2. Resident Evil: Original Ap...

By Brianna170402

48.5K 1.4K 113

Alice and Hope thought the horror was over but little did they know it was just beginning. Hope is g!p. Secon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors note
Chapter 21

Chapter 11

1.7K 64 3
By Brianna170402

No one POV:

Olivera and Nicholai are in the back of an ambulance. Olivera is wrapping up his bite mark on his arm.Nicholai is standing guard looking out for zombies.

"This bite won't stop bleeding," Olivera said dabbing his wound with gauze. "Why didn't they see us," Nicholai said in disbelief. "What?"

"The chopper we were right there in the street in front of the hospital, how could they not see us?" A camera moved towards them, watching them.

"Oh, they saw us," Olivera scoffed. Nicholai looked at him confused, "what do you mean." Oliver sighed, "we're assets Nicholai," he threw another gauze down," expandable assets," he stood up, "and we've just been expanded."

Nicholai just stared at him. All of a sudden a phone rang out making them turn quickly guns raised. A phone in a store broken window was ringing. They looked at each other confused.


Jill and Terri drove down a street heading towards the school. Terri kept glancing at Jill not knowing what to say. She looked up seeing someone running towards them, "stop!"

Jill hit the brakes managing to not hit the African American man. She rolled down her window gun aimed when he ran to her side.

"I'm not one of those things. Hey! Remember me. Look I haven't been bitten or anything look," he said taking off his jacket turning his head side to side showing them he's bite free.

They both looked at him closely making him nervous. "Climb a board," Jill told him making him smile and bounce slightly. He went towards the back and opened the door getting in.

"Lord Jefferson Wayne. You can call me L.J. on account of the informal situation," he told them making Jill shake her head slightly.

Dr. Ashford types on his computer searching for his daughter's school opening the camera. He saw a truck driving up to it. They finally got to the school and parked in front.

They all got out and headed in. Jill looked around the big school. "We're gonna have to split up to search this place," Jill informed the others.

Terri shook her head, "forget it. Forget it, I'm not going out there by myself." L.J. and Jill looked at her. L.J. sighed, "I could go with you."

Jill shook her head and looked at L.J.," you, take the first floor." L.J. nodded and Terri moved to follow when Jill stopped her. She held out her second gun towards her, "you take the second floor. I'll take the basement."

Terri took it hesitantly. "I never shot a gun before," Terri said scared. "There's nothing to it. Try to hit em in the head," Jill reassures her and gave them one last look and left.

    Jill has her gun and flash light out walking down the basement hall. L.J. searches a science lab with his gun raised. He slowly walked around searching.

   He saw a shadow move in a closet making him turn and aimed at the door. He walked towards it slowly and reached for the doorknob. He opened it fast only to yell out in surprise when a fake skeleton fell towards him.

    He pointed his gun at its head, "I see you mother-" he got cut off by a zombie running at him. He screamed and backed up quickly. A gunshot rang out killing the zombie.

   L.J. turned and jumped in surprise to Olivera standing there. Olivera looked at him, "did you get the call as well." L.J. took a breath and look at him confused, "what?"

   "You here for the girl," Olivera explained. L.J. nodded, "oh yeah yeah the girl." Oliver shook his head, "Dr. Ashford didn't send me to deal with somebody else."

   L.J. looked at him offended. "I guess we're partners. My name is Carlos," he said and turned to walk out with L.J. following.

    Terri Wales down a set of stairs heading towards a class room. She walked in slowly holding the gun with both hands aiming. She looked around seeing bloody hand prints on the walls.

    She turned and walked backwards accidentally hitting her leg, "shit." She looked up seeing a small little girl rocking back and forth. Terri walked slowly towards her, "Angela," she got closer, "it's gonna be okay. There's no need to be afraid."

   She set her hand on the girls shoulder, "we're gonna take you home." The girl turned to her with a snarl making Terri yell out in fright and back up.

  She bumped into another person making her turn around, seeing a group of zombie kids growling at her. "Oh my god." The zombie girl on the floor lunged forward biting into Terri's calf making her scream out in pain.

   Terri fell back on the floor. The zombies bit into her, eating her while she screamed. Terri dropped her camera when she fell. It turned on and recorded her getting eaten.

   Jill was searching the gym when she heard Terri scream. She went to the second floor. She walked down the hall with her gun raised, "Terri." She turned into the class room Terri was in when she noticed blood smeared on the floor.

