South Park: The Four Marks Of...

By CherryblossomLv5

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They are called The Four Marks Of Hope due to them possibly shifting the others fate from their original, and... More

Saya Phoenix
Alex Shade
Kevin Nightshade
Kagami Iruha
Haruki Nakamura
Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 1
Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 2
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 1
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 2
Episode 3: Volcano. Part 1
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 1
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 2
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig. Part 1.
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love To A Pig. Part 2.
Episode 6: Death. Part 1.
Episode 6: Death. Part 2.
Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 1
Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 2
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 1.
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 2.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 1.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 2.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 1.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 2.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 1.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 2.

Episode 3: Volcano. Part 2

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By CherryblossomLv5

I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

Rescue Center.


Mayor McDaniels - "Is, is it on? Okay. Okay people, form groups and search the mountain. Report back here every hour! You got that?!"

Randy - "Mayor, I might have an uhh, idea."

Mayor McDaniels - "Huh, what?"

Randy - "Well if we can dig a very large trench, we can divert the lava into a canyon, and then it would bypass South Park pretty much completely."

Mayor McDaniels - "And, that would be good? Right?"

Randy - "Uh - pretty sure."

Mayor McDaniels - "Well, what are we waiting for. Okay, people, change of plans! Half of you grab shovels!"


On the mountain. Jimbo and the others have lost sight of Cartman.

Saya - "Fuck!" I couldn't even catch his scent over the smell of my own blood right now. The stitches on my right side came open, again. I had to secretly use my healing to slow the bleeding down, and then glamoured it so no one saw it. Well, except for Alex of course. I was actually breathing a bit hard, and feeling really dizzy at this point. But I still stood tense by Kenny's side, just in case. Alex knows I'm going to die soon, again. But unfortunately he can't prevent it from happening. Cause the first and last time he tried, it just made it a LOT worse for me.

Jimbo - "These look like its tracks. He must have gone this way. Ned, prepare some HK-12 and some plasticine. I'll bet that sucker's headed for a higher elevation. The higher up it- BIRD!!" [Shoots a bald eagle.] (Thankfully I made it look like he did. The real one is safe and sound far from here.) "The higher up it goes, the better it can breathe."

Kyle - [Sees Cartman still dressed as Scuzzlebutt] "Look, up there."

Cartman - "You guys, it's just me."

Jimbo - "Are we sure it's Scuzzlebutt?"

Stan - "Does it have Patrick Duffy for a leg?"

Jimbo - "I can't tell; let's kill it!"

Cartman - "Eh, gotta get out of this stupid costume." Your fault dumb ass.

Jimbo - "Kenny, you take the front."

Saya/Stan - "No!"

Stan takes the rifle from Alex, while I hold Kenny back. Just in case.

Stan - "I can do it Uncle Jimbo. I want to bag that animal!"

Saya/Alex - "Oh he's a animal alright lol" We fist pumped.

Jimbo - "That's the spirit, kiddo. Let's hunt!" Oh dear.

Cartman - "You guys, you guys, I was just kidding!"

Townspeople digging trench.


Newscaster - "As some people of South Park try desperately to save their mountain town, others look for the missing townspeople. But all must take every precaution necessary."

Rescue Center.


Officer Barbrady - "Okay people, listen up. As we near the top of the mountain, the chances of our encountering some lava becomes great. Therefore, I have special-ordered this training film to assist us in volcano safety. Mr. Garrison, if you would please."

Mr. Garrison starts the film.

Host - "Harbingers of sorrow, natural disasters can be the cause of troubling and undesirable stress, and the volcano is no exception. But what should you do if a volcano erupts near you or your family? Here we see the Stevens family enjoying a" [Film skips] "May picnic, but suddenly daughter hears a noise. It's a volcano. Junior seems worried. But have no fear Junior, Jane learned in school what to do when you hear a volcano erupt."

Jane backs up, pulls out the blanket from under the food, and throws it over her family.

Host - "That's right Jane, duck and cover."

She ducks under the blanket herself. The lava rolls over the family, causing no harm. The blanket flies off, revealing a sparkling family.

Host - "So what will you [Film skips] -do when you hear a volcano erupting?"

Two boys on bikes look alarmed. They leap off their bikes and hit the street, duck, and cover their heads with their arms.

