For as Sick as it May Seem

By timebomber666

15.8K 845 105

Growing up, Corianne Stanley knew Christopher Cerulli as her next door neighboor and the older brother of the... More

1 - I Saw Your Eyes
2 - The Urge is Getting Stronger
4 - Stung by the Wasp
5 - My Heart is a Timebomb
6 - I Will Break You Carefully
7 - The Distance Kills Me
8 - Lust Verses Love
9 - Until Your Heart Caves In
10 - Love is Like Fire (Trigger Warning)
11 - You are All That I Have Left
12 - Black
13 - The Pain We Love
14 - Goodbye
15 - You Could Never Understand Me
16 - We'll Sing Forever
17 - Undress Your Body (Explicit Content)
18 - This Place That I Call Home
19 - Santa's Pissed
20 - I Don't Know Where Home is Anymore
21 - Push Passed Everything
22 - They Will Surely Take You Away From Me
23 - This is a Love Song
24 - I Know Our Future
25 - Don't Say Goodbye
26 - Forever and Always
Behind The Scenes
Alternate Endings
I'll make you a deal...
New Story!

3 - Unstoppable

717 31 7
By timebomber666

For a week straight, every time Cory went to Starbucks before work, Chris would meet her there. She always smiled when she saw him. Cory thought it was sweet that he wanted to see her so often. She figured he'd get sick of her after a while, but apparently not.

They always had really fun conversations. They actually had a lot of things in common. Cory especially loved seeing Chris' eyes light up whenever hockey was mentioned. She thought it was cute...

Cory looks at the time, "Oh, I should get going." She says, grabbing her coffee and standing.

Chris sighs and grabs his coffee and stands as well. He stood a good foot taller than Cory, if not more. It sometimes intimidated her...

"Man, it sucks that I only get to see you for like fifteen minutes every day." Chris huffs.

"I know, but I've gotta work. I have to pay the rent somehow."

"Yeah, I know."

Cory smiles and rolls her eyes, "Okay. If you really wanna see me without being tackled by MIW groupies, business starts to slow down around 7:30."

"Really." Chris states, "I just might have to take you up on that."

Cory laughs, "Alright. I'll see you later." She says before quickly hugging Chris and walking out.


Cory walks into Hot Topic and, as usual, was greeted by Mandy.

"Hey, girly!"

"Hey. Nice Spongebob skirt." Cory comments.

"Isn't it?" Mandy asks. "Anyway. Any new developments since I last saw you?"

"Since you last saw me yesterday? No, not really." Cory says, "Oh. Cole told me to tell you he says 'hi'."

"Does your little brother still have that annoying crush on me?"

"I think its cute! Cole is very particular about his women. You should be flattered."

"Whatever. Go help that customer over there?"

"I'm on it, boss."


As predicted, business began to slow down as it got later in the evening. It was usually like this on school nights. Cory didn't mind, though. Now, she was getting paid to sit on her ass and chat with her coworkers and listen to music.

Cory sat on the counter, talking to everyone, when they all suddenly seemed to be looking at something behind her. Mandy's eyebrows shoot up, and she then smirks.

"Cory..." She sings, "You've got a handsome pair of eyebrows waiting for you at the door."

Cory swings her legs around the counter and turns herself around. Her eyes widen.

"Chris." She states, hopping down, "What are you doing here?"

"You told me if I wanted to see you that business slows down at 7:30. Well, it's 7:32." Chris says with a grin; opening his arms up as if to say 'here I am.'

Cory's mouth falls open. She didn't think he'd actually come...

Mandy walks over. She places two fingers under Cory's chin and shuts Cory's mouth.

"Shut that pretty little mouth of yours, honey. You'll catch flies." Mandy says.

Cory laughs, "Right." She says, "Chris, this is -"

"Amanda DeLarentes, but everyone calls me Mandy. I'm manager here and I'm also Cory's best friend. I'm like a sister to her. So I guess you could say I'm kind of a big deal. Ravi de vous rencontrer." (A/N: Google Translate Translation: Nice to meet you.) Mandy says, gracefully extending her hand for Chris to shake.

"Le plaisir est pour moi." Chris responds, shaking Mandy's hand. (A/N: Google Translate Translation: The pleasure is all mine.)

Both girls' mouths drop and their eyes widen.

"He speaks French." Mandy states. She turns to Cory and puts her hands on Cory's shoulders, "He just became the God of everything that ever has and ever will be considered sexy." She pulls Cory closer, inches from her face, "Go on your break. Don't mess this up." Mandy says before walking off.

Cory turns to Chris, "So, uh, that was Mandy."

"That was not a person. That was an experience."

Cory laughs, "C'mon. Late night coffee sound good?



"Trust me; traveling for a living is not nearly as fun when you have a paralyzing fear of heights and flying; aka, pretty much our main way of travel when we're not using the bus."

