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By xcapsicle

500K 11.2K 11.7K

!!! CURRENTLY REVAMPING STORY !!! #2 in johnny lawrence on 12/30/20 #1 in boyfriend on 1/11/21 #1 in vintage... More

Moving Day
The Beach Party
The A-Hole in the Hills
Golf N Stuff
Late Nights
Halloween Terror
VIII. Something He Wanted
IX. Double Date
X. Chores
XI. Sensei Johnny
XII. Invite
XIII. New Student
XIV. The Country Club
XV. The Country Club Part 2
XVI. Balance
XVII. The Whole Truth
XVIII. All Valley Tournament
XIX. All Valley Tournament Part 2
XX. Meltdown
XXI. True Love..
Cast Part 2
XXII. 33 Years Later
XXIII. Back to Where it all Began
XXIV. Good Accidents
XXV. Back in the Game
XXVI. Hurt
XXVII. The LaRusso's
XXIX. Breakfast at Johnnys
XXX. Turning the Page
XXXI. Changes
XXXII. Uncertain Cituation
XXXIII. Just Like Old Times
XXXIV. The Truth
XXXV. Lies
XXXVI. The Way of the Fist
XXXVII. Desires
XXXVIII. Nostalgia
XXXIX. Lunch Party
XL. Second First Date
XLI. Sense of Balance
XLII. A Rollercoaster
XLIII. No Mercy
XLIV. The Tournament
XLV. Bad Surprises
XLVI. Demons from the Past
XLVII. Little Projects
XVLIII. New Teacher, Old Habbits
XLIX. The Future
L. Fighting Back
LI. Fire and Ice
LII. Warning Signs
LIII. Quiver
LIV. A Night to Remember
LV. A New Leaf
LVI. Still Have Time
LVII. A Man With No Plan
LVIII. The Plan of Action
LIX. Exciting Appearances
LX. An Unknown Fright
LXI. Moonlight Memories
LXII. Things Couldn't Have Gone Worse
LXIII. Hell Breaking Loose
LXIV. Constant Worry
LXV. Confessions Lead To Relief
LVXI. New Worries
LVXII. Our Kid

First Impressions

20.6K 498 595
By xcapsicle


I woke up to the sound of the static from my record player, since I listened to music last night.

I was surprisingly excited to get to school on a Monday morning. Well it is my last first day of high school, finally. High school has been so tiring for me so I am glad that it is almost over.

I got out of my bed and jumped in the shower-When I finished, I blew dried my hair and put some makeup on.

I decided to wear something cute but simple. I put on some blue mom jeans and a white and blue patterned shirt.

I walked out of my room and made my way to the kitchen. "Morning." I say to my brother and mom.

"Morning hon. You ready for school?" She asked as she poured me a bowl of cereal.

"I guess." I say with a sigh. She nodded and gave me my cereal. "Thanks." I say and turn to my brother who looked nervous.

"How bout you? You ready for you first day of high school?" I asked while playfully nudging my brother.

"Kinda??." He says nervously. I patted his back, "You'll be fine." I say as I get up after I finished eating a few bites of cereal.

"Oh- honey don't you need a ride?" She offered. "I'm riding my bike!" I say with a smile, I grabbed my book bag and waved.

I met up with Daniel to ride our bikes to school together. It's nice to have someone close to your house.

We parted ways as soon as we got there, as Daniel had acted as if he'd seen a ghost.

After I rode the bus to school, I got off and walked right to the front of the school. I spotted Grace and waved. She smiled and kissed Jordan on the cheek before walking over to me.

"Hey, Serena." She said with a smile. "Hi." I say as I looked behind her and met eyes with Johnny.

He just looked at me, but I know he's just some jerk.
"You good?" She said with a laugh. I looked back to her, "The blonde guy annoys me." I said well knowing what his real name was.

She nodded and laughed and turned around to look at them. She looked at me and pushed me towards them.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked, confused at why I was being pushed towards the group.

We stopped at her boyfriend. "Serena, this is Jordan." She said motioning to him. He smiled and shook my hand.

I shook it as well. "Nice to meet you." He said with a British accent. I was shocked because I didn't know that British sounding people lived in California.

"You're British?" I asked in shock, never met a British person in person. He laughed and nodded. "Want me to introduce you to the others?" Grace asked, moving her head to them.

They weren't around us to hear her. "I'll pass." I said with a smile.

Jordan laughed a little and walked away to the boys. "Well I think I'm gonna go to class a little early, but I'll see you around." I said waving to Grace. She nodded and smiled.


I got to my class right when the bell rung. My first period is chemistry. I was about to sit but the teacher stopped me.

"Seating chart. Wait for instructions please." He said as he motioned for me to stand in the back of class. I nodded and did so.

I was hoping maybe I would have someone I knew or was familiar with in this class. But then cue blondie walking in.

That's not exactly what I meant by familiar, that's great.
Johnny walked to the back of the class and thankfully didn't notice me.

As soon as all the student arrived, he started placing us in our lab seats. "Serena Wright, you're right here." He says to me as he pointed to a seat near the back of the class.

I nodded and walked over and sat at the desk. "And then Johnny Lawrence, you'll sit next to Serena." He said.

Your kidding me. Of course this has to happen to me. I didn't look at Johnny when he sat next to me.

He didn't say anything, sensing that I wasn't interested in talking to him. But he didn't care later on.

The teacher, like the amazing person he is, told us to learn more about our lab partner, who will be my lab partner for the whole year.

"So, Serena. It's finally nice to meet the girl who flipped me off last night!" The boy had said in a very smart ass tone.

"And it's finally nice to meet the asshole who beat my friend up!" I threw back at him, then looked back to the teacher who continued to set the seating chart.

He scoffed and shook his head, looking down at the table. It was quite at our table for a couple minutes. I cant believe I shut the man up.

Once class ended, I got my things and walked out the classroom.

"Wait up." I hear from behind me. I stopped and turned around. Johnny walked up to me and smirked down at me with his blonde hair blowing in the wind.

I kinda got lost in his blue diamond like eyes, until he said "You've got something on your cheek. It's been there all class I just didn't feel like telling you." And then smirked and walked away.

I wiped my cheek off to find a little dirt on it. "Asshole."


The rest of the day went by pretty quick. I have math with Grace and I'm actually in gym with everyone I've met, even the blonde jerk.

I started to walk away from the locker room after gym, which is my last period. Daniel had thrown a fit in the field because one of the cobra kai guys had tripped him, but Daniel took it a little far in my opinion.

I started to walk with Grace to the cobras who were already on their bikes. "Hey, I'm going to Jordan's karate practice right now, do you wanna come with?" She offered.

"Um thanks but I think I'll pass." I told her, she frowned. "Oh come on, it'll be fun!" She asked again.

"I should probably just get home! I got some other things to unpack." I mentioned, she understood and said bye.

Johnny appeared next to her and the group of boys. He stood out. You could tell from a mile away that he's the leader of this pack.

"She coming?" I heard him ask Grace as I began to walk away. "No, she's gotta go home" She said.

"Good." Johnny said before I heard the roaring sound of the motorcycle starting up.

I walked faster away from them. What's his problem, why's he so mean?

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