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By xcapsicle

500K 11.2K 11.7K

!!! CURRENTLY REVAMPING STORY !!! #2 in johnny lawrence on 12/30/20 #1 in boyfriend on 1/11/21 #1 in vintage... More

Moving Day
The Beach Party
First Impressions
The A-Hole in the Hills
Golf N Stuff
Late Nights
Halloween Terror
VIII. Something He Wanted
IX. Double Date
X. Chores
XI. Sensei Johnny
XII. Invite
XIII. New Student
XIV. The Country Club
XV. The Country Club Part 2
XVI. Balance
XVII. The Whole Truth
XVIII. All Valley Tournament
XX. Meltdown
XXI. True Love..
Cast Part 2
XXII. 33 Years Later
XXIII. Back to Where it all Began
XXIV. Good Accidents
XXV. Back in the Game
XXVI. Hurt
XXVII. The LaRusso's
XXIX. Breakfast at Johnnys
XXX. Turning the Page
XXXI. Changes
XXXII. Uncertain Cituation
XXXIII. Just Like Old Times
XXXIV. The Truth
XXXV. Lies
XXXVI. The Way of the Fist
XXXVII. Desires
XXXVIII. Nostalgia
XXXIX. Lunch Party
XL. Second First Date
XLI. Sense of Balance
XLII. A Rollercoaster
XLIII. No Mercy
XLIV. The Tournament
XLV. Bad Surprises
XLVI. Demons from the Past
XLVII. Little Projects
XVLIII. New Teacher, Old Habbits
XLIX. The Future
L. Fighting Back
LI. Fire and Ice
LII. Warning Signs
LIII. Quiver
LIV. A Night to Remember
LV. A New Leaf
LVI. Still Have Time
LVII. A Man With No Plan
LVIII. The Plan of Action
LIX. Exciting Appearances
LX. An Unknown Fright
LXI. Moonlight Memories
LXII. Things Couldn't Have Gone Worse
LXIII. Hell Breaking Loose
LXIV. Constant Worry
LXV. Confessions Lead To Relief
LVXI. New Worries
LVXII. Our Kid

XIX. All Valley Tournament Part 2

8.8K 227 433
By xcapsicle

Same Evening

As Ali got a wrap thing for Daniels stomach, they let everyone take a 10 minute break to recharge for the final rounds. I saw Johnny walk over to our area.

I stood up as I saw him make his way to me. Daniel got tensed up and scooted away from me. Johnny scoffed as he stopped right in front of me.

"Hey." I say to Johnny who was glaring at Daniel. He looked to me and smiled. "Hi." He says softly.

"Do you want to come with me to get a drink from the vending machine?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. "Sure." I say with a small laugh. He smiled and grabbed my hand.

"Rest up Danielle, your in for a rude awakening." Johnny threatens Daniel with a menacing grin. Daniel just stared down Johnny as we walked away. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Really?" I say to Johnny. We made our way into the lobby. He shrugged, "What? I just wanted to make sure he's going to be prepared!" Johnny states innocently.

I laughed and nodded dramatically. "Uh huh." I say with a smile. He smiled and led me to one of the vending machines. He put a quarter in without letting go of my hand. He clicked the number 5 to get a water.

He put another in and looked to me. "What do you want to drink?" He asked. I smiled at him and looked to the machine.

"I'll have a water, thank you." I say. He nodded and clicked the number 5 again. We got out waters and took a seat on a couch that was in the lobby.

He let go of my hand to open his water and almost chugged the whole thing. I looked at him in shock, it was almost gone.

"What the- you must've been thirsty." I say with a laugh. He nodded as he finished drinking his water.

"Yeah, it must be because I'm winning." He says confidently. I smiled and put my arm over his shoulder.

"Keep it up." I say as I kissed his cheek. He smirked as I moved my head away from his cheek.

"That was lame." He said with a fake pout. I laughed as he gently grabbed face and planted a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Attention, All teams make your way back to the main floor. The tournament continues in 5 minutes." The announcer says on the speaker.

Johnny pulled away from me and got up from the couch. He held his hand out to help me up.