Host - "That's right, duck and cover.The lava rolls over the two, causing no harm."

The lava rolls over the two, causing no harm.

Host - "Looks like you got the idea. Duck and cover. Thank you and goodbye."

Officer Barbrady - "OK, any questions?"

Chef - "That has got to be the most ridiculous load of pig crap I have ever seen!"

Officer Barbrady - "That's enough out of you!"

On the mountain. Cartman moves further up on the slope and turns around.


Stan - "I'm gonna bag Scuzzlebutt. Then we'll see who's the little bastard." *sigh* Really cus.

Cartman - "Hey, seriously you guys!"

Kyle - [Hushed.] "Kill it, Stan. Kill it." [Normally.] "Come on Stan, kill it."

Stan - "Ah, damn it, I can't do it!" I put my hand on his shoulder.

Saya - "It's okay cus, there are other ways to hunt than using a gun."

Alex - "She's right you know. There are."

Stan - "If you say so.."

Jimbo swats Stan behind the head.

Jimbo - "You pansy! give me that gun."

Cartman - "Hey!"

Stan - "Cartman?"

Saya/Alex - "Told you."

Cartman - "Goddammit, don't shoot me!"

Jimbo - "What the Sam Hell?"

Cartman - "I was just trying to scare you guys, you can put the guns down now."

Saya - "Well it didn't work!" I grunt a bit in pain, and fall to my right knee. I started breathing harder now.

Alex/Kenny - "Saya!/"(Saya!)" Shit.

Alex - "Saya, what's wrong? What, what happened?"

Saya - "It's, *pant* it's the *groan* stitches!" I could barely talk right now.

Alex - "Shit! I KNEW you should've stayed back at camp! Damn it Saya, you're only killing yourself faster."

Saya - "You know, *pant* damn well *pant* I still would've followed *cough cough* regardless!" I had no other choice, BUT to use my blood bending and move Kenny's blood to the wound. To help stabilize it, and to numb the pain. After a few minutes, I was finally able to stand again. But not fully unfortunately, since that actually took a LOT more out of me than I thought it would. Thankfully Kenny let me lean on him a bit. "I'm okay now. It just took me a bit to catch my breath is all."

Kenny - "(If you say so. But you DID scared me half to death.)" Oops.

Saya - "Really sorry about that. I really didn't mean to." I gently hugged him.

Ned - "Mmm, so much for the cover of "Guns & Ammo"."

Jimbo - "Yepper, but I think we've learned some important lessons Ned I think that-"

Boom! Lava begins to bubble out and flow.

Kyle - "Whoa!"

Ned - "Mmm, holy crap."

Jimbo - "The mountain! It's blown it's top!"

A boulder of lava lands in front of Kenny and Saya. It would've landed ON him if I hadn't pulled him back in time.

Kyle - "Oh my God, they killed Kenny and Saya!"

Kenny and Saya steps out from behind the boulder.

Kenny - "(Nope, I'm okay.)"

Saya - "Same."

Kenny sees his arm on fire. Shit!

Kenny - "(It-aah. It hurts! IT HURTS!)" I took my jacket off, and was able to put it out.

The boulder rolls onto Kenny. Sort of. I jumped on him, and covered his body with mine. Taking the full impact.

Kenny - "(Ugh.)"


On the side of the mountain.

Townsman 1 - "Look, the volcano."

Townsman 2 - "Quick, duck and cover."

They do. The lava sweeps them down the mountainside, burning them to the bone.


At the base of the mountain, Jimbo and the others are moving quickly.

Kyle/Stan/Cartman - "Aaaaah!"

Alex - "Babies!"

Jimbo - "That lava's coming right for us!!"

Alex - "No shit Sherlock!"

Behind them a river of lava charges down the mountain.

Looking on from the edge of town.

Chef - "Oh no, look."

At the trench. Jimbo and the others have made it out of the mountain, but their way into town has been cut off.

Jimbo - "What the hell is this trench doing here?!? We can't get across!" Shit! I could jump us all across, but that'll reveal what I am. And in turn, Saya and Kevin too. I can't do that. Not yet.

Newscaster - "It now looks as if the missing children are trapped in the path of hot, nasty lava."

