Beyond the Realms of Reason (...

By Miracle-the-Fangirl

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A human from our world gets teleported to the trollhunters show. Now they must find a way home without destro... More

A New World
Figuring Things Out
A Friendly Visit and an OtherWordly Call
HeartStone TrollMarket
Trollhunters Woes
Magic Musings
Gnome Hunters
Reposting this from another Chapter
Hi this is important
Shrinking Solves Everything
CreepSlayerz X Reader?
Small Issue
A Decision to Make
Waka Chaka
I started a Ko-Fi!!!
Goblins and Changelings
Guys I'm Alive, Chill

A Heroes Merit

3.1K 103 96
By Miracle-the-Fangirl

 Staring up at the Soothescryer Jim turns back towards Vendel.

 "Insert your right hand Trollhunter." Vendel instructs slamming his staff down, the sound booms echoing around the forge. Looking at the open mouth of the Soothescryer then Vendel Jim swallows nervous.

 "I'll get it back right?" Jim questions. Vendel chuckles as he leans forward.

 "That's apart of the test." He responds smirking. Blinky shifts his feet and looks back and forth between you and Jim. Jim freezes up unsure of what to do. He swallows again before taking a deep breath in.

 "... great." He mumbles. Shifting Jim stares back at the Soothescryer. "Come on help me." He states to you and Tobes looking at the tall ledge he has to jump up onto. Nodding your head you step back taking a running leap before you jump towards the platform, grabbing the edge and yanking yourself up. Jim gets on Tobies shoulders and with your help you pull him up then reach down and pull Toby up too. Vendel grunts slightly impressed before staying silent as he watches you and Jim.

 Jim pauses staring into the mouth of the Soothescryer. You watch the teeth begin to rotate and spin. Jim was shaking but you chuckle. 

 "If you loose your hand it'll be a heck of a story." You say teasing him. You know the ghosts haven't decided yet and that Jim would just get scared but would ultimately be fine. So as his friend it was your duty to mess with him. 

 "(Y/N)!" Jim yells panicked. You snort and Toby snickers before staring into the fanged mouth. 

 "What? They're right." Toby agrees.

 "TOBES!" Jim takes a deep breath to calm down and glancing back at Vendel he hesitantly sticks his hand into the Soothescryer. You jump back flinching as the blades chomp down on Jims arm.

 "Ahhhhhh!" He begins screaming panicked and starts thrashing but there was no blood. His arm was fine. 

 "Jim. Jimbo your fine." Putting your hand on his shoulder he wrenches his arm back and the mouth opens making him stumble and fall. Turning you thankfully grab him before he lands on the ground. "Jim?" You question. He looks up at you and you slowly lower him before jumping off the smooth platform. Tobes slides off too and stands next to you looking at the Soothescryer.

  You flinch as your knees still sting and the sharp impact jolted them but your less worried about yourself and more concerned about Jim and his mental state. All of this was pretty overwhelming. Walking closer to make sure he's okay you noticed a cut laid on his arm and staring at it one single crimson drop fell. 

 Jim turns away and stares at Vendel and when you glance at his arm the cut and blood are gone. It must have been your imagination.

  Looking at his hand then you and Tobes Jim smiles holding it up and waving it around. "I'm okay. I'm OKAY!" He says beginning to hop from one foot to the other. Vendel seems unimpressed and glancing at you, you shrug making the goat man chuff. Toby looks back at the Soothescryer before looking up at Vendel.

 "Well what is it? What's the verdict?" He demands. Glancing at the Soothescryer you notice it's red lights have dimmed and that it appeared dormant. They hadn't decided. 

 Jim continues looking at Vendel and stares waiting for an answer. 

 "Inconclusive." Vendel responds looking frustrated. He looks away from the Soothescryer and begins walking back to the HeartStone.

 "Inconclusive? I'm not doing that again." Toby huffs annoyed. Jim seems unfulfilled and runs towards Vendel. 

 "Wait. Wait. Wait. What does inconclusive mean?" Jim questions keeping pace with Vendel panicked.

 "It means Trollhunter there's never been a human to bear the mantle of trollhunter. The soothescryer needs more time to render it's judgment. Let us all hope you live long enough to see it." Watching Jim and then turning towards the Soothescryer you glance over at Blinky and Aarrrgh.