"You ready?" I say while rubbing his back. He smirked and puffed his chest. "Angel, I was born ready." He said proudly. I giggled and smiled at his confidence.

We walked back to the main arena and I was about to sit down with Mr. Miyagi and Ali. He got a hold of my hand and pulled me back up. I looked at him confused.

"Your sitting with me again." He said with a little smirk. I looked over at Kreese and back to Johnny.

"I would if I could, but you sensei thinks I'm a distraction." I say disappointedly. He smirked and pulled me with him as he walked.

"Then I think I should continue to win to prove that your not distracting me." He says. I shook my head and smiled.

"I love your confidence babe, but what are you going to do if Daniel wins?" I asked. He scoffed and smiled.

"Please. Danielles not gonna win." He said. I shrugged and smiled. I love Johnny but, Daniel could have a chance at winning.

Johnny let go of my hand so I could sit back with Grace. She looked irritated since Jordan wasn't in the finals.

"First up we have Mr. Lawrence and Mr. Vidal." The announcer says.

The crowd all cheered as they both made there way to the floor. "You can do this Johnny!" I yell to him from the crowd.

I could see a little smile appear on his face, even though I don't think he supposed to be smiling. I saw Kreese walk over to me again.

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. "I just want to make something clear. If Mr. Lawrence loses, it's all on you, ok?" He said through his teeth. I laughed and shook my head in disbelief.

"No, your the teacher. If he lost, it'd be on your horrible teaching skills." I say. He looked like he was about to strike at me but Tommy stopped him.

"Sensei! She's not distracting Johnny, calm down." He said. Kreese glared at me and walked back to where he was standing.

"Thank you Tommy." I say to him with a smile. He smiled and nodded.

I missed the fight since Kreese had to talk to me again. But I saw them put Johnnys last name on the next level. I smiled as I saw him walk back over to us proudly.

I clapped for him when he stopped right in front of me. I looked up at him from my seat, he smiled down at me.

He squatted down to get to my level. "So, if Daniel wins this next round, I'm going to have to fight him." He says with a smirk. I smiled and nodded.

"I'm aware!" I said with a smile.

He laughed softly. Then I felt too hands on both sides of my cheeks and gave me one last kiss.

I smiled and ruffled his hair before he stood back up and walked over to the other cobras.

I was looking at Johnnys face when Kreese said something to Bobby. They all looked concerned. I couldn't hear exactly what he said but it must've been about Daniel.

Bobby looked scared and walked up to the floor. I looked at Johnny as he turned around to look at me.

"I'm sorry angel." He said sadly. I frowned and stood up.

"What?" I say concerned.

I looked over his shoulder to see Bobby kick Daniels leg, making him fall to the ground in pain. I gasped and was about to go run over to them with Mr. Miyagi.

Johnny held me back, having a grip on my arm. I turned around to look at him. "I need to see of he's ok!!" I exclaimed to him. He frowned and nodded, letting go of my arm.

I then ran over to Daniel who was on the ground crying in pain. Bobby was trying to apologize to Daniel.

"I'm so sorry Daniel!! I didn't mean to!" Bobby cried as some people pulled him away. Bobby looked at me sorrowfully.

"It's ok Bobby, I'll make sure he knows that it wasn't your choice and that it was your good-for-nothing sensei." I say to Bobby while I softly patted his back.

He nodded and ran back to the others.

I looked behind me as I followed the crowd that was following Daniel. Johnny and the guys all looked mortified, Johnny especially.

Kreese is officially known as the worst teacher in history.

I walked to the locker room with our group. Daniel was laying on a table. He was still groaning in pain.

"Are you ok Daniel?" I asked. He shook his head.

"No, your idiot friends are crazy." He cried. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Listen, I was there. Their teacher told Bobby to do that. Kreese is just a cheater, he only cares about winning. They're not bad people." I say to Daniel.

He didn't say anything back, Ali and Daniels mom walked in. Mr. Miyagi told me to get back outside and let the announcer know that Daniel is recovering.

I nodded and walked out the room. I went to the announcer who was talking to some other people.

