Clato oneshots

By Clato_not_Glato

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These are some random Clato oneshots ,sorry for my crappy description but the title sais it all. Hopefully my... More

Armistice 1/2 (maybe 3)
Armistice (2/2)
Secret Santa
All I want for Christmas is YOU
Secret Santa (1/3)
The best Christmas present
Secret Santa (3/3)
Among Us
I Loved You Cato
New Years Resolutions
They're Not Wrong You Know
I'll always be there for you
Not an update
Where's Loberboy
Just Talk
Hit me
Operation Everlarck
Operation Clato
The art of pencils
Cereal (prompt)
Beautiful mistakes
They Should Have Won
Ping Pong (1/2)
He's my cousin !
My love,my life,Cato
It's time to go home (Armistice tribute)

I can do it (#โ™•๐Ÿ˜)

3K 36 96
By Clato_not_Glato

I've been working on this one for a long time now,I didn't know how to end it and there were lot's of problems.
But I've worked really hard,so I really hope you enjoy.

Cato POV:
I'm nervous,very nervous.
Nervous she'll say no,nervous she'll kill me or even worse never talk to me again.

The guys had tried to convince me that I would be fine and she would be happier that ever but that just made me stress even more.
I'm even more anxious and it's clearly showing,with sweat running down my forhead which I quickly wipe away.
Finnick patts me on the back,he and Annie had agreed to come with me to capture what I hope will be a magical moment.

I am dressed in a casual blue shirt which Clove sais, "inhances my icy blue eyes" and a pair of simple black jeans.
I walk down her driveway and up to the door of her mansion.
It's pure white with a big balcony and huge glass windows.

I see Finnick's car speeding away in the distance and finally after staring at her bedroom window for far too long I knock on the door.
As I wait for someone to open the door I can't help but smirk,if I play my cards right my beautiful,bitchy,annoying and creepy girlfriend could become my fiancé and later my wife.
Just as I'm starting to gain confidence Kayen,Clove's older sister flings the door open and lets me in.
She winks at me knowing my plan to propose to Clove,she then invites me to have a drink saying Clove isn't ready yet.
We then hear a voice from up stairs saying,"who sais I'm not ready?"I could recognise that voice anywhere that's my beloved girlfriend,Clove.

I look up and see her walking down the stairs looking more beautiful than ever.
She is wearing plain black leggings and my football hoddy.
That hoodie is extra important to me because of a tradition.

It started at school where the football player would give their football hoodies to their girlfriends.
I really apreciate the fact that Clove is wearing it for our date.
What most people don't know about the tradition is the guy who started the tradition,Sejanus Plinth,actually proposed to his girlfriend when she was wearing this exact sweatshirt,before getting married to her and living a happy life.
This tradition has been going on for almost 100 years.
Most people don't know about his proposal and marriage,only me,Finnick and Marvel know since we are coach Brutus' favorites and he thinks this kind of information will get us a football scolarships.

I don't know I'm staring until Clove is about a step away from me and hits me on the head saying,"creep",then smirking at me.
I take one last look at her,her hair is in her signature ponytail,with little balls of hair which I know for a fact house more than a few knives and her outfit was super chill and casual,which is what I had told her to dress as.
I would have gotten her roses or some kind of flower but I knew she didn't like them so I just forgot about the idea.

I take a black hankerhief out of my pocket and tie it around Clove's head so she can't see.She complains a lot but reluctantly gives in.
I smirk at Kayen and lead Clove out the door and into my car,a posh white ferrari.
I help Clove in knowing she doesn't want help but knowing she needs it.
I get into the drivers seat and turn on the car,the destination is about an hour away but I won't let Clove take of the blindfold off.
I turn on the radio and get going.

After about an hour of hearing Clove complain we drive down a rocky,gravel path and park the car.
I help Clove out and I guide her through District 2's woods.

Clove and I were always best friends and used to hang out in the woods all the time.This is also where I asked her to be my girlfriend back in high school.
We then moved away for college and decided to go to the same one,thankfully all are friends had decided to go there too.

It's a five minute walk from were I park to car,to where I asked Finnick to set up everything and hide in the bushes.
About 2 minutes into the walk you can hear the loud noises of the huge waterfall in the clearing.