 The trolls look disappointed amd your gut twists. Jim must be feeling crushed right now. Walking up to him you place your hand on his shoulder.

 The arena felt colder and wasn't as bright as before. You didn't want to stay here any longer than you had too. 

 "Hey Jim it's been a long day and it's late let's go." You hum. Looking defeated Jim nods, his shoulders sagging. He looks at the soothescryer frowning, his blue eyes begging for answers. Rubbing his back gently Toby walks up to you and you all begin heading out. Aarrrgh and Blinky following close behind.


 Climbing out of the canals was a challenge. Thankfully Aarrrgh and Blinky helped you get onto the road and retrieve your bikes before waving goodbye. Your bike is totaled and your bodies sore but at least you made it. You decided to toss it in the trash since it was unsalvagable. 

 The night is still. All signs of Bular are gone and other than the occasional crack in the road or dent in a roadsign you almost believe you dreamed the whole thing. Flinching as you walk Jim lets you sit on his bike while he wheeled you, your legs still burning. 

 "What have I gotten myself into?" He mumbles softly as you all go down the empty road. It was late and there were no cars. Your only company was the bright street lights that led the way and the long shadows they left behind you. 

 "Trolls? Cool underground city. Indigenous gem forms. Giant HeartStone. What you've gotten yourself into is total awesome mania man!" Toby chirps trying to cheer Jim up. 

 "If I survive." Jim quotes Vendel.

 "Oh come on Jim your already doing better than one of your predecessing trollhunters. You're already not the worst!" You try and brighten his spirits with Toby but Jim was having none of it.

 The wind blows through the trees and you can almost hear whispering. As Toby and you laugh the sound echoes back surrounding you in a twisted way. You try and push the feeling of lurking danger away as you look at Jim.

 "Yeah!" Toby adds trying to lighten the dark mood. "And your getting trained by the best! Blinky is..." Toby tries to continue but Jim turns towards him snapping. 

 "His last guy got torne limb from limb! On his first night!"  You all sit in silence. All you can hear is the loud squeak of the bikes as they roll forward. Thinking of something you hum softly  turning towards Jim. 

 "So once again your doing better than the last guy." Jim huffs at you and you smile trying to remain positive. 

 "And you can only go up." Toby adds. Jim  feels a bit better but is still apprehensive. Toby smiles nudging his shoulder before he looks panicked. "Oh shit Jim your mom's home." Observing your own house the lights were off and no one was home. You were still alone. "Okay quick I was bike jacked by three..." Toby pauses shaking his head. "No make it seven members of the Brutfa. That's the Russian mob. And then you broke into their hideout to try and save me..." Toby begins coming up with an elaborate plan before you stop him. 

 "Or Tobes we can say I got hit by a car and my bikes totaled." Holding up your hands and then gesturing to your torne pants with bloody scrapes Toby swallows.

 "Oh right. That... Ummm while we were running for our lives we never did ask you are you alright?" He questions concerned. His face is tinted pink and coming closer he lightly brushes a cut to assess the damage. You hiss pulling back. He flinches and you take a deep breath in. The cool breeze felt nice against your heated skin and although your skin stung it wasn't that bad. You just needed some antiseptic and bandages.

 "I'm fine. But Bular tossing me did feel like getting hit by a car." You all laugh wheeling closer to your houses. 

 Toby waves.

 "Night Jim. Night (Y/N)." He states before turning to bike to his house.

 "Night Tobes." You and Jim say before Jim wheels towards his own home. He parks his bike on the deck before helping you up onto the porch.

  The ongoing adrenaline from the night had long faded and now you could feel your knees and hands burning. "I'll take you upstairs and patch you up." Jim offers worried.

 "You think I'll need stitches? I could have my first Trollhunter battle scar." You respond teasing him. Jim doesn't look amused.

 "Har har." He states before opening the door. Going towards his room trying to sneak you upstairs you can hear pots and pans in the kitchen clanging together. 

 "Jim I'm in the kitchen." Jim puffs out his cheeks before helping you down the stairs. You shrug and he frowns.