"Daniel LaRussos coach told me to tell you that he's recovering right now." I say to him.

He nodded and gave me a smile. I nodded and made eye contact with Kreese. I felt my ears get hot from anger. I stormed right to him.

I stopped right when I got in front of him. He squinted his eyes. "Why can't you fight without cheating, what are you that bad of team?!" I yell at the sensei.

I know very well that the students in this dojo are really skillful, but Kreese isn't doing anything good for them.

He made a fist. "I need to win." He said through his teeth. My nose flared as I took a deep breath.

"Your students deserve better than how you treat them." I state through my teeth as well. He lifted his fist. I kept my eyes on him, ready to block any attack.

I held my fists up and was about to punch him back when he punched me.

Johnny jumped in front of me, blocking me from getting any injuries. "Sensei! Don't." Johnny yelled. I can protect myself, but I was comforted by this.

Kreese just glared at me. Johnny turned to me and put his arm around my waist. He led me to sit with Bobby who was no longer fighting. He sat me next to him and kissed my forehead.

"I have to either fight Daniel or win, so I have to go up there. Just don't talk to kreese anymore, ok?" Johnny said softly.

I nodded slightly and smiled weakly. He smiled and leaned down to kiss my head again.

"I love you." I said before he left. He looked back around to see me.

He smiled widely and nodded. "I love you too, angel." He says, then walked up to the floor with Kreese.

I felt the guys stare on me. I laughed and looked around at their shocked faces. "Was.. did you just confess, or did we miss something?" Bobby said in shock.

"No, I- ..well we both did last night." I say with a soft chuckle.

They all smiled and clapped. "Our boy finally did it!!" Tommy said cheerfully. I smiled and nodded.

"Serena, you don't even know. He was waiting all week to tell you, probably longer." Bobby said to just me. I raised my eyebrows slightly.

"Really?" I say with a smile. He nodded and smiled. I smiled even more and I felt my cheeks get warm.

"Is that why he ditched me to go talk to you guys at the country club?" I say with a little laugh.

Bobby laughed and nodded. "Yep, the toughest guy in school chickened out." He said. I laughed and shook my head.

"Daniel LaRusso is going to fight!" We suddenly heard. Johnny looked disappointed because they were going to give him the trophy.

The crowd cheered as Daniel limped out to the floor. I smiled and clapped for them both.

Johnny glared at Daniel and stood there waiting for the referees instructions. They bowed to each other and began to fight. Johnny charged at Daniel with a kick but Daniel dodged it.

The circled around each other, waiting for someone to strike. Johnny then charged at him again with a series of kicks. Daniel blocked them and punched Johnny in the stomach. I cringed as Johnny had a painful look on his face.

Daniel walked away and Johnny pushed him slightly. Johnny looked fumed. This was giving me flashbacks to when I first met these guys.

The got back into fighting stance, Johnny looked extra energized. He was ready to beat Daniel. His muscles were flexed so much, it was kind of hot though.

Johnny and Daniel began to fight. Johnny got a hold of Daniel and shoved him to the ground, but Daniel kicked Johnny off of him. Daniel got back up and continued to strike at Johnny.

Johnny was in the middle of doing a kick, but Daniel tripped him and made Johnny fall face forward into the ground. I gasped at how painful that looked.

Johnny held his nose as he got up, it was bleeding. "Go to your sensei!" The guy says. Johnny went up to Kreese. He wiped Johnnys nose and checked it, he didn't look impressed.

I didn't hear what he said to Johnny, but from Johnnys reaction it didn't look good. Bobby looked at him and then to me. He shook his head in disbelief. "Sensei is insane." He said.

I looked at Johnny who looking at me with worry. He mouthed "I'm sorry" to me before he walked up to the floor. I gave him a worried look and I turned to see Kreese holding his fist up, I knew what that meant.

Daniel and Johnny got ready to fight. Johnny didn't look like himself, he looked scared.

Johnny got ready and ran up to Daniel and swept his bad leg, making Daniel fall. The crowd booed. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth.

Daniel struggled to get back up. Johnny walked back over to his side. "Yeahh!!" Tommy screamed. This is not going well for Daniel.