"It's still gotta be so worth it. Your entire life is an adventure; I have the same routine every day. Wake up, get ready for school, go to school, come home, do homework, get ready for work, go to work, come home, go to bed, and do it all over again in the morning. I mean it's nice because it's an organized schedule, but...I don't know. Maybe I'd like just a little disorganization..."

"Yeah, I'm sorry. That does sound like it kinda sucks..."

Cory sighs, "It's fine. If it means Cole will have a good future, that's all that matters."

Chris gives her a sad smile, "You now, I think it's really brave of you to have taken custody of him."

"Well if I hadn't, we would have been separated and put into foster homes. Cole was only seven at the time and was scared half to death throughout the entire experience. I had to do it. And I'm glad I did."

"You're a really good person, Cory."

She smiles, "Thank you. It's going to have to work for now."

Chris smiles in return, "So, what time do you get out of here?"

"Ten. From here until then it's pretty much dead though. But I get paid by the hour; whatever puts food on the table for Cole. Sometimes Mandy will let us go home early though. God, I'm lucky my feet haven't fallen off."

"Do you not have a car?"

"Can't afford one."

"Do you want me to give you a ride home tonight?"

"No, it's fine." Cory says.

"Come on."

"It's okay, I can't ask you do do that."

"You're not asking! I'm offering!"

Cory laughs, "I always walk to and from work, Chris. It's really okay."

"Nope! I'm driving you home tonight and that's that."

Cory laughs even more. He really was cute.

Although come to think of it, the fact that he wouldn't take 'no' for an answer was a bit unsettling...

"Alright, alright." Cory says, standing, "We should probably head back."

Chris nods, "Cool. That Mandy girl is interesting."

"Yeah, that's one word you could use to describe her." Cory jokes as they start walking.

They arrive back at the store shortly later.

"Hey, love birds!" Mandy greets.

Cory laughs, "Mandy -"

"I don't care if you're 'just friends', I still ship it!"

"She knows I called you 'Squirt' until you were eight, right?" Chris asks Cory.

"Yes." Mandy answers, "You should really start thinking of better pet names for her."

Chris and Cory just laugh.

"I'm thinking of closing up early. Cory, you go home and be with your brother; we'll finish up here." Mandy continues.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, now go."

Cory shrugs, "Okay. See you tomorrow." She says, "C'mon, eyebrows."

"Sure thing, cup cake."

"Cup cake?"

"The red in your hair reminds me of a red velvet cup cake."

Cory laughs and they walk off.

Mandy turns to the other employees, "Twenty bucks says they're fucking by Christmas."


"So do Nick and Jenny know we've been talking? Or anyone in your family for that matter?" Cory asks, looking down at her phone as she and Chris walk through the parking lot. She was texting Cole, letting him know that she would be home early.

"No, I haven't told them. I want to 'cause I'm sure they'd love to hear from you, but I'm worried they'll think that something is going on between us, you know?"

"Did you not just meet Mandy? Trust me, I know exactly what you mean."

But deep down, they were both thinking about what if would be like if there actually were something going on between the two of them...


They walked up the four flights of stairs to the apartment and Cory grabs her keys.

"Well, thank you, Chris. That certainly beat walking home." Cory says.

"Of course. I'll take you home any time you want me to." Chris says, meaning a bit more than what he was saying.

Cory smiles and unlocks the door before opening it, "Cole!" She calls.

Cole runs out of the bathroom, "Cory!"

"Hey, kid. This is my friend, Chris."

"Hey." Cole quickly says to Chris before once again looking to Cory, "Have you seen my toothbrush?"

"Why would I know where your toothbrush is?"

"Well I can't find it!" Cole huffs before walking off.

Cory turns to Chris, "I should probably help him. See you later?"

Chris chuckles, "Totally." He says before hugging her.

They break the embrace, smiling, then Cory walks back in and shuts the door.


Cole walks out of the bathroom and jumps on his bed, "So who was that Chris guy? He your boyfriend?"

"No. He's just an old friend."


"It's none of your business, kid."

"Oooh, yeah. You like him, don't you?"

"Shut up, will you?"

Cole just laughs, "Cory and Chris, sittin' in a tree -" But then he gets cut off by Cory throwing a pillow at him, "Hey! Good luck getting this back!"

"I don't need luck." Cory says before playfully tackling her brother.

A/N: Kind of a filler, but I liked it. So the picture I uploaded for this is a character collage for Mandy, so...yeah :) Let me know what you think!

QOTD: Random 3 a.m. thought I had last night and its driving me crazy. If you're straight edge and your doctor recommends you use medical marijuana or prescribed it to you and you used it, would you be breaking edge if you did it? Can marijuana even really be prescribed? I know some people don't even really consider it a drug. But I mean if it's doctor recommended... I live in California I should know this, haha.

Chapter Title: (Hopefully this one was obvious) Unstoppable by MIW.

xoxo, Scissorhands.

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