Seeing a huge smile creepy onto Clove's face I suddenly get an idea.
Just as she is about to say something I scream,"last one there has to jump in" and take of running.
I can hear her cursing at me from behind and I watch as the smile on her face grows even more.

She tares the blindfod off and starts running after me.
Clove has always been the better runner so I concentrate on getting there before her,wanting to see the look on her face when she sees what I organied for her and not wanting to jump into the water mid march.
I keep on running but Clove seems to be catching up,thankfully I arrive before her.
She comes running into the clearing,her ponytail swishing in the wind,her arms moving graciously through the air and a smile still plastered on her perfect face.
I can't help but feel happy,I love this girl more than anything in the world.
She runs into the clearing but abrutly stops noticing everything.

The trees are decorated with fairy lights hanging down from them,just like Clove used to do when she waited for me as kids.
There are candles scatered across the ground and pictures of us through out the years are everywhere hanging from the trees,simply left on the floor or glued into the holes Clove used to make while practising knife throwing.

Towards the end of the clearing where the trees start again sits the biggest and oldest tree in the forest.
That tree was always our special tree,we engraved dates in the bark as well as writing the cliché
Clove+Cato=BFF and then later simply writing Clove+Cato in a heart.

I remember Clove's smile as she sharpened her knife ready the write that.
Under that special tree is a wooden picnic bag and blanket where we would later sit and enjoy some sandwiches that I had made as I don't know how to cook and wanted to make something myself.

In the middle of the clearing is a lonely towel,with me standing next to it.
I see Clove looking around in awe and she starts thanking me for preparing everything and aranging all this for her.
She walks over to me and kisses me as a thank you, she then notices to towel and asks what the towel is for.

Before answering I pick her up in my arms bridal style and walk over to the river at the end of the waterfall.
I then smirk and ask her :"Remember our childhood tradition? Whoever loses the race..."" goes into the water" she finishes as I drop her into the freezing water.

She screams as she enters the water and quickly jumps out scowling and cursing at me, saying I cheated in the race and how I had a head start.
She stomps over to where the towel is and wraps it tightly around herself as I laugh at her and start lighting a fire to keep her warm.

I gather wood ,while she just sits there with the towel,even if she's a lazy pain in the ass I still love her,god how will I propose!!!

I approach some bushes to get some more firewood when suddenly the bush starts moving.
I take a step back as a hand appears from out the bush.
I'm normally very strong but this hand manages to pull me into the bush.

I'm now sitting in a bush with 11 faces staring down at me as I sit on my but.
I didn't reconnise them at first but then I realised it was the gang ,well not all of it but still,Jo's here,as well as Peeta,Katniss,Marvel,Annie and Finnick,they all have paint over they faces and are looking at me quite strangely.
I should have guessed Finnick would have told everyone and then they would plan to stalk us here and watch us like creeps.
I will admit watching Fannie and Peeniss date was funny at first but it come boring really quickly.
The funniest part was seeing thre reactions when they found out we had been watching.

I look at them weirdly and Jo explaims exasperated:"why haven't you done it yet!!!"
"But we haven't even eaten yet,I'm not gonna ask now plus she's wearing the hoodie which makes it extra stressfull and well I don't know what to say" I explain.
Jo is about to say something and a weird grin/smirk is appearing on Marvel's face which means he's about to say something innapropriate that he thinks is funny but I cut them both off by saying "I need to get back to Clove".
They all nod their heads urgently and push me back out the bush with the firewood.

I walk back to Clove with the firewood and smirk,this is also one of our old traditions as we used to go camping in the woods a lot.
We're violent people and honestly having a little fight once in a while is fun.
She smirks back knowing were about to have one of are old fights.

She reaches for her ponytail,oh shit,I better hide,I think as she pulls out the knife I gave her for her 10th birthday.
She jumps to her feet and starts chasing me.
I tacle her to the ground but we roll around for a bit before she manages to balance herself on top of me and places the blade to my throat.
I win she sais and smirks,she leans down to kiss me and as her soft lips meet mine I feel pressure on my neck from where the knife is.
I quickly pull away and Clove looks at me confused.
She then notices the thin red line,it's not a deep cut not enough to create real dammage but there is still blood trickeling down my throat.
Clove stares for a bit but comming to the same conclusion as me she bursts out laughing.

