For as Sick as it May Seem

By timebomber666

15.9K 845 105

Growing up, Corianne Stanley knew Christopher Cerulli as her next door neighboor and the older brother of the... More

1 - I Saw Your Eyes
3 - Unstoppable
4 - Stung by the Wasp
5 - My Heart is a Timebomb
6 - I Will Break You Carefully
7 - The Distance Kills Me
8 - Lust Verses Love
9 - Until Your Heart Caves In
10 - Love is Like Fire (Trigger Warning)
11 - You are All That I Have Left
12 - Black
13 - The Pain We Love
14 - Goodbye
15 - You Could Never Understand Me
16 - We'll Sing Forever
17 - Undress Your Body (Explicit Content)
18 - This Place That I Call Home
19 - Santa's Pissed
20 - I Don't Know Where Home is Anymore
21 - Push Passed Everything
22 - They Will Surely Take You Away From Me
23 - This is a Love Song
24 - I Know Our Future
25 - Don't Say Goodbye
26 - Forever and Always
Behind The Scenes
Alternate Endings
I'll make you a deal...
New Story!

2 - The Urge is Getting Stronger

852 39 8
By timebomber666

Over the next couple days, Chris would make sure to get to Starbucks around the time Cory would arrive after school. They'd get to chat a bit and catch up on what was going on in each other's lives. It was nice, but they're little chats only lasted about fifteen to twenty minutes before Cory had to leave for work. This was because every day after school, Cory had to go home, get her homework done, make sure Cole didn't need help with anything, get ready for work, get coffee, and get to work by 4:30; and she didn't have a car.

During their short chats together, Cory and Chris came to notice that they had a lot in common. They both sang and played guitar, they both loved the same video games and horror movies, and they both loved hockey. They had a lot of fun together.

Now, they were once again in Starbucks, enjoying their first pumpkin spice lattes of the season. Cory's red and black hair hung over her shoulders and her bright green eyes looked at Chris through her glasses. Cory couldn't see anything more than a few feet in front of her without her glasses, which sucked, because she hated them.

"I think they look cute on you." Chris comments when she tells him this.

He regretted it immediately though. Maybe "cute" wasn't the best word to use. Chris wasn't sure how an 18 year old girl would feel about a guy who would be 28 in a little over a month thinking she was cute. (A/N: This story is set a month or two before Chris turned 28.)

Cory just smiles, "Thank you." She says before taking another sip of her latte.

On the inside though, Cory had an extreme case of the butterflies. Chris Motionless had just called her cute...Or maybe he was just being nice...

Chris smiled, relieved. So she didn't think he was a creep...At least, he hoped she didn't.

"Why don't you just wear contacts?" Chris asks.

"No. I can't. I don't put things in my eyes."


"Long story. It's an OCD thing."

Chris nods, understanding. He often wondered how much Cory's OCD really affected her life. He never asked though, not wanting to be rude.

The guys still pestered Chris about Cory a lot, but Chris knew they didn't mean any harm by it. The guys knew Chris and Cory were just friends, but the fact that Cory was a pretty girl that was only eighteen was a comedic gold-mine. Chris hasn't told Cory about the joking though. He hadn't even told her that the guys knew about her, mainly because he wasn't sure if he should tell her.

Mandy was constantly riding Cory about Chris. Cory didn't mind though; she'd had that coming when she made the choice to tell Mandy about Chris in the first place. Cory was always able to ask Mandy for advice though. Cory really didn't know how to talk to guys, even ones she was just friends with. Mandy was always a big help though.

Chris often felt guilty about the way he sometimes looked at and felt about Cory. She was a looker, alright. She may have only been 18, but she could easily pass for 24; maybe even 25 or 26. And she acted as such. So, Chris often looked at and thought of her like she was someone of that age. Maybe if Chris knew she was okay with him thinking about her in the way that he did, he wouldn't feel guilty about it.

Then again, what she didn't know wouldn't hurt her.

Cory was just so mature for her age. Maybe that was because she was forced to grow up a bit too early. She was only 16 when her adopted parents died, and Chris just assumed that her birth family was out of the question. She was so young when she had to step up and take care of Cole. Cory was just so mature mentally, that it made Chris wonder if she was mature in other areas... (A/N: Adrenalize by In This Moment started playing when I wrote that, haha.)

Aaaand we're back to feeling guilty.

And yet, Chris couldn't stop himself from letting his eyes scan every inch of her body when she walked; the way her lips moved when she talked. He wanted to touch that body. He wanted to taste those lips. It was becoming almost uncontrollable. He hated it. He really did think Cory was a cool person; he knew she would think less of him if she knew what was going through his head...

After a bit longer, Cory had to leave for work. They stood and Chris opened the door for her and they walked out.

"Same time tomorrow?" Chris asks.

"I'll be here." Cory says, smiling.

She stands on her tiptoes and wraps her arms around Chris' tattooed neck. Chris smiled and wrapped his long arms around Cory's small torso. Oh, if only he could move her hands just a bit lower...

They break the embrace, smiling.

"I guess I'll see you tomorrow then." Cory says, still smiling.

Chris simply nods. Cory nods in return, then turns and walks away. Chris again found himself watching her as she grew further and further away; the way her hips and legs moved...

And we're back to feeling guilty.


Cory walked into Hot Topic with a smile on her face.

"You're late." Mandy says.


"Kidding!" Mandy cheers, "It's not as fun to joke with you about being late. It's the only thing you're not super OCD about."

"Glad to know you take my mental disorder into consideration." Cory says, sarcastically.