 "So much for being discreet." You tease. He sticks his tongue out before turning towards Barbara.

 "Hey mom. You so would not beleive what happened to me and (Y/N) on the way home from-" Jim pauses as his mom cuts him off and he sees Strickler sitting in the kitchen.

 "Look who stopped by." Barbara states interrupting Jim. Looking up Stricklers greens eyes meet your (e/c) and you stiffen in Jims grip. He smiles at you from his seat.

 "Hello Jim. (Y/N)-" He pauses eyes widening in horror. "What happened to you? Oh dear god you look ghastly." Getting up he rushes forward and you cling to Jim swallowing anxiously. 

 "Oh (Y/N)'s here?" Barbara questions. Peaking her head out from the kitchen she gasps seeing your dry blood and cut up skin.

 "Mr. Strickler came to congratulate you Jim but... but what happened?" Barbara demands. She rushes out into the garage before returning with a medical kit. The garage door slams as she reenters the house and you close your eyes at the sudden noise.

 "Oh ummmm... They kinda got hit by a car?" Jim says sitting you down on a chair. Strickler rushes over and pushing another chair over he elevates your legs so that they lay flat. You groan as your stiff from the long night but otherwise your fine.

 "Again?" Strickler questions confused. You blink looking at him. Again? Wait how did he know about the incident with Otto? As Barbara collects some stuff from the kitchen and Strickler inspects the damage Jim coughs feeling awkward.

 "... Congratulate me on what exactly?" Jim asks trying to change the topic. Strickler looks up from your bloody legs and stares at Jim. 

 "It's a great honor you've been chosen to weild this mantle Jim. And you as well (Y/N)." You and Jim freeze glancing at each other nervously. Strickler smirks. "No doubt you'll prove equal to the task." He adds green eyes almost glowing in the dim lit room. Barbara rushed in with a medical kit and a wet towel.

 "Jim honey move." As Barbara begins to inspect your legs and hands a whistle is heard through the empty space. Jim rushes into the kitchen and taking the kettle off stares up at Strickler who had gotten out of Barbaras way and was now sitting in front of the kitchen.

 "Ummm... what mantle?" He asks pouring tea into the mans cup. Barbara puts the warm rag to your legs and washes off the dried blood. Your pants were torn but it seemed the cuts were actually small. You thought they'd be bigger. Barbara adjusts her glasses and looking up turns towards Jim. 

 "Jim the play. Why didn't you tell me you were trying out with (Y/N) for Romeo and Juliet?" Letting out a sign of relief realizing they didn't mean Trollhunting you suddenly grunt pulling your leg back as Barbara smears something on it. She mutters an apology letting the medicine settle while she observes your hands next.

 "Maybe we could back up a few steps?" Jim asks politely as he puts the kettle down confused.

 "Jim surely you knew you won the part of Romeo. After your breath taking audition. And (Y/N) with your just as moving performance Miss Janeth bequeathed you Benvolio." You choke and Barbara glances at you worried. Putting on a fake smile you look away.

 Dear god.

 You're going to die.

 "Well after the audition me and (Y/N) had to run- wait we got the parts?" Jim demands looking excited. You gag thinking of him and Claire kissing and he sticks his tongue out at you. 

 "Well I hate to say this infront of (Y/N) Young Atlas but I was just remarking to your mother I'm a touch concerned that your being spread so thin. Especially with your new commitment to the... chess club." Strickler states as he holds his tes close. Glaring at Strickler he ignores you and you huff.

 Barbara puts some bandages on your palms before moving back to your legs.

 "I didn't even think you knew how to play Chess." Barbara chirps sliding up your pants as she carefully bandages up your legs. Strickler hums agreeing before taking a sip of tea. His nose scrunches up and he looks revolted. Putting your hand to your mouth you stiffles laughter and he chuckles placing the tea cup down.

 "Acting. Chess. It's like you have this entire secret life I know nothing about." Barbara chirps sweetly. You and Jim chuckle awkwardly.

 "... you have no idea." Jim mumbles before coming out of the kitchen to sit down next to you.

 "Atlas too carried the weight of the world on his shoulders. And I'm concerned like him your overextending yourself." Strickler says in mock concern. Rolling your eyes you glare at Strickler. 

