Leo Taura | J.JK ✓

By eremeunjungoo

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Jeon Jungkook is Korea's next gymnastics hopeful, preparing himself for the 2012 London Olympics. With the co... More

Korea's World Champion
Flying Over Choppy Waters
Training Camp
Jiving to Rock and Roll
Lock and Key
Stretching the Truth
Chalky Distraction
Ring Around the Rosie
Tiger and Deer
Third Floor
Parallel to Hell
Bottled Up
The Cost
2012 London Olympics
note from authAURA~


66 7 5
By eremeunjungoo

Rotting Citrus~

A droopy, let-down orange that surrounds an individual when an intelligent endeavor is stuck. May drain someone's creative energy and shut down their efforts to continue carrying out a goal.




"Let me choose."

Leo reaches out for my iPod, an energetic hand opening and closing dramatically. I move the device out of his reach. It's not his turn to pick a song. Not yet.

"No, stop! Leo. Seriously."

Leo continues his assault, darting his other hand out in pursuit of the object. I leap off the bed, twisting to face him with a frown. His red aura flips and spins in joviality, regarding my irritation as entertaining. Teasingly, he pushes out a socked foot, tapping my thigh from his seated position on the bed. 

I never realized how childish Leo could be when not in the gym. Not until I really got to know him.

Underneath his focused and all-business champion façade is a little boy. Not in the immature, ignorant sense, but in the sense that he enjoys games and takes pleasure in winning them. Adults possess this competitive spirit too, but Leo's is the silly, 'you can't catch me' version. Leo finds it fun to compete for domestic things, and adores watching cartoons which might be labeled as childish by outsiders.

This curious side of him is the total opposite of Leonardo Costa, the world renowned gymnastics champion. It's the spirit of a hotly competitive young Brazilian boy. I can't say that I was anything like him when I was a child, but our differences amuse me.

"Give me it." He orders, kicking my leg lightly. "I want to pick a song, Jungkook."

"No, you have to wait yourstop!" 

Leo lunges for me, pinning my arms around my torso. I jerk around in his grasp, hating that his warmth makes me want to melt right into him. Now is not the time to think about that. As I struggle against him, he begins to laugh maniacally, thick high-pitched swoops falling out of his lips.

"Leo!" I hunch over, burying the iPod in my body. His giggles fan against my back as we tussle for a stupid device that isn't even his. He's going to have to do better than pinning down one of my arms to get this thing. We're not too different in terms of strength. We could be here all night like this, locked in a perpetual tug-of-water. "Get...off of...me..."


Leo suddenly digs his thumbs into my sides. I jolt upwards at the ticklish sensation. He takes the opportunity to attack my hand, prying the device out of my fingers. Once he has successfully stolen the device, he runs away with a shit-eating smile on his face. I chase after him, shouting and waving my arms.

"Leo I will kick you out of this room if you don't give me thedon't go in the bathrow!" 

He manages to get into the bathroom and slam the door shut, locking it behind him. The door hits my shoulder during this event, which makes him laugh obnoxiously behind the wooden barrier. Out of my mouth, giggles glide freely in an unrestrained bout. 

I curse myself for laughing. My shoulder hurts, I'm out of an iPod, yet I can't get the image of him grinning out of my mind. Leo's smile could revive the dead. It's too beautiful, too funny to not laugh.

Soon, a tinny sound spills from underneath the door. I listen in, surprised to hear the thrum of violin strings accompanied by the rumbling voices of a choir. The dramatic, classical music piece is recognizable. After a while of thinking, I deem it Lacrimosa by Mozart. A daunting piece of effort and sacrifice, loaded with swooping highs and lows of emotion.

"Leo, really? You stole my iPod for this song-"

I stop my speech as Leo fiddles with the lock from the inside. The door hinges open...

...to a naked body. 

I blink, stunned at the individual cheesing in front of me in nothing but his muscled birthday suit. He holds his hand out at the shriek of a melodious violin, lifting his chin up at the warbled opera note of the choir. It's then I hear the steady thrum of the shower going in the bathroom.

