South Park: The Four Marks Of...

By CherryblossomLv5

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They are called The Four Marks Of Hope due to them possibly shifting the others fate from their original, and... More

Saya Phoenix
Alex Shade
Kevin Nightshade
Kagami Iruha
Haruki Nakamura
Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 1
Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 2
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 1
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 2
Episode 3: Volcano. Part 2
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 1
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 2
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig. Part 1.
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love To A Pig. Part 2.
Episode 6: Death. Part 1.
Episode 6: Death. Part 2.
Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 1
Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 2
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 1.
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 2.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 1.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 2.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 1.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 2.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 1.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 2.

Episode 3: Volcano. Part 1

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By CherryblossomLv5

I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, and Saya. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

Warning: Trigger Warning.

ALEX'S POV (didn't see THIS coming, did you? lol):

It's been a few days now since Saya was "killed", and she still hasn't woken up yet. Both me and Kevin are REALLY worried about her. After the first day of her being in the coma, we decided to move her to intensive care at the hospital. As I was leaving the store yesterday, I ran into Kenny. Quite literally actually. Apparently he wasn't watching where he was going, and almost knocked me down. As he looked up to apologise, he was shocked to see it was me. He was starting to cry river, and jumped on me, hugging me, and crying on my chest. Damn, he must still be really devastated about what happened. Wait. That means he remembers it!? Shit! I told him that Saya was in the hospital, in intensive care. He kept begging to see her, so I let him. It's been over 24 hours now, and he still hasn't left her side yet. He barely even ate anything. I told Kevin what I found out, and he was shocked too. We have few thories on how, but we need to test his blood first. And we know just how to get blood from him too.

Kevin - "Hello Kenny. I hate to ask this from you, but she needs a blood transfusion. And we need to see if yours is compatible with hers.

Kenny - "(Yes! I'll do ANYTHING to save her. Please, please save her.)" When he said that, both mine and Kevin's hearts broke when we heard the desperation in it.

Kevin - "Okay. But you need to come with me to do it. And I know you really don't want to leave her side, but it's for safety reasons. And besides, Alex will be here to keep an eye on her. Okay?"

Alex - "He's right Kenny."

Kenny - *sigh* "(Alright then, I'll go with you.)" They both left after that.

It wasn't until an hour later that they came back. And no surprise, his blood is compatible with hers. They ARE soulmates after all. Right? After hooking everything up, only me and Kevin left. Two hours later we ran back in when we heard him scream her name, and was crying. We were both thinking the worst, but what we saw, we were so relieved. Saya was finally awake! And sitting up with a sobbing Kenny in her arms. She was slowly starting to calm him down. But they failed to notice, was the just barely there faint pale green and white outline around them. That only means one thing; Their souls are trying to connect more. But Saya's blocking it though. She doesn't want him to go through what she did when HE died. Saya was fully recovered, and was released three days later.


I'm not sure how long I was out for, but apparently Kenny was there when I woke up. I've must have been in a coma with how fucking stiff I was when I tried to sit up. Kenny must have heard me, cause the next thing I knew, I had my arms full by a sobbing Kenny. I felt SO bad for him. As I was slowly calming him down, I saw the just barely there faint pale green and white outline around us. That means that our souls were trying to connect more, but I'm blocking it. I DON'T want him to feel what I did when HE died. I also noticed that our wolf necklaces were connected. Huh. Wait. That means he sees my silvery white hair! No! He must have felt my distress, and was trying to calm me down.

Kenny - "(Saya, Saya calm down. Please. It's okay. I don't care that you have silvery white hair, and is considered an albino. All I care about, is YOU. Okay? Not your looks. Only your personality. Okay?)" If only you knew kid, if only you knew..

Saya - "Okay.." If he saw WHAT I really am, he'd run... I NEED to make sure that he doesn't.

Kenny - "(Good.)" We hugged after that.

Apparently when he found out I was in the hospital, he never left my side. He barely even ate anything too! A three days later I was finally released. I decided to invite Kenny over for dinner that night. He didn't want to at first, but his stomach really growling made him change his mind in an instant, much to his embarrassment lol. It was actually funny seeing his reaction to seeing my family's house lol. For some reason only HE knew that it wasn't really haunted. Hm. I wonder. Diner was also really funny and fun. We kept joking around and everything. Papa absolutely LOVES Kenny, and he's very happy that Kenny was very behaved, and we'll mannered too. Well, aside from the perverted jokes that is. But it was still really fun. It was like we were ALREADY a family. I'm just SO very happy he was excepted. But Right before he had to leave, with a lot of leftovers that he didn't want to take at first, it started to storm.

It started to really thunder, but there was one particularly LOUD one that made me jump, and yelp a bit. Now, it wouldn't have been so bad if it wasn't for my ears and tail popping out. I didn't even realize they did until I heard Kenny gasp in shock, and dropping the bag. When I looked up, what I saw TRULY shattered my heart. I saw so many emotions swimming in his eyes, but what I saw the most was shock, and.... fear. He, he was terrified of me. I, I just KNEW he was going to be terrified of me! A freak. A beast. A MONSTER! I couldn't take the devastation anymore, so I ran. I ran to the basement, and into the hidden door in the far back. I heard my name being called, but I didn't care. I just needed to leave. So I turned the dial, and went into one of my hidden areas. All the while crying big rivers.


I, I can't believe she's part animal. Why didn't she tell me? I thought I was the only one! But, I only have some characteristics of a fox, and mountain lion. I'm also a beta. I was actually a bit terrified that she wouldn't take someone as weak and pathetic like me. She apparently saw the fear, and thought I was terrified of HER! So she ran for the basement. She looked SO devastated! I even heard her call herself a freak, a beast, and a monster. She even thought I'd see her as one. No! I would NEVER see her one! She's perfect! No matter WHAT she looks like! I tried to follow her, while calling out to her, but her Papa stopped me. When I looked up, and saw his once Crystal blue eyes are now a darker blue, I knew he was mad. So I told him what I actually thought about her, and everything. He calmed down a lot afterwards. But instead of letting me go after her, he took me home instead. I just hope she'll forgive me. After I got home, I said hey to everyone, I just left the food in the kitchen, and just went to bed, crying myself to sleep. Again.

