A Pirate's Crush

Oleh Nordryd

37.6K 888 362

(POSTPONED UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE) My name is Jean Bart, the Vichya Dominion's last cutting-edge battleship, wh... Lebih Banyak

1. My Heart Has Gone Rogue
2. Worrying Myself Sick... Literally
3. Just Be Confident
4. A Simple Walk
5. He's Proud of Me?
6. R & R
7. A New Foe Appears
9. Spiraling
10. Cut the Crap
11. A Chat Over Lunch
12. Y'know What? Screw It
13. Sisterly Advice
14. Foul Play
15. Just Me, My Board, and My Thoughts
16. A Private Lesson
17. Jean, Did You Want This To Be a Date?
18. Should've Just Stayed In Bed
19. Morning Tea Chatter
20. Busted!
21. Operation: Get Jeanie a Date!
22. Well? Whaddya Say, Commander?
23. This Is Getting Out Of Hand
24. I Ain't Soft!
25. At War With My Mind
26. A Lesson In Honesty

8. Detox, Business, & Jealousy

1.2K 30 21
Oleh Nordryd

Nothing like a good nap to ease my mind. Even better in my hideaway.

At least, that's what should've happened.

I laid motionless in my hammock. My headache was gone, and my hangover with it, but my mind was anything but eased. Even amidst the rustling trees, rolling waves, and crisp sea air, I couldn't stop thinking about the commander... and wondering...

...was I too hard on him?

Now that I'm not in such a sour mood, it dawned on me how bitchy I was this morning. Being so flustered around him probably didn't help.

Mind you, I don't regret being honest. But did I have to be so mean? It's not like he was up late goofing off. He was being productive... and apparently all to give me time off. It was stupid... but sweet.

Ugh... why do I feel this way? If ya got something to say, just say it. Sugarcoating doesn't help anyone.

...maybe I should apologize when I go see him tonight. If nothing else, to let him know that I wasn't being a bitch on purpose.

I wonder what he's doing right now. Is he thinking about me?

Ergh... I'm beating myself up again. I need a distraction.

I grabbed some oxy-cola from the cooler, took a swig, and pondered what to do.

I don't feel like swimming or surfing. I'm feeling mellow. Maybe...


My eyes landed on my surfboard leaning against the wooden wall of the wreckage, and suddenly I knew exactly what to do. Not with the surfboard itself, but rather what was on the other side of the wall it was leaning on.

I set my oxy-cola down and walked over to the wall. Just to be sure, I did a security check around me.

...all clear. Can't be too careful. This is a secret as closely guarded as the hideaway itself.

I eagerly walked behind the wall and slid out a couple stacked large plastic bins. I opened the topmost one, smiling at the contents.

My painting supplies.

The distinct aroma of paint filled my nostrils—something that's grown on me after doing this for a while. My arsenal ain't that impressive. My brushes and paint tubes came from a starter kit I bought a while ago. But I quickly discovered that I needed more tools, so I bought a cheap plastic paint palette as well as a sketching kit, which gave me a sketch pad and a wide array of pencils and erasers. Combining that with a cup, a bottle of fresh water, and a small towel, I had myself a decent stash. Finally, in the second bin, were all my blank canvases. My finished or abandoned works were in yet another bin behind the wall.

It ain't much, but it's enough to support my weird hobby. Honestly, I'm surprised I was able to sneak this much stuff here without my friends finding out.

I fetched my current work-in-progress: a single tree branch in the rain. Its final several leaves hung by frail stems, weakened and yellowed by the gentle breath of autumn. The background was a misty haze, and the foreground was trickling raindrops, like gazing out a window when it rains...

...at least that what it'll be when I'm done. I just need to add the rain, which is the tricky part. I wanna hear the pitter-patter of rain when I look at it, so I gotta get it right.

Tch... listen to me, acting like my work's any good. I've improved a lot since my first painting, but I'm no savant. That's alright, though. I don't do this to be a show-off. I do it because of the catharsis and freedom. Nobody around to judge me for... being me. Painting something— creating something—feels really good, even if I ain't that talented.

I wasn't even planning on painting today, but now I'm eager to see what progress I can make.

I sat in the sand with my legs criss-crossed to give me some structure to paint on, leaning my back against the railing of the ship wreckage overlooking the sea. I got my phone out and pulled up my reference photo before also grabbing my palette.