I can just picture Annie crying in the bushes as Finnick tries to comfort her,Jo smirking with a proud look on her face,Peeta and Katniss both looking shocked and Marvel probably celebrating us,I guess.
But not us were laughing our heads up.
When Clove finnaly stops laughing she looks at me and a grin appears on her face,oh no I think before she jumps on my back yelling piggy back ride me pesant.
I smirk and carry her back to our tree before she jumps off and I unfortenatly am left with the extremely hard task of lighting a fire,as Finnick forgot matches.

I finish lighting the fire and go sit next to my girlfriend on the blanket as we wait for the fire to heat us up as we are both very wet.
Clove from jumping into the waterfall and me from tackeling a wet Clove.

I wrap my arm around her and she lays her head on my shoulder,we sit there in silence simply enjoying each other company before Clove asks; "what do you think would have happend if we were never friends?"
I turn and stare at her,I kiss her on the forhead and turn back to my original sitting position.
Clove stays silent before breaking the peacefull silence with a shrill scream I didn't know she was capable of doing.
FOOOOOOOODDDDD she screams before jumping up and grabbing the basket.

She diggs in and pulls out her favorite tuna fish sandwich and throwing me my enourmous meat lovers sandwich made by yours truly.
We dig in to are sandwichs and start talking about random topics like school and our terribly predictable friends.

Whithin minutes we have both finished our sandwiches and go lay in the middle on the slushious green grass of the clearing,warching the stars like the good old days.

We gance at the beatifull stars,there almost as beatiful as my Clover
(I know that sounds cliché but it's true,and quoting Johanna,"love is weird".)
We lay on the ground our hands intertwined,I'm thinking of all the special memories we have at this place.
If I was ever going to do this,this is the place where I want to do it.
Thinking about how lucky I am to have Clove I turn to her and plant a sweet kiss on her lips before telling her I love her.
She looks at me and tells me she loves me too before planting a delicate soft kiss on my lips.
I kiss her on the forhead before we go back to our original position.
We stay there in silence for a few minutes before Clove jumps up and explaining she needs to go do her buisness.
I look up to her and smirk,which she responds to by sticking out her tough at me and running into the forest.

I look around me at this magical place,it looks even more surreal with the candels and fairy lights and the smiling pictures of Clove just make everything better.
I decide if I'm gonna do this,this is the time,this is the place,I have to do this.
I make up my mind to choose to follow hope and the dream of happiness instead of my nervs telling me,I'm going to regret it.

I hear quick footsteps running back to the and decide that I will do it.

I walk at back to our tree and take the little crimson red box out of my pocket and wait for Clove to come.
I put it in my left hand and hid it behind my back.

I'm now standing under our tree,probably drenched in sweat and with my face as red as the blood of our first kill.

Clove comes running out of the bushes a bit scratched but still as beautiful as ever.
She runs up to me but stops abruptly,a look of concern flashes her face and she worridly asks me"Cato are you okay your as pale as Katniss when she freaks out?"
I smirk and nodd my head as a rather loud snort comes from the bushes.
"Jo shut up" yells Clove as she turns around to go kick Jo's ass.
I grab Clove's arm to turn her around as I get down on one knee and pull out the crimson box.
I can hear giggles and snorts from the bush but right now I don't really care.
Clove looks suprised and is brightly smiling.
I take than as a good sign and move on.

"Clove we've known each other since we were five,since you cut my foot open on the first day of training.
We've been best friends for years and we've dated for so long it feel like forever and I'm glad it does.
I can't imagine my life without you and I don't want to.
Every moment with you has been the highlight of my life,well exept jumping in the freezing cold water in december because your crazy fast,that was annoying but every single moment with you has been amazing.
Carving our name's into the tree,tracing our story.
Clove I love you,your the best thing tht has ever happened to me.
I love you with everything I have and I would do anything to protect you.
I love you more than anything Clove and if Glimmer hadn't demanded a restraining order I would let you beat her up again.
Clove you have no idea how much I love you,I can't even express it in words.
I have never felt this way for anyone,I would rather die than see you die.
I guess I now understand Romeo and Juliette better,remmember when we used to make fun of them?
I guess what I'm trying to say is Clove Isabelle Kentwell your the only girl in my life,even if your an annoying bitchy little brat I still love you and ...
Clover will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?" I ask hope and fear of rejection filling me up.