Mayor McDaniels - "God, please deliver those darling kids from... Wait, wait wait wait. 3,2, and 1. God, please deliv-"

Cartman - "Help!

Scuzzlebutt appears and scratches his belly.

Jimbo - "Jimminy Pope, it's the real Scuzzlebutt!"

Cartman - What?! Scuzzlebutt's real?!"

Alex - "Of course he is!" Just in case something happens, I sent a message to him, and put an illusion around him. Hopefully it'll be enough.

Kyle - "Oh my God! Look at his leg!"

Patrick Duffy - "Hi kids, I'm TV's Patrick Duffy."

Jimbo - "Quick Ned, shoot it!"

Ned aims, but no shot is heard.

Ned - "Mmmoh no, out of ammo." Thankfully.

Scuzzlebutt - "Grrrr. (I'm here to help.)"

Alex - "Grrrr. (Thank you gentle creature.)"

Mayor McDaniels - "What... is that thing?"

Chef - "That's Scuzzlebutt."

Mr. Garrison - "Yeah, he has Patrick Duffy for a leg, and weaves baskets."

Officer Barbrady - "This isn't happening. Everyone look away please. Nothing to see here."

Jimbo - "Well boys, I'm sorry I got you all killed."

Alex - "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Look."

Scuzzlebutt rips a tree from the ground, bites off a limb...

Kyle - "Aaaaah!" Oh shut up already, damn!

...and molds the tree into a-

Stan - "Whoa, he built a wicker basket."

Jimbo - "Hey, he's saving us."

Alex - "Told you."

Scuzzlebutt puts the group in the basket and lifts them over the trench.

Scuzzlebutt - "Grrr. (There you go young ones. You're save now)"

Alex - "Grrrr. (Thanks again gentle giant.)"

Mrs. Cartman - "Scuzzlebutt saved the day."

Randy - "And my calculations worked: the lava is following the trench into the canyon."

Mayor McDaniels - "Hmmm. Where exactly does the canyon go?"

Randy - "Uhh..."

Denver citizens - "Aaaaah."

South Park. The ordeal is over.

Mr. Garrison - "South Park is saved."

Kyle - "Hey look, Kenny and Saya's okay." Oh thank heavens!

Kenny and Saya appears on a mound nearby.

Kenny - "(Hey guys, what's goin' down?)"

Saya - "Really? What'd we miss?"

Newscaster - "And now these humble people can rejoice and celebrate their jovial victory over nature. I'm getting word that the chef of the school cafeteria wants to sing a song about this thrilling struggle of humanity."

Chef - "Mmmm
Baby every time that we kiss,
Hot Lava!
Every time that we make love, hot lava,
Hot Lava!
Lava so hot it makes me sweat,
Lava so warm and red and wet,


Saya - "Oh my Gods, make him stop."

Newscaster - "Mayor, what do you have to say about this wonderful outcome?" Wonderful? What's so wonderful? Other than Kenny being alive and well that is.

Mayor McDaniels - "Well, we owe everything to this friendly, yet misunderstood creature. Thank you Scuzzlebutt."

Scuzzlebutt - "Friend."

Scuzzlebutt presents flowers to the Mayor.

Mayor McDaniels - "Oh, how sweet." Really.

Stan shoots scuzzlebutt. THANKFULLY it's an illusion. Thanks Alex.

Stan - "I did it, I did it, I finally killed something."

He smiles, proud of himself. Unfortunately, this took place during a live report.

Newscaster - "Oh my God! What has he done?"

Mayor McDaniels - "Turn off the cameras!"

Stan - "Hey, that was easy!"

Patrick Duffy - "Noooo! Why God? Why?!" Oh shut up already damn, he ain't actually dead!

Jimbo - "Damn it Stan, you shouldn't have done that!"

Stan - "What?! Why?!"

Kyle - "Yeah, make up your mind, dude!"

Saya/Alex - "Really!"

Jimbo - "Stan, some things you kill, and some things you don't. See?"

Stan - "No."

Saya/Alex - "Yes."

Ned - "Moh, only now in this late hour do I see the folly of guns. Mmm, I'll never use a gun again, mmm."

Drops his gun, which fires one last shot as it hits the snow. Saya is hit from protecting Kenny.

