Blood bonds

By DC_Nyle

273K 17.3K 27.3K

Vampires versus hunters. That's the classic thing. Coexistence between these two would be deemed impossible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 39.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54 Red Lotus part 1
Chapter 55: Red Lotus part 2
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 60.5
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81: Vampire history part 1
Chapter 82: Vampire history part 2/2
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96: Hunter's youth part 1
Chapter 97: Hunters' youth part 2 and 3
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122
Chapter 123: Soulmates' past part 1
Chapter 124 Soulmates' past part 2
Chapter 125
Chapter 126
Chapter 127
Chapter 128
Chapter 129
Chapter 130
Chapter 131
Chapter 132
Chapter 133
Chapter 134: A hunter's past part 3
Chapter 135: A hunter's past part 4
Chapter 136: A hunter's past part 5
Chapter 137
Chapter 138
Chapter 139
Chapter 140
Chapter 141
Chapter 142
Chapter 143
Chapter 144
Chapter 145
Chapter 146
Chapter 147
Chapter 148
Chapter 149
Chapter 150
Chapter 151
Chapter 152
Chapter 153
Chapter 154
Chapter 155
Chapter 156
Chapter 157
Chapter 158
Chapter 159
Chapter 160
Chapter 161
Chapter 162
Chapter 163
Chapter 164: Solise and Nara part 1
Chapter 165 Solise and Nara part 2
Chapter 166
Chapter 167
Chapter 168
Chapter 169
Chapter 170
Chapter 171
Chapter 172
Chapter 173
Chapter 174
Chapter 175
Chapter 176
Chapter 177
Chapter 178
Chapter 179
Chapter 180: The sister of Silver Wrath
Chapter 181
Chapter 182
Chapter 183
Chapter 184
Chapter 185
Chapter 186
Chapter 187
Chapter 188
Chapter 189
Chapter 190
Chapter 191
Chapter 192
Chapter 193

Chapter 45

1.9K 90 140
By DC_Nyle

When the two girls arrived in the basement, Yoohyeon didn't really see anything out of the ordinary. It was just the same old basement she always remembered it being.

"W-what did h-he... want me to find?" Yoohyeon asked, looking at Bora.

Bora looked around, not knowing how to help the younger girl when she suddenly remembered something.

"Yooh, do you remember that one time we were children and we were playing here in the basement and your father came in and scolded us because we were playing next to an old piece of furniture and he said it was really dangerous... and he told us to go play outside?" Bora said, remembering that exact moment. She couldn't forget it because it was something really weird. Yoohyeon's father was always really kind and he never scolded them, except for that one time and he looked really worried.

"I think I do" Yoohyeon responded, trying to stop crying. She could clearly see Bora was keeping herself strong for her so she wanted to do the same for her smaller friend.

"Whatever your father wanted us to find, it's probably in that piece of furniture. He looked worried about us playing near that... so it probably contained something dangerous" she explained, walking closer to Yoohyeon.

"I think it... it was that huge dresser over there" the silver haired girl said, pointing at an old antique dresser in the dark corner of the basement.

Both girls walked in front of the dresser and Bora took Yoohyeon's hand, intertwining their fingers together.

"Should we open it?" She whispered, putting her free hand on the handle of the dresser.

"Go ahead, B-Bora" Yoohyeon responded and the older girl nodded, slowly opening the dresser, revealing all the things inside. A big dusty book, silver knives, a crossbow, silver crossbow bolts, silver blades, silver spears and a box with the letters 'Kim' engraved in it.

"T- This is..." Bora tried to say as she looked at all the weapons. She walked a little bit closer and she placed her fingers on the handle of the crossbow, caressing it gently. "This is crazy... what's all of this?" She whispered when she noticed Yoohyeon had in her hands the box with the incision.

"Will you open it?" Bora asked, carefully placing the crossbow down next to her and looking at Yoohyeon who nodded, opening the lock on the box before opening the box itself.

When she opened it, she found a beautiful and elegant gun that had her family name engraved in it. She took it out of the box and she looked carefully at the gun.

"This is w-what my father wanted me to find" she whispered, still looking at the gun in her hands.

"Hey, Yooh, look at this. It seems like he wrote a note in this dusty book" Bora suddenly said, having taken the book out of the dresser and showing it to Yoohyeon.

Yoohyeon quickly bent down to look at the note her father left her and she brushed her fingers on the book, imagining her father as he wrote that.

Dear Yoohyeon

If you found this, it means that you found out my secret and that something happened, forcing me to tell you about this. If that is the case that means that I'm not there anymore for you.

I want you to know how much you always meant to me and how much I loved you. You and my wife were my motivation to get back home safe every day.

I was a hunter. I hunted at night, searching for vampires. I know you are probably confused about all of this but all the information you need is on the next page.

Just remember that I'm still looking down at you from heaven, sweetie! My dear daughter... I don't know what you will do after learning about all of this but if you decide to become a hunter, don't let yourself be consumed by rage, channel it and use it to do good.

You will find all the information you need in this book. There are people that can train you, people that can help you become a great hunter, but don't believe everything they say. If you decide to become a hunter, train with them but after that create your own group. Find people you trust, find people that love you and share your own goal. They are the only ones you should trust.

Everything you find in this dresser is yours, Yoohyeon. The book and all the weapons. The gun is a gift from me to you. It was my gun back at the time and now, if you decide to follow my path, it's yours.

With much love and kisses, your father

Yoohyeon wiped away the tears from her eyes and she stayed silent for a couple of minutes, trying to process everything. She was confused about a lot of things... but she knew one thing. She would become a hunter and she would kill every single one of those creatures.

"Bora..." she called, locking eyes with the older girl "W- Will you follow me in this path?" She asked, trying to keep her voice steady.

"If you want... to become a h-hunter... I will follow you... I said I'll always be by your side... but let's read the information f-first" the older girl responded.

Yoohyeon nodded, turning the page and reading everything that her father wanted her to know. There was a lot of information and she felt like her head was exploding. How was he able to hunt those creatures at night, how was he able to hide all these things from her? The two girls read everything. They read everything about vampires' powers and weaknesses, about hunters and weapons.

"This is... I never t-thought that v-vampires really existed" Bora whispered, closing the book. "This is... insane"

Yoohyeon could barely hear Bora's voice. She had her eyes fixed on the gun in her hands. Her father's gun. Her gun. She would kill every single one of those vampires. Every single one.

"I will contact the hunters first thing in the morning tomorrow" she whispered "I need to know if you are with me, Bora"

"I already told you I was. Wherever you go, I go" the older girl reassured her. "I just don't know... how I will tell my parents about this"

"I don't think there is a way to tell them... just don't. They are probably safer if they don't know about this, same as Yubin" Yoohyeon said.

"And what about... your... parents? How do I tell them t-that?"

"Tell them we... tell them we moved far away. I- I don't know" Yoohyeon said, weakly shaking her head.

"Yoohyeon... with all due respect but... I can't go home later and... pretend that... nothing happened. I can't-... my head can't take that" Bora whispered.

"C-Come with me then..." Yoohyeon tried to say, knowing that it wasn't something that she should ask. "D-Don't go back home... come with me to t-the hunters" she whispered "So you w-won't have to explain anything"

"You know I would say yes but... what about Yubin? I can lie and say I slept over tonight and that we left for the lake for this weekend but... what after that?" She panicked.

"Yubin has y-your parents... she... she will be fine until we come back" Yoohyeon tried to say, pulling Bora closer.

"Do we know how long it takes? Because... I'm going with you, puppy" Bora whispered, cupping the younger girl's cheek.

"Y- You are?" Yoohyeon asked, widening her eyes "I- I don't know how much it takes but h-how? What will you say to your parents? Will you just disappear?" Yoohyeon asked.

"I'll tell them we... will go on a little vacation, just the two of us... and of course I am... what do you not get about the 'just you and me' concept?" Bora said with a sweet smile.

Yoohyeon smiled, caressing Bora's cheek.

"Choose a weapon, Bora. The one you like the most, the one you think fits with you... it's yours" she said.

"I'll take this one" Bora said with a shaky voice, picking up the crossbow. "A gun and a crossbow seems like a pretty safe option"

"Definitely" Yoohyeon said with a nod. "Will you go back in the morning to take your suitcase?" She asked, thinking about how to deal with everything. Everything was going so fast.

"I will... I will go take my suitcase and tell them that I'm leaving on a trip" Bora answered sounding determined "i will always be with you, puppy"

Yoohyeon nodded, leaning closer to Bora and resting her forehead against the older girl's one. She felt devastated about what happened and she felt scared about what was yet to come. But she had Bora... Bora promised to be with her, always and she believed her. They will start this training together, they will form their own group and they will kill the vampires. All of them.

About one year later

Yoohyeon and Bora had left the hunter's village last night and found themselves in front of a building. A few months ago, Bora's parents died in a car crash and Yubin was placed in a facility since no one could care for her. As soon as their training to become a hunter was complete, Bora insisted on seeing Yubin, a wish that Yoohyeon of course granted her.

They rang the bell, and a woman opened the door, letting them in. They explained that Bora was basically Yubin's sister and that she was here to see the girl. The woman listened to them and she escorted them to the back garden, pointing at a blue haired girl who was sitting alone on a bench, reading a book.

"Oh my god... it's really her, Yoohyeon... she colored her hair and looks so grown up" Bora cheered but after that her smile dropped. "I'm sure she will hate me though"

Yoohyeon put her hand on Bora's shoulder, squeezing it gently. She wished she could reassure the girl, but Yubin had all the reasons to hate both of them.

"Go talk with her... I'll wait inside" she said softly.

"I want you to... to come with me, Yooh. I need you there... please?" The older girl pleaded, looking at the now 16 year old Yoohyeon with puppy eyes.

Yoohyeon thought a little about it and she nodded, holding Bora's hand and giving her a sweet smile.

"Let's go then" she said softly. The girls walked over to Yubin who hadn't noticed them yet. That was so typical, once she started a book, she was so involved that the world stopped spinning around her.

