Trouble in Paradise

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Jon woke that morning to someone knocking softly against the room door both he and Dany were staying in. As his eyes fluttered open to the small rays from the sun seeping inside through the four windows surrounding the guest room.

Reaching over towards where his wife should be, he noticed her side of the bed empty and cold like she'd never been there, as another knock was heard once more.

"Give me a minute," he called out as he rose from bed to put a shirt and his pants on, noticing his wife's light blue cloak was missing.

Before he could think on it another knock came, alerting him once again. Walking over towards to door opening it to see who it was, wondering if it was probably his wife locked out, but noticed the lock was unlocked as he swung the door open.

"Sorry to disturb you m' lord, I came to check and see if you and your wife would be having your breakfast and meals here for the rest of the day?"

The girl's green eyes sparkled waiting for his reply.

"I won't be eating here since my wife isn't here with me."

"I will send for your chambermaid to come and clean up if you plan to eat with the master of this house then."

"Send the chambermaid in an hour, I'd like to wait and see if my wife returns until then," Jon told her.

The girl curtsied before him, "m' lord" as she took her leave from his chamber.

Jon sat by the desk and began writing after he freshened himself for the day, Stannis was supposed to show up any day now along with the captain of his guards. A few days before he and Dany had agreed to wed both in the religion of the old gods and new. He had sent a raven to Winterfell, letting both his mother and uncle know of his plans to marry in Riverrun's gardens since there was already a Heartstree there and a septon to marry them.

The only place in the North that did have a sept was where the Manderly's resided at White Harbor, and Jon didn't feel the need to deal with them or hear their complaints on why he would take a southern wife, and not a proper northern wife which he knew meant. Why not marry one of my granddaughters?

Frowning at that thought, knowing the man's granddaughters were sure to still be at Casterly Rock with the Lannister's.

A knock came at the door as Jon placed the letter, he was writing to his uncle Benjen about his wedding down.

"Come in." He called out as he also stood from his chair, as Edmure's butler walked in along with two girls. One he remembered from last night the other a dark-haired girl he didn't.

"Sorry Lord Stark, I didn't know you were still here, the chambermaids are here to clean the room."

Jon looked at the small clock by the desk he stood next to not realizing that an hour had already passed, as he scooped up the many letters he had written. One was for his mother to get Winterfell ready for its new lady and her niece who also would be joining them. The other was to his uncle Ned who wrote him concerning the Wilding issue.

"It's ok, I was just finishing up writing these letters." Jon took the seal of house Stark as he pressed it into the ink and pressed it into them. Turning back to the butler beckoning him to take the letters.

"I need you to give these to your maester at once, they must be sent to my mother and uncle in Winterfell and at once."

Jon then handed him another letter, "this one requires a runner, it's for my uncle that's currently stationed in the Vale."

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