By lo28012

193K 9.6K 1.1K

We know this isn't supposed to be yet here we are, the two of us together taking this chance to be all alone... More

chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 17..
chapter 18
chapter 19...
chapter 20
chapter 21....
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25....
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29
chapter 30
chapter 31
chapter 32
chapter 33
chapter 34
chapter 35
chapter 36...
chapter 37...
chapter 38...
chapter 39...
chapter 40...
chapter 41
chapter 42...
chapter 44
chapter 45
chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49

chapter 43

2.7K 163 17
By lo28012

REHAN: so what would you like to have...

GIRL: I will just take whatever you take

REHAN: but what if you don't like it..

GIRL: I will rehan.... just place the order...

REHAN: fine... two plates of item 3...(he tells the waiter as they wait for their food to arrive)

REHAN : so what do you like to do in your free time??

PREETA: like a hobby??

REHAN : yes like a hobby??

PREETA: I do alot of stuff... what about you??

REHAN: I love watching movies.. what kind of stuff do you do??

PREETA: I watch movies too

REHAN : and??

PREETA: and other stuff

REHAN : what other stuff??

PREETA: you know the usual stuff people do in their free time

REHAN: I guess that's one thing I know about you, you love watching movies

PREETA: do you love watching movies??

REHAN: Uh.. Yes....i wouldn't watch them if I didn't

PREETA: I love watching movies too..

REHAN: what are your favorite kind of movies.??

PREETA: what are your favorite kind of movies??

REHAN: I asked you first...

PREETA: you answer first...

REHAN: Bollywood

PREETA: mine too... We have so much in common...

REHAN: we should eat.... ,(he says as soon as the waiter comes back with their order)

He waits for preeta to take a bite before he eats and as soon as she takes a bite, rehan decides to ask her how the food is??

REHAN: do you like the food??

PREETA : do you like the food??

REHAN: I haven't tasted it yet

PREETA: what are you waiting for... Come on taste it and tell me how it is... (rehan does so reluctantly)

PREETA: so how is it??

REHAN: nice...

PREETA: I know right, the food is so nice...

REHAN: preeta

PREETA: yes...

REHAN: are you just going to agree with everything I say??

PREETA: do you want me to agree with everything you say??


PREETA : then no... so tell me whose baby did you bring to our date..

REHAN : actually he's my son

PREETA: they didn't tell me you had a son... am sorry this won't work out

Rehan has a sigh of relief when preeta walks out on him and suddenly he is thankful khushi insisted on taking ansh with him on the date...for good luck she said ...

Lavanya is seated on a chair besides her father at the hospital when she hears a knock on the door... bringing her out of her daze... she tells the person to enter....

arnav enters the room and sees arvinid asleep......looking very pale...

ARNAV : am sorry am late

LAVANYA : it's fine

ARNAV : how is he??

LAVANYA: you care??

ARNAV : what kind of question is that?? Of course I care what happens to him... he is like a father to me

LAVANYA: I called you yesterday multiple times but you didn't pick up... I thought you were going to ignore the text I sent... you should come back another time... he is sleeping because of the dosage they just gave him... he won't wake up anytime soon....

ARNAV : I will wait

LAVANYA: you don't have to

ARNAV : I want to

LAVANYA: if it were up to me... you wouldn't be here but he's been asking for you... that's why I asked you to come...

ARNAV : am sorry

LAVANYA : arnav... you have your son, khushi, your mom... I have no one but him... I haven't seen my mom since they got divorced years ago... and my dad he has no family am aware of... and you and i have nothing left... there was hardly anything to begin with... he is all I have... he is the only family I have... If something happens to him then---

she stiffles a cry so arnav walks up to where she is sitting and places his hand on her shoulder

ARNAV: he is going to be fine

LAVANYA: am scared arnav

ARNAV: don't be

LAVANYA: this is all my fault

ARNAV: there is plenty of blame to go around... It's my fault too

She pushes his hand away from her shoulder and shifts awkwardly in her chair...

ARNAV: how long have you been here??

LAVANYA: it's been two days... he had an attack and his condition hasn't improved

ARNAV : have you taken anything since morning??

LAVANYA: I don't want anything

ARNAV: how will you take care of him, if your like this

LAVANYA: arnav leave

ARNAV: do this.. go home take a shower.. have a change of clothing... eat something.. I will be here with him....


ARNAV: you will get sick

LAVANYA: don't act like you care about me

ARNAV: you know I do care about you lavanya just not in the way you expect me to

LAVANYA: I don't expect anything from you arnav.. I don't... which is why you shouldn't bother

ARNAV: lavanya you were my friend before any of this...

LAVANYA: arnav please don't..

ARNAV : don't what??

LAVANYA : don't make this hard for me... am trying my best to hate you... so let me

ARNAV : your no good for him... If you fall sick too

LAVANYA : I don't care if I fall sick

ARNAV: but I do

LAVANYA: because you feel guilty

ARNAV : because I care for you as a friend... So go freshen up and get something to eat ...i won't let anything happen to your dad I promise...

LAVANYA : you will call me if anything happens...

ARNAV: I swear....

lavanya gets up and picks up her purse and heads out but not before muttering a thank you to him.... arnav sits where she was originally and waits for a few minutes before walking towards the hospital cafeteria....
khushi is buying water when all of a sudden a man walks up to her....