"B-Binnie?" Bora called with a nervous voice.

Yubin raised her head, slowly, locking eyes with the girl she used to consider her sister. She clenched her hand on the book she was holding and she stood up from the bench, walking past Bora and Yoohyeon.

"See... she h-hates me... maybe this was a bad id-" Bora whispered to Yoohyeon when the silver haired girl suddenly spoke up.

"Yubin, wait! You should listen to her" she said.

"Oh should I?" The blue haired girl asked, turning around towards the two older girls. "Give me one good reason, give me one good reason to listen to her" she hissed.

"Because she loves you, Yubin" Yoohyeon answered, making the younger girl laugh.

"She loves me? Where was that 'love' when she left me without telling me? Not contacting me for over a year? After her parents died, I thought 'maybe she will come back, I need her', but when she didn't I stopped caring! Do you call that love? Abandoning me?" The blue haired girl yelled.

"Y- Yubin l-let me explain. I- I had to leave... Yoohyeon lost e-everyone and I was... I was all she had and I-" she was trying to say, when she was stopped by a book thrown on the ground.

"You were all I had too, Bora!" Yubin yelled as tears streamed down her face. "I lost my family and you took me in. I had new parents and a sister... I've lived with you for years, I thought we had something, I thought I meant something for you. But then you left... your parents died and I was at their funeral, alone. When they told me I was about to be put in this fucking facility, I told them they were wrong. I told them I had a sister and that she was coming to get me" Yubin said, walking closer to Bora "I was sure you were coming to get me and taking me with you... but here I am, in this fucking facility" she yelled in Bora's face.

"I'm here for you now... I c-can't tell you why I couldn't come but... I couldn't leave the place where I was, Yubs... I would've if I could. I would've come to take you with me" Bora whispered.

"You're here for me now?" Yubin laughed. "I dropped out of school, I have a little job that allows me to live decently even though this place sucks. I got my own shit together Bora, when you left me alone. I don't need you. I needed you before, and you weren't there"

"Do you think I didn't w-want to be there? I... I cried so much because... I couldn't come to get you... but I was not allowed to leave..." Bora tried to explain with a weak voice.

"You chose to leave, you chose to go to this mysterious place you talk about and you chose to leave me behind, Bora" Yubin said, looking straight into the older girl's eyes. "I-... I really thought we were close. I thought we were sisters and I really loved you. I loved you to pieces Bora"

"Bin! I still love you and we are like sisters... and I... I couldn't take you with me... even if I wanted to because... it was too dangerous and it... it still is"

"You shouldn't have left in the first place then, if you couldn't take me with you. You were all I had and you knew it. I loved your parents as well and they've always treated me like their own daughter but... you were the person I loved the most, you were the one I relied on... and you left me" Yubin said in a cold tone. "I've learnt how to stop loving you through this year and I think I've managed" she added, turning her back to the girls and trying to walk away.

"Don't say that, Bin" Bora pleaded, taking the girl by her wrist. "I left you with my parents, I thought you were going to be fine... Yooh didn't even have those anym-" she reasoned stopping herself, realizing she said too much.

Yubin raised her head, to look at Yoohyeon.

"If something happened to your parents, I'm sorry" she genuinely said, looking at the taller girl. "This doesn't change anything though. You two had each other, for the whole year while I was here, alone. I've asked myself the same question over and over and over again during these months: 'Why do people always leave me? Why am I not worthy of love?' " she whispered, locking eyes with Bora. "But you know what? I don't care about the answer anymore. I've learnt to accept being alone, I don't really need anyone... and I don't need you, Bora" she explained in an awfully calm tone.

"You are worthy of love, Bin! You are wonderful! And don't say that you don't need me because I need you. I know I messed up by leaving like that but... I had to" Bora weakly said.

"What do you want me to say, Bora?" Yubin asked, with glassy eyes. "Why did you come here? You say you had to leave... okay, it's fine. You left, and I moved on. That's all" the blue haired girl replied, freeing her wrist from Bora's hand.

"I came here to get you back, Binne. Because whatever I needed to do is done. I will be here and I won't leave again. Yooh and me bought a little cottage and we came to get you" the oldest girl explained, trying to not let her voice break.

"You are one year late for that, Bora" Yubin replied, trying not to show any emotion. "I'm not a package you can decide to leave somewhere and pick up a year later. For an entire year I've waited for you. I woke up every day telling myself that maybe that would be the day you would show up at the door of this fucking place, to tell me that you were taking me home" the blue haired girl explained as the tears fell down her cheeks again.

"I'm here now, Bin. I left because... because I would be able to protect you. I saw how horrible it was and... I could 't dare think you would have to go through something like that... I don't want to see that again" Bora desperately reasoned.

Yubin shook her head, looking down. She didn't know what the older girl was talking about and she didn't even want to ask. No matter the reason, she left her behind. Bora made a step forward, trying to reach Yubin's hand, but the younger girl quickly stepped back. She knew that if Bora touched her, she would just break down. She missed that contact, she missed being able to hug her sister, she felt so lonely that when she needed to fall asleep at night, she would just imagine her sister holding her and speaking to her.

"What could have been so f-fucking important to just leave me? You didn't even say anything, you didn't explain anything! You just left! I thought you would be gone for the weekend but Yooh but then that weekend turned into a week, that week into a month and that month into a fucking year, Bora" Yubin argued, still trying not to be too emotional.

"I had to. I couldn't tell you but I... I had to g-" Bora tried to say, but Yubin cut her off.

"Stop saying that. Stop saying you had to go, stop saying you couldn't tell me. You... you came home that morning to take your suitcase and you hugged me so tightly that I thought you were crazy... you were leaving for a little trip and I couldn't understand why you were acting like that. But you knew, didn't you? You knew you were leaving me. You knew and you didn't tell me anything" Yubin yelled, moving forward and pushing Bora's shoulders back, letting the rage and the pain take over.

"I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I knew that if I did, you would've convinced me to stay because I love you" the small girl responded in an almost whisper. "I couldn't let you stop me. I needed to do this for Yoohyeon"

Yubin locked eyes with Bora when she spoke those words and the blue haired girl knew she had reached her limit. She had tried to be strong for a year, she tried to move on, she tried to endure the pain and the loneliness but that sentence alone broke her. 'I needed to do this for Yoohyeon'. Of course she did. Of course she had to leave her behind for Yoohyeon. She couldn't even begin to explain the pain she was feeling right now. She gritted her teeth and she pushed Bora back again and again until the older girl's back collided with a tree.

"I hate you!" The younger girl screamed between the sobs "I fucking hate you Bora!"

"Hey, that's enough" Yoohyeon interrupted, going to stand between the two of them. "I can understand that you are hurt, that you are angry, but you can't tell Bora that you hate her... If only you knew how much she thought about you when we couldn't leave... you two clearly love each other, Yubin"

"You were my friend, Yoohyeon. I thought we were friends... and you took away the only thing I had" Yubin hissed, looking at Yoohyeon. She had finally released the rage she locked away during the whole year and she was totally out of control.

"Do you even hear yourself right now? Your sister cares about you, and you obviously do too! Do you think this will ease the pain, Yubin? Spoiler alert, it won't! You will just push her away even more" Yoohyeon reasoned, ignoring the comments about her, this wasn't her fight.

"I just want you two to leave" Yubin hissed, turning towards Bora again. "Do what you can do best... l-leave, Bora" she whispered, unable to stop her voice from breaking.

"I'm not leaving without you, Yubin. Even if I have to sleep in front of this building. I am not leaving. Never" she said, sounding determined.

Yubin scoffed, looking at Bora.

"I used to believe your words, but now, they mean nothing" she said, trying to use a calm tone when she felt something tugging at her shirt. A little girl was pulling her shirt, trying to catch her attention. She smiled as she bent down and picked her up.

"Bin Bin! Dinner is ready, are you coming?" the little girl asked with a smile, playing with Yubin's hair. The facility she was staying in was full of orphans just like her but Yubin didn't really make friends and she talked with almost no one during these last months. That little girl was an exception.

"I'm coming In a bit, little one. I think these two will leave soon anyway" Yubin smiled at her, ruffling the girl's hair and staring at Bora.

"I'm n-not leaving, Yubin" Bora said again, trying not to break down. Yubin never really liked children, she thought they were annoying and here she was, holding one of them in her arms. She really grew up during this year.

"Who are they?" The little girl asked, signaling Yubin that she wanted to be placed back down. When Yubin gently put her back down, the little girl walked to Bora, staring at her.

"They are just 2 visitors that came to see me, kiddo. But like I said, they will leave soon so we can go eat" Yubin smiled, bending down to the little girl.

The little girl turned towards Yubin who was bent down and was holding out a hand for her to take, but she turned back towards Bora, not convinced by Yubin's words. Bora knelt in front of the little girl, looking at her in the eyes with a smile, trying to fight back the tears.

"I'm Yubin's sister" she said gently "But I hurt her even if I didn't want to do that... and now she's angry at me" she explained.

"Bin sissy? Bin said she had no sissy... are you lying to me, miss?" The girl commented with narrowed eyes.

"She's not my actual sister but I see her like that" Bora explained.

"Then why you hurt Bin? Bin is nice. What's your name?" The girl asked, looking a bit upset and crossing her arms.

"I know Bin is nice" the older girl said, trying to smile "I didn't want to hurt her, but I had to leave even if I didn't want to... and I hurt her by doing that" she explained. "And my name is Bora". The little girl widened her eyes and stared at the girl who was kneeling in front of her.

"I know you!" She exclaimed, pointing at her. "When Bin Bin arrived she was yelling in the office 'Boya will get me out of here! I have a family', but she didn't want to tell me who Boya was!" The little girl said, happy because she finally knew.

"Anya! We have to go" Yubin suddenly said, standing up and signaling the little girl to go with her.

"But Bin... Boya is here! Boya is family! Why you don't talk with your sissy? And who is this tall person?" Anya started firing questions with a pout on her cute face.

Yubin looked at Yoohyeon and then at Bora and she couldn't find it in her heart to answer those questions.

