chapter 14

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Dev notices Khushi come enter the office and dev starts fidgeting in his seat...
"You know i could ask whats wrong with you but i don't care. So why isn't arnav in his office? " khushi asks dev who at the question freezes in his seat....

"am asking you a question dev, don't just sit there and act all stupid.... " khushi asks on seeing dev silent

DEV: well that depends on what you mean by why isn't he in office ?

KHUSHI: And there it is again: your voice triggering the only impulse i have ever had to hit someone repeatedly and violently...what are you hiding from me, where is arnav?

DEV: why do you and arnav always have to put me in the middle of everything?

KHUSHI: where is he?

DEV: call him and ask for yourself

KHUSHI: you know that we aren't on talking terms

DEV: i know khushi you two aren't even on texting had to call me in the middle of the night to tell me that you wanted me to text arnav to remind him of a meeting he had as if he didn't have a secretary for that...if you want to talk to him call him or better yet text him..

KHUSHI: where is he and why isn't he here yet?? Tell me or call him to find out, i take my job seriously, this meeting is important

DEV: why cant you just call him yourself...its very simple just dial his number right and if you lost it i can give it you

KHUSHI: i don't want to

DEV: i know you two got in fight since he told you to meet less often especially after someone other than me is aware of your affair

KHUSHI: that does not concern you...where is he... Find out

DEV: i don't have to, he called me awhile ago to ask me to tell you that

KHUSHI: that what...

DEV: first swear to me you won't get angry and take it out on me...

KHUSHI: dev!!!!!!

DEV: first swear or i won't tell you anything

KHUSHI: Fine i swear on your life i won't take out my anger on you

DEV: on your life khushi

KHUSHI: tell me what he said or i will

DEV: today may or may not be karva chauth

KHUSHI: he told you to tell me that today is karva chauth and he is going to stay at home with his wife instead of attending this meeting with me..fine just make sure his secretary is ready to take the minutes

DEV: khushi

KHUSHI: what?

DEV: your not mad??

KHUSHI: why should i be... If arnav wants to take care of lavanya while she is fasting for his long life.. Let him... I mean he expected me to be okay with that so why shouldn't i

DEV: and where are you going...he asks as he notices khushi walking out

KHUSHI: am going to be okay with this

Before he utters another word khushi is already out...

At the raizada mansion....
RATNA: arnav stop staring at your phone... No business today last time you weren't around so today is her first karva chauth that's why i forced You to stay today

ARNAV: Mom let me pick this call... First (he says as he notices khushi calling)

RATNA: arnav

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