I JUST got her back, and now I've lost her. Maybe for good this time. I came by the next day to see if she's okay, and to talk to her. But she never came out of the basement. I kept coming over for a WEEK now, and still no luck. I can't believe I've lost her, again! AND it's my fault too. Again! So on the last day, I left rock with a quote on it, and a note for her, explaining EVERYTHING. After I got home, I went into my room, and killed myself. Hopefully this time I WON'T be coming back. But knowing my luck, I still will.


For a WEEK now I never left the basement. Still extremely devastated about what happened. I wouldn't even let Papa and Alex in. As I was flying around, and dodging everything, I got an EXTREMELY sharp and painful stabbing pain in my chest. As I grabbed my chest in pain, I fell out of the sky. I landed HARD on my left wing since my wings were trying to protect me. I re-broke my wing, it hurt, yes. But it didn't even compare to the pain I felt when the pain I was feeling, was from losing one's mate. Kenny killed himself! I couldn't take it anymore, so I took all the pain, and moving it to my heart. It killed me instantly.

I'm not sure how long it's been, but I woke up back in my room. I grabbed the soul mark, and concentrated on trying to remove it. But as I was trying to, I felt him still alive through it. So without a second thought, I teleported to him. After I looked up, I saw him about to kill himself again. So I tackled him down in a FIERCE hug, stopping him. But in doing so, I got stabbed in the left side. As I lay there unmoving while holding my very bleeding side, and was healing myself, he started to freak out a bit thinking he killed me. Poor kid.

Kenny - "(Saya! Saya, no! No no no no! Please come back! I, I didn't mean to!)" I could hear the devastation, and tears in his voice as he very carefully and gently picked me up, and held me close to his chest, while sobbing and gently rocking us back and forth.

After a few hours of him rocking us, and him keep apologizing, I finally woke up not realizing that I fell asleep. After I looked up, I very gentle and weakly touched his left cheek making him jolt up. I just smiled softly and weakly at him. He started to tear up and sob again, and hugged me, relieved that I'm was alive.

Kenny - "(I, I thought I lost you..)"

Saya - "But you didn't. I was able to heal myself in time. And thanks to your blood, I was able to heal faster."

Kenny - "(Healing? My blood? What are you talking about?)"

Saya - "Um, well, you see, I'm actually cursed... And that means that I constantly need blood to live... And um, apparently your blood was able to save me..."

Kenny - "(Really? That's kind of cool in a way.)"

Saya - "Yeah. I guess? Well anyways, I should be getting back home now." I very stiffly was able to get up with some help from Kenny.

Kenny - "(Are you sure? Maybe you should stay here for tonight.)"

Saya - "Hm. I don't know. I'll have to ask Papa first. Okay?"

Kenny - "(Okay.)" I texted Papa, and told him everything that happened. And he wants me back home.

Saya - *sigh* "Sorry Kenny, but he wants me home. He wants to make sure that everything was healed properly."

Kenny - "(Okay, if you really have to. But be careful walking home. Okay?)"

Saya - "Really sorry Kenny, I have to. I will. And who said anything about walking? I'm teleporting home heh heh."

Kenny - "(What? Wait, is THAT how you got here so fast? That's so cool!)"

Saya - "Yeeah, heh heh.. Um, I guess? It actually takes a LOT of energy to do it though." That's actually a big lie, but he doesn't need to know that. Right? "Also, never, and I mean NEVER tell, let alone MENTION about WHAT I am, AND what I can do. Got it? Cause otherwise, I'll be sent to Area 51. Or somewhere much, MUCH worse. Got it?" I was glaring and slightly growling in my tone.

Kenny - "(Don't worry Saya, your secrets are definitely safe with me. I promise you that. *sigh* And unfortunately you have to go home.)"

Saya - *sighs in pure relief* "Thank you Kenny. You have no idea just how relieved I am to hear you say that. But yes, unfortunately I have to go home now. Bye Kenny. I'll see you in a few days, since he needs to make sure everything is okay. Okay? And here, it's my number." I quickly hugged him goodbye, and left him my number before teleporting back home.

Let's just say, he wouldn't let me leave for almost a week. I wasn't grounded, no. He just needed to make sure everything was still okay, and fully healed. A few days later I got a text from Stan wanting to know if I wanted to go hunting. Hell yeah I do! And Alex gets to come too. We left for trip the next day.

In front of Cartman's house. Jimbo, Ned, Saya, and the boys are waiting for Cartman.

Mrs. Cartman - "Now you be careful, Eric. The woods can be very dangerous."

Cartman - "Okay, Mom."

Kyle - "Ready to go hunting, Cartman?"

Saya/Alex - "I know I am!"

Stan - "Yeah, our Uncle Jimbo says we gotta get up there early. Right, Uncle Jimbo?"

Jimbo - "That's right, Stanley. Animals are much easier to shoot in the morning."

Saya - "He's right. But me and Alex don't ever use guns when hunting. We're more old fashioned. So we brought out bows and arrows, and hunting knives." Kenny - 'Sure you're okay Saya?' 'Yeah. I'm fully and completely healed, and without any lasting problems.' Kenny - 'Okay then. As long as you're still okay.' 'Dont worry, I am.' Kenny - 'Good. I'm glad.'

Mrs. Cartman - "Here hon, I packed you some cheesy poofs and happy tarts."

Jimbo - "Don't worry Mrs. Cartman, we'll take good care of him. I brought my old war buddy Ned to keep things safe." 'Oh dear.' Alex - 'Really.'

Ned - "Hello, Mrs. Cartman. How are you today?"

Mrs. Cartman - "Be sure to use lots of bug spray, and if you have to poo-poo, don't wipe with poison ivy."

