can't you see? {completed}


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there comes a time when a blind man takes your hand and says "can't you see?" *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* harry styl... Еще

twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six
twenty seven
twenty eight
twenty nine
thirty one
thirty two
thirty three
thirty four
thirty five - epilogue
my one shots


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**harry's POV**

hey boobear

hi hazza

are you free on saturday? or do you have a driving lesson again?

my lesson is done by 11 so I'm free after that

good, because we're going on a date


yep, I'm not telling you anything though, I'll pick you up at 12 xx

awh hazzy please tell me🥺

no boo. you'll find out on saturday

ugh fine


**louis' POV**

"muuuuummm" I shout while standing in front of my mirror just with black jeans on. she walks in and smiles at me. "you alright?" she gently asks, looking at the piles of shirts and hoodies on my bed. "what do I wear?" I turn around and huff, hoping she has an answer. "is this for your date?" she giggles and covers her mouth with her hand. I nod my head with a bright blush taking over my face.

the word date somehow summons lottie into my room. "is louis stressing?" she says while popping her head through my door. "yeah he is" my mum says and winks at her as she steps into my room and starts shuffling through my things. "uh okay hold on..." she throws shirts around until she gets to one. "this one. wear this" she hands me a white shirt with a rainbow apple on the front.

I take it from her and smile, kissing her head and shooing them both out my room. I pull it over my head and look outside, seeing the sun shining so decide against taking a hoodie with me. I step out my room and run down the stairs, quickly pulling on my shoes hoping to be out the door before harry gets here so my mum doesn't embarass me.

harry and I have been on dates before. classic first date kinda things like a movie and dinner. I have no idea what we're doing today but that doesn't mean I'm not excited. I open the door and shout goodbye before slipping out and shutting the door behind me. I wait by the door, pulling my phone out and playing a couple games before harry's body walking up the road comes into view.

"hi boo, you ready?" he asks as I walk over to him, lacing our hands together. "I am, I wish I knew what we were doing though" I try and get him to tell me but he doesn't budge. "nu uh lou you have to wait" he tells me and I only now notice that he has a bag slung over his shoulders that looks completely full. this make me even more excited.

our hands swing in between us as we walk through the town. we do have a very religious primary school here but I can't imagine many people being very opposed to the thought of two boys holding hands, so I don't let go.

harry leads us to tesco and we quickly go in, finding ourselves in the meal deal isle. "have a meal deal lou, I'm paying" he tells me while scanning over the options. I pick a small chicken pasta pot, a packet of salt and vinegar crisps and a bottle of coke. harry has a chicken wrap, pot of mangoes and a bottle of water. we grab a few bags of sweets and chocolate, and harry takes a pack of gum.

harry pays at the selfcheckout and puts it all into the small plastic bag, before taking my hand and leading me out of the shop and towards the park. we walk through the small squeaky gate, running over to the blank spaces of grass at the other end. harry drops my hand and takes his bag off, pulling a big blanket out and laying it on the ground.

"harry, a picnic?" I ask and he nods his head. "yeah, not a fancy one, just meal deals" he says with a sheepish smile. I grab his shirt and pull him into me, kissing his lips deeply. "I love it, it's perfect" I whisper and smile at him.

we sit down next to each other, eating our food and laughing over stupid things. a simple yet adorable date that I'm happy I'm on with harry. when we both finish our meals, harry opens a bag of tangfastics and passes some to me. we eat the bag and soon find ourselves giggling over everything.

"try get it in my mouth" I say and move back, opening my mouth for harry to try get a sour dummy in. he throws it and just barely misses. "awh close haz" I say and open my mouth again.

we carry this on for a while, going back and fourth, only getting a few in each time. "one more time haz, almost there" I say and lean back, shutting my eyes and letting the sun hit my face. I don't feel a sweet hit my face or go in my mouth for a while, and just as I'm about to open my eyes and see what's taking harry so long, I feel his lips quickly on mine.

he pulls me by the crook of my neck, taking me by surprise but kissing him back nonetheless. he moans into my mouth when our tongues meet, tasting the sour sugar on his tongue from the sweets. I quickly pull back and look around, not wanting to be making anyone uncomfortable, but once I see there is no one around, I turn back to harry. "what's wrong baby?" he asks and I shake my head. "just checking no one's around" I say and dive back in to his lips.

we hungrily kiss for a while, struggling to keep ourselves at bay when we get too excited. harry slips his hands under my shirt and almost pulls it over my head, only just failing because I pull away. "harry we're in a kids park" I tell him and he goes bright red. "god sorry, I just got lost in you" he says and smooths his hands down my chest.