 "Yes but Atlas was forced to carry the weight of the sky as a punishment. As god of endurance he loved a challenge but Zues punished him when he sided with the Titans and not the gods." You correct. Strickler blinks looking you over. For a moment his eyes are gold and red sharp as the knifes on his collar but the next their back to green as if nothing happened. 

 "Hecate like you was full of knowledge (Y/N) but Hecate had a great fall when their image was tarnished." Strickler answered before he moved on and you felt your gut twist at the invisible threat. Did he know you knew? 

 "I can handle it." Jim assures easing the tension in the room. 

 "A few days ago you and (Y/N) here were falling asleep in class." Strickler scolds. 

 "Wait what?" Barbara demands. Hissing as she puts to much pressure you whimper and she apologises before focusing on you again.

 "Y-yeah! But now I am recharged and ready to go! To be or not to be right?" He pauses and looks at you. "Right?" He asks slightly confused. You roll your eyes as Barbara finsihea up your legs.

 "That's Hamlet." You inform and he swallows  nodding as he puts the vase away. Getting up Barbara walks over to the kitchen and offers Strickler another cup of tea but Strickler just shakes his head.

 "Thanks but I don't want to overstay my welcome." He says smiling softly. Scrawling out something with his pen he hands over a sticky note. Smiling Barbara takes it. "Miss Lake my number." He says pleasantly.

  "Please call me Barbara." She repsonds blushing and you fake gag again.

  "Barbara Delighted to meet you." Kissing her hand he nods before getting up taking his leave. "Always a pleasure. Jim (Y/N)." Waving he exits, closing the door quietly behind him.

 "He really likes you Jim. I've never seen a teacher take such an interest." Barbara admits as she puts dishes away. "And he has a point. Jim there's only so many hours in the day if your grades slip even a little I have to insist you cut back. Starting with the things you do for me." Jim looks embarrassed and nods.

  Coughing feeling awkward your in this situation Barbara pauses and blinks. "Oh sorry (Y/N). You're like family sometimes I forget your there. Your legs should be all bandaged and your hands are patched up. Those scrapes should be gone by the end of the week. Do you want to stay here for the night or should Jim walk you home?" Barabra pauses as she step into the kitchen. "Oh where are my manners? Stay for dinner first." She invites. "How bout breakfast for dinner? Even I can't mess up pancakes." She chirps. Smiling you crinkle your nose.

 "I wouldn't be so sure..." Jim mumbles. 

 "What was that?" Barbara asks.

 "Don't worry, I'll walk myself Mrs. B thanks." You state covering Jims ass. Getting up slowly you put the chairs back and wave before leaving to walk to your house.

 Opening the door silently you pause as you hear hulking footsteps. Pausing eyes wide you jump over the porch railing and flatten yourself against the Lakes house as Strickler pauses at his car. Peaking out from behind the deck you see the teacher stiffen as he coldly glares ahead.

 "You shouldn't be here." He staes frustrated. Swallowing nervously Bular growls in response sending a shiver down your spine. You can't see him but you know that's who Stricklers speaking too. 

 "Why aren't I feeling his neck snap in my hands? Burning his hutt to the ground?" Bular growls annoyed. 

 "Oh that certainly wouldn't draw any attention." Strickler responds snarkily. Bular chuffs and Strickler clicks his pen clearly agitated.

 "I could take the amulet and be done with it." Bular states. Strickler turns sharply. You duck behind the porch to remain hidden and cover your mouth to keep from breathing too loudly. Closing your eyes tightly you pray Strickler didn't see you as they continue to bicker at each other. Stricklers heels tap loudly against the pavement as he stands nose to nose with Bular.

 "Your attempt to do so earlier was not only unsuccessful it risked exposing our agenda to both humans and trolls. Not to mention we need (Y/N) alive. Did you see the damage you did to them? They were practically skinned!" Your eyes widen at that. What did he mean by they need you alive?

 Why did Strickler need you? 

 Bular growls and Strickler sneers back. "The first human trollhunter. This will require finesse. And taking his friend will need to be done delicately. Patience Bular." Strickler scolds frustrated.