The other boys and Saya laugh.

Cartman - "Dude, that's sick mom." 'How much do you bet he'll still do it? Lol.' Alex/Kenny - 'Really lol.'

Mrs. Cartman - "And I know it can get scary up in those woods, but just remember, mommy's not far away."

They laugh some more.

Cartman - "Drive, Drive!"

Mrs. Cartman - "You give your mommy a kissy."

Cartman - "Drive the car damn-it, drive!"

In the Humvee.

Kyle - [In a slight falsetto.] "Don't get scared up in the mountains Cartman."

Saya/Alex - "Really lol."

Cartman - "Shut up, I'm not scared of nothing."

Saya/Alex - "Sure you are." Alex - 'Thinking of scaring him too' 'Oh hell yeah!' We both have matching Cheshire smiles.

Stan - "Maybe your mom can give me a kiss too, Cartman."

Saya - "Stan!" I smacked his arm for that.

Stan - "Heh heh, sorry." He was rubbing his arm from that. Good.

Kenny - "(Maybe she'll suck my dick.)"

Saya/Alex - "Kenny!" I elbowed him hard in the side for that one.

Kenny - "(Ow! Sorry Saya)" I just ignored him.

Jimbo - "Oh, ho, that's disgusting."

Saya - "Got that fucking right!"

Cartman - "You piece of crap, I'll kill you!"

Saya/Alex - "Not before I do!"

Kenny - "(Oh come on Saya, it was just a joke!)" I was still ignoring him.

Cartman starts fighting with Kenny.

Jimbo - "That's the spirit boys, let's get that testosterone flowin'."

Saya - "Oh it's flowing alright. I can smell it." I winkle my nose at the smell.

Alex - "Same." I saw him do the same.

Cartman - "Eeeeenh!"

He is about to strike Kenny again.

Jimbo - "Now boys, boys, and Saya, ah-I need to get serious for a minute. I want you to understand a few basic rules of hunting, since this is your first time. First, don't ever walk with your gun unless the safety's on. Second, don't shoot anything that looks human, and third, never spill your beer in the bullet chamber."

Saya - "Really uncle? And this isn't our first time hunting. Me and Alex has done it for years now. So we know the do's and don't's." I saw Kenny give me a concern look at the corner of my eye. But I just ignored it. For now at least.

Stan - "Uh, Uncle Jimbo, we don't drink beer."

Saya/Alex - "We have. And it was DISGUSTING." That got looks from everyone. "What? And it wasn't by choice either."

Stan - "Really?"

Saya - "Yeah. But I MUCH prefer certain wines though."

Alex - "Yeah. And I prefer certain vodkas. And Kevin prefers Sake."

Saya - "So true. And both are good. Especially extremely chilled whipped cream vodka, and sake."

Alex - "Exactly lol." We were getting very weird and concerned looks.

Saya/Alex - "What? We only drink once a year, and Papa/Kevin does watch us to make sure we're okay and everything."

Alex - "Especially Saya since she tends to drink more out of the three of us."

Saya - "Oh come on Alex, you know why.." I looked down sadly remembering what happened on that ill faithed day... I squeezed my eyes and hands close, and trying to keep my breathing slow and calm, but it's not working. Damn it, I wish I had brought Mystery with me. But I don't want her to get hurt. I felt Alex gently yet firmly grab my left shoulder. I heard Alex whispering to try and calm me down, but it's not working.

Alex - "Hey, hey. Come on Saya, just breathe in and out. I'm sorry for bringing up what happened three years ago. Come on Saya. Come back to us. I know you you can. You're stronger than this." I started to cry and shake a bit by this point.

Stan - "What's going on? Is she okay?"

Alex - "She's having another flashback. But thankfully it's not as bad as last time." I was about to grab my head in pain, but there were two hands stoping me from doing so. I know Alex is holding my left hand, but who was holding my right hand? I started to cry and shake more, and I was about to attack whoever grabbed me, but instantly stopped when I caught Kenny's calming scent. I latched on for dear life sobbing and shaking, while he was slowly starting to calm me down.

I'm not sure how long it's been, but I was both emotionally and mentally exhausted now. I didn't even want to move, so I just snuggled into Kenny more. Not that he didn't mind it, by the way he held me closer. After a few minutes, I finally looked up and saw so much love and concern in his eyes.

Saya - "I'm sorry."

Kenny - "(It's okay sweetie. Just take your time. Okay?)" I just nodded and cuddle closer, still shaking. But from the cold this time. I felt someone wrapping their coat around me, and when I looked up, I saw that Alex gave me his coat. I nodded my head in thanks, and went back to cuddling, and breathing in Kenny's calming scent again. I was actually slowly falling asleep by this point. So I decided to freeze time for a few hours.

As I was slowly waking up, I heard both Kenny and Alex whispering above me. Huh. I guess they stayed unfrozen then. As I started to shift a bit, I felt Kenny tense a bit, and hugged me closer. He tight, yet gentle grip on me never left as I was sleeping. I was thankful for that since it actually kept the nightmares away. As I looked up, I still saw so much love and concern in his eyes. But there was more love than concern this time. I still couldn't really talk still unfortunately. 'Hey..'

Kenny - "(Hey baby, how are you feeling? Better?)" I smiled softly and fondly when he called me that.

Saya - 'Yeah. I feel better now, but unfortunately I can't really talk right now. Sorry..'

Alex - "It's okay sis. Here, drink some water." With some help from both of them, I was able to slowly drink it.

Saya - "Thanks."

Kenny/Alex - "(You're welcome sweetie)"/" sis."

I went to move, but Kenny's grip tighten more. Yelp, looks like I'm staying put then. So I just shifted a bit, and got comfortable again. It must have worked since his grip loosened some. As I looked around, I noticed that uncle Jumbo must have pulled over when I started to have that flashback. I warned Kenny and Alex that I was about to unfreeze time. After making sure nothing looked out of place and odd, I snapped my fingers, and unfroze time. It drained me a bit though, but I'll be okay. I just laid there for a bit to make it look like I was calmed down, even though I was.