Kenny - "(Oh, no! Saya!)"

Rats are hot on the trail.


No! No no no no! Not again! Please not again! I, I can't lose her again! I cried in her chest as I hold her close. I felt no pulse. I, I can't believe she's gone again. Why!? WHY!? As I'm sobbing I felt her shift a bit.

Kenny - "(Saya?)"

Saya - *cough cough, groan* "Ow. Okay, THAT hurt." I just stared at her, not believing she's alive. How!?

Kenny - "(How?)"

Saya - "Hey Kenny. Hope you're not hurt." All I could do was shake my head. She tried to sit up, but I just put her in my lap, and held her close. I was still sobbing, but not as bad.

Kenny - "(I thought I lost you.)" What she said next, made my heart stop.

Saya - "But, you ARE loosing me. I'm sorry Kenny, but I'm already fading fast...." *cough cough* I saw her coughing up a lot of blood now. I tried to stop the bleeding in her chest, but that just made it worse! I was frantic at this point. But then I remembered that she needs blood to live! So I went to bite my head, but hers stopped me.

Saya - "I'm sorry sweetie, but it's too late for me now." *cough cough* "Has been since the lake. I'm sorry I never told you, but I died before you gave me your blood. But it did keep me alive enough to" She slowly closed her eyes, and stopped breathing.

Kenny - "(NO!)" I held her closer, and was gently rocking us back and forth while sobbing my SHATTERED heart out. We were like that for five minutes, until something knocked me out. I didn't even care anymore at this point. I just need to be with her. So kill me now whoever you are.


As everyone was distracted, I snuck off to where Saya and Kenny are. I stayed back, and watched everything unfold. It broke my heart listening to his sons. For five minutes, I let him mourn her. Not like she stays dead. Well, not for long anyways. Right? I snuck up behind him, and knocked him out. As I caught him, I was sad hearing his last thoughts. Damn, looks like I'll be taking him with me then. I saw some rats coming this way, so I fire blasted them. Turning them into ash instantly. Fucking rats. I gently and carefully picked her up, and then Kenny. I teleported us back home. When I looked up, I saw Kevin walking towards us, already with his home medic bag. It took us almost three hours this time to fully heal her. Now, what to do with Kenny. Kevin thought it'd be best to move him to her room.

Alex - "But wouldn't he freak out at first after waking up in a very unfamiliar room, and next to a half naked and heavily bandaged Saya?"

Kevin - "He might at first, but then he'll be worried about her more. Right?"

Alex - "Right. I just," *sigh* "I just worry about her too much is all."

Kevin - "And I know you do. So do I. Now come, dinner's getting cold."

Alex - "Okay." I just let him gently pull me back downstairs to eat. Not knowing what's to come tomorrow.


Stan - "But I just wanted you to be proud of me, like you were with Kenny, Alex, and Saya."

Jimbo - "But Saya's dead now, Stan, and you're always going to be my nephew. And you can't just kill anything. You understand?"

Kyle - "Dude, I don't understand hunting at all."

Stan - "Yeah," [He drops his gun.] "it's stupid. Let's go watch cartoons."

Cartman - "Yeah, cartoons kick ass!" [All three leave.]

KEVIN'S POV (surprise lol!):

I woke up early as always, but this time it was by someone sobbing. I got up and went to check on Saya and Kenny. But what I saw when I looked inside, was not what I was expecting. Kenny was there, sobbing in Saya's chest, yes. BUT, what I DIDN'T expect was Saya already sitting up, and her arms full of a sobbing Kenny. Poor child. Saya noticed me first. But, by the way she looked and softly growled at me in warning, I take it Alpha took over.

Kevin - "Hello Alpha. Hope you're feeling better today."

Alpha - "Yes, I am. Thank you for asking. I am sorry, but right now I am trying to calm my mate down. Saya is trying to gain control back, but I am not letting her right now."

Kevin - "Oh? And why's that? Did something happen?" I was starting to get worried now. Hope nothing happened.

Alpha - "She is alright, just a bit unstable right now. She started to panic, and fight back when Kenny was trying to get her to wake up from a very bad flashback. I think Kenny might be hurt though. Mind if you check to make sure?" Shit. I was afraid that would happen.