"Care to join?" He asks with a wink. My body burns with anticipation before I can even take his hand or enter the bathroom. Dazed, I nod and take his hand, entering the bathroom which is just beginning to steam. The celestial soundtrack lures me in, and the bathroom door thunks behind me.

 No amount of his iPod stealing could have stopped me from entering that room.




Under the bombardment of shower water and sinful sounds, the two Olympics gymnasts relish their freedom together.

Without an impediment for male-male room travel, Leo is free to linger around Jungkook's room everyday. No blockade stops him from joining Jungkook in his dorm, regardless of what they're doing. Sleeping, lounging, kissing, showering...Leonardo might as well be a permanent occupant of 333. 

"Soap, not too much...mmgh..."

Jungkook groans as Leo presses his back into the cold ceramic wall of the shower. Leo's red aura bleeds down the shower walls, a hot inferno of raging desire and physical gratification. Jungkook welcomes the enveloping lust between them, kissing Leo harder as water sprays their naked bodies. The intense orchestral music continues playing on Jungkook's iPod, a dramatic piece for their sexual endeavor.

Leo runs a soapy hand up his side, chuckling against his lips. The Brazilian overdid it on the soap, and now the air smells entirely of rich black forest and thick spice. Jungkook squeezes strong shoulder blades with bubbly fingertips, slipping his tongue inside Leo's mouth the next time they kiss. Leo's mouth is warmer than the steaming water floating around them, welcoming his tongue in thoughtfully.

"Sorry about the soap." Leo's throaty voice is breathless, excited. Suds trail down his jaw over rows of light stubble, dripping onto a toned chest underneath prominent collar bones. Jungkook's lips are saturated with water and restless to attach to Leo once more. "You...distracted me, Jungkook."

A swell of pride fills Jungkook's stomach at the words. He connects their wet foreheads, noses nudging together as the shower water buries them in warmth. 

"I distracted you?" Jungkook asks against parted lips, biting the upper one and dragging it out. Leo grips him with predatory ownership, his hands shameless on Jungkook's bare body.

"Yes." Leo's eyes smirk at him under misty lashes. "You always distract me."

"Good." Jungkook folds his hands behind Leo's wet head of hair. More soap slips between his fingers, creating a white froth on his palms. 

One hand he moves to place on Leo's solid chest, fingers splayed against effortful muscle. Violins in the song trudge to a lower key, grumbling out a dangerous melody in the echoing bathroom. 

An enticing thought enters Jungkook's mind.

"Can I distract you...some more?"

Leo furrows his brows, curious as to what Jungkook is alluding to. The Korean presses his lips once more to Leo's before sliding lower down the other's soapy body. In crooked patterns, his hands travel and squeeze, rub and press as he descends Leo's sculpted body. When his knees thump against the white porcelain, Leo makes a guttural sound of recognition.

"Please." Leo stares down at him, red aura blinding in the watery bathroom air. Jungkook's breath fans against Leo's thigh. Droplets explode like sparks off of Leo's back, raining down on Jungkook's upturned head. "Please distract me."

Spiritedly, Jungkook lines himself up with Leo. The Brazilian's hands thread through his wet hair, massaging Jungkook's scalp in encouragement. Jungkook opens his mouth, licking his lips. One of his hands grips the back of Leo's thigh for stability.

Jungkook edges forward, hoping to make Leo feel much better. Leo waits patiently, staring at the Korean with dark expectancy. Before Jungkook's lips can brush against the target of his goal, Leo suddenly speaks up.


Jungkook leans back, blinking away stray drops that fling out into his eyes. Leo's face is confused, stuck in a wince. Even his aura seems alarmed. It worries Jungkook, who squeezes Leo's thigh, awaiting an explanation.

"Shit." Leo whispers, urging him upward by the forearm. "Shit, Jungkook."

Before Jungkook can ask what is freaking Leo out, the song on the iPod ends. In the new silence that overtakes the air, Jungkook hears the repeated knocking coming from the dorm's door. He stiffens, gazing into Leo's wide eyes with mounting despair. The Brazilian motions for him to yell, pantomiming with his hand and mouth someone shouting. Jungkook nods.