Stan - "Saya? Are you okay now?"

Saya - "Yeah. I am now. Thanks to both Alex and Kenny. Now, what about going hunting?"

Stan - "Good, I'm glad. Yeah. Let's go uncle Jimbo."

Jimbo - "Sure thing Stanley." We started driving again. A few moments later, the conversation picked back up. "Now, what were we talking about again?"

Saya - "About everyone but me and Alex never drank beer before."

Jimbo - "You what?!?"

Ned - "mmmMoh Yeah, that's right, I don't think eight year old kids drink beer, mmm."

Kyle - "I like chocolate milk."

Saya/Alex - "Same." Kenny - 'Wait, isn't anything chocolate poisonous to you?' Saya/Alex - 'Nope.' 'And besides baby, I'm 58% human, so it's safe..And Alex prefers the different types of white chocolates. And same here too lol.'

Jimbo - xWell, we'll be doing plenty of drinking on this trip; After all, hunting sober is like ...sober. It sure will be nice to get out of the city for a while, away from civilization."

Saya/Alex - "Got that right."

Jimbo drives the Humvee up a small mountain very close to town.

On the mountain.

Jimbo - "Welp, here we are. Okay, each of you young 'uns take a gun, a beer and some smokes."

Saya/Alex - "Really dude."

Cartman - "Hey, I didn't get a gun."

Saya/Alex - "Neither do we, but we don't need one."

Jimbo hands him one.

Cartman - "Sweet. This is like the gun I used in 'Nam." I secretly and silently turned it into a toy gun. Now we're safe.

Stan/Saya - "You weren't in Vietnam, Cartman."

Ned - "Were you stationed in Da Nang?"

Saya/Alex - "Papa/Kevin was."

Stan - "Cartman always makes stuff up, Ned. You can't believe anything he says."

Saya - "It's true."

Cartman - "Hey, I'll blow your friggin' head off."

They point their guns at each other, Jimbo rushes up. I get between them with my hands over the gun barrels and lowered them, to the shock and fear of the others. I know Cartman's fake, but they don't need to know that. Right? And besides, I have invisible dragon skin on my hands just in case.

Jimbo - "Hey, look out son, that's dangerous. You're gonna spill your beer."

Saya - *sigh* "Really uncle?"

Stan - "Our Uncle Jimbo says that after this, he's gonna take us hunting in Africa."

Kyle - "Wow, that'd be cool."

Saya - "Oh it is. Me, Alex, and Papa went there last year, and it was SUPER fun."

Cartman - "My mom says there's a lot of black people in Africa." Both me and Alex growled at him in warning.

Jimbo - "Boys, looky there. That there's a Rocky Mountain black bear of the few remaining of its kind. Isn't it beautiful... By God, it's coming right for us!"

Shoots it. It is hit and flips off the mound it was on.

Saya - "Weak and small game."

Alex - "So true."

Alpha (Saya) - "Come. Let's go find some REAL game."

Beta (Alex) - "Right behind you." We both left to find some bigger game. We did tell them before we left so that they don't worry, especially Kenny and Stan.


Stan - "Hey, it wasn't coming right for us. It was just sitting there." Hopefully Saya and Alex will be okay.

Jimbo - "Shhh, not so loud. Now that there's just a technicality."

Kyle - "What do you mean?"

Jimbo - "You see boys, the Democrats have passed a lot of laws trying to stop us from hunting."

Cartman - "Democrats piss me off!"

Jimbo - "They say we can't shoot certain animals anymore, unless they're posing an immediate threat. Therefore, before we shoot somethin', we have to say 'It's coming right for us.'"

Stan - "Wow, you're smart Uncle Jimbo."

Ned - "Mmm, Jimbo look, mm."

Jimbo - "Ohho, it's a deer. Looks like about a .46 gauge, Ned. It's coming right for us!"

Jimbo pulls out a bazooka, mounts it on his shoulder, and fires a rocket. All that's left of the deer is a hind leg, which falls over.

Cartman - "Kickass!!"

Stan - "Saya and Alex wouldn't like that." I was shocked at what just happened. The fuck?!

Cartman - "Who fucking cares about that GOTH and Albino whore!"

Stan/Kenny - "Hey! DON'T call them that"/"(Hey! DON'T call them that!)"

Everyone is in creep position now, except Jimbo.

Jimbo - "Did you see that?! I was imperiled by that ferocious, charging buck."

Ned - "Moohh, rabbit, rabbit, 5 o'clock."

A rabbit hops blissfully into view.

Jimbo - [Drops to the ground.] "Let's move, moove!"

He hustles off to the right. Ned follows.

Stan - "Is this hunting?" I should ask Saya later.

Kyle - "I guess so. But we should ask your cousins later."

Stan - "My thoughts exactly. Wait, cousins? I only have one cousin."

Kyle - "Isn't Alex like your step cousin?"

Stan - "Huh. I guess you're right. I never realized that! Cool!"

Cartman - "Ah, dude! I'm starting to have flashbacks."

Kyle - "What?!" Poor Saya. Really hope she's okay.

Cartman - "Danforth, pull up flank! Look out for Charlies- up in the trees!"

On the ridge.

Jimbo - "This one's yours Stan."

Stan aims at the bunny, but it just blinks at him. Jimbo coaxes.

Jimbo - [Calmly.] "It's coming right for us."

Ned - "It's coming right for us."

Stan focuses. The bunny blinks.

Kyle - "Shoot it Stan."

Cartman - "I got your back, soldier." 'Oh shut up fatass.'

Stan lowers his gun.

Stan - "I can't." 'Maybe I'm not cut out for this after all..' Saya - 'What's wrong Stan?' 'Oh, hey Saya. How's hunting going on your end?' Saya - 'Its going really good actually. And don't change the subject mister.' '*sigh* I just can't shoot an animal..' Alex - 'Maybe he's not cut out for the gun like we are.' Saya - 'I was thinking the same thing Alex.' 'Oh! Hey alex.' Alex - 'Hey kid. Maybe you should try the bow and arrows like we do.' 'Maybe. I'm not sure.' Saya - 'Well, the only way to find out, is to test it.' 'Right.'

