How Love Fixed Me(Sequel to h...

AlyssaPaige1 द्वारा

578K 7.8K 1.8K

After being scared and broken both Niall and Carson have both tried to live lifes seperatly for two years. Af... अधिक

How Love Fixed Me(Sequel to how love found me- Niall Horan fan-fic)
chapter 1: 2 years and still in pain
chapter 2: America and nosy little girls
chapter 3:night out
chapter 4: hangover and secrets
chapter 5: being saved
chapter 6: hospital visit
chapter 7: creeper in the night
chapter 8: just thank you for caring
chapter 9: an interview to remember
chapter 10: beach escape
chapter 11: lost and confused
chapter 12: nerf war
chapter 13: i should just tell him
chapter 14:i still love you
Chapter 15: So it begins
Chapter 16: i need to do my homework
Chapter 17: strongest girl in the world
Chapter 18: Doubts and letters
Chapter 20:Working things out
chapter 21: you need to be tested
Chapter 22: All together again
Chapter 23: How Ironic
Chapter 24: Girls Day
Chapter 25: our song
Chapter 26: final concert
Chapter 27: After Party
Chapter 28: The morning After
Chapter 29: beach day/ bad idea
Chapter 29: Beach day/ Bad idea
Chapter 30: Dolphins do bite
Chapter 31: cant wait forever
Chapter 32: hiking
Chapter 33:Last day in Paradise
Chapter 34: Last Night in Paradise
Chapter 35:Going Home
Chapter 36: Reliving the nightmare
Chapter 37: The Trial
Chapter 38: ultrasound
chapter 39: thanksgiving
Chapter 40: cant be fixed
Chapter 41: Dont leave me
chapter 42:the real goodbye
chapter 43: should have known
Chapter 44: new born child
Not a chapter
chapter 45: has it been a month yet?
Chapter 46: shocks
Chapter 47: heading to London...or are we?
Chapter 48: Road Trip
chapter 49: getting home
chapter 50: second christmas
chapter 51: your what?
chapter 52: phone calls
chapter 53: finally there
Chapter 54: Third Christmas
chapter 55: cant resist
chapter 56: working it out
chapter 57: teasing
chapter 58: dont get drunk
chapter 59:changes
Chapter 60: moving in
chapter 61: troubles at work
chapter 62: Shit beaten
chaptet 63: no work
chapter 64: loss and gain of family
chapter 65:
Chapter 66: funeral
Chapter 67: thankful
Chapter 68: finally
Chapter 69: baby happiness
Chapter 70: marraige

chapter 19:Management Drama

7.5K 115 32
AlyssaPaige1 द्वारा


> Chapter 19: Management Drama


> Carson's POV:


> "Guys, wake up. We need to go." I rolled over to see Liam trying to wake us. I groan.


> "Why? I thought we didn't have to be anywhere until 4." I say as Niall starts moving.


> "We do." Liam tells me. I look at him oddly.


> "No way. What time is it?" I say sitting up some.


> "About 2. We'll be there in half an hour. " Liam says.


> "What?! We slept in that late!" I hiss hitting my head on the bunk above me.


> "Well that happens when your up until 4 in the morning." Liam laughs at me.


> "Wait why so early?" I ask. He shrugs.


> "Paul told me thats what time we have to leave. I just follow orders." He says turning to leave. I sigh and turn to Niall.


> "Niall, get up. We have half hour to get ready." I shake him trying to get him up. He doesn't budge so I lick my finger and stick it in his ear.


> "Hey!" He says moving my hand from his ear. "Well this is some way to wake up." He says finally opening his eyes. I jump out of my bunk.


> "Sorry. But we have half an hour. Wakey wakey." I say grabbing my suitcase and unzipping it. I started grabbing clothes and all the things I would need to get ready.


> "I don't want to. Please come back to bed." He holds his hands out to me. I shake my head.


> "I may not even be ready at this rate. I still need a shower." I say to him, moving to give him a kiss and running off to the bathroom.


> I start the tiny little shower and hop in.


> --


> "Carson! Paul says we need to get inside now!" Niall says pounding on the bathroom door.