"She's no one. They're no one" she said, taking Anya's hand and starting to walk away.

"Yubin...I- I have legal custody of you. I will take you home, whether you like it or not" Bora dared to say. She wanted Yubin to know that she wasn't giving up on her.

"How can you be so fucking stubbo-" Yubin wanted to yell but Anya quickly jabbed her stomach to shut her up.

"Bin! Language! And don't yell at your sissy! You should be happy you have a sissy... I don't have one... My sis died..." the little girl scolded her.

Yubin sighed, picking up Anya, holding her tightly.

"I'm sorry for the language" she apologized and she kissed the top of her head. "But this is complicated, little one. I can't forgive my sist-... her" Yubin said, daring to look up at Bora.

"But Boya came to get you? You will make Boya and tall person sad... they are family... family is important" she protested, trying to get out of Yubin's grip.

"She is not family, Anya" the blue haired girl said, putting down the little girl. "Just... go to dinner. I'll join you later. And just for tonight... you can have my dessert" Yubin smiled, poking Anya's nose.

"Yaay! Anya happy! Bin dessert! But you need to talk to sissy and tall person, otherwise I don't want your dessert" the girl stated with a stern look.

"Are you threatening me with NOT eating my dessert?" Yubin chuckled, poking Anya's nose again.

"Bin will get fat if she eats to many dessert" Anya said, sticking her tongue out and pointing at Bora. "Now talk or Anya will be mad at Bin"

"I will talk to her" Yubin said, not really meaning it. She just needed Anya to go to dinner so she could yell at those two to go back home so she could go back to her normal lonely life "Now go, little brat" she chuckled, kissing the top of Anya's head.

"You better be nice, Anya always knows what Bin does" the little girl laughed, punching Yubin's stomach before running inside, waving at Bora and Yoohyeon.

Yubin couldn't help but smile, shaking her head. That little girl was something else. She looked towards Bora and Yoohyeon and she couldn't stand to see them side by side. She used to love both of them, she was happy the two of them were so close... even if she was always one step behind. But now it was different. They didn't leave her one step behind, they just left.

"Just go away" she weakly said, turning her back to them.

"Didn't I make my point clear enough, Yubin? I am not leaving. I don't care what you do, I don't care what the personnel here does, I don't care what Yoohyeon does, but I am not leaving here without you" Bora stated.

Yubin couldn't help but laugh

"You don't care what Yoohyeon does?" She scoffed "She just needs to pretend to leave, and you will go back to her running" she hissed, walking closer to Bora.

"Oh do I now? Since when do you decide what I will do? I'm staying here because you are my sister, Yoohyeon isn't!" Bora raised her voice a little this time.

"Yeah, you showed me that" Yubin countered, shaking her head in disbelief. "What is it you don't get? I moved on. I got my shit together and I don't need you anymore. I don't want you anymore. I'm fine here" the blue haired girl said, raising her voice as well.

"Oh for god's sake Yubin! Do you really want to know what happened? Do you REALLY want to know! I won't fucking spare you the details!" Bora yelled, walking closer, she had enough of this. She tried to be civil and reasonable but Yubin wasn't working with her. Yoohyeon tried to calm Bora down by taking her hand but that didn't work.

"You are not listening to me, Bora. I told you I don't care. I don't give a fuck about what happened. The only thing I need to know is that you left me... and I want to end this, whatever this is" Yubin said, suddenly lowering her voice and pointing her finger between herself and Bora.

"We are not ending anything" Bora yelled, grabbing Yubin by the wrist and pulling her with her to a secluded area where no one could hear or see them. Yoohyeon of course ran behind her but she said nothing. "You are going to listen"

"Don't touch me!" Yubin yelled, freeing her wrist and putting some distance between her and Bora. "Talk how much you want, like it's going to change something" she hissed, locking her eyes with Bora.

"Yooh's parents got murdered in front of my eyes by a vampire. I literally saw him bite and hurt Yoohyeon's dad until he died! I kept Yoohyeon from going out and getting killed with all my might but she ended up getting out anyway! But as you can see somehow she's not dead!" Bora whisper-yelled, her eyes getting glassy as she recalled the memories.

"What the fuck are you talking about? Vampires?" Yubin scoffed, not believing she was losing her time with something like this. "Look, just go home" she said, wanting to walk away. Bora grabbed her wrist again so she couldn't go.

"Yooh's dad told us he was a hunter and led us to the basement where he kept all his equipment. Me and Yoohyeon... we left for a year to... to become hunters... to avenge Yooh's parents... to protect you or anyone we care about from... that awful faith" Bora continued.

Yubin couldn't believe her ears. Vampires?

"Bora... are you on something? Vampires?" she asked weakly. "Vampires aren't real... W-What are you talking about? What happened to you?" She asked, starting to feel worried.

"You think they aren't real... until you see one murder your best friends parents right in front of you..." the older girl whispered weakly.

Yubin didn't know how to react, her sister sounded insane right now and she really didn't know what to do about that? Should she just pretend to believe it? So they could just go their way and leave her alone?

"Bora" Yubin whispered, cupping her sister's cheek, finally not avoiding the physical contact "Just listen to yourself... please. You are saying that you went away for a year to become some kind of hunter and that your goal in life is to kill vampires" Yubin whispered weakly.

"I know you will not like hearing this, Bin but my goal in life isn't killing vampires... it's protecting Yoohyeon, just like her father asked me to do before he-..." Bora responded, not able to finish her sentence.

"The problem is not that you want to protect Yoohyeon, Bora" The younger girl said, looking in her sister's eyes "He asked you to and I get that... But you... you promised me something as well" she said, as the tears started to fall down again. "When my parents died you told me that I would never feel lonely again, because that's what sisters are for. You told me I would never be scared anymore because I would never feel oppressed by all that silence again" she cried. "Guess what, Bora? I had a lot of silence around me this year... and you weren't there" she cried, desperately trying to wipe away the tears.

"Hey I'm sorry that you had a lot of silence, Bin... I truly am but I made sure to end that training as soon as possible so I could come get you... I'm here to fill the silence again" Bora whispered.

Yubin shook her head, crying desperately. She waited a year for those words, she waited a year for Bora to be back. She could lie to them and say that she was fine on her own, but she couldn't lie to herself. She never stopped waiting for Bora, not one single day.

"I-... I d-don't-" she tried to say but she couldn't, she couldn't speak between the sobs anymore.

"Shh, hey come here, Bin" Bora whispered, putting a hand behind Yubin's head and pulling it to her shoulder, wrapping her arms around the younger girl's waist after. "I'm here now, okay? I'm here"

Yubin clenched her fists on Bora's shirt, pulling her closer

"I m-missed you s-so much" she cried on her sister's shoulder. "I thought y-you... would never... c-come back... to get me"

"Of course I came back for you. You're practically my sister... I just... I had to leave... to be sure I could protect you from all harm... I missed you so much too... You can ask Yoohyeon about that" Bora whispered back.

"I d-don't... I don't hate you Bora" Yubin whispered. She knew those words hurt her sister a lot and she wanted to make sure she knew she didn't mean them. "I could... never hate you. I was j-just... I was hurt and I hated the fact that I couldn't hate you" the blue haired girl admitted "No matter how... hard I tried to hate you, how hard I... I tried to stop hoping for you to come back. I just c-couldn't"

"Hey... it's all over now... you don't need to think about that anymore. You don't need to try and hate me, even if you have all the right to, Bin"

Yubin shook her head on Bora's shoulder, pulling her impossibly closer.

"T-Take me home and p-promise me... you won't leave... ever again" she pleaded, trying to stop crying.

"I promise you, I won't leave you but... you need to know that I need to go out at night whenever we need to" Bora whispered, combing her hair. Yoohyeon smiled at them and gestured that she would wait outside.

Bora nodded, smiling as well, happy that she could finally hold her sister.

"N-No" Yubin said, shaking her head and breaking the hug to look at Bora. "I will come with you. I don't care what this is about... I'm coming with you" she whispered.

"Yubin... it's dangerous... those creatures are dangerous. You can't j-" she tried to reason but Yubin shook her head again.

"I don't care! Train me, whatever, but I'm going with you" Yubin stated.

"It's not that simple, Yubin. I can't let you do this... I trained to be sure that what happened won't happen again, not to drag you into this. So th-" she tried to say, when Yubin took her hands, looking at her straight in the eyes.

"Bora... You made a choice. You left everything behind to protect Yoohyeon, no matter how dangerous it was. I am making my own choice now. I want to train and I want to be able to protect you from these creatures you're talking about. You... You are all I have and I don't want to lose you again... so I will be there to protect you" she whispered, sounding determined.

"I want to allow you to do that but... We need to ask Yoohyeon too. Okay, sis?" Bora asked kissing Yubin's forehead.

Yubin nodded, caressing Bora's cheek.

"You look stronger, sis" she said with a weak smile, looking at Bora's body. "The training must have been really tough"

"It was exhausting... mentally and physically... but hey, you can't get abs like these by doing nothing" the older girl answered in a quiet voice.

Yubin looked at Bora and she couldn't help but notice that the girl had changed a lot. Physically and in the way she acted, in the way she talked. They didn't see each other for a year and they were completely different people now, because both of them had to adjust themselves to their new life.

"You really changed a lot, sis. It might only have been a year but... you seem way more mature, way stronger, way... I don't know. You are just... strong?" Yubin said with a little smile, not finding the right words to explain herself.

"I am... I have to be. Now that I'm aware of what there is out there... I have to be strong. For you and for Yoohyeon" Bora replied, looking in Yubin's eyes. "You look different as well... and I can see that a lot of things changed in your life after my parents-... You befriended a little girl, you dropped out of school? And this blue?" Bora asked, playing with a strand of Yubin's hair.

"It's still hard to believe those 'things' exist but... why would you be lying? And yes-... after they passed away, all of the stability in my life passed away with them. I had to drop out since I didn't have the money to continue, the house got taken away, my friends... They placed me here and I swore I didn't need anyone. But then Anya kept trying to talk to me and... she's a good kid... she's also the one that suggested me to try out this blue" Yubin explained with a smile.