The bunny hops away.

Jimbo - "What the? What's wrong with you?"

Stan - "I don't wanna shoot the bunny."

Jimbo - "What the hell are you talking about, 'you don't wanna shoot the bunny?' You're babbling, you're not making any sense, you're hysterical." 'No, you are.'

Stan - "I'm not hysterical, I just don't want to shoot the bunny."

Jimbo - "No nephew of mine is gonna be a tree-hugger." 'Okay, OUCH uncle!' Saya - 'Easy there Stan. You're just not cut out for a gun is all.'

Cartman - "Yeah hippie, go back to Woodstock if you can't shoot anything."

Stan - "I can shoot you, fat ass!" Saya/Alex - 'Well, he IS a big target lol.' 'That's true, he IS lol.'

Cartman - "I can shoot you too!"

Stan - "I'll kill you!"

Cartman - "I'll fill you full of lead!"

Stan - "Not if I do it first!"

The mountain rumbles.

Kyle - "Hey, what's that?" 'Saya? You okay?' Saya - 'Yeah, I'm okay Stan. Just fell out of the tree, and landed in a snow bank is all.' 'You sure?' Saya - 'Yeah, I am.' 'If you're sure then.'


After we walked away, we waited ten minutes before changing into our wolf forms, and took off running. Oh Gods I truly missed this! And I'm sure Beta (Alex) feels the same way. After running for five minutes, we finally found some big game. It was a big buck too.

Alpha - "Ready Beta? This one is yours." He may be older and bigger than me, but I'm more experience than him. We crouched down and slowly moved down wind from it.

Beta - "Oh I've BEEN ready"

Alpha - "Easy there pup. You know what I have told you about that, right?"

Beta - *sigh* "Is to NEVER get cocky. Cause it could get me killed. Sorry Alpha."

Alpha - "Exactly pup. That is okay. You are still learning after all. Now, try to get closer. But stop if it looks up. Okay?"

Beta - "Okay." I watched him getting closer, but stopped when it looked up. After a few seconds, it went back to eating. Just as he was a few feet away, he jumped on it, and bit down HARD on it's neck, killing it.

Alpha - "Excellent job Beta! I am so proud of you!"

Beta - "Thanks Alpha!"

Alpha - "Now, let us get it up in a tree so that nothing can get to it. Shall we?"

Beta - "Of course!"

We changed back into our human forms, and was tying the buck to tree when everything started to shake. Even though it caught us BOTH off guard, I'M the one that fell out of the tree, and thankfully landed in a snow bank.

Beta - "Alpha!" I heard him jump down, and was helping me up. "Are you okay Alpha?"

Alpha - *cough cough* "Yes. I am fine Beta. I just quite literally ate some snow is all."

Beta - "Good. I'm glad."

Alpha - "Yeah. Same here."

Beta - "What WAS that by the way?"

Alpha - "I am not sure, but I think it might have been an earthquake from something. Anyways, let us continue to hunt. I want to try and find a bigger bear, or something as big."

Beta - "Okay." We changed back into our wolf forms, and took off running. It was getting dark when we finally found a badly hurt bear. I decided to take it out myself.

We were walking back dragging the buck and bear looking for the camp. I was FINALLY able to catch my mate's scent, and followed it to camp. It was past dark by the time we got there. EVERYONE was shocked to see them lol. *click* As I dropped the bear, I was almost tackled down in a fierce and desperate hug by Kenny. He appeared to be crying slightly.

Saya - "Shh shh. It's okay Kenny. I'm okay. Really." Even though it was a bit more muffled, I still understood him.

Kenny - "(But, but you fell out of a tree.)" 'Damn it Stan! You made him really upset, and thinking he lost me somehow!' Stan - 'Oops. Sorry Saya..' 'You better fucking be damn it!'

Saya - "Shh. I'm okay Kenny. Really. Yes, I fell out a tree. BUT, I also fell into a snow bank. So I'm not hurt. Not at all. Okay sweetie?"

Kenny - "(Okay..)"

Saya - "Good. Now, let's go sit by the fire. It's starting to get colder. And besides, I'll even let you sit in my lap." I'm just SO glad he excepted my wolf and cat part of me.

Kenny - "(Okay.)" I just let him grab my hand, and pulled me to his spot. I sat down first and pulled him into my lap, facing forward, and he leaned back as I wrapped my arms around him making sure he doesn't fall. Both me and Alex told everyone about how we took the game down. But only Kenny and Stan knew the truth about our wolf forms.


South Park Center for Seismic Activity, Randy is humming: another day and all is quiet. A rumble is heard in the distance, but Randy is dozing off. A stronger rumble rolls through.Randy checks the seismograph.

Randy - "What the heck is this?"

He places a call.

Randy - "Yeah, Frank, it's uh Randy, Uh huh, good, Yeah, listen, the uh, the little needle's moving. Yeah, it's going back and forth really fast-what does that mean? ...Uh huh ...Uh huh ...Let me check."

He looks out the window at the volcano, which shows a column of steam.

Randy - "Yeah, it's smoking. Uh huh. Oh really? Really? Oh my God! A volcano!"

Dramatic music builds, then Randy...sips his coffee.


Night on the mountain.

Cartman - "My weenies won't cook."

Saya/Alex - "That's because you ARE one lol!"

Everyone laughed at that.

Cartman - "Hey! That's not what your mom said last night after I fucked her!"

[Dead silence.]

Stan/Alex - "That's disgusting!" Everyone looked at me in worry.