 "I resent your weak devious ways Impure. I only respect force." Bular responds clearly hating not taking action. Strickler sighs annoyed.

 "And I respect your father. If you want any chance of seeing him again. Adapt." Growling Bular pounds his fist to the ground. You hear tapping as Strickler walks to his car and starting it up he leaves as Bular stalks off. Closing your eyes you feel yourself swallow as you fall against the wall of Jims house for support. The cold wood grounds you as your heart beats a million miles a minute.

 What did Strickler mean by they need you? 


 The night and day had swirled by. Your head was a blur of feelings and thoughts and you were left feeling dizzy. Trudging into Trollmarket you groan as your lead to the Heroed Forge. Finally settling down you lay against Toby tired.

 You hadn't slept at all, your night was plagued with weird dreams and you had so many unanswered questions. And school was hell, everyone kept trying to talk to you about the play but you just didn't have the energy. Whining as you hide your face Toby pats your head sympathetically.

 "No sleep again?" You hum in response and he tsks. "I told you melatonin does wonders." You grunt and Toby chuckles digging through his bag. You envy how energetic the redhead is and try to get some rest while Jim trains in the background. "Congratulates on the part by the way. Jim texted me last night. I told you'd do great." He says happy. You look up flashing him a smile before going limp against his arm again. He chuckles letting you do your thing while he keeps looking for something buried in his backpack.

 "Mel-a-tone-in?" Aarrrgh suddenly questions. Toby reaches over giving him a horn scratch with his free hand.

 "It's a human thing big guy don't worry about it. Oh brought you something!" Passing Aarrrgh a bag Aarrrgh tosses it into his mouth. He smacks his lips crunching on the bag and hums happy before nuzzling you and Toby. Patting him he pulls away and you settle back into your makeshift napping position.

 "Tasty. What's in?" He questions.

  "Oh some furrballs and cat litter from my Nana's Siamese." Aarrrgh chuffs happy and lays down watching Jim and Blinky. 

 "Yummy Siamese." Aarrrgh hums. Toby shifts and begins patting you making you groan. Looking up you see Jims looking back at you. Yawning knowing your not getting any sleep soon you lean up and give him a half wave. Jim smiles at you making Blinky frustrated. 

 "Master Jim pay attention." Jim turns sword out in front of him as he stands at attention for Blinky.

 "Sorry Blinky what?" Jim asks nervously before he chuckles. Blinky narrows his eyes at Jim before he begins pacing around the hunter.

 "There are three rules to Trollhunting Master Jim. You will sleep breathe and learn these rules to heart." He instructs. Nodding in understanding Blinky continues. "Rule Number one always be afraid!" 

 "I think I got that one." Jim admits.

 "AHA!" Blinky begins picking up and throwing stones at Jim. Jim stumbling backwards begins slicing at them with his sword and ducks and dodges as they keep coming. Catching a rock you throw it back and Blinky catches it. He chuckles sheepishly before aiming it at Jim. "See Master Jim Fear keeps you alert. Fear keeps you ALIVE. Always be afraid Master Jim." Blinky advises.

 "Well I think rule number one is the one thing I excel at." Jim states getting into a pattern and deflecting the rocks easily. Balancing the sword on his hand he hums waiting for more instruction.

 "But Master Jim you see you can not master one but all three!" Blinky demands. "Rule Two always finish the fight." 

 "Wait. Wait. What?" Aarrrgh catches a rock that Jim had avoided and throws it back. Jim ducks dodging it again. Turning to look at Aarrrgh the troll chuffs.

 "Kill." Aarrrgh explains. You stiffen at the idea of Jim killing anyone. Jim was a good person you don't know if he could handle. Jim had paused eyes wide. He looks at Blinky but Blinkous is serious.

 "Hey I don't want to kill anyone." Jim states feeling overwhelmed.

 "But Master Jim you will have to. Bular and other trolls and creatures alike conpsire against us. As Trollhunter it is your duty to protect this world and all who are in it. You must always finish a fight. If you do not there will surley be grave consequences."

 "Consequences." Aarrrgh repeats but Jim looks unsure. Swallowing he looks at you and Toby for back up. 