"She really looks like a nice kid and she has taste! This blue looks amazing on you and... I will give you that stability again, Bin. You will go back to school and I will give you everything you need" the older girl reassured her. "And for those 'things'... I'll prove you that I'm not crazy, because I know I sound like one"

"You do! They... they exist in movies and stuff but, it's hard to believe they are real" Yubin chuckled, scratching her head. "Anyway, when do you... when do you think you can get me out of here?"

"I'll come back here tomorrow morning. I'm of age now and I have legal custody of you... I just need to sign some papers and they will have to let you go" Bora reassured, caressing Yubin's cheek. The younger girl nodded, looking down

"Bora... c-can I trust you this time? W-Will you come back for me tomorrow?" She asked weakly.

"Hey, you can trust me... I told you I won't leave you again, ever. So... take your time to say goodbye to your friends here. Tomorrow morning, you're free again" Bora whispered and Yubin nodded her head.

"I'll t-trust you... and I'll say goodbye. I'm excited to be l-living with you again... just the two of us" the blue haired teen smiled.

"I am excited as well Bin but... i-it's actually the three of us. Me and Yooh, we bought a little cottage and we will live with her" Bora said, locking eyes with her sister.

"Oh... I thought you both bought a separate cottage... so, you and Yooh- are you?" The younger girl asked, making some gestures with her hands.

"No, no... we are not a thing" Bora said, shaking her head. "We... uhm... we kiss sometimes and we're really close but... we still are the bestest of best friends" Bora said with a sweet smile.

"I could swear you two were together from how you acted... and besides, you don't really kiss friends" Yubin chuckled, putting a hand on the smaller girl's shoulder.

Bora blushed a little and raised her shoulders.

"What do you know about kisses anyway!" She said, scoffing a little and Yubin chuckled.

"Well... let's say I do know" she said with a smile.

"Oh my god! I missed my Bin's first boyfriend?" Bora yelled, looking surprised and devastated.

"Boyfriend?" Yubin asked with a chuckle "Okay we didn't see each other for a year but... did I really look interested in boys when I was younger?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Bin, you literally told me you had a crush on that boy from your class like... 5-6 years ago?" Bora argued.

"I was 10! I knew nothing about crushes!" Yubin defended herself, scratching her head "Every girl in my class wanted to be that kid's girlfriend and I just thought I wanted the same"

"Sounds like one lucky boy if you ask me" Bora chuckled "So anyway... I missed your first girlfriend then?!"

"I wouldn't say girlfriend but yeah... you missed my first kiss" Yubin chuckled, playfully punching Bora's shoulder.

"Who was she? Where was it? How was it?" The older girl asked, way too excited to know the details about her little 'sister' her first kiss.

"Wow you are way more excited than I am" Yubin chuckled. "Her name is Chaesol and...uhm... she's here in this facility. We have a pretty similar story and I kind of found comfort in her" Yubin explained. "She... She helped me convince myself that you wouldn't come back to me. She said that none of her family did and that if you hope, you hurt yourself even more" Yubin explained.

"So... you two didn't work out then?" Bora asked, not wanting to say she didn't like the girl because of what she told Yubin. She was just trying to help after all.

"It's not that we didn't work out... we kissed and we still kiss but... she doesn't want to get attached to anyone so she doesn't do relationships because she's done getting hurt and I have to say that I found myself agreeing with her. We are fine like this, I don't feel the need to have more" Yubin explained.

"Hey, it's okay to do that. You will... you'll have to tell her goodbye too though... and just... just to be sure... Only kisses right?"

Yubin scratched the back of her head, looking at Bora.

"Yeah, kind of" she replied with a little smile.

"Wha- what do you mean 'kind of'?" Bora almost screamed, taking Yubin's hand in hers and panicking a little. Typical big sisters...

"I mean... we kind of did something more but we didn't have sex, Bora... if that's what is making you panic like this" Yubin said, putting a hand on Bora's shoulder. The older girl let out a sigh of relief as she locked eyes with the blue haired girl.

"Good... I know you are legally allowed to have sex but please, wait with it! And what is that 'something more' then?"

Yubin blushed a little and she looked down

"Come on, you know what I meant. We... like... explored each other's bodies a little" she tried to explain.

"You... you t-touched her? Oh god, I can't believe my Bin did anything like that before me!" Bora whined.

Yubin tilted her head, looking confused

"Are you telling me that you and Yooh know...?" She asked.

"W-wait... how r-recently did you do t-that with Chaesol?" Bora asked, wanting to know since Yoohyeon and Bora started... doing something more about a month ago.

"Uhm... the last time was like... two days ago?" Yubin replied, not really understanding the question.

"The last time?! You did it more than once already?! I was actually assuming you did it once! When was the first?" Bora freaked out.

"I-... Uhm... Do we really have to talk about this? I'm not proud of how it went the first time" Yubin said, locking eyes with Bora.

"Hey, I'm practically your sister... I'm asking because... me and Yooh did... you know... about like a month ago" Bora explained, being honest with her.

"Oh... so you wanted to know if I did that before or after you?" Yubin asked.

"Yeah... sorry... it's a pride thing... but you can always tell me about your first... I'm willing to listen"

Yubin looked down at her hands while she played nervously with her fingers.

"They put me here in this facility and I-... I was sure you would get me out of here but as the days went by, I got close to Chaesol and I accepted the fact that you probably would never come back to get me. After a couple of weeks I felt like she was the only person I had, the only one who was telling me the truth and one thing led to another and it happened... So yeah, it was 2 weeks after I got here" the blue haired girl explained, still looking down.

"So... you were before me and... you and her have been going for 5 months?! I'm... I'm ashamed" Bora laughed.

"Y- You are not angry at me?" Yubin asked, raising her head and locking eyes with Bora "Because it was too soon?"

"Who is the judge of what it means to be too soon? You said it felt right with her so I'm happy you had someone to rely on. I'm also sorry that... you have to leave her and Anya behind"

"I'll keep in touch with Chaesol and I will come here to visit her during my free time. Same goes for little Anya" Yubin said with a smile, not knowing that the cottage Bora and Yoohyeon bought was way too far away from the facility.

"Umm... that place we are going to stay at, Bin? It's... it is not in this city" Bora calmly said.

"W- What do you mean i-it's not in this city?" Yubin asked, totally not expecting this. "So like... do I have to s-say goodbye to them for g-good?" She stuttered.

"I... I think s-so... Unless you can use internet or something to keep in contact but... we are... we are moving to Seoul" The smaller girl explained.

"S-Seoul??" Yubin asked, raising her voice. "T-That's... far away" she whispered, realising that it would be really difficult for her to come back to visit them. "Those two... they've been my family for a year" she explained weakly.

"I know they have been, Binnie but... there is no other choice for us... We have to go to Seoul" Bora whispered.

Yubin nodded, looking down

"It's okay... I'll say goodbye to them tomorrow" she replied, nodding weakly.

"Can you give me your phone for a second? I'll put my new number in. Me and Yooh are staying in a hotel here, so you can call us if you need us tonight"

Yubin took her phone out of her pocket and she gave it to Bora, without saying anything else. She didn't want to say it out loud but she was really scared about going to Seoul. She wasn't exactly an open and cheerful person and it wasn't easy for her to make friends. Seoul was a huge city and she would probably go to a huge school with a lot of people.

"There you go" Bora said, handing Yubin's phone back to her. "We have a plane tomorrow afternoon so make sure your things are ready tomorrow. Do you want to say anything to Yoohyeon before we go?"

"I-... I don't know" Yubin admitted, looking down. She really really cared about Yoohyeon a year ago, but now... she felt so angry with her. For the entire year she blamed Yoohyeon, because she took Bora away from her. She didn't want to talk with her and she didn't really want to see her... but they would have to live together. "If she has something to say to me... I'm willing to listen" she whispered.

"I don't think she wants to say anything to you. She can see that you're angry and... she wants to give you space" Bora sighed, cupping Yubin's cheeks. "Please don't hate her... she's not the culprit, Bin, she's a victim in this case"

"I've had enough space in this year, Bora" Yubin countered. "I needed an explanation, I needed to know why you were gone and when you would come back... and all I got was space" she whispered. "I want her to tell me why... why did she have to take you with her, why did she choose to take you with her even though she knew I would be left alone"

"Bin... she didn't ask me, she didn't... I suggested it. I wanted to go with her. I knew I would leave you behind but... I didn't know it would be a year... I didn't know my parents would..." Bora reasoned with a weak voice.

"If you could go back in time... knowing that your parents would die and that you would be away from home for a year... would you still do it, for Yoohyeon?" Yubin asked, locking eyes with Bora "And please Bora, be honest... please"

"I... I would but... knowing that... the hunters' village was safe, I would've considered taking you with me" Bora honestly replied.

Yubin nodded. She already knew the answer, she knew Bora would probably have left anyway... Yoohyeon had always been her number one priority and Yubin knew that. It doesn't mean that didn't hurt though.

"If she doesn't have anything to say to me, I guess I'll see you tomorrow" Yubin said, making a step back.

"I guess so... but please... consider talking to her, okay?" Bora asked with pleading eyes.

Yubin opened her mouth to answer, but she was interrupted by a little girl's voice.

"Bin Bin!" Anya called "You missed dinner! Chae saved her dessert for you!". Bora looked at the little girl, who was standing a few metres from them, holding hands with an older girl who looked the same age as Yubin. Bora guessed she was Chaesol.

"That's kind of you! I was just about to come, my talk here was over" Yubin said, smiling at Bora. And of course Anya noticed that smile.

"You made up with Boya sissy?" She cheered.

Yubin nodded, smiling to the little girl

"I'm leaving with her tomorrow" she said, looking at her and fixing her eyes on Chaesol shortly after.

"Yaay Bin Bin is leaving! Bin is going with her sissy! She will be happy with Boya! Isn't that great Chae?" Anya cheered, hugging Yubin's leg.