Jungkook jerks his chin at the showerhead, and Leo hurriedly turns the tap off. Before he can pull back the shower curtain, he lifts a warning finger up to his lips. If anyone hears or sees Leo exiting the bathroom after him...after a shower...

"You're in the shower? Hurry up, Jeon. I have to speak with you ASAP."

Jungkook's heart drops.

Although Leo doesn't understand  Korean, his eyes reveal the same dread that Jungkook feels. The fear of getting caught inside room 333 by Coach Kan pulses urgently in his irises. Stealthily, Jungkook drags the curtain back, digging his fingernails into Leo's wrist. Leo waits until Jungkook steps out of the tub before he does, matching the Korean's footfalls with his own. Quickly, Jungkook towels off, tossing the towel to Leo before yanking his sweatpants on.

"You done yet?"

"Yep, just a second!" Jungkook calls out in Korean, staring between the bathroom door and Leo. If he keeps Leo in the bathroom, will he be safe from Kan? As long as the door stays locked and the lights off, Jungkook doesn't see why not.

"Leo." He mouths, staring into the Brazilian's flustered face. "Stay here. Lock the door. Lights off. Quiet." 

Jungkook emphasizes the last part, covering his mouth with a hand. Leo nods emphatically, motioning for him to hurry and deal with Kan.

The bathroom door gets flung open and shut fast. Jungkook disappears out of sight of Leo, hurrying to the front door shirtless, flushed, and with his hair lightly bubbling with soap. He peers out the peephole before taking a deep breath and tossing the door open.

"Finally. I was waiting forev—Jeon?"

Coach Kan stops talking once he sees the disheveled form of his mentee. Jungkook brushes self-conscious hands through his hair, trying to tame the soap bubbles the best he can. He hopes that Leo left no handprints or unexplained bruising on any portion of his torso. Explaining that would be difficult.

"You could have rinsed off." Kan tuts, allowing himself in the room with his usual air of dignity.

Jungkook suddenly becomes aware of the extra bottles of water on the counter, indicative of more than one person drinking in the room. He strolls over to them and trashes them quickly. The sight of a Brazilian snack wrapper forces his heart rate through the roof, but he snatches it up before Kan can see. The rest of the counter space receives a tidying up, albeit rushed in Jungkook's anxious state.

Jungkook's eyes study the rest of the room, searching for any sign that two people have been cohabiting in the space. Thankfully, Leo's shoes and clothes litter the bathroom floor instead of the bedroom's. Nothing else in the apartment seems too out of place; it's only slightly messy. 

Kan briefly glances out the window, crossing his arms. He turns to face Jungkook, an unimpressed expression muddying his face. "So, how has your dieting been going?"

Jungkook swallows, leaning against the counter and trying his best to maintain his composure. Is this why Kan came here, to discuss his new diet implementation?

"It's been okay. I've cut my daily caloric intake by half."

Kan tilts his head. "That will do. Snowden's reports were released to the coaches today. By the looks, you have to lose quite a bit to hit your old weight."

"But...I've gained muscle. Now only fat." Jungkook defends, irritated by Kan's sudden appearance. Why did he have to come now of all times? Right in the middle of their shower. And to discuss a weight loss plan? Jungkook's mind grapples with the unfairness of the situation.

"Right. You have gained muscle..." Kan paces the room, staring at Jungkook's unmade bedspread. "But we've been over this. Flip speed and float time differ from pound to pound, muscle or fat. So we'll have to stick to cardio conditioning these last few weeks. Can't have you losing flip height from this camp's bad influence on your diet."

Jungkook clenches his jaw. "Okay, Coach."

"And you have to keep watching the videos."

"Will do."

"Plus, maintain your stretching regimen. I've noticed in practice, your splits haven't been as good as usual. Put over-splits into your nightly routine." Kan scoots aside some of the covers, sitting on the bed.