 "That sounds extreme." He states unhappy with that rule. Blinky frowns but seeming to understand steps forward. 

 "Our culture is an unforgiving one Master Jim. To loose in a fight is more shameful than a warriors death." Blinky explains. "You must always finish the fight. Or risk potential harm to yourself and those you hold dear." Jim looks uncomfortable and looking back to you and Toby you both shrug. He signs and stares at Blinky. 

 "Okay Rule number one always be afraid." Jim says as he dodges a rock. "Rule Number Two always finish the fight. What's rule number three?" He questions. Stepping back Blinky taps his foot twice and a blade rises out from the floor stopping right at Jim's crotch.

 Jim jumps back and Blinky smirks.

 "Rule Number three if all else fails kick them in the grocknuts." He instructs. Jim steps back and takes a deep breath.

 "You're telling me the third rule of Trollhunting is if all else fails kick em in the nards?" He questions looking unimpressed. 

 "Precisely now let us continue Master Jim. We have much to learn."  Blinky instructs. Jim nods and gets ready for his next challenge when a familiar voice fills the Stadium. 

 "Blinkous Galadrigal." You all pause and turning Vendel was walking into the Forge. Heartstone staff tapping the floor making the red lines that ran through the forge glow.

 "Oh Vendel." Blinmy says nervously. "What brings you here? Come to witness the Trollhunters training? We have just gotten to the three rules and basic defense maunveurs." Blinky explains proudly. "He picks up quit quickly." He adds hoping Vendel would be impressed.

  Draal follows in after Vendel and Blinky shifts nervously seeing the giant blue troll. You bite your lip watching closely. You can feel something bad is about to happen. Meeting Draals gaze Draal the Deadly causally pushes Blinky aside and smirks bending over to loom over Jim. 

 "I came to offer my services as a sparring partner to the Trollhunter." He states. Smirking Draal cracks his knuckles and his neck as he looks down at Jim. Jim swallows nervously. 

 "...." Jim glances at you before looking back at Draal. Standing up fists clentched Draal chuffs at the Jim. You want to grab his stupid nose ring and pull it out, maybe that'd get that stupid smug smirk off his face. 

  "Draal he has hardly trained. I don't think-" Blinky tries to interfere but Vendel won't allow it. Slamming his staff down he smirks.

 "Let us see them fight." Vendel cheers. "Surely the TrollHunter won't miss an opourturnity to spar." He goads. Jim swallows and looks at Blinkous hoping for some backup. Blinky crosses his arms and glares at Vendel.

 "Of course he'll spar!" Blinky agrees and Jim looks horrified. Holding out his sword he looks at you and Toby for help. Getting up you begin walking over. Jim is not dying on your watch. 

 "What do I do?" Jim questions confused.

 "What do you mean? Just go out there and fight." Blinky states.

 "I've never... Blinky..." He looks embarrassed and you know for a fact he's never hit anyone. You begin walking over as you see him panicking.

 "You've never fought?" Blinky demands. Jim swallows and slowly nods.

 "Dear gracious gorgons. Ummmm well..." Turning Jim away from Blinky you put your hands on his shoulders and stare him dead in the eyes. 

 "Jim don't clench your thumb in when you punch. Do this." You pull away and show him how to not break his thumb when punching and he nods copying you. "Try and keep the heigth advantage. Go somewhere high and stay there. If he gets close aim for Draal's snout I'm betting it's sensitive. Avoid getting rolled over by his spikes. If he gets close enough pull at his nose ring and move around him fast. Your smaller so your more nimble. Swipe at him with Daylight when he gets too close and try to keep your distance because your not gonna beat him fist to fist. Also remember rule number three and if all else fails go for the grocknuts." You state winking. Jim chuckles and you smile grabbing his shoudlers and squeezing them. Blinky blinks at you and you nod at Jim. "It's just a sparring match. Don't piss him off and don't get thrown around like a rag doll." You add smiling. He nods eyes still wide but willing to try.

 "Well?" Draal taunts. Tapping your hand against Jim's armor you smile. Jim nervously smiles back watching as you begin to leave. 