The other girl nodded slowly, looking pretty insecure.

"You will come back to visit, right?" She asked, making a step towards Yubin and Bora, picking up Anya.

"I-... We are g-going to Seoul... I'd l-love to visit but... I don't know if it's possible" Yubin admitted, lookibg down.

"S- Seoul?" Chaesol asked, clearly taken aback. "Why?"

"That's where my s-sis- I mean Bora lives. I told you about her. She's not actually my sister but yeah" Yubin weakly answered.

"Yeah, I remember" Chaesol replied, looking at Bora. "She's the reason you cried at night for a year straight. It's not like I could forget who she is"

"Yes! That's Boya! Now Bin doesn't have to cry for her anymore, Chae!" Anya cheered, poking Bora's cheek and smiling at Chaesol.

"Anya, she's taking Yubin away, don't you get that?" Chaesol said, knowing that Anya had no idea of where Seoul was. "You won't ever see Yubin again. And neither will I" she whispered.

"Bin go to Seoul and after we go to Seoul! Bin can be happy with Boya and we can be happy for her" Anya smiled but Yubin also knew this was hard for Chaesol, because it was only difficult for her.

"Chae... do you t-think you... w-will ever get out of here?" The blue haired girl asked.

"I will get thrown out of here when I'll be 18 Yubin. So yeah, eventually I will get out of here" Chaesol replied, making another step towards Yubin. "But what should I do? Come looking for you in Seoul, two years from now? With no money? With no one supporting me?"

"Not 2 years, Chae... I want you to... to find a way to support yourself first. Maybe, Bora can send you some money once you get out, but... I don't want you to come, unless you are able to provide for yourself" Yubin whispered.

"I will be more than happy to help her-" Bora was trying to say when Chaesol cut her off.

"I don't want your money" she said, shaking her head "The only thing I need from you is to go back to where you came from. W- We were doing just fine... she was starting to be okay"

"Look I understand th-" Bora wanted to explain when the girl cut her off again.

"No! You don't understand anything! I've been there for Yubin since day one! I know what it's like to be left behind! Yubin and me understood each other and then... then you showed up again, asking her to just come with you. Don't tell me you understand how that feels" she scoffed, turning around and running inside.

"Chae!" Yubin tried to stop her, but the girl didn't turn around. "She... She's right. She's not been lucky, Bora. You had amazing parents and I- I lost mine but they didn't leave me because they wanted to" she whispered "Her parents just left her behind. They willingly put her in here"

"Bin Bin! Chae is sad! Bin needs to go talk to Chae. I'm sure Boya understands" Anya whined, hitting Yubin's arm.

"I don't think Chae wants to see me now, little one" Yubin replied, forcing a smile.

"So Bin will leave Chae sad? That's not nice from Bin. You know Chae cares about Bin, look!" Anya said, handing a plastic thing filled with pudding with a note on it. 'I saved my dessert for you <3 Chaesol'

Yubin took the note in her hands, and she brushed her thumb on Chaesol's name on the note.

"I-... I need to talk to her, Bora. Like... right now" she said, raising her head from the note, trying not to let the tears that were filling her eyes fall down.

"You should be gone already! I'll stay here with Anya for a bit. Is that good Anya? Maybe we can go say hi to the tree?" Bora cooed.

Anya nodded, running to Bora and raising her arms, signaling that she wanted to be picked up.

"Bin Bin, you go kiss Chae! I stay with your sissy and we will talk to trees and flowers!" She cheered.

"I'm pretty sure she didn't mean that tree but yeah, sure" Yubin answered with a little chuckle before running inside, searching for Chaesol.

She looked in the cafeteria and in the common living room, but Chaesol wasn't anywhere to be found. She ran upstairs and she knocked on the door of the bedroom that Chae shared with another girl of their age.

"C-Chae... can I come in?" She tried to ask, not wanting to barge in.

A girl opened the door and smiled at the blue haired girl.

"Hey, Yubin! Chaesol is not here, she was in the dining hall for dinner and I didn't see her after that" the girl smiled at her.

"O- Okay, I'll look for her downstairs" Yubin said, thanking the other girl and running down again. The blue haired girl started to panic, unable to find Chaesol. She wasn't in her room, she wasn't in the dining hall or in the living room. She tried to go out in the garden again stepping out of the door on the back.

"Chae?" She tried to call "Chae please talk to me"

"You looking for Chaesol? " one of the men who worked in the facility asked Yubin. "I saw her heading towards the roof garden. You know she loves to spend her time there"

"Thank you!" Yubin quickly replied, going back inside and running upstairs as fast as she could. Of course Chaesol went to the roof garden. It was her favorite place to think... or to cry. When she arrived there she saw the girl kneeling down by some roses watering them and crying. Yubin felt her heart drop seeing her like that and walked up to her.

"Hey" she simply said.

Chaesol didn't look back to Yubin, she knew the blue haired girl would probably follow her up there, so she wasn't surprised.

"Did your si-... Did she leave already?" she asked, gently brushing her fingers on a rose's petals.

"She didn't. She is still down there with Anya and Yoohyeon, her best friend. She will probably leave soon but I couldn't leave you alone, not now" Yubin calmly said.

"But you can do it tomorrow?" Chaesol asked, finally turning to face Yubin with a hurt expression.

"Chae... please... you know that I don't want to leave you and Anya, you know that I would've liked to not go to Seoul but... I can't stay here either"

"W- Why not, Yubin?" Chaesol asked, standing up and walking closer to the blue haired girl. "We... we can go out of here together when we turn 18 and we... we can figure out life... together. Neither of us would be alone anymore" she tried to say.

"You know that I would love that but... I have been waiting for this moment ever since... ever since I got here... I can't say no now Chae... I would love to take you with me but... that's also not possible" Yubin whispered.

"Y- You promised me, Yuyu" Chaesol whispered, cupping Yubin's cheek. The blue haired girl felt her heart drop once again. Chaesol started calling her Yuyu to annoy her when she got here and she never stopped. But somehow, Yubin found herself loving that nickname.

"I know, Chae but... we will meet again... later. In Seoul. Sometime. I don't want you out of my life but... I really need to take this chance to get my life back on the rails... I know that sounds selfish but... just know that this is really hard for me"

"I've heard this sentence so many times, Yubin. 'I need to get my life back on the rails', 'I need to move on', 'I need to get my shit together somewhere else'... Why am I never in those plans? Why I-... Why do I always get left behind?" Chaesol whispered as tears ran down on her face.

"Chae, I don't want you to be left behind. I would do anything to take you with me but that's not possible! I know it will hurt when I'm gone but... you have Anya and I'm sure you can make other great friends. I have to do the same until... until we meet again" Yubin reasoned.

"No, Yubin, you don't get it... it's not that easy to replace you" Chaesol whispered "You know, it's easy to say that I don't do relationships, but do you know how damn hard it is when this damn fucking heart keeps telling me I'm lying?"

Yubin widened her eyes, putting a hand on Chaesol's waist

"W- What do you m-mean, Chae?" She whispered, even though she knew exactly what she meant, because her heart was telling her the same.

"I-... I've watered these roses for months... I've made them grow. It started as a hobby but t-then I hoped that they could have beautiful flowers be-because I needed them. I-... I couldn't find the courage to tell you so I p-promised to myself that when the flowers would be fully grown and beautiful, I-... I would use them to a-ask... to ask you to be my girlfriend" she whispered, locking eyes with Yubin.

The blue haired girl just stared right in her eyes for a bit when Chaesol bent down towards one of the roses and picked it up. She carefully removed all the thorns with a pair of little scissors before standing up again and handing it to Yubin.

"I love you, Yuyu"

The blue haired girl completely ignored the flower, cupping Chaesol's face and pulling her into a long kiss. Tears streamed down her face as she pulled back slowly, but not putting any distance between them.

"I love you too, Chae" the blue haired girl whispered against the other girl's lips.

"Is there r-really no way... to... keep you here? W-with me? Or to g-get me out of here?" Chaesol cried.

Yubin shook her head weakly

"I wish I could take you with me and... I'm sure that Bora would be okay with that but she... she can't take you out of here legally" Yubin explained, letting her tears run on her cheeks, but wiping away Chaesol's ones.

"Then... maybe I s-should just escape with you? I... I d-don't want to stay here w-without you, Yuyu... I can't take that"

"We are leaving tomorrow morning... H-How do we plan an escape that soon?" Yubin asked, shaking her head. "I-... I don't think there is a way for us to be together, right now" she cried, giving a little peck on Chaesol's lips.

"I know... I was just being stupid... I know how much s-she means for you but... I don't w-want to imagine life here without you... I won't be able to come up here again to... to these roses because... these roses were... for you" the girl cried.

Yubin shook her head, taking Chaesol's hands

"Keep watering them, keep caring for them... They're beautiful and I-... I want you to keep seeing these roses. Because I know they remember you about me and I-... I don't want you to forget me when I'm gone" Yubin explained, weakly.

Chaesol chuckled at that with a little smile. "Call me desperate but... I knew that... this day could come so... I started thinking about a gift because... I don't want you t-to forget me either. I wanted t-to give you one of these r-roses but those will wither away after some time... So I... I g-got you something else... Will you... will you follow me to my room, please?"

"O- Of course" Yubin stuttered, totally not expecting a gift from Chaesol. She took her hand and she intertwined their fingers together, giving her a little smile. The two girls silently walked to Chaesol's room. She really hoped her roommate wasn't in there anymore and luckily she wasn't.

"It's under my bed" Chaesol stated, bending down to pick up a little box and opening it in front of Yubin, revealing a necklace with a rose where the word 'Yuyu' was engraved in it.

"Chae t-this... This is beautiful" Yubin said, looking up at the girl in front of her "and it... it looks expensive. H-How did you-" the blue haired girl mumbled, knowing that Chaesol didn't have a family who could support her and she just found a low paid job to try and save some money for the future.

"I... I asked if I could do some work around her for a bit of money... and then I... I asked someone from the personnel to get me this necklace..." Chaesol whispered.

