chapter 2

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Khushi is seated in her office going through some documents with dev when her phone rings…

DEV; khushi your phone is ringing and your just staring at it

KHUSHI; have you made a daily routine to meddle with my affairs…how old do you think am i…I can hear my phone ring

DEV; why don’t you answer it

KHUSHI; did you even listen to a word I just said

DEV; I just want to know…are you picking it up…are you not picking it up

KHUSHI; Of course am going to pick it up…(she says as she picks it up…)

KHUSHI; hello neela…what do you mean your in trouble…how much are we talking about…half a million but… fine I will arrange the money somehow…what do you mean you need it before today ends

KHUSHI; dev finish up…I will be right back…

DEV; why

KHUHSI; your too stupid to talk to…

Arnav is working in his office when someone enters without knocking…
ARNAV; who gave you permission to enter without…(his word get stuck when he sees khushi…)

KHUSHI; I didn’t know I had seek permission to see you boss

ARNAV; get straight to the point khushi..i have a meeting to attend

KHUSHI; am short of cash and I need half a million

ARNAV; 500,000?

KHUSHI; I said half a million of course I mean 500000

ARNAV; what for??

KHUSHI; am I supposed to give you an account of everything I do..are going to give me the loan or not…

ARNAV; neela right??

KHUSHI; will you lend me the money or not??

ARNAV; you know a please would do??

KHUSHI; she needs it today…

ARNAV; so it’s for her…my guess was right. Okay check the volt…u know the pass code right…

KHUSHI; thank you…

ARNAV; don’t mention it…

KHUSHI; I will be out for a while arnav and dev he will fill in the vacuum I have left…I don’t want you thinking that just because am your lover that gives me the right to leave office whenever I want…

RATNA; come on lavanya…

LAVANYA; but maa…do you really think he will like the idea

RATNA; lavanya listen to me…you two are married and giving him a surprise lunch date at his office isn’t wrong?? You two need to bridge the gap between you so go have lunch with him

LAVANYA; I never did this before and he might get mad with me and

RATNA; come-on trust me…its been two months since he came back from his business trip, you two never got a chance to bond..especially since he was away for so do this take lunch for him

Khushi stares at neela for a while…not knowing how to talk to her…

NEELA; did you bring the money I asked you to??

KHUSHI; I did but didn’t I just send money four days ago…do you think I work in a bank??

NEELA; showing me attitude khushi

KHUSHI; what do you need this money for…you called me on such short notice…

NEELA; khushi if you don’t want to care of me, then its fine am not a beggar, even I have some dignity…so take your money and go

KHUSHI; I wont ask you any more what your going to use it for, am pretty sure I know where its going to end up any way

NEELA; what are you still doing here khushi…I told you to take your money and leave

KHUSHI; I said I wont ask you what your going to use it for

NEELA; well I don’t want you giving it to me like your doing some sort of favor for me…

She pulls out the money and hands it to her…and neela cant help but put on a big smile…

NEELA; where did you get this amount khushi my daughter

KHUSHI; does it matter

NEELA; did you say something khushi u know am still your mother; I gave life to you and I deserve some respect…

KHUSHI; is there anything else you want…

NEELA; no this will do for now when I need your assistance I will call you

KHUSHI; take care I will head back to office neela

NEELA; okay..
Khushi is seated on a bench in a garden when all of a sudden someone hands her a handkerchief…by placing it in front of her…

KHUSHI; what are you doing here arnav..

ARNAV; same reason you’re here…you should have been back in office


ARNAV; I called you…I even sent you texts but you didn’t find it necessary to answer any of them

KHUSHI; you did..(she says as she picks out her phone from her purse…)

KHUSHI; 10 missed calls and 6 text messages each threatening me to get back to work…

ARNAV; you didn’t answer any of them

KHUSHI; see the problem is I saved your number as…”ignore me” so when you called I would look at the caller i.d telling me to ignore whoever it was

ARNAV; very funny khushi

KHUSHI; I don’t see you laughing…I just wanted to be alone so I didn’t pick any of your calls

ARNAV; I figured you would be here in your safe place, how is your mother…

KHUSHI; you know every time she calls me, I say to myself maybe this time she will ask how my day was, or if I was fine or I ate time but am always wrong arnav…she will never find it in her heart to love me…she blames me for what happened to her life…she hates me as much as she hates my father. And I don’t blame her because she never wanted me…all this is my father’s fault for having raped her and ruining all her dreams and running away from his responsibility…that’s why even if she is always been distant and cold towards me am still grateful that she at least gave me a chance to live even if she doesn’t love me…your phone is ringing arnav

ARNAV; I can see but its not important right now…its you…your always upset when you meet her

KHUSHI; can you give me a hug…(she says as she throws herself into his arms…)
LAVANYA; he isn’t answering any of my calls…Where did he go anyway

DEV; I have no idea but I think he went for some important business thing

LAVANYA; do you think he is coming back anytime soon

DEV; no what are you doing here anyway lavanya, I have never seen you here before

LAVANYA; and because you haven’t seen me here before means I can’t come…I think your forgetting this is my husband’s company…could you do me a favor and open his office I will wait for him there…

DEV; but he could take long

LAVANYA; I don’t mind just open his office and let me wait for him…can you do that for me

DEV; am not sure am authorized to do so but like you said your his wife so I will do as you just said….

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