> "I'm coming!" I say spiting out the toothpaste. I throw it into my makeup bag and leave it there for now. Just have to get it when we come back. I don't get why there rushing us. We still have hours until their suppose to do an interview. They need to calm down.


> I fling the door open and see Niall waiting.


> "Why do we have to leave so early?" I ask grabbing my phone and bag.


> "Paul said Kelly set up a Skype call.." He says slowly. I look at him not understanding.


> "" He says. My blood goes cold. Kelly talked to them like she said she would. They're going to make me break up with Niall. I'm going to have to leave again. Were not going to be allowed together. I can't do this.


> "Don't worry." He says reading my face. "I think its just a mandatory one." He gives me a shaky smile.


> I don't quite believe him but move on anyway. I don't know what I'm going to do.


> "Hurry up you ninnies!" Louis yelled standing in the door way of the tour bus.


> "Sorry! I had half an hour to get ready!" I say as my still wet hair bounces while we walk.


> "Well don't stay up all night." Harry tells me. I just look at him as Liam opens the door and we all start walking out.


> "Enough boys." Paul says as we enter the building. I can feel the butterflies in my stomach going crazy. I can't stop thinking the worst. This could define everything in mine and Niall's relationship. This could be the end to the new beginning.


> We walk through the lobby and I know were in a hotel. I didn't pay to much attention when we were walking in.I'm to worried. Paul leads us to the elevators and we waited for them. Everyone was silent. I had a feeling we were all worrying about what was about to happen. As we stepped into the elevator, Niall squeezed my hand. I squeezed back as the doors closed and Paul hit one of the buttons.


> We remained silent as it traveled up. All of us lost in thought. I was still praying this is a normal meeting. But then why would I be needed. I wouldn't. I've never been needed before. I've never even seen Niall's management.


> The elevator opened and Paul was still leading the way. He lead us down the hall and stopped in front of a room.


> "Everyone stay here for a second. Don't go anywhere." Paul says before going in. He slides in and shuts the door and Harry looses it.


> "What is this about?They never have meetings unless their planned! Did anyone do anything? Post anything on twitter, tell off a fan or someone? Anything?" He looks around frantic.


> "Harry, calm down. Its probably a schedule change or something." Liam rests a hand on Harry's shoulder. I look at Niall whos starring down. Our hands are still intwined.


> "It was me." Niall says quietly.


> "What? What'd you do mate?" Zayn asks confused. The other boys faces match Zayn's.


> "Became happy." Niall says. Everyones starring at him oddly, but before they can question him Paul comes back out.


> "Okay...right now all the need is Niall and Carson. The rest of you will follow me so I can show you your rooms." Paul says. Niall looks at me and I can feel my heart beat like crazy. It was about us. What are they going to say? They can't tell us we can't be together. Kelly is a crewel crewel woman. How could she do this? We're both finally happy and she goes and spoils it.


> Niall tugs on my hand as he starts walking toward the room. I follow silently. I close the door behind us and we are greeted with Kelly standing in the door way to an unknown room.


> "Good Afternoon, Niall." She greets him warmly not acknowledging met. I roll my eyes when she beings Niall in for a hug. I smile when he doesn't hug her back and doesn't even pull our hands apart.


> "So I'm sure your wondering why its just you and..her in here." She says to Niall only looking at me one time and that was to give me and ugly look.


> "Kind of." He says squeezing my hand. I squeeze back and look at him. I can't loose him again. I need him. I love him so much.


> "Well come into the living room and I'll show you. Now I've set up a little Skype meeting with the others. I've done this to inform them of the little situation we have." Kelly says as she walks us into the other room.


> "What situation?" Niall spits out angry already. I squeeze his hand trying to calm him.


> "Well obviously the one that has you both joined at the hands. I've told them the risks that it imposes on the band. I'm just doing this for the better of the band." Kelly says trying to defend herself.


> "What by trying to make Carson and I split up? You have no right to invade in my personal life, and neither does anyone else. Has being happy affected my performance?" He asks her somewhat pushing me behind him.