Hm... looking at the photo, I'll need gray and white for sure. I should probably start with the smaller brush too...


Damn... the sun's setting. I wanna keep going, but there ain't enough light now.

I sighed, staring at the gray-tipped fibers of my paintbrush. I wish I could do this more often, but sometimes it's hard to get out here. Work runs late, friends wanna hang out and I don't have a good excuse, that kinda thing. Not that I don't wanna spend time with them, but I can't tell them I was planning on painting. If they knew about my hobby... I don't know what they'd think of me.

Nobody will come poking their heads around here, though. Not even them.

Oh well. I've made good progress, adding a few raindrops. I'd call this satisfactory, and I've got the weekend too, assuming the commander doesn't need me.

Speaking of the commander, I have one last errand to run.

I put away all my painting supplies, stowing them behind the wreckage wall again before changing back into my usual attire. After a quick hand-wash wash in sea, I began my stroll back to port.

I hope the commander took me seriously when I said I'd come check on him.

First stop was the office. When I arrived, the door was locked, which was a good sign. Just to be thorough, I unlocked it and checked inside. The lights were off and he was nowhere to be found.


After relocking the office, I proceeded to my next stop: his personal quarters.

I arrived and saw a light shining through the bottom of the door. Yeah, he's probably in there.


"Commander?" I called. "It's Jean Bart. You in there?"

"Um! One sec!"

Huh? Why does he sound so panicked?

I heard the frantic rustling of papers on the other side.

Is he working late again? Seriously?

I put my ear to the door.

Trying to hide the evidence, Commander? Alright... where at?

Listening intently, I heard more rustling papers, and finally the loud shutting of a drawer.


"Come in!" he called out.

I turned the handle and opened the door. There he was, laying bed on his phone.

Whoa... the way the orange sunlight is shining on his hair...

Argh, damn it! Why doe she have to be so cute in his casual garb? Focus!

I looked around. Each nightstand had two drawers, so any papers he tried to hide are likely in one of them.

He's staring at me intently.

I'll give him an opportunity to come clean before I plunder his room.

" Bonsoir , Commander," I said. "Just checking in as promised."

"Yep, everything's fine," he said.

"Good to hear," I said. "Whatcha up to?"

Now's your chance, Commander.

"Chilling out and resting up for tomorrow," he said. "Just like you said to do."

Strike one.

"Anything I should know about?" I asked. "Hopefully ya didn't have too much carry over."

"Should just be a normal day tomorrow," he said. "I left all the carry over in the office."

Strike two.

Don't make me scold you again, Commander.

"Ya sure?" I coaxed.

"Positive," he said.

...strike three.

"Alright," I said nonchalantly.

He nodded, and seemed to relax.

I don't wanna do this, but he's left me no choice.

Without saying a word, I went for the nightstand closest to me.

"Wh-What are you doing?" he asked.

I ignored him, checking both drawers. They were empty.


He sounds worried. I must be warm, then.

Still ignoring him, I walked around to the other nightstand. I opened the bottom drawer... nothing. I opened the top drawer...

...a haphazard stack of research reports, each barely several pages long. Busted.

I took them out and plopped them on the bed in front of the commander.

"Care to explain this?" I asked in a serious tone.

The color drained from his face. He stared at the papers silently.

"Well?" I said, folding my arms. "Gonna tell me the truth now?"

"H-How did..."

"How did I know it was in the drawer?" I interrupted. "I heard you shutting it loudly from outside. Might wanna be more delicate next time when hiding evidence. Now answer me. What is this?"

"Um... research reports?" He said.

"Correct," I said. "Why are ya working late when I specifically told you not to?"

Another moment of silence. He was staring off at the wall, likely trying to formulate an excuse.

But instead, he just sighed.

"...I'm sorry," he said.

I sighed too.

"Commander... why'd ya lie to me?" I asked. "This ain't even that much paperwork. I would've let it slide if you were just honest, but instead ya had to lie. You even tried to hide the evidence from me. I'll just say it, I feel a little betrayed right now."

His eyes widened, like I just delivered a blow with my words.

"There was just... a lot today," he said. "Towards the end, it piled up."

"Then just tell me that," I said. "Why lie?"

"I didn't want you to come into work and be disappointed at the huge pile on my desk," he said.