Saya - "Just make sure you cleaned the ashes off whatever the hell you call a dick, you Fucking dickless bastard." Everyone was stunned by that, but Stan, Alex, and Kenny were more worried than anything. Especially since they know the truth. After a few moments, everything went back to normal. But I did hide my face in the back of Kenny's jacket, and was silently cried while slowly breathing in his scent. They both knew something was wrong, but never said anything. Though I twitch unfortunately, and hugged Kenny tighter.

Alex - "Saya?" I felt him gently grabbed my right shoulder, so I looked at him. But by they way his eyes got wide, my eyes must have changed colors, gold and black (defensive, loosing control.) "Oh shit." I heard him move to get one of my blood EpiPens. I hisses when he stabbed it in my right leg. Ow! But at least it's working though. But I did loose some function and feeling in my left arm though. I was actually getting REALLY tired now.


Kenny - "(Will she be okay now? What happened?)"

Alex - "Yeah. She'll be okay. Now. Apparently she didn't take her medicine all day. Only this morning before we left for the trip. And apparently this one had a bit of sedation in it. That explains the darker than usual color. And her being so tired now. But yes, she'll be okay now. Though, she might twitch a bit." As I said that, her left shoulder twitched, making her groan a bit. I can tell Kenny is really worried when she kept twitching. He very carefully and slowly got up, picked her up, and sat back down with her in his arms. So cute. *click* I'm SO going to frame that lol. After a bit, everything went back to normal. Again.

Ned - "Mmm, this wood won't burn, umm." Well duh, that's because you grabbed some that were wet. Dumb ass.

Jimbo - "Well, Ned, looks like we'll have to use the old Indian fire trick." Wait, what!?

Ned - "Mmm, yepper." No! Stop!

Ned pours gasoline on the fire. The flames run up the stream and set Ned aflame.

Ned - "Mmm, aahh, oh." Shit!

Jimbo - "Hehehaahaa, hey, stop-drop-and roll Ned. Haaahaaaaahaha!!" Damn it!

Ned drops and rolls. He knocks the gas can over, and the flaming gas and almost blows up the Hummer. If it wasn't for Saya dumping a big snow bank in the way. And on top of Ned too.

Stan/Kyle - "Whoa!"

Jimbo - "Goddamnit Ned, you almost blew up that van. You need to be more careful! If it wasn't for Saya dumping that snow bank in the way, we wouldn't have been able to get back home! Speaking of which, where IS she?" As everyone is looking around, and Kenny starting to panic a bit, I saw her sneaking up behind Cartman. And I know just what she's about to do too. So I went ahead and warned Kenny. And not a second later, she BARKED, making him jump at LEAST 5 feet in the air lol. Only me and Kenny saw her teleport. She was right behind Kenny this time, and he jumped a tiny bit when she wrapped her arms around him, picked him up, and sat back down with him back in her lap. I saw Kenny visibly relaxed in her arms. Man, poor kid. After everyone stopped laughing, things just went back to normal again.

Ned - "Mmm, oh, it hurts, it hurts, mmm." Huh, she must not have dumped enough on him.

Cartman is now cooking his weenies over Ned's burning body.

Cartman - "Hey you guys, this works pretty good right- meah!" Nope. Nevermind. She just dumped a BUNCH of snow on them both this time. They had it coming.


City Hall, The following morning.

Chef - "But you see Mr. Mayor, you can't stop serving Salisbury steak in our public schools. What's next, meatloaf?"

Mayor McDaniels - "We are quite aware of your concerns Chef, but..."

The intercom beeps. She answers.

Johnson - "Mayor, the Geologist is here to see you."

Mayor McDaniels - "My Geologist? Now? Tell him the infection is fine and I don't need another check-up."

Johnson - "No mayor, that's a Gynecologist. A Geologist studies the earth."

Mayor McDaniels - "Don't you think I know that? How dare you insult my intellect, I went to Princeton for God's sake! You get out of my office!"

Johnson - "I'm not in your office mayor, I'm talking to you through a speaker."

Long pause.

Mayor McDaniels - "Just send in the Geometrist."

Johnson - "Geologist..."

Mayor McDaniels - "You are fired, buddy!"

Johnson - "Thank you mayor, it's been great working for you."

Randy enters.

Randy - "Mayor, we have got a very big problem. Mt. Evanston is about to erupt."

Mayor McDaniels - "What does this mean to the town?"

Randy - "Well, this graph shows everything from normal to bad."

He points out relative damage levels on a chart.

Randy - "Right now South Park is here."

Mayor McDaniels - "My God!"

Chef - "Mayor, some of the school children, are up camping, on that mountain, right now!"

Mayor McDaniels - "Ooh, this is big! Johnson, Johnson, are you there?" [Beeps out.]

Ted - "Uhh, you just fired Johnson, Mayor. I'm his replacement, Ted."

Mayor McDaniels - "Ted, we have got a major crisis here. I want you to get on the phone and call Inside Edition, Rescue 911-uh, and Entertainment Tonight-eh. [Thump.] Better get my stylist on the phone too. Don't worry, things are under control."

Back on the Mountain. Jimbo is telling stories.


Jimbo - "And then... Ned picked up the grenade and... BOOM, blasted his arm clear off. We spent three hours looking for that damn arm, but it was never to be found. Some say it's still crawling around to this day."

Ned extends his prosthetic arm towards Cartman as if to show that shot-off arm is now at the campsite, climbing on Cartman.

Ned - "Mmmowwwh."

Cartman flinches, and the others laugh.

Jimbo - "Hah, got ya."

Cartman - "Heh, tha-that's not scary."

Kyle - "You were scared Cartman! you almost peed your pants!"

Cartman - "Shut up, I didn't pee in my pants!"

Saya - "Actually he did. When I scared him lol."

Cartman - "Shut up bitch, I did not!"

Saya - "Then why do you smell like piss then? Oh wait, that's just your normal scent lol!"

Everyone laughs.

Jimbo - "Hey Ned, hand me that gin."

Ned opens up the icebox and tosses a bottle to him.

Jimbo - "You boys want to tie one on?"

Kyle - "No, No thanks, that stuff tastes like pee."

Stan - "Yeah, Cartman's pee."

