𝐄𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 �...

By The_CringeShow

58.1K 1.8K 1K


✒️ONE: What could go wrong?
✒️TWO: Within the studio
✒️THREE: We'll meet again...
✒️FOUR: The cry of a kitten
FIVE: A different perspective
SIX: The Shepherd's sorrow
SEVEN: Trigger words
EIGHT: The Ink Demon's Prisoner
NINE: Just like the rest of us
TEN: Running with the past
TWELVE: The demon's sympathy
THIRTEEN: Bonding time with the Ink demon
FOURTEEN: Understanding things
SIXTEEN: Showers
SEVENTEEN: Trouble sleeping
EIGHTEEN: Encountering Sammy once more
NINETEEN: Level 14
19.5: Norman's origin
TWENTY: Lazy Day
TWENTY-TWO: Hide n' seek
TWENTY-THREE: Thanks Maxx [Thanksgiving special]
TWENTY-FOUR: Bendy land
TWENTY-SIX: The meeting
26.5: Sammy's origin
TWENTY-EIGHT: Confession
THIRTY-ONE: The fool
THIRTY-TWO: Sickness
THIRTY-THREE: Lost and Found
34.5: Susie's origin
THIRTY-FIVE: The truth
THIRTY-SIX: Resurfacing memories
36.5: Mika's origin
THIRTY-NINE: A Life for a Life
FOURTY: Waves of grief
FOURTY-TWO: Vow to an old friend
FOURTY-THREE: Immortal cat

ELEVEN: Some time with Mika

1.7K 57 13
By The_CringeShow

So there I was, being dragged by Bendy. His grip on me was strong, as he took me all the way back to where we were with Mika. Once we were there, he practically threw me into the room, "Mika! You're in charge of watching the girl. If you let her run away again, I'll have you dead and rotting.."
"Oh, alright bends, see you soon!" The corrupted cat appeared out of the shadows, waving her goodbyes, then pushed him out the door. She then turned to me, her insane gaze meeting my terrified one, "I don't think we had a proper introduction. Hi, I'm Mika! You, of course, must be (Y/n), The ink demon's prisoner," She offered her hand. I hesitantly took it, "I know a lot about you.." She added darkly, chuckling insanely. I looked at her intently.
Oh great, now I'm here with a psychopath

"Now, I know this studio is a lot for you. And surely Bendy won't tell you anything about it, so I will! I'll answer all your questions and concerns!" She said.
I blinked. This means I'll actually get answers! I'll actually know about this place..
"Alright then... what even happened to begin with?" I asked with caution. Even though she was willing to answer my questions, I still should be careful around everyone. That's one thing I picked up from this studio.

"Ah, that's a great question! Well, you must know the very beginning. Your father and Joey teamed up to make an innocent kid's cartoon, and soon it grew and grew!" She said excitedly, then her voice seemed dull, as if she was going deep into the horrible memories of this studio's past, "After Henry left, everything changed. Joey realized the he had all the power; that he had control over everything. He started going crazy, trying to bring his creations to life. And well, he was successful, but.. he wanted more.."
I tilted my head, feeling Chills dance up and down my back, "Wh-what do you mean??."
"I mean, he wanted things to be perfect. He used a lot of lost souls to get his way. He manipulated us all, just to sacrifice us to 'our lord and savior' Bendy. Those who left sooner were lucky, because they escaped the curse of this studio..." She sighed softly, "The rest of us drowned in the ink, only some of us made it, but with a cost, we became this." She pointed at herself.
I shivered a bit. Not because I was cold, but because of what Joey did to this place. It made me feel guilty for everyone.. My father was lucky that he left, or else I would find him here, suffering because of an old friend. I never want to see that..

"Anyways, Joey had a lot of mistakes making Bendy. Hell, he tried everything. The ink demon was his last try before he gave up and went insane.." Mika sighed softly, then looked back at me. She naturally faked a smile.
"What happened to Joey? Why isn't he here?" I asked another question. The answer I got I didn't expect.
"Oh, Bendy killed him." She replied simply, humming.
My eyes widened. She must've noticed this, because she started explaining this more properly,
"Don't tell Bendy I told you this, but.. at first, Bendy actually loved Joey. But from all the abandonment, neglect, amd abuse from Joey because he wasn't what he wanted. He started feeling hate. He wanted to show Joey that, well, he was what he wanted. But he started realizing that would never happen...So, he killed him."
It went silent.
I couldn't help but feel a little sympathy for Bendy. I mean, he went through all of that.. abuse from Joey. No wonder he's the way he is....
I then pushed away my guilt. Why should I feel guilty for that asshole, when he doesn't care for me?

