Just One Year (Sasunaru)

By Yaoi_lover_sasunaru

100K 4.1K 6.9K

Naruto has been forced into a one year marriage contract with a complete stranger, named Uchiha Sasuke. The m... More

Not an update, but please read ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™
Not an uodate just a SNS moment
Part 2 ๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’™
Chapter 25


6K 256 609
By Yaoi_lover_sasunaru

Barely had time to post this, legit rushing off to work, but let me know loves how you feel about this chapter and new story!!☺️💙🧡

Naruto's eyes widened only for his shoulder to be yanked back.

"Honey, I am so proud!" Kushina cheered happily hugging her son.

Naruto world was crumbling he snapped away from his mothers hold to glance at everyone that stared at him. His heart was racing, and he could feel the hot tears swelling in his eyes. He chest was heaving, and he couldn't think to realize just seconds ago he was single, and now randomly married to someone he didn't know.

His parents never asked, if he wanted this, and he was confused as to why Sasuke was so casual about this. With no words said he raced up to his room despite hearing his parents call for him.

"No, no don't worry he is just nervous, and shy about this." He heard his father try to explain.

Naruto shut their voices out, as his tears blurred his vision. The run to his room felt so long, and so far. By the time he entered his room his chest was heaving, and lungs burning. He snapped around to shut his door when it was stopped from closing.

Naruto lifted his eyes to see a blurred figure entering his room. He stepped back not really knowing who it was he brushed at his eyes with his sleeves to catch Sasuke shutting his door.

"Your parents really didn't tell you did they." Sasuke stated.

Naruto hiccupped from the running, and crying at the same time he covered his mouth only to lower his gaze not having the energy to deal with anything. Sasuke sighed heavily to lean against the door.

"I need you to start packing." Sasuke stated.

Naruto almost stumbled over his feet.

"P-pack for what!?" He bombarded.

Sasuke stepped forward leaning away from the wall. Naruto didn't know what Sasuke had that made him not move in his tracks, as he grew closer. The raven towered over him Naruto only reaching his chest, and having to look up to meet those stern eyes.

"You're my husband now, whether you like it or not you have to live with me."

Everything, that happened next was a full blur. Naruto didn't even have to touch his clothing, random maid's from Sasuke entered to empty out part of his closet. Little by little they packed what he mostly needed, and left what he didn't. Naruto was in a state of shocked not able to move, he couldn't face his parents even when he was placed in the back of a long limo that had their windows tented.

He never got to say goodbye to his parents, even though if he had the chance to he didn't want to. Before, he knew it Sasuke said bye to both of the couples, before entering the limo.


Naruto blinked despite his blurred vision he could tell what was offered to him was the raven black handkerchief. He lifted his eyes to catch Sasuke seated across from him, and leaned towards him. The blond furrowed his brows those soft eyes filling with anger.

"You shouldn't be angry at me." Sasuke sighed to then place the handkerchief on Naruto's lap.

"How could you be so agreeing with all this!?" Naruto shouted.

Sasuke leaned back crossing his leg over the other. He leaned his elbow against the side of the door to then lay his chin upon the top of his knuckles. Seeing the relax position of the other made Naruto anger seamer down.

"Is this your first contract marriage?" Sasuke asked not answering the blonds question.

Naruto was completely taken aback he grasped the handkerchief on his lap to wipe his tears, and cheeks.

"Why do ask like that? Is this not your first?" Naruto asked.

Sasuke simply uncrossed his legs.

"This is my third, first when I was sixteen, and the second when I was eighteen." He stated.

If, Naruto could he would snap out of his seat.

"Why- W-what!?" Naruto choked out, not even knowing what to ask.

Sasuke furrowed his brows slightly dumbfounded by the other, he shook his head to glanced out the tinted windows.

"Look, I'm going to explain why this happened. I'm not the bad guy here." Sasuke confessed.

Naruto adjusted in his seat wiping at the last of his tears.

"I-I know you're not.....I just can't stand how your parents put you through this." Naruto stated slightly angry.

"Basically, my parents were trying to merge with others businesses to grow theirs." Sasuke started.

"My first contract was with Haruno Sakura, but it broke off after we saw their business not rising over the year. My second was Hyugga Hinata, but the same happened with their company."  Sasuke added.

Sasuke leaned forward causing Naruto to shrink from those tense eyes.

"But, your fathers company is different, it's different, and growing as fast, as my parents plus your mothers own business, actually benefits in your fathers business." Sasuke confessed.

Naruto couldn't help but feel slightly proud for his family, but the thought of his parents made his proudness, and happiness fade.

"But.......if your company is growing, as much as my parents, then why merge?" Naruto asked.

For, a second those ebony orbs soften, and sadden, before they narrowed back to their tenseness.

"A company, created by my......past best friend of my brother, and I. We trusted him, and under our noses he stole files, to cheat his way to the top. I'm sure with the both of us together we can completely run his company down." Sasuke stated.

"If, together we get rid of Hoshigaki Kisame we can end this contract the longest it will last is a year, from what my parents calculated on their, and your parents businesses." Sasuke admitted.

Naruto sighed leaning back in his seat.

"Just a year?" Naruto asked in a confirming tone.

Sasuke nodded leaning back as well.

"Just one year of this contract." Sasuke confirmed.

"In public, and in events we have to act like a couple." Sasuke stated.

Naruto sighed then nodded.

"Okay, just one year." Naruto agreed.

Sasuke felt a weight fall off his shoulders from the stress, and load he leaned his head back fighting against the urge to take a nap. The ride from there was silent, and eventually Sasuke knocked out. It took a moment to realize Sasuke was asleep. Naruto tore his head from the window to stare at the raven who had his head leaning against the window.