"That's silly," I said. "I know you can't control how much paperwork comes in. That's why you have me. You know what doesn't help? Lying to my face and pretending like you can do a difficult job all on your own."

He looked tense. I don't blame him. I'm really letting him have it.

Did Dunkerque ever have to scold him like this? If she has, she's never told me. Compared to me, Dunkerque has buckets of patience, though she'll put her foot down if she must.

"I-I guess you're gonna knock me out then?" he asked.

Am I?



...no. I know he meant well. After all, the only reason I got time off today was because he stayed up late. If anything, he's just trying to lesson my workload.

That said, I won't tolerate being lied to.

Funny how I intended to apologize to him. Instead, I'm chewing him out again.

Maybe I'll just give him a calm, but stern talk instead of getting in his face.

I sighed, setting the papers aside on the nightstand. He flinched when I moved.

"Calm down, I ain't gonna hit ya," I said, taking a seat on his bed. He seemed confused. "Look, I'm only being hard on ya because ya can't overwork yourself. Take my word for it, you'll get a little ahead now, but the lack of rest will catch up, and then you'll collapse like I did the other day. Then what was gained? There's a whole fleet counting on ya to lead them, but ya can't do that if ya don't take care of yourself first. And what irks me the most is that ya felt the need to lie to me. What was that gonna accomplish? Imagine if ya overslept again because of it? I would've been way more pissed, I promise you that. Now... all that said... I do feel bad for being a giant bitch this morning. At least you were being productive last night, and it was sweet that ya wanted to give me time off. I needed that today. But you can be nice to me without sacrificing your health, and especially without lying to me. Listen closely... I'm gonna let ya off the hook this time, but if ya lie to me again, I'll knock ya out cold for real. And I mean it this time. I don't wanna go that far, but I will if I must. Got it?"

He looked down for a moment, saying nothing.

"I'm sorry, Jean," he said. "I just didn't want to disappoint you."

"Ya could've just listened to me in the first place," I said bluntly. "You're better than this, Commander. Don't let me down again, because if ya do, ya let the entire fleet down too. Understand?"

He sighed. "I understand. I'm sorry. This won't happen again."

"I hope not," I said.

Silence fell, quiet enough to hear a pin drop.

Ergh... I'm just a bundle of joy, aren't I? I didn't wanna scold him again, but it had to be done.

Though, there's no way he'll ask me to the ball now. Ain't like he was gonna ask me anyway, but this has surely sealed the deal.

"So... how was your time off?" the commander asked quietly.

Hmph... he wants to talk to me after that?

"Um... it was nice," I said, fidgeting with my knees. "Put me in a better mood, that's for sure."

"That's good," he said.

His eyes drifted down, and he looked confused.

Seemingly confused by something, his eyes drifted down.

"What's on your hand?"

"My hand? What are—?"

My stomach dropped. There was a black streak across the back of my hand as wide as my index finger.

"Oh! Um... it's mascara!" I blabbed, covering the streak. "I-I've never been good at applying it, so... I-I was practicing earlier."

My cheeks were burning.

It's paint. I must've missed it when washing my hands.

He looked at me weirdly. I don't blame him. But nobody can know about my hobby. Not my friends, and especially not the commander. I don't know what they'd think of me, but they'd probably ask to see my work, and I can't let that happen!

Crap... all of this after chastising him for lying to me. I'm a damn hypocrite!

"A-Anyway! Um... wh-what were ya even looking at before I came?" I asked, grabbing the papers.

I gotta change the subject quickly.

"Oh... it's research on a new Siren stronghold," he said.

I skimmed the top page.

"Under construction?" I asked. "Could make for a decisive target in the near future."

"We'll need more information before we start strategizing," he said. "This is only the first report on the site, and after seeing that carrier the other day, I want to make sure I have every detail ironed out before we deploy."

"Good thinking," I said. "Well, you'll have your work cut out for ya tomorrow. Until then, I'm taking these back to the office."

He looked like he was gonna protest, but all it took was me raising my eyebrow for him to back down.

"...understood," he said. "I'll... make it up to you somehow."

"You can start by being on-time tomorrow," I said.

He nodded. "I'll be early."

I chuckled. "No need for that. Get as much rest as possible. I like the attitude, though."

Let's just see if he follows through. I'm skeptical after today.

To be fair, I can't imagine I'm very high on his list of favorite ships either. I can at least give him some reassurance before I go.