 "Good luck." You say softly. Walking away you turn sharply and glare. "Don't die." You demand before Blinky drags you to where Aarrrgh and Toby are sitting and watching.

 "You are quit knowledgeable in war tatics (Y/N)." Blinky compliments. Humming you watch Jim. Toby takes a nougat nummy out of his backpack and giving you half he begins snacking.

 "KNOCK EM DEAD JIMBO!" He cheers watching Draal and Jim intently.

 Jim swallows and turning he nods at you and Tobes before nodding at Draal. Draal smashes his fists together and as Vendel taps his staff to the Forges floor, the Forge turns on and the sparring begins.

 Axes swing and blades slash creating an obstacle course of doom. The ground begins to shake and slowly Jim and Draal are separated as the Forge opens the floor and pulls them apart.

 Jim taking his chance turns and tries to get the high ground like you suggested but Draal seems prepared for this and chases after him. His claws beat into the panels as he runs and you can hear the grating sound of stone against stone as he chases Jim. Jumping up Draal curls into a ball and rolls into Jim full force.

 Biting your lip as the sparring goes on you watch as Jim goes flying past swinging axes. He hits one of the Forges walls and falls to the floor below. He gets up sword out only for Draal to stop in front of him and grab his foot. Picking him up and holding him upside down Draal begins to bash Jim around like a ragdoll while Jim tries to slash his sword at Draal to get away. Jim maganed to avoid getting his skull cracked open and dropping Daylight used his arms to absorb the impacts of Draals throws. Roaring the blue golatith throws Jim across the Stadium and begins stalking towards him. 

   Shaking in anger getting up Blinky holds you back but you feel your determination rise as Draal continues to taunt and throw Jim around. Jim was still conscious and holding an okay defense but you could already see bruises forming on his skin and the way he was barely standing made you felt sick. Draal knew Jim was human and yet he fought him like a troll. If this kept up Jim would die. 

 Jim sends you a half smile and you wince seeing his bruised cheek. Getting his footing Jim once again holds his sword out, lashing out at Draal but Draal simply throws his arm out hurtling Jim into a different wall. Falling forward he stumbles and stands looking up at Draal.

  Seeing how close he is to the edge, knowing that Draal might fling him over you feel heat build up at your fingertips. Jim needed help.

  Draal and Vendel weren't giving Jim a chance. They knew this was an unfair match and yet they still allowed it. Jim was doing his best and trying to stand his ground but he didn't have the training and he wasn't prepared...

 Hands shaking and eyes narrowed Draal was clearly being a dick. He was beating up an unprepared opponent and he was liking it. All because Jim got chosen instead of him. All because he was jealous. 

 Looking around the Forge for a way to help you pause. A rack of weapons. To the side of the forge was a rack weapons. Making up your mind you pull away from Blinky running towards them. Reaching out you grab one. A heavy battleaxe is now in your hands. Holding it close as Blinky and Aarrrgh call your name you don't heistate.

  You charge froward to be by Jim's side. You may not have armor but maybe if you surprised Draal enough Jim could knock him out or turn off the Forge and win. 

 Blood roars in your ears while your heart beats a million miles a minute. Screaming a battlecry as you run up the Forges floor panels Draal turns still holding Jim. He drops him in surprise and brings up his arms in defense right as you jump from one of the forges ledges. Your axe makes a loud thunk noise at it meets Draals arm. 

 You feel the impact as you land and see Jim staring at you with a surprised look. Smiling at him there's suddenly a burst of light as the axe rips itself from your fingertips and you go flying backwards. Smacking a wall your legs buckle and you fall crumpling to the ground.

 Groaning you blink from the Forges floor. Draals on the other side of the room staring at you with wide eyes as a shattered battle axe lays at his feet. You did that...?

  Coughs escape your body and you feel too tired to question how. Dirt sticks to your sweaty skin and everything feels off. Your breathing sounds funny and there's a faint ringing in your ear. Something sticky drips down your face as everything begins to slowly blurr.

 "(Y/N)? (Y/N)!!!" You can hear Jim and Toby screaming but it all seems a world away. They're so far from you and your so tired. Feeling hands cradle your face you send Jim one last smile before it hurts too much.

 Closing your eyes, everything fades to black.

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