"Oh, come on. You know I love you." Mandy says, "So. How was coffee with Chris?"


"That's it?"

"Yes, Mandy. We're just friends having a nice conversation. Nothing more."

"Ugh. You never have any good stories to tell."

"I've been having coffee with Chris Motionless for four days straight. That isn't interesting?"

"Eh. It's kind of old news now."

Cory sighs, "It'd be weird if Chris and I were more than just friends. His sister used to babysit me when I was little. But my family lived next door to his way before that. Our parents were friends! I just think it'd be weird for Chris to date a girl that was jump-roping in her front yard with her two front teeth missing while he was in his garage having band practice."

"I don't think so."

"You don't?"

"Nope." Mandy says, "You and Chris are like the younger, goth version of Monica and Richard, just with half the age gap." (A/N: If you're a fan of 'Friends' you get that reference.)

Cory laughs, "You're ridiculous."

"It's what I do best." Mandy says, "Okay, I'm gonna go take inventory. You good at the register?"


"Kay. Later!" Mandy cheers before skipping away.


Cory walked back into her studio apartment later that evening after work. It was about 10:30, and she was very tired. It was a pretty good day though, to say the least.

"Hey, kiddo." Cory says as she walks in, closing the door behind her.

"Hey." Cole says, keeping his eyes on the TV screen.

Cory hated leaving Cole for such a long time each day, but she honestly didn't have any other choice with how her work schedule was. Their neighbors checked in on Cole every couple of hours when he was home, and he also went to friends' houses often, so it wasn't too bad. And of course, Mandy was great and totally understanding if Cory was late to work or had to leave early to be with Cole. However, Cole was pretty independent. He was a really good kid.

Cory took off her shoes and hung her jacket up. Then she went to wash her hands. Another fun "quirk" of Cory's - she was very clean.

In the apartment were two twin beds against a wall. On the opposite wall was a dresser that the TV sat on and where the majority of their clothes were. A few feet from the beds was a table and two chairs. On the back left walls were cupboards, cabinets, a small counter, sink, oven, and refrigerator. A few feet from the dresser that the TV sat on was the door that led to their bathroom; and on the right wall was the one window in the entire apartment. It was big though.

Once Cory was situated, she walked over to Cole, who was sitting on his bed.

"Did you do everything I asked you to do?"

"Yup. I did the dishes after I did my homework, and then Mrs. Johnson asked me to walk her dog and gave me ten bucks for it. Then I did the laundry and put it away afterword. So cough it up."

Cory laughs and pulls out her wallet. She pulls out fifteen dollars and hands it to Cole.

"Thank you." He says with a smirk.

"No problem, little dude. Did you get all your homework done okay?"

"Yeah. It was pretty easy."

"Good. And can you get a ride to baseball practice tomorrow?"

"Joey's mom is carpooling."

"Okay. Thanks for being so on top of things like this, Cole. It's really hard for me with school and work and all; but you know I'm just trying to take care of you."

"Yeah, I know."

"Good." Cory says, "You made twenty-five dollars today, so please make sure that some of it goes towards your lunch money."

"I will." Cole says.


The next morning.

The alarm on Cory's phone starts going off. 6:15 in the morning; right on time. Cory blinks and hits the button on her alarm. She puts her glasses on and sits up, stretching.

Cory then stands and turns on the lamp on the night stand in between the two beds.

"Cole, get up."

Cole just groans and puts his pillow over his head.

"Don't make me do it, Cole."

"Do what?" Cole asks, his voice muffled.

"This." Cory says before sitting on Cole's bed and tickling her little brother. Cole began laughing and kicking and wiggling.

"S-stop! Stop!" He laughs.

Cory sits him up and continues ticking him. She wraps her arms around his small torso and squeezes him before planting a big kiss on his cheek.

"Ew, cooties."

"You're always saying you want Mandy to kiss your cheek!"

"That's because Mandy is a fox."

Cory laughs, "Go fix yourself something to eat, you little weirdo."


Cole sat on his bed, tying his shoes. He was in a simple Batman shirt and jeans. Cory walked out of the bathroom with her hair in a messy bun and makeup done after she washed her hands again. She grabbed her Jack Skellington backpack and handed Cole his Spiderman one.

Cole laughs, "Batman shirt and Spiderman backpack. If that's not rebellious, I don't know what is."

Cory smiles, "Okay, we've gotta get you down to Jordan's. Your ready?"

Cole nods and stands. Since high school started earlier than the elementary school, Cory had to leave earlier. She just took Cole down to their neighbor's apartment because they had a child who went to Cole's school. Cole went there every morning to wait for the school bus.

"Okay, then let's go." Cory says. She grabs her things, and they walk out.

A/N: I'm having kind of a bad morning...

Okay, a couple of things.

1.) How many of you were uncomfortable while reading some of Chris' erm... thoughts, about Cory? I got weirded out just writing it -but that's exactly the point. It's supposed to be weird, it's supposed to be uncomfortable and pervy, and its supposed to be, well, sick. Hence the title. But dont worry. This is going to be kind of a fast-paced story, but you guys will see that Chris sort of turns into the dark-hero of the story...

2.) We've officially met Cole! How do you guys like him? I hope you like him a lot because he will have a pretty big part in this story...But don't get too attached to him...*dramatic music plays*

3.) I wanted to try to find an actor for Cole, so I did a LOT of Googling until I found this little cutie, Davis Cleveland. There's a pic of him for ya.

Let me know what you think! And if you haven't already, check out my other story and one-shot on here.

Chapter Title From: Dark Passenger

xoxo, Scissorhands

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