I feel like the world is on pause awaiting Clove's reply,everything is silent,wating.

Clove starts to smile as tears well up in her eyes as she tells me "Of course I'll marry you asshole".
I slip the ring onto her finger,jump up and kiss her,happier than ever.
I lift her up and spin her around,this is the best day of my life I think to myself.

I finally put her down and she looks down at the expensive yet beautiful ring.
It's a twisted ring with diamonds all over the sides and an emmerald green gem in the middle that matches her eyes.
She looks back up at me her emmerald colour eyes dripping tears as she sais "I love you so much Cato" and kisses me again.

She kisses me sweetly and tenderly.
I feel like the happiest person alive,with the girl I love wrapped in my arms kissing me.
I pull Clove in closer to me and smile through the kiss,I love this girl so much it's crazy.
I gently bite her bottom lips and she giggles,an amazing sound only I get the priviledge of hearing.
I break away from the kiss at look at Clove,my beatiful new fiance.
How did I get so lucky.
I press my forhead against hers to which she smiles sweetly,we just stand there for a moment until Clove breaks the silence exitedly explaiming "We're getting married".
I smiled down at her and nod.
She jumps up into my arms and kisses me again.
This time she gets a little more intense forcefully sliding her tough into her tough and pressing herself as close as she possibly can to me.
Of course I kiss back and we make out for a few more seconds before we here lound barfing noices,awww's and Johanna screaming PDA,PDA over and over.
I pull away and smile at Clove before pecking her on the lips and dropping here back on the ground.

Clove smiles before turning and yelling at the bush "Jo shut up do you want me to tell everyone what happend at ..."she gets cut off by Jo screaming "No,No,NO don't you even dare say that,make out all you want!Just shut the hell up,okay!!!!"
Clove then continues calling out our friends by saying "Yes Marvel the ship has sailed and I'm captain you dummy!" "But I'm Marvelous,I should be captain Marvel complains".
Clove then adresses Katniss and Peeta "Kat I'm know your protective mother self is proud but do try to awww quietly,same goes to you bread boy."
This is just met with laughter from the other side of the bush so she continues "Annie I'm sorry we traumatised you and yes our love is weird but the decorations are amazing" I can feel Annie smiling but Clove continues "Ohh and Finnick next time please do try and keep it a secret".

After hearing this I turn to Clove suprised.
"You knew I was going to propose",I ask.
"Duhh of course I did,you idiot.
You told Finnick did you really expect him to be able to keep a secret," she smirks
"And why do you think I wore this" she sais as she grabs the ends of the hoodie and does a little spin.

I smile at her and say,"I guess your right".
She smirks and pulls out the knife out of her ponytail again.
She looks at me and does her signature move a backflip into a throw and thows the knife into our tree.

"Don't you wanna go do it" she sais and runs off to the tree.
Of course she gets there before me and climbs the tree easily until she's hanging upside down from her feet.
"Took you long enough"she smirks and jumps out of the tree,knife in her teeth.

She gives me the knife,indicating me to start.
I grab the knife and start carving Clove's name into the wood.
I was never good at this and Clove's name always looked pretty bad while mine always looked perfect as Clove had done it.

We finish carving our names as well as some rings onto the tree and smile.
Clove yawns and plops her head onto my shoulder,I kiss her on the forhead but then jump up making her loose her balance and slam her head onto the green grass.
She then quickly jumps up and glares at me.

I walk towards the bush were or friends are and Clove joggs behind me to catch up.
I give them directions to a place they can stay and playfully glare at Finnick for ruining the suprise.
They all congratulate us and the girls start gushing over Clove's ring.
We finally manage to usher them away to enjoy our camping evening.
We lay on the picnic blanket and look at the stars like we were doing before.

I notice Clove starting to yawn and doze off so I decide to go get the camping stuff from the trunk.
I run to and from the car back to the clearing hoping to find Clove is still awake but when I run in through the trees I notice her breathing has slowed and her eyes are closed,she's asleep I think to myself.

I think of waking her up to help me set up the tent but she looks so peacefull while asleep and she would kill me if I woke her up.
I quietly set up the tent and carry my beautifull fiancé into the tent.
I lay down next to her,gently kiss her on the forhead and quickly fall asleep.
I just hope this wasn't a dream.

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