Love For A Spider | Sanders S...

By HarperIsGonee

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There are not just humans in the world. Humans and.. the others. The others are many different creatures of a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Christmas Special
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Halloween Special

787 41 40
By HarperIsGonee

This isn't apart of the story, this is just a side story of the main story. This is simply a special.

This is also going to count as today's update. Sorry if that upsets anyone, but I got.. carried away with this special, so I counted it as an update!

Question: What did you dress up as and what did you do for Halloween? I dressed up as Dipper, my younger sister is Mabel from Gravity Falls! We also stayed inside, where it's safe, and had a mini party! With snacks, games, all that! No outside! Wooh!

Happy Late Halloween!!!

Virgil sighed as it sat with Patton, Logan, and Roman at lunch.

"I'm just saying, it would've been nice to go see the movie today without wearing a costume to protect myself." Roman raised his hands up.

Logan rolled their eyes, "Yes, but it is what we must do. Unless you want to get hurt, or worse, from a creature."

"Can we talk about something else?" Virgil requested, creating a small web.

Logan frowned, "Does it bother you?"

Roman rolled his eyes, "I mean, I'm pretty sure it would."

Patton smiled up at it in hopes to comfort it, "It's ok, we understand that it isn't your fault."

Virgil frowned, but kept quiet.

Logan repeated the question, "Virgil, I would like to know why it bothers you."

Virgil hissed, "Because it's the damn night I lose my control!"

Every night on Halloween, the creature's respective animal gains full control over them, making them behave and act poorly. If they see another creature, not much would happen unless one starts to annoy the other. But if they saw a human, all hell will break loose. So humans decided to dress up as monsters and animals so the creatures don't do anything to them.

"It isn't anything to be ashamed of," Patton reassured.

Virgil glared at its food, "You haven't been around creatures on Halloween then."

"Well.." Patton smiled nervously, "I never really was allowed outside on Halloween night, so.."

"Exactly." Virgil groaned.

Logan hummed, "I have, and it isn't too horrible."

"Me as well," Roman joined in.

"Really? You two clearly haven't been around them for very long then." Virgil hissed.

Patton huffed, "Then how about we just hang out with you? See what it's like."

"Oh no," Virgil's six eyes went wide, "that's a horrible-"

"That sounds super!" Roman interrupted it, eyes sprakling, "I mean, we just gotta dress up."

"I would love the observer Virgil in its wildest moment." Logan stated, a glint of excitement in their eyes now.

Virgil made a face, "What am I, a fucking experiment?"

"No, I'm just going to observe your behavior." Logan looked confused again, "Is that bad?"

Virgil was silent before sighing, shaking its head, "Whatever, just don't blame me if I do anything."

"I'm sure we won't!" Patton looked at the other two, "We understand it isn't really you."

Virgil nodded, "Sure, right."
"Ah, Halloween, my favorite day." Janus hissed sarcastically when Remus and Virgil went inside.

"I know, right?!" Remus bounced excitedly, "The one night where behaving weirdly isn't weird! And you're actually affectionate towards me!"

Janus' face heat up, "S-Shut up."

"I hate it." Virgil mumbled, kicking of its shoes and walking to its room.

Remus rolled his eyes, "Just lock yourself in your room again!"

"I can't!" It yelled back, "Patton, Roman, and Logan wanna hang out with me for some reason!"

"Don't fuck Patton!"

"Shut up!" Virgil yelled, slamming the door, hissing as it took of its shirt and jumped on the bed.

It could already feel its thoughts becoming fuzzy. It hates how it would feel every Halloween night. It couldn't remember what it did the night.

It was.. scared. Scared it'd hurt its friends. Scared it'd do something the others didn't like. Scared it'd do something Patton didn't like-

Virgil sat up with wide eyes at a thought.

What if it hurts Patton?

Virgil shook its head. No, its spider part adores Patton. If anything, it'd love on him.

That made its face heat up.

"God," Virgil had a small smile, "I hope I could just.. kiss him."

Virgil hummed at the thought.

And then went wided eyed and shook its head, "Stop! Don't think that! You're still in control."

But not for long.
Roman's car stopped at Virgil's house, him and Logan and Patton stepping out into the dark sky. It was only 8:46, but it was still night.

Roman was a wearing a fox costume, ears and a tail attached to his pants with his nose painted a black.

Patton was a puppy, ears, no tail, and his nose also painted a black.

Logan didn't look like they tried too much. They just had cat ears on with whiskers drawn on their face and a notebook in hand.

"Ready to do this?" Roman asked, he was about the knock on the door.

"Yes! It took much convincing on my parents to let me." Patton looked determined.

"Yes, I would like to do this and write down data." Logan looked excited.

Roman took a deep breath, "Here we go." he knocked on the door thrice.

Aftet a bit, the door slowly opened, revealing a shirtless Remus, his tentacles squirming everywhere, his pupils small, grinning an evil grin, and his teeth looking somehow sharper.

"Trick-or-treaters? How.. lovely." Remus' eye twitched, "I'm afraid we have no candy, but why don't you come on inside? Your scents are very familiar, so I must know you."

Logan pushed past the two, "Thank you, and I have a few questions to ask, if you don't mind Mr. Remus?"