"Got it, Coach." Jungkook stares at the grain of the counter, wishing that Kan would just leave already. 

Suggesting training procedures is one thing, but forcing mandates down his throat over and over again is another. The throat thought reminds him of Leo in the bathroom underneath the shower water. Jungkook balks as his mind drifts to racy things. His face flares up a nice hue of red, and he turns towards the fridge to obscure it from his coach. Kan can't see him randomly flustered for no good reason.

"Also, Jeon, be sure to make use of...what is this?"

Jungkook whips around.

"What is what?"

"This." Coach Kan holds up a tiny stuffed bear with a heart drawn on its chest. "What is this?"

Jungkook's mouth turns dry. He fumbles for a lie, tapping his feet repetitively against the kitchen floor. "Um, that's a gift. From a fan. I got it in the lobby."

Kan purses his lips in disapproval. "A fan in the lobby?"

"Yes." Jungkook forces himself to maintain eye contact. "There were janitors that were fans...in the lobby. One of them gave me it."

Kan holds the bear carelessly in one hand, dangling the object against his knee. "Jeon, you know what we said about accepting gifts. If you accept one, you have to accept all. Let the committee decide what to do with these, who to donate them to. Never take personal gifts."

"I know, I know." Jungkook's hip digs into the countertop. "But I couldn't say no. I was planning on getting rid of it later, anyway."

Kan nods at his mentee. "Good. No more of that. I'll take it off your hands when I leave."

A cold zap of terror scatters Jungkook's manners. There's no way he's allowing Coach Kan to steal Leo's mother's gift to her son. "No! You can't. I mean, don't. No, that's alright. I can get rid of it. No need to take it."

Kan eyes him suspiciously. He stares back at the bear. "Was the janitor that special? Impossible. Jeon, I'm taking it. There are rules we have to follow."

Jungkook panics as his coach stands up. If Kan is set on doing something, no amount of persuasion will sway his choice in a different direction. Clamminess sets in his hands like a sour plague. His heart rate skyrockets trying to come up with an excuse that might work.

"I get that Kan, but-"

A phone starts ringing. 

Kan checks his pockets, patting them for his own device. After a second, he shakes his head, recognizing that the ringtone doesn't belong to him. Jungkook bites the inside of his cheek so hard that it draws blood. That ringtone isn't his, either. He hopes Kan won't notice.

But the ringing drags on.

"Where is that coming from? Is that yours?" Kan heads back towards the bed. Jungkook races alongside him, hoping to curb the ringing before Kan can find the foreign device. If Kan finds Leo's phone in his room...

"Yeah, it's mine. God, where is it? It's mine, who could be calling?" Jungkook digs around in the covers, babbling desperately to buy himself time. He leans far over the covers, hoping his back will block enough of Kan's vision. "No one important was set to call. Probably a telemarketer-"

"There!" Kan squats down, wrapping his fingers around an object under the bed. Jungkook prays that Kan hands it over quick, before he can realize that the iPhone is most definitely not his mentee's. Another intense bite of an orchestral ringtone shrieks into the air. 

Thankfully, the caller ID blocks the screen as it glows with a call. The caller is foreign, nothing that might give away the phone belongs to Leonardo Costa. Jungkook's heart relaxes at the plain black case and unidentifiable features.

"Oh, a foreign caller. Here." Kan holds the device out boredly. Jungkook reaches out to take it. Just as soon as his hand zooms forward to grab it, the phone stops ringing. 

Horrifyingly, the screen settles to its former lock screen. A high-definition picture of a smiling Brazilian standing atop a podium with a gold medal around his neck stares at the Koreans.

Kan blinks at the screen. Jungkook tears it from his hands.

"Um...uh, that, I set that, uh photo as my lock screen as motivation to beat Leo Cos—I mean, Leonardo Costa-"

"Bullshit!" Kan recaptures the phone in a death grip. He turns the phone around in his hands, eyes squinting in a realization. "This...this is his!"