"Y- You really did all of that just for me?" Yubin asked, starting to cry again. "I-... This... this is the most beautiful necklace I could have wished for. W- Would you help me put it on?"

"Of c-course... T-turn around for me" the girl asked and Yubin did just that, lifting up her hair so Chaesol could easily put it around Yubin's neck.

Yubin brushed her fingers on the necklace, smiling a little through the tears.

"Done" Chaesol whispered, wrapping her arms around Yubin's waist and hugging her from behind.

"I r-really want to give you s-something as well... something physical... can you g-give me a minute to find... something?" Yubin asked, looking to her side to see Chaesol's head on her shoulder.

"I don't need anything to remind me of you... I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get you out of my mind not even if I wanted to" Chaesol said softly, but Yubin shook her head.

"I still w-want to give you something... please" she asked again and Chaesol nodded with a little smile, kissing Yubin's shoulder and freeing her waist.

"I'll... I'll wait h-here... come back q-quickly okay?" She said as Yubin nodded and ran to her own room.

She quickly scanned the room, desperately trying to find something. Something meaningful. She threw a couple of things on the bed that she could gift to Chaesol, but nothing felt enough, until her eyes dropped on her favorite book. The one she was so jealous of, the one she didn't want anyone to touch because they would probably ruin it or fold the pages or simply read it without fully understand how deep it was. But Chae would. Chae would understand why Yubin loved that book so much, she would understand the relationship between the protagonists... because they had that too.

She quickly picked the book up, put it under her arm and ran back to Chaesol's room to find the girl on her bed, patiently waiting for her.

"Hey, I... I got you something... I know it's stupid but... this is my favorite book and I-I want you to have it" Yubin said, exhausted from the run.

"S- stupid?" Chaesol mumbled, not believing her eyes. "Yuyu, I know how much you love that book. I used to think you had money hidden in it because you literally couldn't let go of it and you went crazy every time someone touched it. And y-you... you want to leave this to me?" She whispered.

"I do... I know you will take care of it. I know you would understand it and I know... I know it would remind you of us" the blue haired girl smiled.

"I-... T-Thank you. I promise you I will take care of it and I... I will love it as much as I love you" Chaesol whispered, locking eyes with Yubin. "If I-... If I promise you I will find you... w-will you wait for me?" she dared to ask, cupping Yubin's cheek.

"I... i will wait for you but... I will... after some time... probably try to find you in other people... I- I can't keep you in my head as only a memory... if you know what I mean?" Yubin responded also cupping one of Chaesol's cheeks.

"Y- You mean just p-physically?" Chaesol asked, placing her hand on top of Yubin's one. "O- Of course I can't ask you to not t-touch anyone else in years... and to not be touched b-but... P- Please... don't love anyone else" Chaesol cried, kissing Yubin's palm of the hand.

"I can promise you that... I can't promise you there won't be anyone else I'm with but... I won't love anyone but you Chae" Yubin whispered.

"T-that's enough for me" Chaesol whispered, smiling. "I will find you, Yubin, I promise" she added, kissing Yubin's lips. "Y- you know... my roommate... She has that cineforum tonight and s-she won't be here before two hours..." she said shyly.

"Oh... that's... good. Maybe I s-should go say goodbye to my s-sister first then?" Yubin asked, rubbing her thumb on Chaesol's cheek.

Chaesol nodded, giving another peck on Yubin's lips.

"S-Since I love you and now I know you love me too... I- I think it's just right that we...we are each other's f-first?" Chaesol whispered so faintly that she didn't know if Yubin was able to hear that.

"I think that's p-perfect, Chae. It w-would feel o-official" Yubin whispered back with a shy smile. "Just give me a few minutes, okay?"

"S-Sure. Take all the time you need. I-... I'll mentally prepare myself f-for you" Chaesol whispered, pulling Yubin into a kiss.

"I won't take long and don't worry, Chae. We will only do what we feel is right?" Yubin whispered, kissing her again before walking downstairs where she left Anya with Bora.

Bora was sitting on the ground with Anya on her legs, while Yoohyeon was making weird faces to make the little girl laugh.

"Hey" Yubin simply said to make them aware of her presence.

"Bin Bin! Boya and Tree are really funny women!" Anya laughed, waving at her.

Yubin looked at the scene and she felt the anger rising. She was angry because she felt left alone, and just when she felt like she was about to find her place, Bora got back to take her home... And Yubin couldn't say no, she didn't want to. But there was Chaesol... she had been there for Yubin since day one and if the blue haired girl was able to survive in this place... it was only because of Chaesol. The blue haired girl picked up Anya from Bora's legs

"Don't get attached. They're not here to stay" she said, holding the little girl in her arms.

"But Anya will see Boya and Tree in Seoul! And Chae too!" Anya cheered and Bora got up from the ground.

"How did it go Bin? With Chaesol?" She asked.

Yubin looked up, locking eyes with Bora with an angry expression.

"She said she loves me... and I love her. She fucking grew roses to ask me to be her girlfriend and I-... I'm leaving her. That's how it went, Bora" Yubin hissed.

"God... fuck... I'm sorry, Bin. I'm sorry this happened. You shouldn't... you shouldn't have to leave the person you love..." Bora apologized not really knowing what to say.

"Bin love Chae? Chae love Bin? Anya happy!!" The little girl cheered, taking hold of a necklace she hadn't noticed before. "Oh... what's this? Bin got rose necklace?"

"C-Chae gave it to me" Yubin explained softly. "Can you see these letters? It says 'Yuyu', you know?" she whispered.

"Gift from Chae to Bin? Is Bin going to marry Chae?" The little girl asked, tracing her finger over the necklace.

"It's just a goodbye gift" Yubin replied, trying not to cry. "She gave me this necklace and I gave her my favorite book"

"Bin is really sweet for Chae!" Anya cheered and Bora noticed how much trouble Yubin was having to not cry.

"Will you promise me something kid? Be nice to Chaesol okay? Protect her and keep her company. Will you do that for me?" Yubin asked the little girl, ruffling her hair.

"Anya is always nice to Chae!" The little girl protested "Will Chae be sad because Bin Bin is leaving? Chae should be happy you have your sissy back!" Anya cheered, not really understanding the situation.

"Chae's not going to be the only one who is sad, Anya... just... be there for her okay?" Yubin weakly said, holding back her tears.

"Bin sad too?" Anya asked, noticing the tears in Yubin's eyes. "Why? Boya is here now!" She cheered, signaling Bora to walk closer.

"God damnit Anya, you are not making this easier kid!" Yubin suddenly raised her voice, putting her down and instantly regretting it. She just didn't know how to feel, what to do.

Anya looked up at Yubin and her lower lip started trembling. She looked down and started to cry desperately, not knowing why Yubin raised her voice at her.

"God... Anya I-... I'm sorry" Yubin said, kneeling down in front of the little girl. "Bora can you... can you just g-go? I'll see you tomorrow... I h-have... I have some things to fix" she asked, looking at the older woman who just nodded. Bora blew her a kiss, took Yoohyeon by the arm and walked away, it hurt to not be able to help but... what could she do? There was no way to help Yubin.

The blue haired girl gently removed Anya's hands from her eyes.

"Hey... I'm really sorry. I didn't want to raise my voice at you. I'm sad Anya... I am really sad, you know? And I messed up with you" Yubin admitted, trying to make the little girl look at her.

"Bin not angry at Anya? Anya didn't do anything bad?" The girl asked, finally locking eyes with her.

"No, of course not, little one! You are such a sweet girl... I could never be angry at you! I even have a goodbye gift for you" Yubin said, smiling at the girl.

"Gift for Anya? Bin Bin got me gift before she go to Seoul?" Anya said, wiping her tears away. "Then Anya also has gift for Bin"

"You know that huge panda plushie we always see at the mall, when we go on little trips with the personnel? The one you said it looks like me?" Yubin asked with a smile.

"Yes! Big panda bear! Big panda bear look like Bin" the girl laughed.

"Well... big panda bear is yours now! I bought it for you last week at the mall... it was supposed to be for your birthday but... I guess I can give it to you a little early, right?" Yubin said with a chuckle, wiping away her own tears.

"Anya really happy with Bin gift! Anya will always sleep with big panda Bin in her bed!" She cheered "and this is gift from Anya to Bin" the girl added pointing to Yubin's hair. "Blue hair for Bin!"

Yubin tilted her head a little with a smile.

"You gave me the best gift ever when you suggested this color! I'll always have blue hair and I'll always remember it was your goodbye gift" Yubin said with a sweet smile, pulling the little girl into a tight hug. "God, I'll really really miss you, little one" she whispered weakly.

"Anya will miss Bin too! But Anya will see Bin in Seoul! Anya visit Bin and be happy" the girl smiled, kissing Yubin's cheek.

"Promise me you won't forget about me, kid" Yubin whispered, giving a kiss on Anya's cheek.

"Of course Anya will not forget big Bin! Stupid question! Bin in Seoul but panda Bin is in my bed"

Yubin chuckled, loving how sweet the little girl was. She could already see her sleeping in her bed with a panda bigger than her. Speaking of beds...

"Anya... what do you say if we go to bed? It's pretty late and you shouldn't be up! If the personnel sees you, we will get in trouble" Yubin said, pinching Anya's nose lightly. "And I have to go say goodnight to Chae too"

"Anya don't want trouble and is sleepy! Anya will go sleep with big panda Bin! You say goodnight to Chae from me too?" The girl asked with a pout.

"Of course I will! Come on" Yubin said, picking Anya up and walking inside and into Anya's room. "I'll tuck you in the covers and I'll give you your goodnight kiss".

The girl nodded as she got into bed and Yubin placed the covers over her, putting the panda plushie next to her.

"Goodnight, Anya" she whispered, kissing the girl's forehead.

"Night Bin! Night Chae! Night Panda Bin" the girl chuckled.

