The Blacks | 𝙂𝙚𝙤𝙧𝙜𝙚 𝙒�...

By dustycloudx

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Tonks, Lestrange and Black, is it possible for them to be good? Tonks being Nympadora's younger sister, Lestr... More


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By dustycloudx

𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖑𝖆𝖈𝖐𝖘

I walked into the common room after attending to the Library, when I mean, I have been avoiding people, I mean, I AVOID people expect Harry and George, they have both figured out what I do every night, always George but sometimes Harry, or George would split from his brother to come try and tease me, Harry would pull me over and tell me things.

I looked as everyone's head turned to me, all the nasty disgusted looks had arrived from the smiles, I walked in and when I stood in the middle.

"You must have a reason to want to avoid us, if you wanted to prove you are good then you wouldn't be scared of us" God damn its that fucking annoying Seamus guy again.

I turned to look at him "Scared?" I laughed and walked closer to him, I leaned down.

"If I was just like my mother, you would be my first target" I glared at him and I was grabbed.

"Don't say things like that" Harry said, he was right i shouldn't, it makes things worse that I would think about that.

"You are looking for trouble, the fact you hate me because of my surname makes you a horrible disgusting little boy, YOU MAKE ME SICK" I yelled getting upset and angry really wanting to let it all out.

"Atleast my mother didn't kill a married couple who had a baby" I heard and looked seeing a guy.

I tilted my head "Neville Longbottom" I said and his eyes widened.

"So she told you?" He asked and I shook my head.

"You do remember my mother left me when I was about 5? You do remember that right? Remus told me about you, Sirius told me about you" I said and they seemed shocked.

"Professor Lupin?" A girl asked who matched the description of Hermione Granger.

"Thats right princess, Remus Lupin, took me in as his own and raised me, Sirius is my blood, 2nd cousin but I see him as an Uncle, so I will say it now, if ANY of you try and befriend me now, I will simply laugh at you" I said and headed out the common room.


I arrived infront of dumbledores stairs to his office "Enola" I heard and turned seeing George, I gave him a smile.

"It took some guts to tell them that and I agree if they now want to be friends because they see you grew up around good, they are pathetic" he said and I smiled.

"Thank you, for being there on the first day, you were the first to speak to me, the first to attempt to comfort me and youve just been there every night and almost everyday, Remus does that, I go to the fire and read, he found out I did that and joined me to make sure I wasn't thinking anything bad, or anything to make me upset, he wanted to always make sure I was loved, wanted and safe" I said crossing my arms.

"Can I tell you something that you might not want to hear?" He asked and I nodded "Hermione, she never hated you, she just feared your name, she seen something different she just didn't know how to approach you, Ron he is a complete idiot I wonder how me managed to get friends, but give him a chance, and Fred, hes just been planning on trying to welcome you to Gryffindor, trying to get a good prank in, he wants to talk to you, but I feel like its because you always look like you want to kill someone they back down" he said.

"I understand why they would hate me, but I do not understand why they would show their hatred for me, why they wouldn't try, I dont see myself as a scary person, I read books, I do my work, I ace my work, I literally cry myself to fucking sleep, I don't have a fucking clue why Gryffindors would do such a thing, I 100% understand at Nevilles point, my mother fucking killed his parents, he has a right to hate me and fear me, but the others are just disgusting" I said.

"That is correct, and all I say is, show them, be the better Gryffindor, speak above them, show them how to be a Gryffindor" He said and I smiled.

"That doesn't mean try put your name into the goblet of fire, tried that with Fred, didn't work out at alll" he said and I laughed, I happened to be in the corner at the time that happened.

"No, I'm not dumb enough to try put my name down, I know what them games are and what they can do, I couldnt do it, it fears me to be honest, if my name comes out of the goblet then it wasnt me, I am probably in trouble or someone ended up being a bitch and putting my name down" I said and he smiled.

"And I will believe you if that happens" He said and I giggled.

"Im being serious though, If my name comes out, I will go to azkaban for killing the one who put my name down, first bet is Seamus, he may not be old enough but I already hate him" I said and he chuckled.

"You seem to be genuine about your name coming out the goblet Miss Lestrange" I turned and seen Dumbledore.

"Because I have done my research, I have heard any name can go down as long as the age of the person who done it is the correct age, with what is going on now, I don't know what will happen" I said.

"And if one of my students attempted to put another student in complete danger they will be out of this school immediately" He said and I nodded

"Now Enola, you have a very good friend here, don't let him go" He said giving us a wink, I looked at George and smiled.

"Once hes my friend he is permanently stuck in my life he can't get rid of me" I said and Dumbledore smiled.

"I will gladly accept that permanet offer" George said and I laughed.

"Come i want you to get along with Fred, you can't just have 1 twin as a friend, its better with the 2 of us, well...falling for 1 is allowed" He winked and I gasped hitting his arm but then winked.

"I would accept that offer" I said and he laughed before grabbing my arm and rushing towards the common room to grab Fred Weasley

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