"He just needed to borrow some tape the other day, he must have forgotten-"

"BULLSHIT!" Kan throws the bear agitatedly across the room. Jungkook watches in pain as it hits the fridge and bounces into the sink. "You think he can hang out in here when you two aren't at practice!? Jeon, have I not made myself clear about that bastard?! No fraternizing with Leonardo Costa!"

"I'm not hanging out with him!" Jungkook defends urgently, his voice warbled and thick. He crosses his arms, walking to stand and semi-block the way to the bathroom. 

"Really? Let's check then."

Jungkook stills. "No need to check for..." Jungkook trails off, realizing his defense might sound suspicious. He gulps as Kan regards him intensely. 

Suddenly, something lights up in Kan's eyes. He storms around the room, checking for more signs of the Brazilian. Half-possessed, he overturns the bedding and peeks in all the dresser's drawers. It disturbs Jungkook, how fast Kan turned from reasonable to almost manic.

"Okay...okay." Jungkook struggles to tame the beast that Kan has become. "I won't let him in here. I won't fraternize with Leonardo—wait, what are you doing? Don't..."

Kan freezes in front of the bathroom door. He studies Jungkook's face carefully, staring between the closed bathroom door and his mentee. 

"Don't what?" He challenges, placing his hand on the door handle.

Jungkook says nothing. 

Kan tries the handle, but it doesn't budge. He shakes his head first calmly, then violently, kicking the door as a theory burrows in his mind. "Why won't it open, Jeon? Is someone else possibly inside the bathroom?"

Jungkook pales as his coach wrangles with door knob some more. His heart aches as his coach switches to English.

"Leonardo Costa, you open this door right now."

Jungkook's entire body shakes with nerves. "Coach, he's not-"

"Right now, Costa!" Kan bangs against the door with a fist. Jungkook hurries to pick up the bear out of the sink,  his mouth sour with defeat. 

Eventually, Leo coaxes the door open, coming face to face with Coach Kan. He blinks calmly, his face unreadable. Kan stands there fuming at the Brazilian, whose wet, towel-messy hair gives everything away. His mentee, Jeon Jungkook...was taking a shower with Leonardo Costa.

Leo opens his mouth to explain. Kan points a finger at him, denying him the chance.

"Don't you ever come to room 333 again. You stay away from Jungkook." Kan spits at him, motioning to the door. "If you do, I'll tell the Board you've been harassing my gymnast."

Defeatedly, Jungkook steps forward. In Leo's eyes is no visible sign of pain, but Jungkook can see by the sad lopes and spirals of Leo's red aura that he's struggling significantly. It breaks his heart to see Leo caught up in distress at a time when he's already dealing with so much. Jungkook stops an arm's length away, ignoring Kan's burning glare into his profile.

A small stuffed bear with a heart on its stomach and a phone get held out to Leo by Jungkook's shaky hands. Leo clenches his jaw, taking them from the Korean wordlessly. Kan scowls at the sight of the bear in Leo's hand. 

"Out. Now." Kan's voice is dangerous, threatening. He points aggressively at the doorway. 

Leo turns towards the door without another glance at Jungkook. He rushes to the exit, sparing no more words for either Kan or the person he was just kissing heatedly under the safety of shower water.

Jungkook stares at the Brazilian's back before it slips out of the door into the hallway. Disappearing out of sight completely. The door shuts loudly, and he jumps in his skin.

Jungkook wonders if it's the last time Leo will step foot in room 333 ever again.




note from authAURA~

hello. hi. hello again.

wandering through the field am i, caught in a meadow of thought and rainbow processes...how do i order the wild flora of my mentalscape? cranial landscapers? that might do more harm than good...


do avoid rotting citrus. it's a poopy color of low intellectual breakthrough. if you need to, scrub away your existing mental barriers to let the light in a little. scrape off your mental wind shield, get that grime off using an inspiration cleaning brush! you got this! inspiration is everywhere, if you care to see it!

loving the world and its beautiful reader friends-


(by the way, here's a video of Leonardo Costa <Arthur Mariano> on high bar, if you enjoy watching gymnastics)


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