Family Secrets Part 1

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No longer feeling hungry, Jon wiped his mouth of the grease from the boar meat, rose from his chair bidding everyone goodnight. Everything including his wife's surprise about wanting her family with them left a bitter taste in his mouth. Plans were made and changed once more to include everyone on the trip North to White Harbor. And if the waters weren't frozen along the White Knife, they would continue by boat from White Harbor.

He was miserable and yet, Edmure seemed to get great joy from his misery, not even hiding it anymore, as he chuckled away the more plans were made for a larger boat. Another reason why Jon decided to call it a night

He was tired and needed to rest, for the long ride to Maidenpool with Arthur, his guards, and Jaime Lannister, since for some reason the man included himself on the trip North.

Claiming he accompanied the Targaryen's to the Riverlands along with Barristan Selmy, who Jon learned served the family for over forty years.

Tywin's golden son said it was for the best. Claiming he'd eventually take over from his father. And what better way to get to know each other, or take a look at where their supplies came from than to go North.

The man was a shit talker who had alternate motives for wanting to come North. Jon knew lord Tywin was grooming his daughter to help his grandson Joffrey take the family business over.

While the other son known as the dwarf of Casterly Rock, Tywin planned to leave nothing to, why the dwarf was missing from the Rock and was supposedly in Storms End with Tommen.

Where Tyrion Lannister was shunned at Casterly Rock by his sister and father, he was welcomed by Robert Baratheon at Storms End. It seemed the two had shared a love for both whores and drinking.

Jon sighed, all he wanted at least was not to be bothered by the likes of Jaime Lannister on the long ride to Maidenpool.

There was nothing Jon enjoyed more than being out in the wild, enjoying the warmth or coldness of the wind brushing against his face. If he didn't need to get back North so soon, he would've enjoyed taking the Kingsroad all the way home. He could stop in the Neck, visit lord Howland Reed and his family.

Riding always relaxed him and brought him joy, along with fond memories of being a boy, trying to beat his mother whenever they raced horses in the Wolfswood.

No matter how much he tried, he could never beat her, he still couldn't. If he was ever asked who was the better rider? He would gladly answer, his mother was.

"Lady Lyanna Stark is part horse." Many loved telling him, whenever he declared he would finally beat his mother. Sometimes he wondered if she warged into the horses she rode. She always had a way with animals.

He wondered what Dany and her family would think if they knew Starks had the power of warging? Since many thought, that ability was a northern myth...

Not all of them had that gift though, he was sure if his uncle or grandfather had the gift, surely they would've summoned a sea creature to sink those Ironborn ships.

His fists clenched at the thought of those filthy pirates. The Navy was already patrolling the coasts of the Narrow and Summer seas.

Suddenly thoughts of the people who would travel with his wife, and stay on the ship until his arrival.

He wasn't sure if Hotpie could ride a horse or keep up. Instead, it was decided, the young man would leave with Larence, Aerys and Oswell because of his foot and the rest of the Targaryen's would go by boat, along the Red Fork and then into the Trident until they arrived at Maidenpool where the Stark flagship would be waiting.

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