Saya - "How would you know? Did he make you drink it by telling you it was lemonade again?"

Kyle/Stan - "That was ONE time back in preschool!"

Saya - "Sure it was."

Cartman - "Hey, you would taste my pee!"

Jimbo - "What the hell's wrong with you? Can't you have a little alcohol?"

Kenny reaches for the gasoline can and chugs away. And thankfully I switched it with the beer filled one. But I still took it away from him.

Saya - "Nope!" I snatched it away from him, and handed it to Alex.

Jimbo - "Christ, look at that little bastard go!" I growled at him in warning.

Kenny hiccups.

Jimbo - "Now you see that Stan? Now, now that is a dirty little bastard!"

Saya - "Hey! Don't you EVER call my mate that again!" Even through hiccuping, he was still trying to calm me down. It only worked when he grabbed my now bare right hand with his, and gave it a gentle squeeze. I gently squeezed back.

Stan - "Hey, I'm a dirty little bastard too."

Saya - "Sure you are."

Cartman - "Hey you guys. I know a scary story."

Saya/Alex - "Suuure."

Kyle - "Shut up, Cartman! You can't scare anybody!"

Saya/Alex - "Exactly."

Softly, slowly, flashlight ready.

Cartman - "Oh yeah? You guys ever heard of" [He turns his flashlight on his face for dramatic effect.] "Scuzzlebutt?"

Stan - "Whatabutt?" I giggled softly at that.

Cartman - "Scuzzlebutt is a creature that lives up on this very mountain, and kills anybody who dares climb to the top."

Saya - "Hey, I actually know this legend. And no, he doesn't kill. Unless you count plants. He's a vegetarian."

Stan - "Why?"

Cartman - "Because, it loves the taste of blood, and likes to add pieces to its deformed body."

Saya - "No he doesn't. He HATES it. And he does not."

Kyle - "Deformed how?"

Saya - *sigh* "Are they even listening to what I'm saying?"

Alex/Kenny - "Nope."/"(Nope.)"

Saya - *sigh* "I fucking thought so."

Cartman - "Well, on his left arm, instead of a hand, he has..."

Stan - "A hook."

Saya - "Nope."

Kyle - "A knife."

Saya - "Again, nope."

Cartman/Saya - "No! A piece of celery."/"A piece of celery."

Stan - "Celery?"

Saya - "Yep."

Cartman - "Yeah, and he walks with a limp. Because one of his legs is missing. And where his leg should be, there's nothing but...Patrick Duffy."

Kyle - "Patrick Duffy? Damn it Cartman, that's not scary!"

Cartman - "What do you mean? Have you ever seen Step By Step?" [Silence.] "So he lives alone on this mountain, and weaves baskets, and other assorted crafts. They say that on quiet nights you can hear him weaving his baskets. Tashink ...tashink ...tashink."

Stan - "Cartman, you suck at telling scary stories."

Saya/Alex - "That's an understatement."

Kyle - "Yeah, give me that flashlight."

Kyle takes it and turns it off.

The volcano rumbles again.

Kenny - "(Hey, what's that?)" I hugged him closer in comfort since I could hear the underlined fear in his voice.

Kyle - "What is that?"

Stan - "Maybe it's Scuzzlebutt coming to weave us into wicker baskets."

Saya - "It's not. It's probably just an earthquake, or something." I felt Kenny tense up a bit, so I just snuggled closer to him, helping him calm down some.

Cartman - "Hey, it might be!"

Kyle - "Gosh, I hope he doesn't cut me with his celery hand." Really kid?

The others laugh.

Cartman - "Screw you guys! ...Go to Hell!"

Saya - "Too late. It is hell since you're here."

The others laugh.

Jimbo is now playing his guitar.

Jimbo - "Hey Ned, why don't you whip out the ol' cancer kazoo? Let's do a little song."

Ned - "Abumbayah my lord, kumbayah. Uumbayah my lord, kumbayah.
Uumbayah my lord, kumbayah.
[Uncle Jimbo cries]
Mmmoh lord, Kumbayah.
Emsomeone's crying my lord, Kumbayah
Someone's crying my lord, Kumbayah..."

Cartman - "They don't think Scuzzlebutt is scary huh? Let's see how they like it when they actually see Scuzzlebutt! I'll scare the hell out of 'em tomorrow!" What the fuck are you up to now fat-ass?

Ned - "...Someone's crying my lord, Kumbayah.
Moh lord, Kumbayah."

Next morning. A rooster crows.


Kyle - "Stan, Stan, wake up!"

Stan - "What, dude?"

Kyle - "I don't know where Cartman is. I think something took him away." Good.

Stan - "Where's my Uncle Jimbo, Saya, Alex, and Ned?

Kyle - "They're out fishing with Kenny."

Stan - "With Kenny? But, but this is supposed to be my camping trip. Why do they like Kenny so much? Doesn't he like me anymore?" 'How could you Kenny?' Saya - 'Easy there Stan. Uncle Jimbo and Ned are supervising us since I'm the one teaching Kenny and Alex how to fish, army style.' 'Oh, okay then..'

Kyle - "Well Stan, you want to know what I think?"

Stan - "What?"

Kyle farts, and is pleased with himself. Stan does nothing.

In the fishing boat.


Jimbo - "What a beautiful morning for fishing. There's one, there's a fish right there!"

He throws grenade, killing a fish.

Alex - "Careful with those. Saya's still down there."

Kenny - "(Hopefully she'll be okay.)"

Alex - "Don't worry, she will. She's very tough after all."

Ned - "Mmm, got it."

Kenny throws a grenade, killing four fish.

Jimbo - "Great instincts boy." Saya pops her head up looking mad. Oh crap.

Saya - "Hey watch it! That one almost hit me!"

Alex - "Told you."

Kenny - "(Sorry Saya!)" Both of us could hear the fear in his voice.

Saya - "Just, be more careful for now on. Okay?" After seeing him nod, she went back underwater. Good thing she's part Siren, AND mermaid. Otherwise she'd be dead by now.