   She walked in slowly looking around. "You can't help her," a young girls voice said making Jill jump and whirl around gun raised aimed. A young strawberry blonde girl came out behind a bookcase.

   "Not now," the girl shook her head. Jill lowered her gun and stared at her. The girl looked at Jill, "I've seen what they do." Jill walked closer to her, "are you Angela?"

   "Yes, we should hurry before they come back," Angela said making Jill nod and grab her shoulder guiding her out. Jill stopped to pick up the camera and gave it to Angela, "hold this."

   Jill grabbed her her hand pulling her out and with her other hand had her gun raised. They walked out and down a hall. "Angela Ashford huh. That's a pretty grown up name for a little girl," Jill told her.

   Angela looked up at her with a small smile, "I'm not a little girl. Besides all my friends call me Angie." Jill smiled, "Angie huh," she looked at her with a smile, "I like that."

   They walked into the cafeteria seeing zombies walking around. "Those things are in here," Angie told Jill. "It's okay honey, their slow we can run around them," Jill reassured her.

   Angie shook her head scared, "not them, them," she pointed at a zombie dog eating on the floor. Jill aimed her gun at it, "get back," she told Angie.

The dog turned to them and growled making Angie hide between chairs. It ran towards them. Jill shot at it but missed. The dog jumped at her making Jill fall back against a table.

She dropped her gun, it slid away from her reach. The dog ran at her again. She shot up to her feet holding a chair up to block it. Suddenly gunshots rang out hitting the dog.

Jill turned to see an Umbrella soldier there. A zombie game up behind her making Nicholai kill it along with shooting the others in the room.

He walked towards Jill and the dog pulling out his handgun, shooting the dog in the head, "stay."He looked at Jill, "thought you might need a hand."

"You work for Umbrella," Jill said looking at the symbol on his clothes. "Used to, til they left us for dead in this place. Now I consider myself freelance," he told her with a smile making Jill smirk at him.

"Sargent Nicholai Ginovaeff," he saluted her, "at your service." Right when he finished a dog jumped on him making Nicholai fall to the floor with the snarling dog on him.

Jill gasped in surprise. "Come on!" Angie yelled out running away. "Wait! Angie!" Jill yelled after the girl. "Save the girl! I got this bitch!" Nicholai told Jill struggling with the dog on top of him.

Jill ran out to get Angela. Nicholai started punching it when he heard a growl coming from his left. He turned to see another dog running at him, "oh shit." They bit into him making Nicholai scream in pain.

Jill found Angela in the kitchen and grabbed her hand. "From now on stay right beside me," Jill told Angela who nodded. They walked towards the exit only to stop short upon seeing a big shelf blocking it.

"It's blocked," Angie pointed out. She looked at Jill scared, "what do we do now," she whispered. They heard the zombie dogs enter growling. Jill looked around finding a cleaver on the floor.

Jill crouched then both down and turned to look at Angie. "Wait here, eyes," Jill told her pointing at her eyes then to the way they just came from. Angie nodded and kept a look out.

Jill walked slowly to the cleaver trying to be quiet. She had to lay on her stomach to get it because a metal crate is blocking her way. They didn't notice a zombie lunch lady crawl out a cabinet going towards Jill.

She touched Jill's leg making Jill and Angie who noticed her to gasp quietly. Jill sat up quickly and snapped her neck. Angie watched scared making Jill smile reassuringly at her.

Jill turned back to get the cleaver only to become wide eyed at the dog snarling in front of her. She turned back to Angie, seeing stoves next to her and got an idea.

She turned them on letting the gas out and grabbed Angie moving away. As they passed more stoves she turned them on as well. A dog jumped at her making Jill back barely avoiding it.

It turned around and ran back at them. Jill grabbed a big pan and swung at it, hitting it. It crashed against a metal shelf. Jill grabbed Angie's hand and pulled her with her.

The other zombie dog sniffed the air smelling the gas and ran after the girls. Jill grabbed her matches and lit one and threw it behind them. She kicked open the door and looked back to see the dogs running at them.

The matches blew out before it reached the gas. Jill gulped and pulled Angie out closing the door. They looked up to see Alice and Hope looking at them.

Alice blew out the smoke from her cigarette out of her mouth and flicked it towards the doors. Jill and Angie ran away from the doors. Alice grabbed the fire blanket and wrapped it around Angela and herself.

