The Cursed Demon (Zeref OC X...

By Night_Wing94

793K 18.4K 16.8K

The Seven Deadly Sins saved the Kingdom from the threat of the Holy Knight and Hendrikson, but they had no id... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37

Chapter 4

31.7K 752 523
By Night_Wing94

3rd Pov

In the devastated Kingdom of Danafor Melodias stood before Liz who was dying

(A/N: Is it strange that I love Liz more than Elizabeth ?)

Meliodas: Liz. I'm sorry... In the end, i couldn't protect you.

Liz: Don't cry Someday... we'll meet again.

Suddenly all the scenery around Meliodas ignited in a sea of ​​flame

Meliodas: LIZ!

???: Meliodas...

Meliodas had a chill and he was paralyzed with fear, he turned around and saw someone's shadow

???: It's all your fault...


Suddenly Meliodas opened his eyes and saw he was lying on a bed and Elizabeth was crying above him.

Elizabeth: Sir... Meliodas?

Meliodas decided to forget about the dream he had, and focus on Elizabeth, so he started to touch her breast

Meliodas: Yo, Elizabeth!

But Meliodas was surprised when Elizabeth threw herself on him and hugged him

Elizabeth: I didn't know what i'd do if you never opened your eyes again! I was so afraid!

Meliodas: There's no need to cry. By the way, where are we? And where are the others?

Elizabeth: Please dont worry, this is the king's castle in Camelot. And the other are...

In another room Slader had just received treatment for his injury, and Arthur was crying beside the stone statue of Merlin

Arthur: I'm sorry, Merlin. I'm always the one being protected. But i couldn't protect you!

Slader: A man shouldn't cry forever. I'm sure that even big sister would say so.

Arthur: But... I'm sure that Merlin's disappointed in me.

Meliodas: Then i guess we'll have to hear it from Merlin herself, huh?

Arthur: Sir Meliodas! Have your wounds healed?

Meliodas: Nope, not at all.

But to show that he was better he stroked the breasts of Elizabeth who was very embarrassed

Elizabeth: H-Huh...

Meliodas: So, tell me what happened. I don't see Galand just slinking away without finishing us off.

Suddenly Gowther turned and was only covered with a towel

Gowther: I manipulated his memories a bit. And making him think that he did finish you off, you see.

Meliodas: So you're back in your normal form! But why are you dressed like that?

Suddenly Gowther took off his towel

Gowther: I have no clothes!

Meliodas: Dont show us that. Hey are you okay now?

Gowther: In what way?

Meliodas: Well, you remember...

Gowther: You don't have to worry about me losing control. Since i have this restraint bracelet to stop me. This is Merlin magic item a prototype of the Peace amulet.

Meliodas: Did you put that on yourself ?

Gowther: No.

Merlin: I put it on Gowther when he wasn't looking.

Gowther: Heh, heh!

Slader: That voice!

Arthur: Merlin?

Merlin: I'm right here.

Everyone stared at the orb that floated in the air, it was Merlin's sacred treasure

Merlin: Just before my body turned completely into stone, I transferred my soul to the Morning Star Aldan.

Everyone was relieved especially Arthur

Arthur: Thank goodness!

Hawk: Wait, is that a good thing?

Merlin: No, it's inconvenient not to have a body. The Commandment can't be reversed, even with my magical powers. According to Galand, these Commandments derive their power from the Demon King. If anything can challenge it, it'd propably be the Goddess race's power. But the greatest threat of all is the sheer strength of Galand himself. His magical power were defleated and yet we were helpless against him.

Meliodas: We were trounced, huh?

Slader: And there are ten of those monster in all.

Meliodas: Alright then. Guys! How about we come up with a strategy ?

Hawk: For what?

Meliodas: What else? To beat those Ten Commandments of course!

Slader: You make it sound like it's going to be easy. Just what kind of plan will help us defeat an opponent we were no match for?

Merlin: There's only one way for us to win. We must become stronger.

Hawk: Power up, huh? I'm fired up!

Merlin: So let me index everyone's power. First the strength of our team.

The Captain's power is 3,370.

Diane's Power level is 3,250.

Gowther Power level is 3,100.

My Power level is 4,710.

King's Power level is 4,190.

Ban's Power level is 3,220.

The total Power level of six of the Seven Deadly Sins is 21,840.

Hawk: Don't forget about my power level of 3.000!

Merlin: In contrast, the Ten Commandments Power levels. If Galand is 26,000 with is magical power depleted, and we assume that the other Ten Commandments are as strong as Galand, their power level would be 260,000.


Merlin: Then they completely regain their magical powers, it will be more than 300,000. Furthermore, sould they summon the albion and lower-ranked demons, needless to say, the outlook will be even bleaker for us.

Meliodas: So we need to make sure we all compensate for that massive disparity by powering up.

Merlin: Also, Princess Elizabeth, Arthur... For this battle, it will be imperative that your magical powers are awakened.