"Alright.. What's it like now in the studio?"
"Oh! Well, Bendy of course is the face of this whole place. He also caused a lot of death... I don't know his evil plan, but I know he's planning something." Mika giggled, "There's lost ones, who are basically most of the unwanted lost souls here, there's the ink searchers, Bendy's little spys, Some other people who worship Bendy, like Sammy. And then, there's Alice...we don't talk about her, basically just a psychotic bitch- then there's others like me, who are well, trying to survive!" She said, "I'm pretty sure we've covered everything you need to know, but if you have any questions, tell me about them!"
I thought for a second, then shook my head. There was still alot to learn here, but I'm sure I'll find them out the more I stay here.

Mika clapped her hands, "That's great! I'm happy to help ya! Now, I'm going make some soup, would you like some?"
I shook my head, even though that was a lie. I was hungry, really really hungry. But I just couldn't get myself to eat. If I did, I'd probably vomit. I don't think Mika would like that.

I watched the soup boil beside Mika, then asked a question I was a little weary to ask, "What did you mean, when we first met in the music department?"
Mika chuckled insanely. This time, it gave me chills. She looked at me. Her normal human like eye looked redder than usual. I realized then, it was her her pupils now glowing a very dark red.
"You'll find out soon enough, (Y/n).." She purred out, her long cheek stroking my cheek. Those words gave me even more chills.
I started to feel uneasy the longer I stayed with the ink cat.

Mika went back to making her soup, humming cheerfully. I was now confused, but didn't bother to do anything about it, so I just sat down in one of her chairs she brought out, "So (Y/n), I can't help but to ask you this! What do you think about the ink demon?"
"He's a jerk..." I muttered bitterly.
Mika only chuckled softly, "That's bends for ya!"

"Hey, Mika?"
The corrupted toon cat turned to me, "Yeppers?"
"How long have you known Bendy?"
"Oh uhm, about as long as I can recall. I don't really remember when I met Bendy, you'll have to ask him about, if he even tells you about it.. But, I could tell you when I suddenly remember it."
I felt a little confused but I nodded and went along with whatever she said, "Alright, I'd like that.."
"Righty then!" She hummed, taking a bowl before turning to me, "The soup's done. You sure you don't want any?"
I shook my head, "No thank you."

Mika only shrugged, putting back the bowl, and taking the pot, slurping it up in a matter of seconds. I just looked at her, bewildered.

She noticed my gaze, "What?"
I lowered my gaze, "Nothing.."
"Well then, I have another question for you," she sat down, a worried gaze on her face, "Why did you run away? Did Bendy hurt you..?" She started to growl, her eyes turning red again, "Cause if he did, I'm not afraid to hurt him."
I shook my head, "No...I just had a lot of things going on in my head.."

Mika frowned slightly, she then shook herself and patted my back, "I...I'm so sorry, (Y/n)..." She actually sounded sad for me.
It was weird.. Her affection towards me. It's nothing I've ever experienced.
I then smiled. Really, Mika isn't that bad. She's just a cartoon cat that's suffering because of Joey's choices.

I yawned, which made Mika jump to her feet, "Oh! You must be tired, dear! You should rest, you've had a really long day.."
Mika's actions and words really surprise me. Maybe it's the fact that she is actually aware of my feelings, unlike anyone else that I've met.

Quickly, Mika put me in her bed, tucking her in a bit, "I can take care of myself." I huffed out.
"That's true, You can. But you've been stressing yourself out this whole time. Just let me do something kind for you.." She said. Her words echoed in my head as I for once, closed my eyes, without any stress giving me a hard time.

Mika watched (Y/n) as she fell asleep. She could tell she fell asleep once her breathing slowed down calmly. Mika smiled; She didn't know why, but (Y/n) was really special to her. And it wasn't in that way where she'll save this studio's life. Even if Bendy was right, that she wouldn't be able to save this studio, she was still special, and Mika knew it.
She felt guilty when she thought about all the things (Y/n) dealt with. It hurt Mika's heart badly.
"I'm sorry (Y/n). I'm sorry I was never there for you..."

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