Stan runs to the side of the lake.

Stan - "Uncle Jimbo, Cartman's missing!

Jimbo - "Who? The fat kid?"

Stan - "Yeah."

Jimbo - "Ah hell, I guess we better go look for him. Ned, we got to cut it short. Fire out the 12-20!"

Alex - "What!? Wait! Saya's still down there!" Both me and Kenny tried to stop him, but it was too late.

Ned fires the load and a massive amount of fish float to the surface. And some blood too. The boat lands a second later.

Alex/Kenny - "Saya!"/"(Saya!)" After a few moments of dead silence, she finally pops her head back out. Even though I was so relieved that she's alive, but I knew she's really hurt. After we helped her back into the boat, we saw that her right arm was really bleeding. By the looks of it, she's lost a LOT of blood by now. I took out her emergency kit, and was trying to patch her up the best I could right now. As I was tying the bandages off, I heard a song on me left. When I looked up, I saw Kenny crying. Damn. Poor kid.

Alex - "Kenny, it's okay. She's fine now. She's just resting. Okay?" All he could do was nod. Damn it Saya. I gave her three blood EpiPens just to stabilize her. But she needs Kenny's blood in order to pull through fully. He must have been thinking the same thing cause he pulled out an orange EpiPen full of his blood. Kevin must have gave it to him just in case something happened. Like now. I was about to grab it from him, but he instead stabbed it in her chest! After a few seconds, she started to cough a bit. So Kenny picked her up, and held her in his lap. At least she's going to pull through now. Right?

Jimbo - "Well, I think that's about the limit for our fishing permit." Really dude!? Your niece was dying here, and all you care about is the fucking fish!?

Ned - [Rowing to shore.] "Moh man it smells like dead fish here."

Kenny - "(A little like a vagina.)" I smacked him hard for that since I know Saya would've.

Ned - "Em-moh man, that is nasty."

Jimbo - "Heh, I don't think I've ever seen a kid as cool as you Kenny. I'm making you... my honorary nephew." Ouch. Poor Stan.

Kenny - "(Thanks.)"

Stan's head drops. Sorry kid.


In front of city hall. The media is now present.

Newscaster - "The people of South Park are humble and friendly. But now, a ticking time-bomb of hot lava waits to engulf these people and end their miserable lives with one last fleeting moment of excruciatingly painful burning agony."

Crowd - "Yeahhh."

They sound more excited than agonized.

Individual in crowd - "Hey, I'm on TV! I'm on TV!"

Newscaster - "Mayor, what are you doing to prepare for this inevitable catastrophe?"

Mayor McDaniels - "All we know right now is that some of our children" [Sob-sob.] "are camping on that mountain and... Oh, I'm sorry, can I start over?"

Newscaster - "Huh?"

Mayor McDaniels - "Well you can edit this right? Ready, 3,2,1" [Melodramatically.] "All we know right now is that some of our children are up camping on that mountain. We can't do anything until we get them. Okay people, let's go get those kids."

Chef - "Come on everybody. You got to help the children."

On the mountain.


Alex - "Saya, you SHOULD be resting right now. You "almost" died."

Saya - *sigh* "I know Alex. But something is going to happen to Kenny, and I CAN'T let that happen. NOT again God damnit!"

Alex - *sigh* "Fine. Just, try not to die like last time. Okay?" I physically cringed at the memory of what happened.

Saya - "Yeah, I won't. Cause I DEFINITELY don't want to wake up with a PIERCING headache again." Okay, he did NOT look happy at that pun. "Sorry.."

Jimbo - "Uh, well, he couldn't have gone far, unless something drug him off."

Saya/Alex - "Yeah, hopefully a bear did!"

Ned - "There's not many animals out today, Jimbo, mmm."

Jimbo - "Yeah, it's almost like something funny's going on."

The volcano rumbles. I lost my balance some, and had to grab Kenny to keep from falling. After a few seconds, he helped me stand.

Jimbo - "Christ, Ned, what'd you have for breakfast."

Ned - "Mm I don't know man. I've got some bad gas."

Saya - "That wasn't gas. At least, not the type you're talking about."

Alex - "I was thinking the same thing."

Jimbo - "Wait, there's a ram! It's coming right for us!"

Fires at the ram. Kenny takes over.

Jimbo - "Nice shootin' Kenny. Here, you need a bigger gun."

Saya - "Really Kenny. It's a bit scary that you're a natural at this." I take the gun from him, and gave it to Alex for safe keeping. "Nope."

Kyle - "Look!"

Cartman - "I am Scuzzlebutt, Lord of the Mountains. Behold my Patrick Duffy leg."

Ned - "Mmm, what is it?"

Saya - "Shit! It's Cartman!"

Kyle - "Dude, it's Scuzzlebutt! Cartman wasn't lying."

Saya - "No it's not! It's Cartman damn it!"

Jimbo - "Holy crow! We could make a mint killing this thing."

Ned - "We'll be on the cover of "Guns & Ammo"."

Saya - *sigh* "Oh for Pete mother fucking sake!"

Jimbo - "This calls for some HJ-14."

Saya/Alex - "Wait, WHAT!?"

Cartman - [To himself.] "Heheh. Those guys are totally scared."

Jimbo is now armed with twin shoulder rockets.

Jimbo - "Fire in the hoooole!"

Cartman/Saya/Alex - "Holy crap!"

Cartman jumps out of the way. The rockets hit the mound and debris goes in all directions. I had to pull Kenny back some when a piece was coming right at him.

Kenny - "(Thanks.)"

Saya - "Any time sweetie."

Jimbo - "Damn it, I think I missed."

Cartman - "What the hell is wrong with you people?!"

Jimbo - "C'mon, let's move, move!"

Cartman sees them coming and backs away.

Cartman - "Hey, wait, aah!"

Saya/Alex - "Karma bitch!"

Continues in part 2.

(8788 words minus this.)

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