Yubin kissed her forehead one more time, caressing her head and looking how the little girl hugged the big panda plushie next to her. She walked out of the room and closed the door behind her, leaning on it and knowing that this probably was the last time she would see Anya. Yubin will leave early in the morning tomorrow and she had no intention to wake Anya up for that. Tears started falling on her cheeks as she pushed herself away from the door, walking towards Chaesol's room... wanting nothing else than being in her arms.

When she arrived at Chaesol's room she lightly knocked on the door and opened it to slip inside.

"I'm back" she said with tears still rolling down her cheeks.

"Hey" Chaesol whispered, quickly standing up from the bed and walking to Yubin, cupping her cheeks and wiping away her tears. "What happened? Why are you crying?"

"That... th-that was the last t-time I will see Anya... The k-kid will wake up and... I w-won't be there for her anymore..." Yubin cried on Chaesol's shoulder.

"Hey, look at me" Chaesol whispered "She's a child... she will be the one who will suffer the least out of us" she reassured Yubin. "She doesn't understand where you are going, she doesn't understand that she will probably never see you again" she explained as tears streamed down her face.

"And that's the worst part, Chae. I know you will search for me but Anya? She will just think I... I abandoned her and forget about me while I... I won't be able to forget her"

"You have to think about the positive thing about this. She's really young... it's almost sure that she will get adopted. She will have a family and she will be happy" Chaesol said, caressing Yubin's cheek. "You know... I hope that she forgets about you... about us. I hope that she can get adopted and start a new life, without memories of this place" she admitted, weakly. "She will always be here for us" she said, placing a hand on Yubin's heart "And we will always be here for each other. I-... I know that people from the outside might not get this but... the bonds that we are able to create in situations like this one... are unbreakable and I firmly believe that. You are part of me, Yubin... and I will never forget about you, I will never forget about the promise I made you"

"It would be the best for her. She deserves a happy life... and I will never forget about you either, Chae" Yubin said, cupping her cheek. "You are part of me too and I'll... I'll keep my promise as well. I love you"

"I love you too, Yuyu" Chaesol whispered, pulling Yubin closer to kiss her. She let her tears stream down her face, knowing that this was one of the last times she could do this, for years. Her heart felt like it was bursting out of her chest and her hands were trembling. "Can you promise me something else Yuyu?" She suddenly asked, locking eyes with Yubin. "I know you are planning on not waking me up tomorrow. Don't you dare do that. I know you want to avoid me the pain of seeing you actually, but I want to say goodbye one last time. So wake me up, please"

Yubin sighed, looking defeated.

"I thought that maybe, waking up when I was already gone... would be less painful for you" Yubin whispered "But if you don't want that... would you walk me to the door and say goodbye there? I want you to be the last person I see before stepping in the car" Yubin said weakly.

"Of course Yuyu, of course! I'll guide you there and I'll send you off with a smile... or I'll try to at least" Chaesol chuckled between her tears, getting impossibly closer to Yubin.

"G-Good, because I'm pretty sure I will cry my eyes out so I kind of need you to stay strong" Yubin admitted, nestling her hand in Chaesol's hair and bringing the other one on the girl's waist.

"If I... If I knew this day w-would come so s-soon... I-... I would've confessed way earlier Yuyu... I- I wanted to experience more nice moments together... little dates, actual dates... Now I have to let you go... knowing we could have done so much more" Chaesol whispered, brushing her lips against Yubin's.

"S-Stop...please" Yubin said, between sobs "It hurts... it hurts knowing that we could have more but we... we didn't confess. I-... I've loved you for a while now, Chae... but I was afraid and I didn't... I didn't say anything. But... what is done is done and it hurts to think about that now. S-So please, just... we still have a little bit of time... and I-... I want to use it to create a memory with you. I want to use it to give you something that no one else will be able to have... because you were the first" Yubin whispered, locking eyes with Chaesol.

"God, Yuyu, words hurt... so fucking much" Chaesol whispered before throwing her arms around Yubin's neck and pulling her in for a long and passionate kiss.

Yubin kissed her back. It was a kiss full of passion, desire, anger and pain. But mostly love. They loved each other and no other feeling could come in the way. Yubin gently pushed Chaesol towards the bed, making her walk backwards until her legs hit the bed and she had to lay down on it.

"I love you, Chae" Yubin said before joining her on the bed and throwing the covers on top of them. They were going to show each other how much love there was... before they had to be separated in the morning.


The morning after Chaesol woke up, slowly stretching under the cover and turning towards Yubin. She widened her eyes, sitting up quickly, because the blue haired girl wasn't there.

"N-No!" She whispered "Y- You promised!" She mumbled to herself standing up and quickly dressing herself, stumbling out of her room. She ran to Yubin's room, barging in, afraid to see an empty side of the room. She let out a sigh of relief when she saw a surprised Yubin looking at her with a confused expression, while she was packing her stuff.

"I- I thought you left" Chaesol said in a soft voice, looking down at her. "You weren't there and I... thank god you are still here"

"I promised you I would wake you up. I just wanted to pack my things before waking you up" Yubin said with a soft voice, walking towards Chaesol and wrapping her arms around the girl's neck, giving a peck on her lips.

"I'll help you pack but first... it might sound weird but... thank you for last night" the girl whispered with a smile.

"It doesn't sound weird. I-... I wanted to thank you as well. It was... It was amazing" Yubin whispered with a little blush on her cheeks. "You know... Bora told me to wait for that, but... I'm happy I did it with you. And I won't ever regret last night" she said, giving another sweet kiss on Chaesol's lips.

"We didn't know what we were doing and it was p-pretty awkward at first but that made it even more amazing and pure in my eyes" Chaesol chuckled, also blushing a bit.

"Let's say it was exactly like our relationship. We always figure out things together... and at the end, somehow, things work out" Yubin chuckled. "There is only one thing that makes me regret that it happened..." Yubin whispered, locking eyes with Chaesol.

"What is it, Yuyu?" The girl asked, tilting her head a little, having a vague idea what it was but not being too sure.

"Now it will be even harder to let you go" the blue haired girl whispered, brushing her lips against Chaesol's.

"I'm never fully g-gone though. You have this to keep with you" Chaesol smiled, taking the rose from the necklace in one of her hands. "A piece of me is in there, Yuyu"

"I will take you with me everywhere then, until I can see the real you again" Yubin said with a smile. "N- Now come on, help me pack this mess before I lose my mind" she said, wanting to get out of the subject because it was getting too painful. Chaesol nodded and got on her knees to help Yubin put some things in her suitcase. After a few minutes, everything was in there as the two girls sighed.

Yubin looked at Chaesol's sad expression and she cupped her cheek with a hand, but before she could say anything, there was a horn sound from a car and the blue haired girl looked out of her window, seeing Bora and Yoohyeon step out of a car.

"W- Will you keep me company while I put this in the car?" Yubin whispered weakly, standing up. She walked out of the door waiting for Chaesol to join her when she suddenly heard the girl sigh again.

"I hate love... I won't love again... you are love" the girl said, looking at Yubin before standing up and taking a suitcase in her hand. "L-let's go"

Yubin couldn't bring herself to reply. She hated love as well... but she loved it at the same time, because when she was with Chaesol, she was happy. They walked downstairs and they went outside, walking to the car. Bora looked so excited and happy and her expression was in a total contrast with Chaesol's one.

"Good morning Bi-" she said with a happy voice but cut herself off when she saw the expression on both of the girl's faces. She could clearly see how much they loved each other and how much this hurt.

"Morning" Yubin replied, giving Bora a quick and forced smile, but ignoring Yoohyeon just like she did yesterday.

"Where can I put these?" Chaesol asked, looking at Bora and taking a suitcase from Yubin's hands and walking towards the car.

"You can put them in the car trunk" Bora replied with a slight smile. Chaesol nodded and went to the back of the car where Yoohyeon opened the trunk for her. She placed the suitcase inside and then took something out of her jacket, putting it in the suitcase. A picture of her and Yubin, on New Year's Eve.

Bora had just walked to the back of the car to check if the girl needed help with the suitcase and she saw what Chaesol put in Yubin's suitcase. She gave a quick look at the picture and she could see Yubin's wide smile in it, while she was hugging Chaesol. This girl was really able to make Yubin happy in a period of her life when she had nothing.

"Chaesol" Bora called weakly, while Yoohyeon was helping Yubin with some little boxes on the front door. The girl turned towards Bora and stared at her with a little smile, a smile that was hiding so many emotions.

"Yes?" She asked with a voice on the verge of breaking.

"I know you probably hate me and you have all the right to. But... thank you. Thank you for helping my sister in the most difficult time, thank you because you've been there for her since day one and thank you because... I can see you love her. Like... truly love her. And I can see she loves you as well" Bora explained, taking Chaesol's hand.

"I don't hate you... I hate that Yubin has to leave but... I'm glad you came back for her. She missed you and I'm sure she will be happy again" Chaesol replied with a smile. Bora couldn't take this anymore, she hated how she was breaking them up.

"Give me your phone real quick" the older girl said and Chaesol quickly handed her phone while Bora typed something in it. "That's the address... for if you ever... ever are a-able to come back"

"I-... T-Thank you! Thank you, Bora!" Chaesol cried, not able to hold back her tears anymore. She held her phone tightly in her hands as if her life depended on it. "I will come back... A- As soon as I find a way to get out of here and get some money... I will come back for her" Chaesol whispered. "We... we are bonded. She's mine and I'm hers" she whispered faintly, thinking back at last night.

"I'm happy it was you" Bora said with a smile when Yubin walked up to them.

"Chae... it's time" she said softly.

Chaesol nodded, making a step towards Yubin, cupping her cheeks and wiping away the tears that started to run on the blue haired girl's face.

"I'm so happy I met you... and I'm happy I got to be with you during this year" Chaesol whispered, leaning in and kissing Yubin's lips softly "I love you" she added weakly.

"I love you too and-... I hate that we are saying goodbye right now" Yubin responded but Chaesol shook her head with a smile.

"No Yuyu, this n-not goodbye. This is a 'see you later'." She corrected her with the best smile she could form.