Daniel finally got up and limped into fighting stance. Johnny and Daniel began to fight again. I couldn't keep up with all the moves they were doing.

Johnny won that round, I think they were almost tied. Daniel was on the ground again, holding his side. He got up and limped back to his spot.

Johnny attacked first and tried his kick series again, pushing Daniel out of bounds. He got back into the square.

Daniel was about to strike at Johnny but he ducked to the ground and tripped him from the ground. I couldn't help but let out a cheer for Johnny. I clapped and smiled at Johnny. He had to keep fighting but I saw a smile appear on his lips.

Daniel charged at Johnny and threw Johnny to the ground. Johnny did a flip thing to get off of the ground.

They got back into fighting stance and began to fight again. Johnny kicked Daniel and he tried to fight back. Then Johnny punched Daniel, and Daniel fell to the ground again.

Johnny backed up as Daniel was rolling on the floor in pain.

Daniel got up and stumbled back to his spot. Johnny was kneeling on the floor, facing us. He was looking at me, I think this last round was going to decide who the winner is.

I gave Johnny a thumbs up and smiled at him. He smiled back and nodded. I then looked to Daniel and gave him a thumbs up as well. Daniel smiled, but looked like he was in a lot of pain.

Johnny jumped up and turned around to face Daniel. Daniel kept tipping over, he was having a lot of trouble finding his balance.

Daniel was about to kick Johnny, but he caught his leg and hit his elbow on his bad knee. I cringed at that.

Daniel, once again, rolled on the floor in pain. This was not Daniels day. I saw Mr. Miyagi, he looked worried but something told me that he had hope for Daniel.

Daniel got up again and limped even more than before. I wouldn't be surprised if Daniels leg was severely damaged.

"Get him in a body bag!!! Yeahh!!!" Tommy yelled.

I glared at Tommy. "Really?!" I yell at Tommy. He laughed and shrugged. I shook my head.

Johnny got back into fighting stance. Daniel was hoping, but then he began to do something else. I recognized what he was doing immediately.

I started to smile a little. Daniel put his arms up and put his leg up. "He's gonna do it." I say to myself. Bobby looked at me in confusion.

"Do what?" He asked as he sat up.

I smiled at bobby, "You'll see." I say. He looked really confused.

Johnny then charged at him, but Daniel did the crane kick and kicked Johnny right in the face.

I felt bad for clapping but I had to, Daniels been wanting to do that move correctly for a while.

Everyone crowded around Daniel, the new winner. I saw Johnny standing alone, he looked sad. I frowned and ran up to Johnny. He smiled as he saw me charge for him. I jumped right into his arms.

He laughed as I crashed right into him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he held me close to him. "You were amazing baby." I say to Johnny. He frowned and shook his head.

"Clearly not amazing enough, Danielle beat me." He said. He looked defeated. I put my hands on his face.

I smiled and kissed him. "In my opinion, you won." I say.

He smiled and nodded. "Ok." He says softly as he pulled me in for another hug.

He was super sweaty, he got my shirt all wet from his sweat, but I don't mind. The guy was about to hand Daniel his trophy but Johnny stopped him.

"Here let me give it to him." Johnny said as he let go of me. The guy nodded and handed him the trophy. Daniel was being picked up by everyone who was cheering for him.

"Your alright LaRusso, good match!" Johnny said over the crowd. I smiled as Johnny gave Daniel the trophy. They carried Daniel off as he laughed.

Johnny watched them walk off happily. I put my hand in Johnnys and looked at him. He looked sad. "Hey, at least you got second place. I don't know about you but I think you basically won." I say with a smile. He sighed and smiled.

"Yeah, I guess." He said. I smiled and started to walk out to the lobby. He stopped at the locker room.

"Hurry up and go change so we can all celebrate your almost victory." I say as I nudged him into the locker room.

He laughed at me mockingly and smiled. I laughed and smiled back at him as he walked into the locker room.

a/n: hey!! this took me foreverrrr to write wow! yeah so kind of a longer chapter but you know it makes up for the other chapter that was only like 3 pages lmao.💖

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