"Oh, not at all!" Remus somehow smiled even wider, "Please, come in! My lovely mate has prepared dinner."

Roman and Patton cautiously stepped inside, Remus shutting and locking the door.

"Janus! We have guest!" Remus called out, happily skipping to the kitchen.

"Guesssst? Oh no, I might have to go out and hunt ssssome more." Janus peeked his head, his pupils slits, "Who are they?"

"Don't know, but their scents are very familiar." Remus got close to Patton, sniffing at his neck, "This one smells like our spiderling."

Janus looked interested in Patton now, "Oh? Well, if our child hassss been around them, then they are welcomed."

Logan opened their notebook, beginning to write, "They don't seem to remember us by face, but by scent..."

"Remusss," Janus whined, falling into his chest and cuddling him, "I want you to love me."

"But I do!" Remus leaned down and kissed him, "I love you very much, dear mate."

"Remusssss, sssshow me you love me.." Janus whispered looking at Remus with love, lustful eyes.

"Oooooook!" Roman took both Patton and Logan's arm, "That's our cue to leave! We'll be in Virgil's room."

He quickly ran down the hall with the two, both stumbling to catch up.

"Jeez, don't creatures have any sense?" Patton shook his head, looking at Virgil's door.

"Not on Halloween, it seems." Roman answered before Logan could go into a rant about it.

"Virgil? It's me," Patton knocked on the door, "Patton! I'm here with Roman and Lo-"

The door snapped open, revealing a very tired and shirtless Virgil, "Patton? As in, my Patton?" it asked, cocking its head to the side.

Patton felt his cheecks dust a pink, "Yep! Me, Roman and Logan."

Virgil's six eyes lit up as it carefully touched Patton, "My Patton.." it whispered, but then frowned, "Why do you wear such clothing?" it picked at the ears.

Patton gently shooed the hand away, "To protect me from other creatures."

Virgil hissed, "Who hurt you?" it looked behind him, "Was it them?!"

"What? No, that's Roman and Logan." Patton looked back at the two with a worried look.

Logan took a step, "You may not remember us by face, but you should by our scent."

Virgil sniffed the air, eyes going wide, "My friends." it looked confused, "Why do you all wear such outfits? No one here will hurt you."

"I know, but it's for other creatures." Patton let Virgil touch his arm, hugging it close to its chest.

Virgil hissed, "No other creature will hurt you if I'm here."

"Virgil!" Remus appeared behind Roman, making him jump amd scream, "Holy shit!"

Remus laughed, "Don't worry, I would never hurt you."

Roman laughed nervously, "Haha.. yeah.."

Remus looked over at Virgil, "I see you're out of your room." he looked down at Patton, his smile widening, "Is it because of him?"

Virgil hissed, suddenly pulling Patton into a hug, "He's my Patton! Stay away!"

Remus' tentacles slowly reached forward, "I don't know.. I've never tried human before.."

Virgil raised its spider legs threateningly, "I will fight you if you even think about hurting my Patton and my friends!"

Remus just laughed, "Oh, but Virgil! We can both easily tell this one is human," he pointed at Patton, "I say we kill him."

Virgil glared, then quickly hooked its legs under Roman and Logan's shirt, picking up Patton, and bolting off.

"Virgil!" Roman shouted, "Slow down!"

"YOU TRAITOROUS BASTARD!" Remus screamed, Janus jumping when the group of teenagers ran past.

Virgil ran out the door, throwing Roman at his car, "Drive!" it hissed, opening the door to gently put Patton inside.

Logan hurried inside, shutting and locking their door with wide eyes.

Roman groaned when his back hit the car, running to the other side, taking out his keys and starting the car, driving away as soon Remus got out of the house.

"Holy fuck!" Roman gasped for breath, "He was gonna KILL Patton!"

Virgil growled, putting Patton in its lap, "Never. I would never let it happen."

Patton couldn't decide rather to be pale from horror, or red from sitting in its lap.

Virgil kissed his forehead, cupping his face, "My Patton.. I wouldn't ever let anyone hurt you. You trust me, don't you?"

Patton's face exploded in a blush as he nodded, "O-Of course." he whispered.

Virgil didn't look satisfied. It pressed Patton's face to its chest, wrapping its spider legs around him to protect him, glaring outside.

Roman looked back and shook his head, "Even with no control, it still loves Patton."

Logan nodded their head.

Roman cast a glance towards them, "You ok, specs?"

They slowly nodded, "Y-Yeah, just thought the two would break into a fight."

Roman patted their shoulder, "Yeah, but everyone is fine."

"We should take Virgil somewhere with more space," Patton sounded muffled as he spoke, "so it can do its thing."

"That's sounds like a fine idea." Roman began to drive to where an empty parking lot should be near the woods.

Virgil nuzzled Patton's fluffy hair, "You are always so soft, my Patton." it happily said.

"O-Oh?" Patton was utterly embarrassed, "That's good, I think."

Virgil's next words stopped Patton's mind and heart altogether.

"I was right to choose you to be my mate."

Mate? Him and Virgil? Together? Virgil wants that?

Patton glowed, snuggling back. He had no words. Even if this wasn't really Virgil talking, the spider part is still apart of it.

This was a nice Halloween, Patton decided, definitely his favorite.

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