Kevin - "No. Not at all." It took me five minutes, but the only thing wrong was a small cut on his bottom lip. "Everything checks out. The only thing wrong, is a small cut on his bottom lip. But I am curious as to why he's sobbing."

Alpha - "Oh, that is because Saya is alive again. But.."

Kevin - "But what."

Alpha - "I do not think that he wants to leave her side again. And I do not blame him."

Kevin - "Neither do I. But unfortunately he can't stay with us. At least, not yet anyways. Right?"

Alpha - "Hm. That is true. Looks like Saya REALLY wants to come back out. It was nice talking to you again. And until next time. Goodbye."

Kevin - "Bye Alpha."


Finally I have control back. When I looked up, I saw Papa's concerned eyes. Oops.

Saya - "Um, hey Papa. Um, I'm not, in trouble am I?.." Oh I really hope not.

Papa - "No, you're not. But I am still very worried about you, and your well being when you're around him." NO! You, you can't be thinking..! I held Kenny closer to me, and I started to cry again.

Saya - "No, no you, you CAN'T! He's my mate! I'll die without him!" I started crying more.

Papa - "Whoa, easy there Saya. Easy. I'm NOT going to separate you two. Okay? It's just that, I'm very concern about you is all. I'm sorry but unfortunately he can only stay today. Okay?"

Saya - *sniff* "Okay.."

Papa - "Good. Now come on, wake him up and come down for breakfast. Okay?"

Saya - "Okay papa."

Papa - "That's my girl." He got up and left to make breakfast.

I was about to wake Kenny up, but a sharp pain in my chest stopped me. AGH!

Saya - "Ah!" That woke him up in a instant.

Kenny - "(Saya? You okay? What happened?)" I can easily tell he's starting to panic a bit.

Saya - "I'm okay Kenny. It's just my chest still hurts a lot. But it's slowly going away though. So I'm good now. Really." He was about to say something when there was a loud splash, and crash. And then some yelling, running, and laughing. *sigh*


Alex- "KEVIN! Get your sexy ass back here! That was completely uncalled for damn it!"

Papa - "Sorry not sorry Alex, but you wouldn't wake up otherwise! So of COURSE I had to dump water on you!"

Alex - "But did it HAVE to be a TUBE OF FUCKING ICE COLD DAMN WATER!?"

Papa - "YES!"

Alex - "Get back heeerreee!"

[Tumps, crash.]

Alex - "ow.." Yep. He slipped and fell down the stairs again. Again.

Papa - "Shit! Alex!"

Saya - *sigh* "It is way TOO damn early for this shit."

Kenny - "(Um..)"

Saya - *tired sigh* "It's fine Kenny. This happens all the time. They just know never to do it on me. Never try waking up a cat or a wolf with water. You'll get the claws and fangs. Same with scaring them too. But it's much, MUCH worse."

Kenny - "(Um, okay then?)"

Saya - "Heh heh, you'll get use to it. Eventually lol! Welcome to the family basically. Plus he probably ate the last piece of strawberry cheesecake. Which is fine by me. I can't have anything naturally strawberry."

Kenny - "(Why's that?)"

Saya - "Oh, it's because I'm deathly allergic to strawberries. But anything ARTIFICIAL strawberry is purrfectly safe for me." He softly laughed at that cat pun. I slowly and carefully get out of bed and start leaving. "Come on, if you want some breakfast. Plus we get to cuddle on the couch all day, and watch some movies or something." THAT got his attention.

We did as I promised. After making sure Alex was really okay. We ate some bacon, eggs, and toast. Afterwards me and Kenny moved to the couch, and binge watched some funny zombie movies. Most were anime. It was hours later that Papa found us already asleep. So he "tried" to move us. That didn't work out for him. So he just shifted us so that we were laying on the couch, with me on top of Kenny. I was basically using his chest as my new and most DEFINITELY favorite pillow. He actually helped keep the nightmares and flashbacks away. Cause as soon as I start shifting and whimpering in my sleep, he tightens his hold on me, and I stop. Only to cuddle closer to him. Unfortunately, he has to leave tomorrow. But hey, it WAS nice while it lasted. Right?

End of Volcano part 2.

(3719 words minus this.)

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