I smile and dip back in to take his lips with mine, briefly this time. "are we staying here all day or have you got more stuff up your sleeve?" I ask with a smirk, recieving one in return. "we can stay here for a little longer, but I do have more for later" he pulls me down so we are laying on the blanket.

he pats his chest and I easily lay my head there, feeling his steady breathing. "look lou, that cloud looks like a cat" he says and points at a white cloud that oddly does look like a cat. "huh yeah it does" I say and sling my leg over his. I raise my arm in the air and point up at the sky. "that one looks like a massive leaf" I say and harry squeezes me tighter. "yeah boo it does"

we spend the next hour laying down and spotting clouds that look like different shapes. we talk about random things, the conversation flowing as easily as it always does. harry shakes me. "you're not falling asleep are you?" he asks and I lift my head to look at him. "nope. not now, I'm too excited to be on a date with my hot boyfriend" I answer and he leans down to place a kiss on my lips. "lets go then" he says and gets us up.

we pack up our things and harry laces his fingers with mine as we make our way to the next destination. I notice our route should take us to the beach and I inwardly swoon at how adorable he is. "haaaarrrrryyyyy are we going to the beach" I ask and he shakes his head with a smile. "don't ruin it lou" he answers and gives my hand a squeeze.

we make it to the beach and harry drags me down the slope to the sand. we separate our hands and slip off our shoes, holding them in the opposite hands so we can hold each other's again. we walk along the fresh brown sand hand in hand and talk quietly.

the sun is hidden by a few clouds, causing a soft breeze to fly through the air. I feel a shiver rise through my body and when it happens my body shakes causing harry and I to laugh. "oh I've got something" harry says while placing his shoes down and letting my hand go. he takes his bag off and digs around in it, pulling a green jumper with the word 'obsession' on it out, handing it to me.

"here, you're cold" he says and I soften at his words. he knew I'd get cold and he brought one of his own jumpers for me. I pull it on and immediately get lost in the smell of him all around me. I'll never get over his delicious smell.

we spend a good hour and a half walking on the beach until harry stops by a small flight of natural stairs, leading to the top of a huge rock. he pulls me up and lets my hand go when we reach the top. he sits down and leans back, patting his lap for me. I sit down with my back to his chest, letting his hands wrap around my waist, while I lean back on him.

we look over the horizon and silently watch the sun set, happy just being in each other's prescence. when the sun is almost gone, I turn and look at harry, catching his eyes already on me. "thank you haz" I whisper and he places a kiss on my neck. "of course, I love being with you" he says and he leans in to my lips, placing a short kiss there.

we watch the rest of the sunset, talking quietly and letting the sounds of the waves ring through our ears. when it starts to get dark we leave the beach and start making our way back to my house, still with our hands swinging in between us.

my house comes in to view and I try to slow our pace down, not wanting the day to be over just yet. "louis, you're slowing down" he tells me and I frown at him. "I don't want you to go yet" I say and pout, making him lean in and kiss it away. "I'll text you the second the door closes behind you and I'll see you monday" he tells me and I nod my head.

we walk up to my front door and stop just outside. "goodbye hazza, thank you for the amazing day" I tell him and wrap my arms around his neck, feeling his hands snake around my waist. "of course baby, I enjoyed spending all day with you" he whispers, leaning in slowly. I pull back gently, making my lips ghost over his but not actually touching them.

"just kiss me you fool" he says and surges forward to connect our lips. I smile into the kiss as we stand there, taking in each other's taste. we try to keep it short, weary of the people who could be walking around or just in their homes. we pull apart and rest our foreheads together. "bye lou" he says but doesn't move away. "g'bye haz, see you monday" I say and quickly lean in to peck his lips one more time.

we properly pull away and harry turns to head home, not before getting a tap on his ass from me. he turns back, giving me a sly wink and a small wave. I wave in return and blow him a kiss, before stepping into my house and shutting the door. I lean back and exhale, happy and content.


in true me fashion, I hate this chapter :) but I'm too lazy to change it so <3
- S

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