.

It didn't take long to make his way inside the dining hall where he looked for his wife until he noticed she nor Rhaenys had arrived as yet.

His dark grey eyes roamed around all that was gathered, both Arthur and lord Whent were already deep in a conversation with Roslyn Frey. Edmure was busy pointing items out to his butler while Robb looked bored at whatever lord Frey and Black Waldor were saying to him. At least it seemed the Blackwoods didn't arrive at dinner as yet.

Before he could think too long on the Blackwood's he was interrupted by that said man as Jon shook both Tytos and Brynden Blackwood's hands. "I see your lady wife nor her niece have arrived yet?" Tytos spoke before asking Jon to join in the corner along with his son. "I meant to ask you this, but it seemed we never got to talk on anything personal." Jon nodded his head waiting for the man to continue.

"I was wondering lord Stark if the lady Rhaenys has been spoken for already?" Tytos asked while lifting his head towards his son, who kept numb.

"You would have to ask her yourself, my lord." Jon looked up noticing the doors open where both his wife and her aunt walked inside, noticing how beautiful they both looked. His wife wore a deep blue gown, her silver-blond hair let out for all to see her beauty. Her niece wore a plum-colored red gown, her hair was also let out.

Jon felt his heart clench at how lucky he felt, any man would be lucky to have one of them for a wife, and lucky for him Dany was already his. Already he was sure she probably was already pregnant with his child. A beautiful child with her hair and eyes was all Jon could imagine at this moment. Larence walked behind them both, a sly smile curled on Jon's lips, if lord Blackwood was aiming to make Rhaenys his daughter in law, he would have to go through Larence first because Jon was sure those two would probably be hard to split up. Anyone with sense has probably noticed how affectionate they have grown towards each other.


Lord Whent sat between Arthur and Stannis, Jon was in the middle of Dany and Rhaenys drinking their green pea soup while making conversations with each other. Not noticing how keenly he was looking at the two dark-haired young people sitting across from him in the candlelight. Everything about these two screamed that they were both related, and he wondered if he was the only one who saw it? Sure, Jon favored his mother mostly, but the damn young man and Rhaenys looked related. He reminded himself to call them siblings. For the damn boy and his sister shared the same smile, the same dark eyes that sometimes looked like dark indigos by the way the sun sometimes shined on their irises. Not to mention the same pouty lips that were all their father. He knew it in his damn bones that Jon was Rhaegar's and then when the boy told him, he would be celebrating his nineteenth birthday in a few months, that was all the evidence he needed to know this young man before him was Rhaegar's son, it was funny how the gods sometimes worked, he was sure Lya Stone was none other than Lyanna Stark. 

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