> "Well, lets just not argue over this. We'll have to just see what everyone else wants." She says smiling evilly and walking toward the open laptop. Niall turns to me and wraps his arms around me. I follow behind nervous at whats about to happen. I can't loose Niall.


> "It will be fine. I love you." Niall whispers to me as we follow Kelly. I nod, knowing I can't talk right now. I watch as Kelly sets up the Skype call. I soon hear the familiar sound of it calling someone and the screen goes black. Someone soon answers and were greeted with a group of faces sitting watching us.


> "Hello, Steve." Kelly greets him with a smile. The man who I'm guessing is Steve nods.


> "Kelly. Niall how are you?" He asks.


> "Well, that depends." Niall says. I can tell hes just as nervous as I am because his palms are sweating bad.


> "On what?" Another man asks. They all look to businessy and serious. I can tell there in a board room of some sort. But where its at I have no clue. I can see a poster of the boys first album in the background.


> "What we've been brought here for." Niall says plainly.


> "Well, lets just cut to the chase.Kelly has told us her worries about the relationship you two seem to have going on. We were of course aware of the situation because it seems to be the only thing anyone is talking about. We have talked over things and came to a resolution." A man says. I don't know any of their names but I'm sure Niall does. My heart is beating to fast. I feel like I might pass out.


> "Okay, listen. I'm not leaving her again. I can't and I won't. You agreed she could be our stylist for this tour knowing full well that we used to date. You had to know something like that was going to start." Niall says standing up for us. I stand there looking like an idiot just starring at the screen. Not really helping Niall and mines case. I'm frozen I don't know what to do. If I speak up maybe they'll think I'm bad for Niall and make things worse. If I don't then maybe they'll think I'm just a spineless girl who can't stand up for herself.


> "Niall, calm down." One of them stops him before he can go any further. Kelly stands watching this all enjoying it a little to much.


> "I can't! Not if your saying that I can't be happy. Can't be with the person that I love. You-" He starts going off again.


> "Niall! Were not going to make you two split up." The man Kelly called Steve said. My jaw dropped.


> "Your...not?" Niall questions just as confused as I am.


> "No, in fact we think its good publicity. Niall Horan of One Direction back together with ex-girlfriend after two years." One man speaks up smiling. My stomach drops realizing why there letting us date. Publicity. They don't care if were in love or not.


> "What?! You can't do that! Shes a danger to the whole band!" Kelly starts yelling into the screen. It took everything in me not to yell at her.


> "What is she doing Kelly?! Shes not starting anything? She hasn't been a problem this whole tour!" Niall starts shouting at Kelly. I grab his arm trying to calm him down even though hes doing what I want to.


> "Niall, its fine." I say to him. He doesn't even look at me.


> "Its not fine. Shes just acting this way because she doesn't like the fact that we are all growing up and tired of following her dumb rules." Niall is beyond mad.


> "Niall, Carson. Could you please give us a minute with Kelly?" Steve asks. I nod and basically have to pull Niall from the room. I close the door once were in the hall, and he explodes again.


> "She has no right to say things like that! You've done nothing wrong. She just wants to control us like she used to. She hates the fact that were growing up, that we actually have lives now." Niall shakes his head outraged.


> "Hey, its fine. Let her try. Obviously your management doesn't have a problem with us. We should be happy not mad. This means for now, were together." I say grabbing his face making him look at me. His face slowly turns softer.


> "I'm sorry. Your right. I know I shouldn't have blown up like that she just makes me so angry." He says pulling me into a hug.


> "I know. And thank you for sticking up for me. It meant a lot to me." I say wrapping my hands around his torso.


> "Anytime." He kisses my head.


> The door to the room we just came out of opens. Niall and I both look toward it. Kelly steps out her face in total anger. Its red and you can just tell she wants to kill someone. Probably me.


> "They want to speak to you. Just Carson." Kelly says very slowly. She gives me that look where the expression 'if looks could kill' comes to mind. I slowly move from Niall's side and to the door. He holds onto my hand for as long as possible until they can't reach anymore. I slide past Kelly whos still starring right at me. I go inside and shut the door. I walk to the room we just came from and find the men still sitting on the computer.


