Twin At First Sight |✓|

By LoveFoodAndSleep

223K 6.4K 752

I felt the tears rise and I looked down for a minute, gathering all of my resolve. I looked up again and star... More

Chapter 2: It Hurts
Chapter 3: You Okay?
Chapter 4: Rise Peasant
Chapter 5: X
Chapter 6: I Will Brain You
Chapter 7: What is this?
Chapter 8: My Baby
Chapter 9: Banned From Target
Chapter 10: No!
Chapter 11: Pale Faces
Chapter 12: Six?
Chapter 13: Stab Wound?
Chapter 14: Trust
Chapter 15: Birthdays and Cupcakes
Chapter 16: Good Things Don't Last
Chapter 17: 'Nightmare'
Chapter 18: Why Must You Be So Cruel?
Chapter 19: You Are Mine
Chapter 20: Rosie
Chapter 21: Betrayal
Chapter 22: I Trusted You!
Chapter 23: The Triplets
Chapter 24: Welcome Home, Sister.
Chapter 25: Dalia
Chapter 26: 3..2..1..
Chapter 27: Everything goes to Tartarus
Chapter 28: Blacked Out
What Next?

Chapter 1: Holy Shit

12.9K 305 41
By LoveFoodAndSleep

"Alexis Taylor, please head to the office. I repeat, Alexis Taylor, please head to the office"

I stopped dead in my tracks. It was the last class of the day. What had I done? As far as I remembered I hadn't done anything to anyone today. Yet. I started my solemn walk to the office, my head held high as people kept whispering around me. I rolled my eyes at their childishness as I approached the office. The only reason I was going alone was because my best friend who is also my brother was absent because of some...complications.

I entered the office and greeted the old hag sitting at the front desk. She huffed and pointed to the principal's door and waved me off.

"You know what to do." She muttered as she continued doing something on the computer.

"Thanks, Mrs. C." I replied tightly but still politely. Honestly this woman was getting on my nerves. I knocked on the door and a soft 'Come in' was heard. I entered and the principal gave me a huge smile and I relaxed.

I am what Wattpad would call the 'bad girl' of the school. In high school, the rules of survival are 'Eat or be Eaten'. Metaphorically, of course. My brother and I were steered clear of. Except by my gay best friend that is. That guy is all things good in people rolled into one huge ball of sunshine.

Back to the situation at hand.

"Is something wrong, Mrs. Thomas?" I asked as I settled into the seat in front of her polished mahogany desk. I was known as the 'bad girl' but in actuality I was just a nerd with an eye for leather jackets and boots. I love reading and studying. My brother reminds me every day that I have to collect information about humans and report back to my alien overlords. My brother, the joker, everybody.

Sarcasm intended.

"Oh no, nothing is wrong, dear. I have some good news for you. I have been extended an offer for you and your brother to join Philips Academy of the Arts. They have heard about you and they saw you perform in the last showcase and they are clamouring for Aiden to join too. His artworks have blown them away. And your grades too are exceptional. They are extending a art scholarship for both of you. I will give you a couple of days to consider and make your choice but I hope that you will take this chance and let your talents blossom under proper guidance. Of course, after Philips Academy you don't need to follow the arts as a career as they have a splendid study program too. Any more information you need can be taken from this file that has been compiled. Please, Alexis, think about it and get back to me in a couple of days. Tell your brother to consider too." The principal finished and my mouth had dropped.

Philips Academy of the Arts? Both of us had gotten into the most prestigious private school in the country?

"I- I'll think about it. Thank you, Mrs. Thomas. Thank you so much." I replied earnestly, trying to pour all my gratitude into my voice.

"Oh, it wasn't my hard work or my talent, dear." She replied with a smile and I smiled back.

"Now get to class. Here's the late slip." She said and shooed me out of the office after handing me the small late pass. I grinned at the mean, old receptionist and she looked at me in astonishment. I practically skipped to class and handed my late slip to the teacher, who raised an eyebrow at my weirdly happy state but waved me off without comment.

I sat down in my seat almost begging for the bell to ring but when I looked up, I still had about 20 minutes before I could leave. I groaned mentally and tuned out of the discussion going on in the class and started doodling in the margins of my notebook. 

The bell finally rang after a few agonizing minutes and I was out of my seat in a trice and out of the class. I practically ran back back home, trying to get there as fast as I could. I had to get home quickly for two reasons.

One, I had to tell Aiden the good news.

Two, I had to get home before he got home especially when Aiden was sick.

I was sure he would not allow us to go but I was hoping he would be happy to get rid of us.

I ran up to the nice, quaint house we lived in and raced up the driveway and opened the door quietly. The house was dead silent as I crept up the stairs, making sure not to make too much noise.

I crept into my brother's room and sat down beside his curled up body under the covers. When I sat down, he shifted and opened his eyes to look at me.

Aiden is my older brother. He is 11 months older than me and we are really close due to our circumstances. He had the same cerulean blue eyes like mine but unlike me he had gotten our mother's Brown hair while I had ended up with my dad's raven black hair.

Aiden usually did not get sick but now was an exception. He looked up at me with red-rimmed eyes and his face was pale. I ran my fingers softly through his hair and he leaned into my touch.

"How are you feeling, bubby? The fever's gone down now. Do you want me to get you something to eat?" I asked him softly and he nodded. He looked so cute at that moment. Like a little child. But don't let it fool you. When he is normal, he is the devil incarnate.

"Okay. I'll just get some soup for you, okay? Then we need to talk." I replied as I got up.

"Okay." He replied hoarsely and his eyes fluttered close again.

I went downstairs again. He was not home. I started making the soup and my mind drifted to better times. When mom had not met him. When he  was not a constant in our life. When he was not our stepfather. Sure, he had been really good to us when he had first come but it was when mom was not home that the abuse started.

He threatened us saying that he would hurt mum if we ever said one word to her. Even if our mum ignored us and rarely remembered that she had children, we still loved her. So the story started. The abuse was never physical always mental but we never gave him the satisfaction of breaking us. I took the soup and put it in a bowl and carried it back up to Aiden's room and sat down beside him again.

He looked at me beseechingly and I rolled my eyes before picking up the bowl and feeding it to him.

"So what was it we needed to talk about." He asked as he finished the bowl.

"The principal called me today." Seeing his raised eyebrow I quickly interjected," Nothing bad. It's just we have been extended a scholarship to attend Philips Academy." I finished and his eyes grew wide.

"Holy Shit."

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