Arthur: Please... you overestimate me, Merlin. Ultimately, I wasn't able to protect my people, the Holy Knights, or even you.

Merlin: Arthur...

Elizabeth: Lady Merlin, I'll do it! If there's anything i can do... no, If i can't right now, I'll do anything if it will help me to accomplish it!

Merlin: I like that attitude. And there's one more key that we mustn't forget. It seems like It's time to search for that man.

Meliodas: The Seven Deadly Sins, the Sin of Pride. Lion Sin, Escanor!

Elizabeth: The final member of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Meliodas: All right ! Now that it's settled, we can't just sit around here, huh? We should probably tell Diane about this.


In a hallway, Meliodas, Elizabeth and Hawk walked towards the room where Diane was

Hawk: He really did a number on her, huh?

Meliodas: Well, Diane's tough, She should be fine!

King: Dia-

Suddenly King came out of a portal and Meliodas grabbed him and threw him

Meliodas: That's dangerous.

King: Outch...

Meliodas: King, is that you? Don't just pop out of nowhere! So, where've you been all this time?

King: Oh you know.

Hawk: This whole town was swarming with Demons, and it was one huge commotion!

King: Here too!? Is Diane all right?

King rushed towards Diane room

King: I want to see you right away. I want to see you, and tell you how i feel!

Everyone arrived in front of Diane who started to wake up

King: Diane!

Diane: Who...

King: It's me, Diane!

Diane: Who are you?

King: WHAT!?


In an ordinary road, Zeref was walking with no real destination, but suddenly he saw a village

Zeref: I better avoid it.

Zeref was going to take another path, but he heard a cry

Little girl: Please help !

An absolutely terrified little girl was running towards Zeref, then she stopped in front of him and she was exhausted

Little girl: P-Please, my mama and sister,
They need help, please... There are big monsters attacking us...

Zeref: Monster?

Zeref looked towards the village and saw red and gray demons and they seemed to take the souls of the villagers

Zeref: These demons don't eat these souls but catch them? Ah I understand, Melascula had to summon them to bring them souls in order to regenerate their magical power...

Little girl: P-Please mister, help us...

Zeref: These humans are not my problem. I...

Suddenly Zeref remembered something that was said to him a long time ago

???: You are not a bad person.

The little one was going to fall to the floor in exhaustion but Zeref caught her

Zeref: ...

The demons continue to take the souls of the villagers, a demon stops to take those of a woman with another little girl, but suddenly all the demons feel a chill and Zeref appeared before them. He looked at the mother and the other daughter and approached them

Zeref: Take care of this girl, she's exhausted.

Mother: T-Thank you...

And the little girl he carried looked at him with her other sister and smile. Zeref turned and faced the fifty demons who all gathered in front of him, and all the villagers as well as the mother and her two daughters stood behind him.

Zeref: You demons haven't changed despite all this time, me who just want to be at peace, but see what's happening now.

Zeref's eyes turned red and an black aura began to surround him

Seeing this the demons tried to attack but were completely paralyzed by my fear

Zeref: It's useless, there are things in this world you cannot oppose, no matter how hard you tried. It's sad, how you've managed to anger me. Now REPENT!

Zeref made a symbol with his hands and suddenly an explosion of black magic could be seen from the sky

After that Zeref looked at all the dead demons on the floor

Zeref: Other demons may come, you should leave this village as soon as possib...

Zeref froze when he saw behind him, all the villagers were on the ground, even the mother and the two little girls, they all seemed to no longer breathe

Zeref: Hahahah... Of course... What was i thinking...

Zeref looked at the little girl he had helped now dead, he had a face filled with pain and sadness and all of a sudden the dark aura became uncontrollable


His magic had gotten out of hand, it was going to explode again but suddenly it was gone and when Zeref lifted his head he had a blank face.

Zeref: It's time for me to send them a message...


The 10 Commandments were still resting, and waiting for souls to be brought to them. But suddenly they detected something in the sky

Zeldris: What is that !?

Melascula: A teleportation spell, and right above us!

They were ready to fight, but that was not what they expected. a demon corpse fell, then 2 and 3, and after a few seconds a shower of demons corpse fell on their position

Fraudrin: They all died the same ... Their life and soul was taken away...

Melascula: It means that...

Zeldris: It was Zeref...

A thrill ran through the Ten Commandments

Gloxinia: But why did he do this?

Fraudrin: To scare us, a threat.

Zeldris: No, it was...

Zeldris looked to the horizon with a frustrated face

Zeldris: A warning...


Hello everyone I hope you are well

We learn a little more about Zeref's mentality and his abilities, but there is still a lot to see.

I also want to say that I prefer to skip the part of Hendrickson and the other Knights because I find it boring. I will surely also skip Diane's backstory to the next chapter, because we all know it

Otherwise, i hope you liked this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment, take care and see you next time ! ;)

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