chapter 12

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KHUSHI; you have no idea about how I feel…he never wanted me what makes you think he will now?? Even if he did…I would never want him in my life…he is the one person I blame for everything…he is the reason why my own mother hates me and that’s something I will never forgive him for….i have lived all my life with a burden of being unwanted

PRADEEP; don’t you atleast want to know who he is?

KHUSHI; what for???

PRADEEP; khushi I know him…we grew up together and when I spoke to him I realized he regrets what happened…all am I asking is for you to give him a chance to redeem himself

KHUSHI; don’t you get it…I want nothing to do with him

PRADEEP; what if I told you…you have a sister?

KHUSHI; what do you mean?

PRADEEP; you have a sister khushi

KHUSHI; that changes nothing

PRADEEP; khushi when will you stop being so hard

KHUSHI; it doesn’t help when everyone has always been hard on me…

PRADEEP; you know that’s not true khushi

KHUSHI; so what do you want me to say? That am happy? ...that a m ecstatic about a family reunion

PRADEEP; don’t you care you have a sister

KHUSHI; its exactly because I have one that I want nothing to with that man or his daughter or anything that is connected to him for that matter…I don’t want to ever cross paths with him…my life is already a mess as it is I don’t want to add to it

PRADEEP; don’t you get it khushi…all that hatred you hold in your heart isn’t doing you any good…just give him a chance…am not asking you to forgive him am asking you to give him a chance to get to know you…am doing this for your good

KHUSHI; or you’re doing this to get rid of me

PRADEEP; what??

KHUSHI; let’s face it…your tired of taking responsibility of me so now that you know that man is back you have the perfect opportunity to thrust it away…

PRADEEP; even after everything I do for you…you still think I do it out of obligation…khushi I care for you as my own child

KHUSHI; is that why you sent me away? Is that why you thought it was better for me to be away from all of you pradeep

PRADEEP; khushi that was for your own good

KHUSHI; all I ever wanted was for someone to care and if you think by sending me to some foreign country and giving me money would amount to it then no. You just tolerate me just like neela…and just like everyone else

PRADEEP; khushi that’s not true

KHUSHI; some people are born to be loved, am not one of those people…I have had to live with that all my life…knowing that am just a burden to everyone…to you…to neela…isn’t that why you figured I would be better off being in a boarding school away from you. And you think it will change when you tell him am his daughter…no one has ever wanted me why do you think he is different from any of you

PRADEEP; he is your father

KHUSHI; great…so like you…he will feel obligated but in this case fix the mistake he made.

PRADEEP; you aren’t a mistake

KHUSHI; we both know iam…I have always been fine on my own

PRADEEP; you have never been on your own khushi

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