chapter 26

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PRADEEP: are you going to blame this on me too?? are you going to blame me for you being pregnant, khushi is it my fault you chose to live your life as a mistress for your own husband

KHUSHI: how do you know am married to him?? Of course he told you

PRADEEP: are you listening to yourself

KHUSHI : you know when you told the police to question me tommorow because i needed rest... I thought that applied to you as well....isn't that why you dragged me here to your to rest...I don't want to talk

PRADEEP: you blame everyone but yourself for how you hoping it's not going to be the case this time....

"am i interrupting something? "

KHUSHI : I didn't know that was gonna be here

PRADEEP: your old room is ready....if had known you had gone off to leave off as someone's mistress I would have never let you leave this house....

KHUSHI : it's a little late to play disappointed dad pradeep.... There is nothing you can say to me that I haven't said to myself already...i know i was stupid

PRADEEP: is that what your going to tell your child...

"dad that's not enough, she needs to rest.... she just can yell at her tommorow"

PRADEEP: you shouldn't even be talking to me rehan... You supported all this madness....i expected all this from her but you??...... (he doesn't say more and just walks off upstairs)

KHUSHI : why the hell did you tell him everything??... (she says as she smacks him across the arm)

REHAN: ouch!! I see your still violent

KHUSHI : you shouldn't have said anything

REHAN: except you called him and told me you were about to be arrested for shooting your someone aka your husband.... I had to tell him everything... including that i was a witness to your marriage which is why my cheek is red...he hit me and I felt thunder...also i didn't tell him everything.... I didn't know you were pregnant... he figured it out when he saw your medical reports

KHUSHI : you were right

REHAN: about what?? am usually right about everything

KHUSHI : me and arnav were never going to work out... if something is right, why do it in the dark??

REHAN: what happened??

KHUSHI : we were fighting over a gun... it went off... the rest you know

REHAN: I mean why were you fighting over a gun...

KHUSHI : he told me to have an abortion 

REHAN: do you still have that gun with you...

KHUSHI : why??

REHAN: I may need to finish the job you started

KHUSHI : rehan

REHAN: and then drown his body in the river

KHUSHI : rehan!!!

REHAN: they wouldn't look for him in the river

KHUSHI : rehan!!

REHAN: they never do

KHUSHI : rehan shut up...

REHAN: why I thought he was finally going to tell his family about you and he does this

KHUSHI : except you can't just blame him.... am at fault as well... I was apart of that relationship.... I stayed with him...i guess he thought I would never know when i fainted... I woke up I was scared...and then I thought to myself they say a child is a blessing so the idea of loosing one shouldn't come as a surprise to me...and then when the doctor said the child was fine and I was just stressed.... I felt so relieved and then i realized I wasn't so different from arnav...i pointed a gun at myself.... I was so willing to die I forgot I had a child growing inside me ....

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