Hope grabbed Jill and moved them away only to get knocked back against a table from the explosion. Jill coughed and groaned. Hope padded her back and got up.

Hope moved to be next to her mom who unwrapped from Angela and moved back. Angela stared at them then looked at Alice, "thank you." Jill looked confused, "you two know each other."

They all looked at her. Hope pointed at Angela, "she's infected." Jill couldn't believe it and moved closer. "She's infected on a massive level," Alice said with Hope agreeing.

"How can you guys know that," Jill asked suspicious of them. "Because they are too," Angela said looking at Alice and Hope. They both stared at her surprised she knew.

"You guys are infected. When were you gonna tell us that," Jill spat at the making hope narrow her eyes at her. Alice grabbed a chair and sat on it facing Angela. "I'm not infected like them but I guess I am in a way. But you already had a suspicion I was didn't you," Hope stated making Jill nod and look down.

Alice smiled at Angela, "let me see." Angela gripped her bag and held her arm closer to her body shaking her head scared, "no." Hope noticed Angela getting scared so she kneeled next to her making everybody look at her.

Hope gave Angela a smile, "hi Angela right?" Angela nodded. "I'm Hope. Want to see something cool." Angela hesitated but nodded anyway. Hope put her hands together, "Papilio lux," her hands glowed then a glowing butterfly flew up and around Angela's head.

  Jill and Angie watched in awe. "Pretty," Angela whispered with a smile. Hope looked away from the butterfly to Angie then to her mom seeing she was looking at her with a proud smile.

   'Thank you' her mom mouthed to her, Hope nodded. Hope waited until it faded before getting Angela's attention, "you okay now?" Angela nodded with a smile. "Great. Now this is my mom, she's the most nicest woman there is besides Jill. She won't hurt you, I give you my word," Hope told her with a smile.

   Angela looked between them and held out her pinky towards Hope, "you promise." Hope smiled at her again and wrapped her bigger pinky around the girls, "I promise." Angela very hesitantly gave her arm to Alice.

   Alice rolled up her sleeve seeing puncture wounds new and old all over her arm. Everybody looked at her concerned. Alice opened Angela's  bag and got out her lunch box container seeing it's not a normal one.

  Alice pressed a button and it opened on its side. "It's the Antivirus, the cure for the T-virus," Alice told them. Jill looked at Alice in shock, "there's a cure." Alice didn't answer and looked at Angie along with Hope. "How did you get this," she asked her.

  "My daddy. My daddy made it for me. He's sick and someday I'll get sick too. He just wanted to stop that. When I was little, I had to walk on crutches. They said I'd never get better just worse. He found a way to make me stronger," Angela told them, Hope held her hand in comfort.

  "The T-virus," Hope realizes. "Then they took the invention away from him," Angela said looking at them. She shook her, "he's not a bad man. He didn't mean for any of this," her eyes got watery.

   Alice closed the lunch box, "it's okay," she whispered and hugged her. All of a sudden a door slammed open making Alice pull away quickly grabbing her shotgun aiming at the person.

   Hope pushed Angela behind her pulling her gun out aiming. Carlos aimed his gun at Alice. L.J. ran in, "don't shoot, don't shoot. He's cool. He made a deal with Dr. Doom same as you."

   That made Alice out her gun down then Carlos did. But Hope still had her gun up raised, "he works for Umbrella," ending with a glare aimed at him. Carlos shook his head, "not anymore, they left us for dead."

   Hope glanced at her mom seeing her mom nod at her so she put it back in her holster. Jill looked at him, "how many of you guys are there." Carlos shook his head confused, "what do you you mean."

   Jill looked at the dead body of Nicholai. "Nicholai," he whispered. L.J. took of his hat to pay respects. Carlos starts coughing making everybody look at him. "When we're you bitten," Alice asked already knowing from the looking at his state.

   "Three hours ago," Carlos told her making L.J. step back, "what the." Alice walked towards him gun up, "it's your lucky day," and smiled at him walking away. Carlos stared at her retreating form.

   Hope walked by him, "watch your eyes, old man," and followed her mom out. Carlos looked offended at being called old.

   L.J. looked at Carlos, "should've told me you got bit motherfucker, I'm hanging with you and shit," making Hope laugh hearing him with her werewolf hearing.

Papilio lux is a comfort spell it provides a peace of mind.
Sorry for any mistakes
Hope you enjoy
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