Family Secrets Part 2

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Dragging his feet along the hardwood floors down the long hallway towards his room. Jon wanted nothing more than to curl in bed next to his wife, fucking off with the rest of his responsibilities for a week.

He was tired and frustrated, especially now, after dealing with Domeric Bolton, who not in good faith brought along his bastard brother knowing how much both he and his uncle hated the man.

Telling them it was his father who was currently sick in bed who asked him to bring his brother along, stating Ramsay needed to start acting like a man.

Jon huffed at that thought, Ramsay finally acting like a man?

All the man seemed to do was gamble and sleep with whores. Even finding time to sow chaos around the North

Jon was sure if anything happened to Roose or Domeric, the people in the North would not only have the Wildings to deal with, but also Ramsay Snow. Who would have a thousand men to command.

Maybe things would've gone better between the two if Ramsay just wasn't there.

Everything between him and Domeric was going ok while they walked the grounds of Winterfell.

That was until Ramsay laid eyes on both Rhaenys and Larence going for a stroll towards the gardens.

Both Larence and Ramsay hated each other. And for some reason unknown, to Jon. The stupid bastard had the nerve to yell atop his voice, if he could join along, taking turns fucking the whore in the garden?

Both his men and uncle had to hold him back since he saw red at the man disrespecting his wife's niece. While Domeric started pushing his brother along. Knowing whatever plans were being made possibly could go sour if he didn't get his brother to leave.

Stepping inside his room, Jon noticed the small frame of his wife asleep, looking like sleeping beauty from the story his mother once read to him.

Carefully closing the door while latching the lock shut, so no one could bother them.

Jon removed his coat and boots, sliding carefully next to his wife, placing a much-needed kiss on those pouty red lips.

Lips of the woman, he already loved with every beat of his heart. As her violet eyes fluttered open. Though they were red like she had been crying.

"Are you well Dany? Want me to call for a doctor? Or your mother?" Jon asked worriedly brushing the soft curls of her silver strands away.

"I'm fine," Dany murmured trying to figure how to tell Jon she was with child. His child, their child.

Still not convinced, Jon eased off her, ready to call for a servant to call the doctor to see to his wife.

Grasping his hand, Dany wondered if her husband was already leaving once again when it seemed he had only just got there.

"Where are you going so soon?" Dany asked, ready to ask him to stay, begging him even to stay a bit longer with her.

Whatever he had to do could always wait. Wasn't it her time now to spend with her husband?

Was this always going to be their life? Jon leaving early to take care of business only to arrive back in time for dinner at five?

And now in a matter of months, she'd have to share his time with a child? Or worse him getting hurt fighting Wildings?

"I'm going to send for the doctor to come to see you, my love," Jon replied trying to remove her hand from his.

"I'm fine Jon." She stumbled out already annoyed at him not listening to her.

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