" um....hi...." he says but khushi doesn't bat an eyelid and stares at him blankly

"am vivek"....he introduces himself

KHUSHI : you say it like its supposed to mean something...

VIVEK: am just trying to make a conversation...

KHUSHI : why would you assume I would want to talk to you??

VIVEK : am not assuming

KHUSHI : what??

VIVEK : nothing

KHUSHI : why are you looking at me like that??

VIVEK: like what??

KHUSHI : like a creep..

VIVEK : I don't know if anyone's told you this but your very attractive...

KHUSHI : I wish I could say the same to you

VIVEK : you still haven't given me a name

"and she won't... she has a husband. " arnav suddenly says coming from behind the both of them...

VIVEK: I don't see him

ARNAV : turn around

ARNAV: now you see him

VIVEK: I don't see much

KHUSHI : arnav your not my husband... and vi----vi---whatever your name is... am not interested in you... Let's go arnav

She says dragging him away as they both walk away

KHUSHI : what was that about??

ARNAV: what was what about??

KHUSHI : you trying to stake your claim

ARNAV : I wasn't doing that

KHUSHI : you can't just call yourself my husband just because it's convenient for you... am not your wife arnav.. I never was

ARNAV: I was trying to save the situation

KHUSHI : I can take care of myself arnav... I don't need saving

ARNAV: I know that..... I was saving him from you

KHUSHI : your just jealous

ARNAV: I don't even know what that word means

KHUSHI : when you figure it out... we will continue the conversation...

ARNAV : am not jealous

KHUSHI : if ever I do decide to let myself fall in again... It won't be with you

ARNAV : am going to pretend I didn't hear that

KHUSHI : If I want to move on from you.. I will do so

ARNAV : so you haven't moved on from me yet??

KHUSHI : that's not what I meant...

ARNAV : then what did you mean??

KHUSHI : this argument is pointless... am I meeting arvinid ??

ARNAV: yes

KHUSHI : am guessing you followed my advice

ARNAV : of telling her... her car was being towed she could step out for a minute

KHUSHI : yes

ARNAV : no...

KHUSHI : why not??

ARNAV: why would I??... she needed rest so I told her to go get something to eat and shower... so be quick

KHUSHI : okay

ARNAV : and my phone??

KHUSHI : I will give it you

ARNAV: really??


ARNAV: khushi why would you do that??

KHUSHI : let's see.. your phone has photos of me... photos I had no idea were being taken of me.. that's called stalking arnav

ARNAV: it's called research

KHUSHI : who's sheena??

ARNAV: I should have password protected my phone

KHUSHI : who is she??

ARNAV: someone I know

KHUSHI : well you must know her alot if she can send you 12 texts in a span of 2 hours

ARNAV: you read my texts

KHUSHI : I replied to them

ARNAV: why would you do that??

KHUSHI : it's my phone... remember.. no need to thank me

ARNAV: thank you??

KHUSHI : your welcome...

ARNAV: she's family.. in case your wondering ...she is my cousin

KHUSHI : and your telling me this why??

ARNAV: you brought it up... what did you say to her??

KHUSHI : nothing that concerns you...

ARNAV: I get it...

KHUSHI : get what??

ARNAV: I get why you won't give me back my phone

KHUSHI : and why is that??

ARNAV: you just need to an excuse to keep seeing me

KHUSHI : get over yourself.. Do you really think I don't have anything better to do...??

ARNAV: khushi all you have to do is ask??

KHUSHI : I know what your doing... am not giving it back

ARNAV: khushi

KHUSHI : neela called you.. I tried calling her back it wouldn't go through...

ARNAV: your waiting for her call??

KHUSHI : if you can't give me answers she will...

ARNAV: I will be outside be quick if lavanya finds you here then... I don't have to tell you what could happen

KHUSHI : thank you
......... .........
she opens the door and settles herself near his bed grasping his hands in hers.... as she takes a look at his fragile state and she can't help but wonder if this is all her fault... Arvind's eyes open drowsily... stiring awake making khushi stand up ready to bolt...

ARVINID : khushi is that you??

KHUSHI : I should leave

ARVINID : no stay

KHUSHI : I don't know what to say  to you

ARVINID : you don't have to say anything

KHUSHI : but I do.. I owe you that much

ARVINID : am no one to judge

KHUSHI : but you should


KHUSHI : am responsible for your condition

ARVINID : you give yourself way too much credit khushi

KHUSHI : it's my fault.. you got stressed because of what I did.. that's why you got an attack

ARVINID : khushi that's not it

KHUSHI : of course that's it... and you should angry with me... why aren't you???

ARVINID : because I shouldn't.. all of this is my fault

KHUSHI : I know what you think of me now... that am a terrible person...

ARVINID : I don't think that

KHUSHI : but that's the truth... I responsible for your daughter's heart break... I might have ruined her life but your my friend and I should have told you exactly who I was ... I didn't and you can hate me if you want

ARVINID : I told you am not judging you... am not even upset with you... am upset with myself

KHUSHI : but

ARVINID : am the last person that should judge you... remember I told you I did something bad... my sin is far worse than yours... and death is less of a punishment for someone like me

KHUSHI : why would say that?? what could you have done that's so bad.. you would think like that?? what did you do??

ARVINID : if I tell you.. you will bolt out that door

KHUSHI : I wouldn't

ARVINID : but you would

KHUSHI : try me arvinid.. am not one to judge either...

they are interrupted by the door opening only to turn and see lavanya...."what are you doing here


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