> "Carson, have a seat please." Steve says. I look at the couch and sit still starring at them.


> "Now, don't worry. We just want to ask you somethings. I know we've never talked before but being Niall's management and things getting more and more crazy everyday we all feel this conversation was needed." Steve says. I nod still not saying anything.


> "Now first off we need your word that you will not tell a soul any details about any of the boys, any album details, anything that you could release to the press." He says.


> "I would never." I say shocked. They don't know me but I could never do that.


> "We just needed you to say it. We will also be having Kelly draw up papers for you to sign disclosing that. What she will give you just says you won't sell anything to the press." He says. I nod again biting my lip.


> "Now, we are aware of what happened between you and Niall two years ago. You getting pregnant and then loosing the baby." They only say one baby but I don't correct them. Not now anyway.


> "I think that your also aware that upon the boys fans finding this out they weren't to happy. One that you got pregnant and two that you lost them." The man says.


> "Yes?Where is this going?" I say wondering if they're just saying it to annoy me or what.


> "Well..with the boys tour ending the spot light will be off them again in a few weeks. Which normally would be fine with the holidays coming up. But we think that we really need something to get the world interested in them again." Another man says.


> "Are you saying you want me to get pregnant?" I ask them in total shock.


> "No! No! Not pregnant...I mean if you wanted to that would help a lot. We were thinking more along the lines of married."


> My heart almost completely stops.


> "Your kidding!? I've just gotten back with Niall!" I say shocked.


> "That what would make it even better! You found love again and it was so strong you realized you have to be together again! " Steve says trying to say.


> "No, Plus you shouldn't you be talking to Niall about this? Isn't he the one suppose to propose?" I ask. I was obviously being sarcastic. I don't want to get married because I was forced. I want it to be romantic and perfect. Like the night Niall proposed to me. That night was..perfect. Thats how I want to be if it ever happened again. Perfect.


> "He won't listen We've already talked to him about it. So we were trying to get you to talk him into it." One man says. I stare at him. They've talked to Niall. And he hasn't told me.


> "What? No, if Niall's already said no that should be enough." I say standing to walk away.


> "We'll pay you!Just name an amount. " One shouts as I start walking away. I stop and turn around. I see the smiles on their faces and they know that they've got me. I walk closer to the screen smiling.


> "No offense, but shove off. I'm not a gold digger. I'm not in this for the money." I say watching their faces then I slam the laptop. I want to shout I'm so mad. I storm out of the hotel room to find Niall and Kelly in the hall. Kelly was crying and Niall was backing away from her. He sees me and motions for me to run to his side. I do and we take off running leaving kelly behind.


> Kelly doesn't say a think as we run down the hall. We run into Paul at the end and he stops us.


> "I was coming to get you guys. What happened?" He asks seeing were out of breath.


> "Kelly, she tried kissing me." Niall says trying to catch his breath. I look at him shocked. She did? Thats nasty and just wrong!


> "Management tried getting me to Marry Niall." I say slowly in between breaths. Niall and Paul both give me shocking stares.


> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------



> Hey guys


> I know i said probably update sunday but I wanted to get this chapter out of the way. Just want to see what you guys have to say about it.


> I'm also bored and been up since 8:30 with nothing to do. So I wrote some and then was like I'll update today.


> So last night I was watching the walking dead season two with my mom. She was freaking out anytime there was a zombie and I found it really funny.


> But I was on tumblr last night too and saw a post and it said I was scrolling through my dash with my mom and pic of Louis came up and my mom said "That boy really jingles my bells."


> I died from laughing. I couldn't stop. It was just way to funny for me to even deal with.


> Again I love you guys so much! My views, votes, comments, are just still so shocking to me that that many people would even want to read something I wrote. Especially the first book guys! Way more views that I ever would have guessed. Its insane. I love you guys so much.


> And because of watt pad I think I have change my career path in the future. I think I want to be a writer. I think if I really spend time with it and take some classes I could be good at it. If I try really hard. Only down side I have to be like Stephanie Myers to even make money.


> Anyway. You guys rock! I always make these so long. I need to stop. kk.


> xx-alyssa



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