"I'll wait for you then. And I will message you day and night, you know that right?" Yubin said with a little smile.

"I know you will and happily text with you! I can get Anya on there too" Chaesol tried to cheer, hugging Yubin close and kissing her lips. "I love you, Yuyu"

Yubin sighed weakly, pulling Chaesol impossibly closer

"If only I had the courage to confess to you months ago..." she whispered, regretting all the time they lost "I wish I told you sooner...That I love you"

"Yuyu, no. Don't do this. We already talked about this. Let's just enjoy what we have right now okay? Go have fun with your sister... that's what you always wanted. Have fun for me! And I'm always there with you. Here... and here" Chaesol smiled, pointing at the necklace and to Yubin's heart.

"I wanted that b-but then... Then you came along and I... I need you Chae, I want to be with you" Yubin said, suddenly realising what was about to happen. Her suitcase and, the boxes with her stuff were already in the car and Bora and Yoohyeon were ready to leave. She started panicking, taking Chaesol's arms in her hands "W- Wait I-... I don't want to go. I c-changed my mind. I don't want to go" she whispered, shaking her head.

"You will be with me! In a few years. You will have me and your sister in a few years if you just wait. It will be okay, Yubin. I'll keep watering the roses, I'll take care of Anya... I won't stop thinking about you" the older girl said with a smile "You need to go, Yubin. Really, it's okay"

"N-No. No! W-What if something happens? What if you change your mind? What if you find someone you love more?" Yubin said, panicking even more. "I- I'm not going! I'm staying with you!" Yubin cried, pulling Chaesol in a tight hug, crying on her shoulder. Chaesol desperately wanted to allow Yubin to stay, to tell her that she wanted the same thing... but she knew that the blue haired girl would regret this decision in a couple of days.

"B-Bora... t-take her, p-please" Chaesol asked, looking at the smaller girl and pushing Yubin back lightly. "I have your book to remind me of you... and loving someone more than you? Impossible Yuyu... Just g-go with your sister and wait f-for me"

Yubin shook her head, unable to reply between the sobs. Bora wrapped her arms around Yubin, pulling her back, while Chaesol made a step back after placing one last kiss on Yubin's lips.

"Be safe and B-Bora? Please take c-care of her... Take c-care of her while I'm gone" Chaesol smiled, letting a tear roll down her cheek and waving at Yubin. "I'll see you as soon as possible Yuyu, I promise"

"P-Please... let... me" Yubin tried to say between sobs, freeing herself from Bora's arms. Her sister took her arm again, looking at her with pleading eyes. "I- I'll come with you... I just... let me k-kiss her... properly one last time" she pleaded looking at Bora.

"Of course Bin but after that... please don't make it any more difficult for her, okay? She's a sweet kid and I am sure she will find you again" Bora smiled, putting a hand on the blue haired girl's back.

Bora's words made Yubin realize that the way she was acting was probably hurting Chaesol even more. Yubin will have a family, she will have a home... Chaesol will be the one left behind again, with no one but Anya. And yet Yubin was the one making a scene. As the blue haired girl looked at Chaesol's eyes she realized that she was using everything she had not to have a breakdown in front of her.

She walked up to the girl and cupped her cheek, caressing it with her thumb.

"Can I k-kiss you? F-for the last time in y-years?"

"You don't have to ask" Chaesol replied with a smile as Yubin pulled her in for a kiss. It was slow and soft. Their lips slowly moved against each other and after months, Yubin was still surprised about how well their lips fit with each other. In every kiss, she felt like she was born just for this, she was born to kiss Chaesol and only her.

When the girl tried to separate herself, Yubin put her hands behind her neck and kept her in place, gently combing her hair.

"Just a little longer, Chae" she whispered before moving her lips against the other girl's pair again.

Chaesol closed her eyes again, melting into the kiss. She took this opportunity to let her hands wander on Yubin's body. On her sides, on her waist, up to her shoulders and down on her arms. She wanted to memorize every single detail about Yubin.

"Don't forget about me okay?" The girl asked when Yubin finally allowed her to pull away. Chaesol was still smiling but that smile was slowly breaking away.

"I could never forget you, Chae. Not in a hundred years" Yubin reassured the girl. She could see her desperately trying to be strong, but her eyes and her fading smile gave away that she was one second away from crying. Yubin cupped her cheeks, smiling at her. "You are allowed to let go, Chae" she whispered.

Chaesol shook her head and rubbed her eyes to make sure she didn't cry.

"I promised you I would see you off with a smile, so I'm doing that, Yuyu"

"I'd better be going then... before this fades away completely" Yubin whispered, brushing her thumb on Chaesol's lips. "I can't wait to see you again. I will videocall you every day!" She reassured, making a step back. "I love you, Chae"

"I love you too Yuyu! Be good to your sister and her friend okay? They want the best for you" Chaesol smiled. "I'll see you soon on the videocall and someday in Seoul"

Yubin nodded, signaling Bora and Yoohyeon that she was good to go. She stepped in the car and turned towards Chaesol one last time.

"Take care of Anya! And tell her that I will keep her gift forever, it's a promise" she said with a little smile. She took hold of the rose of her necklace and she smiled widely "I will never take this off so you will always be with me" she said, closing the door and looking at Chae through the glass. The girl gave her one last wave before Bora started the engine and drove off. When they were quite a distance away, Yubin looked in the rearview mirror and saw Chaesol fall on her knees, dropping her head in her hands.

Yubin tears started to fall on her cheeks again. She quickly fixed her eyes on her hands, not able to keep looking at Chaesol. She stayed silent for the whole ride to the airport and no matter how many times Bora and Yoohyeon tried to cheer her up, Yubin spent her time listening to music and looking out of the window. She wanted to talk to Bora, she wanted to know everything about the year they spent away... Just not today.

When they got on the plane, Yubin sat in between Yoohyeon and Bora. The silver haired girl had fallen asleep and was resting her head on Yubin's shoulder. The blue haired girl sighed and turned to Bora who was reading a book.

"Bora?... do y-you... do you t-think she w-will come find me?"

"Kid, believe me when I say that I just know she will" Bora reassured her. "I saw the way she looked at you, I saw the way she held you... What you two have is rare, Yubin" Bora spoke her mind.

"I'm afraid... w-what if we lose c-contact because something happens? What if i-it takes her 15 years t-to find me?" Yubin whispered, worried about the situation.

"She has your number and I gave her our address. She knows where you are and I saw how determined she is. If something happens... she will find you" Bora reassured her again, cupping her cheek and caressing it sweetly.

"I-... I believe that..." Yubin smiled "Bora? I... I don't want to g-get feelings for anyone else... It would be the s-same as b-betraying Chae"

"Kid... we don't have control over feelings. You can't decide not to feel things for someone else. You can keep everyone at a distance if you want but...The right person won't be stopped by that" Bora explained "The right person will just find her way to you. So the only thing you can do is live your life, hoping that she's the one"

"Chae is the one, Bora. She is my one" Yubin whispered. "Anyway...when does the training start?" Yubin asked, completely surprising Bora. It was way too early for that. Yubin was way too weak mentallt after saying goodbye to Chaesol.

"It's too soon. You are hurt and w-" Bora was trying to say but Yubin cut her off.

"I don't care. The training will help me cope with the pain. If I'm busy training, maybe I won't suffer that much" Yubin said, but Bora shook her head.

"That's exactly the problem. You would train with pain in you, with anger... and if you are angry you can't think. And if you don't think, you fight mechanically... and once that becomes your style, it's impossible to change it. And believe me, that kind of style would get you killed. So we are waiting" Bora explained.

"Fine! Fine... we will wait but... not too long please? I don't want to think about her all the time" Yubin smiled, resting her head on the smaller girl's shoulder.

"If you really want to become a hunter, you won't have time to think at all. Believe me. As soon as we get home, you will start school again and as soon as you come back you will study at home. Being a hunter is not all about physical training. You will have to study" Bora explained.

The blue haired girl nodded her head, looking over at Yoohyeon.

"Can you tell her I don't hate her? It's just... hard to talk to her at the moment"

"You should tell her that, Bin" Bora said weakly. "You know... she made me promise not to tell you but... she cried last night. As soon as we got to the hotel she broke down, saying that she saw the way you looked at her, the way you ignored her and that she knows you hate her"

"I wasn't happy but... I realized that she's not to blame and... if you never left... I would n-never have met C-Chae" Yubin admitted.

"That's true. I'm still sorry I left but... something good came out of it" Bora said with a smile. "And yes, Yooh is not to blame. When she knew my parents died, she felt so guilty because she felt like she took me away from them but mostly... because she knew she was the cause of you being alone. She comforted me every single day but sometimes I could hear her crying at night, when she thought I couldn't hear her"

"The puppy is too precious... I feel really sorry for ignoring her and being mean..." Yubin said in a weak tone "When she... if she wakes up, I'll apologize" Yubin chuckled.

Yoohyeon sniffled, giving away that she wasn't really sleeping. She tried to hide it, but she couldn't stop the tears when she heard that Yubin didn't hate her. Before Yubin could protest she hugged her tightly. She hadn't had the chance to touch Yubin since they saw each other and she had missed the blue haired girl so much during this year.

"I'm sorry kiddo. I'm so sorry. I was selfish..." Yoohyeon whispered, kissing the girl's forehead.

Yubin sighed, leaning into the hug.

"I'm sure you heard already but... I don't hate you, Yoohyeon. It... it will take some time though, before I can say we are fine" Yubin admitted.

"I understand that, I really do. I'm just happy... you joined us... that you will be a part of our team. That way I can protect every person I love, because they are right here with me" the tallest of the three explained.

Yubin wrapped an arm around Yoohyeon's shoulder and one around Bora's shoulder, pulling the girls closer.

"I will become even stronger than you two. So I can protect my family" she whispered, with a sweet smile.

Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments! It helps us a lot, much love ❤

Question of the chapter: Let's do one of these pick-a-songs: Mayday or Wake up?

Authors' answers:

Nyle: Wake up
Cristina: Mayday

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