My Immortal: ReVamped

By mdstevens0612

2.1K 29 17

Ebony Ravenway is a seventh year student at Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry; But she's also a vam... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Afterword & Thanks

Chapter 5

105 1 0
By mdstevens0612

Dumbledore had me and Draco follow him. It was the walk of shame to end all walks of shame, and it was an ungodly long one at that.

The humiliation of it haunts me to this day.

We didn't go back to the dorms, first, we were Dumbledore took us to Professor Snape and Professor McGonagall. Professor Snape wore a look of unbridled annoyance and McGonagall was appalled.

"I hope I needn't remind the two of you how inappropriate it is for two students to be intimate on school grounds." McGonagall chastised us.

"I cannot believe I have to take time out of my evening to reprimand students who couldn't be bothered to... Fornicate... On their own time." Professor Snape.

"Sorry Professors. It won't happen again." I said, turning beet red and staring at my shoes.

"Yeah, sorry." Draco said, somehow managing the nerve to keep up the streak of being flippant even in this situation. Professor Snape's lip snarled in anger and he gave us both an icy stare.

"You are damn right it will not happen again. 30 points off Slytherin for each of you and consider yourselves on an 8 o'clock curfew for the rest of the semester." Snape said, then marched out in a huff.

"Draco, you may go. Ebony, I'd still like to have a word with you." Dumbledore said, and Draco sauntered back to the dorms, probably to brag about his conquest. God, I hate him. I hate him, I hate him, I hate him.

"You're aware that despite our magical abilities, witches and wizards, unlike vampires, are rather fragile?"

"Yes, headmaster."

"And you are aware that you could crush the skull of an elephant with your bare hands and if you were to be careless with that strength, the consequences could be irreversible?" Dumbledore asked again.

"Yes, headmaster."

"So I needn't tell you that along with your temper, you need to keep your... Other... Emotions in check so that you do not find yourself in a compromised situation. I know I would very much hate to tell Lucius Malfoy his son was killed in a snogging accident." Dumbledore said, the discomfort showing in his eyes behind his half-moon glasses. I suspect it was almost as mortifying for him as it was for me.

"Yes, headmaster."

"Please, act accordingly next time. And Ebony, please don't think I don't know about the bats. I've always known about the bats. Don't make it a problem, I've got enough to do without having to get someone to make sure the owls aren't pestered by flying rodents."

"Yes, headmaster. Is that all?"

"That it is. You are dismissed."

"Thank you."

"Ah, well, one more thing. Don't you think you could do a smidge better than Malfoy?" Dumbledore asked.

"That is a very inappropriate question, headmaster."

"I suppose it is. Carry on."

Do you think Buffydoes house calls? Because I sure could use someone to slay me.

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