Naruto hesitated, but he knew Sasuke's neck would be in pain from that position. Thankfully he had slipped a jacket on, before he left. He tore it off to then unbuckle his belt He moved over to Sasuke crouching down to lift Sasuke's head, and place his jacket under the ravens head. Naruto didn't know why he was being so kind, but then again Sasuke wasn't the bad guy.

He was forced into this just like him, and Sasuke had went through this two times already. From, the start of all this he wanted to make everything difficult, but now he saw there was no need to. He shouldn't be going against Sasuke, but pair with him to make this year go smoothly. His blue eyes lifted catching Sasuke's peaceful state.

For, a bit he was able to see him relax, and not so tense. He knew Sasuke went through way more stress than him, he couldn't believe at the age of sixteen he was forced into marriage.

He sighed shaking his head. He realized the man, before him really never had a childhood just from those facts. He sat back in his chair buckling his seat belt, and just like Sasuke he fell asleep.



The blond squirmed in his seat only to flutter his lashes open. He squinted being hit with the rays of the sun.

"We're here." Sasuke stated standing outside the parked limo with the blonds door open.

Naruto leaned forward rubbing his eyes from the grogginess.

"Uchiha Sasuke over here!"

Naruto blinked only to be fluttered with flashes of light. Sasuke lifted his head eyes falling over the gates to his home slowly closing, and paparazzi outside his home. His guards were fighting them off, and with a smirk he got an idea. He lowered down to Naruto who was taking off his seat belt.

"Don't move."

Naruto was still not fully awake.

"Huh?" He mumbled.

Sasuke lowered more arms cupping under the blonds legs, and back. Naruto yelped only to fully awake from the surprise.

"Paparazzi." Sasuke stated.

Naruto blushed, as he knew the fluttering of cameras caught him in this embarrassing state. The blond held on to the raven only to blush more feeling the muscles of the others. How his clothing, had covered his toned body. Naruto was carried to the mansions doors that was about the same size of his home, but a bit larger. The mansion was tall, and large being all a pale with a black roof, and tall windows.

Wind brushed through them making Naruto perk he narrowed his eyes to sniff the air.

'There's no way.'

Naruto thoughts were cut off by Sasuke opening the front door to then step in. He shut the door behind him completely shutting the paparazzi ramble, and franticness of seeing Naruto

"Mr. Uchiha!"

They were both greeted by the ravens maids that welcomed them. Sasuke placed Naruto down gently only to have his hand around his waist.

"I want you all to treat Naruto with respect he is my husband after all."

The maid's didn't question, but bowed Naruto blushed even more from his introduction.

"Our bags are in the limo." Sasuke ordered.

The maids quickly ran out the door to gather their belongings.

"Let me show you to your room." Sasuke stated walking forward.

Naruto's eyes fell over Sasuke's back for second, before speaking.

"C-can I have a tour?"

Sasuke turned around to glance at the blond rather puzzled. His eyes caught the genuine, and kindness from those pits of blue that were so bright, and honestly the most gorgeous eyes he had ever seen. He cleared his throat to then nod.

He lead Naruto around his home presenting him the living room grand kitchen, home gym, guess living room, theater room, and the many rooms of the mansion. Naruto was then showed the garden in the back of the house. There was a grill, patio with tables, and chairs, even couches decorated with nice pillows. The mansion was surrounded by a large black gate that was covered with net, and wire.

Lastly he was shown Sasuke's office the back of the office had the view of the back of the house.

"Also over the gate there is this trail you take about half a mile, and then you can see the beach." Sasuke stated gesturing over to the door at the back of the gates.

Naruto perked up in excitement,

"I knew I smelled the beach earlier!" Naruto stated with a smile.

Sasuke found himself smiling at the blonds excitement. Naruto tuned down his voice, and excitement realizing how loud he was. He chuckled nervously, but kept his smile.

"You have to enter a code though the number is 0418" Sasuke explained.

"Your house is really pretty though." Naruto commented he stepped up to one of the windows on the second floor.

From, the view he was able to see the beach on the back of the house.

"Why the beach though?" Naruto asked keeping his eyes on the blue waves that swirled, and collided with each other.

Sasuke pressed his lips together realizing how open he was, and how he even confessed the code, when he didn't know Naruto one bit. He wasn't even sure what he was capable of. 

Naruto completely missed the shocked expression of the raven, instead of answering Sasuke asked another question.

"Why are you being so.....kind?"

Naruto blinked slowly turning around he met the stern gaze from the other approach him.

"What's your plan?" Sasuke asked voice low, and sterner.

Naruto had to back up from Sasuke he stepped up to him. Naruto was perplexed by the others mood change those eyes harsh, and cold. Naruto's eyes soften seeing how Sasuke defensiveness struck him. He knew why, just like him Sasuke had trust issues, but Naruto was more open, yet Sasuke let his gates closed which still pained him.

Naruto could see it.

He didn't say a word not knowing what to say in the moment. Sasuke clicked under his tongue turning away from the blond to storm out the room, but just before he disappeared Naruto spoke.

"I'm not like the others....." Naruto managed to mutter out.

Even though his voice was low, Sasuke heard him he knew he head heard his voice, because the raven stopped in his tracks for a moment, before heading out the door. Naruto, sighed he hoped it wouldn't be that way for the rest of year either way he decided to stay in the Sasuke's to enjoy the view. He wished those windows would open, so he could smell the ocean.

Naruto really did like the beach, and also nature. He loved during Christmas or even when the snow had fallen he would stay in his parents two story cabin deep in the woods the windows were so large just like the house he was in. He was able to see the snow falling, and would be by the fire place.

Naruto shook the thought away he wasn't in the mood to think about his parents. He was still angered that they never even bothered to utter a single word to him.

'What did I ever do to deserve this?'

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