chapter 30

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Rehan is fast asleep in his bedroom when Khushi suddenly shakes him so he turns to the other side of his bed..

KHUSHI : rehan wake up... rehan wake up... rehan.... (she keeps shaking him but all of that is in she thinks of something)

KHUSHI : rehan fried chicken

REHAN : give me a leg.... I want a leg... (he says getting up only to realise there is no fried chicken) what the hell khushi

KHUSHI : I needed you awake

REHAN: why??

KHUSHI : because am hungry

REHAN: at 3:00 am in the morning .....(he says glancing over his clock on his night stand)

KHUSHI : yes now go make me an omelette

REHAN: at 3:00 am in the morning

KHUSHI : yes

REHAN: why don't you make it yourself.. actually don't answer that.... I will just go make you your omelette, just one question though

KHUSHI : what??

REHAN: are you sure your carrying a baby inside of you.... I know pregnant women eat for two....but you eat like your eating for five and that doesn't make sense I saw your sonogram ...your clearly carrying one child

KHUSHI : just go to the kitchen and make me my omelette ...

Rehan drags himself from the bed to go make her an omelette

REHAN: this is why am never getting married or having kids

KHUSHI : that would imply that there is someone out there who is stupid enough to be your wife

REHAN: take that back... who wouldn't want me... am pretty sure if you didn't see me as a brother... you would be swooning over me

KHUSHI : eeewww there is no universe in which that would ever happen

Rehan starts to slowly pick out the ingredients...
REHAN: just so you know.... there are alot of women who would die for me

KHUSHI : there must be alot of idiots then

REHAN: atleast i can see my own feet

KHUSHI : what's that supposed to mean??

REHAN: what it means.... is that,have you seen your belly... It's so big I doubt you can see your feet when you stand up

KHUSHI : I hate you

REHAN: and I love you baby sister

KHUSHI : just make my omelette

REHAN: so you have grown pretty close with that ahhh

KHUSHI : who??

REHAN: the one you invited over last week

KHUSHI : arvinid

REHAN: yes.... Isn't he arrrr... wait I forgot I shouldn't mention that name in this house... Isn't he.... you know who... father in law

KHUSHI : he is... but

REHAN: but what??

KHUSHI : he gets me.... he sees me.... the real me.... and I know I shouldn't get used to it.... especially if I feel like am betraying him... because of his daughter but

REHAN: but???

KHUSHI : if I tell him who iam... what I did... he will hate me

REHAN: something tells me he won't

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