"For what it's worth, I know I ain't as nice as Dunkerque, but that doesn't mean I like lecturing ya," I said. "I do what I gotta do. I'm rooting for ya, though. Besides, I ain't got much room to talk after my lackluster start to the week. So I'll put it this way... if ya promise to put your best foot forward from now on, I promise to do the same. Sound like a deal?"

Yeah... that sounds more optimistic than just "do better".

And then he smiled.

"Deal," he said. "I won't let you down."

Hngh... his damn smile. I don't need my heart feeling tingly right now. Stand firm, Jean.

"I hope not," I said.

"For the record, I think you've been doing well," he said.

"Tch... ya don't have to patronize me," I said.

"You've had a rough week," he said. "I don't hold that against you. You've been a big help in the office thus far, so don't be so hard on yourself."

How is he still being nice to me even after scolding him twice today? Is he just trying to schmooze? Regardless, I won't turn down a compliment from him.

Also... I just noticed the silvery sheen in his hair. I didn't notice the sun had gone down. Now the moonlight was shining on his hair, and was making his cheek glow...

...ergh! Don't get distracted! Stand firm!

"Hmph... I think someone's just trying to earn brownie points," I said.

He blushed.

"M-Maybe a few?" he said.

Yeah. I knew it.

"I appreciate the compliment, but you're still in trouble," I said. "I'll get outta your hair for now. Get some sleep, and don't be late tomorrow, ya hear?"

"Loud and clear," he said.

"Good," I said. "Good night, Commander."

"Good night, Jean Bart," he said.

I turned and opened the door, but not before stealing one more glance at him. Then he gave me a cute little wave. I walked out the second he did that. I couldn't let him see how much he made me blush right then.

I shut the door... and grumbled.

Even when he's in trouble, he looks cute and cool. Even after all that happened today, and the insensitive crap he pulled yesterday, he still has my heart. Scalawag.

Hmph... just get these papers back to the office, Jean. Stop sulking.


In the dark of night, Iarrived at the entrance to the Iris dorms, about to enter when—


Hm? My phone's going off.

I took it out and looked at the lock screen. It was a text from...


I thought it'd be one of my friends inviting me to hang out. What's going on that Shoukaku would reach out to me?

Jean Bart, I need to speak to you. Could you meet me outside the Royal Navy dorms if you're available?

Royal Navy dorms? What in the world?

...the weird circumstances probably mean it's urgent. I guess I have no choice.

On my way.

I turned around to head to—apparently—the Royal Navy dorms.


I soon arrived at Her Majesty's front gardens. I don't come here often since the Royal Navy and I have some... history. Everything's cordial now, but the memories still linger.

I digress. Where's Shoukaku at?

...huh? Is that... a flute?

A strange, but pleasant melody rang throughout the gardens, though it sounded like it was coming off to the side.

I turned my head, and sure enough, there was the flutist sitting on a bench in front of some bushes and trees. And wouldn't ya know it, it was Shoukaku. Her eyes were closed, playing away.

I approached quietly. I didn't wanna interrupt her.

Although, she must've heard my footsteps. When I got close, her eyes opened, and she saw me. She acknowledged me with a simple wink and kept playing, unperturbed.

I waited patiently as she finished. It was only another minute before the song reached a climax and slowed down to its concluding note. When she stopped, she remained frozen as the note echoed quietly throughout the gardens. Only when total silence fell did Shoukaku open her eyes and look at me with a smile.

"Thank you for coming, Jean Bart," Shoukaku said, smiling.

"Sure thing," I said. "Nice playing, by the way."

"Thank you," Shoukaku said. "It's a requiem for the dead. I like to think of it as soothing the deceased in their eternal rest, like rocking a baby to sleep. But I didn't invite you so I could show off."

"Why the Royal Navy dorms?" I asked.

"Because she rarely visits here," Shoukaku said.

"Who?" I asked.

Shoukaku sighed. "Akagi."

"Ugh..." I groaned. "Is that what this is about? Is she still bent about this morning?"

"So something did happen," Shoukaku said. "That answers my first question. Ever since she dropped off our exercise reports this morning, she's been in a sour mood. More than usual. And she was mentioning you by name."

"Is that so?" I said. "Well, she can come talk to me herself if she wants."

"Oh, I'm not here on her behalf," Shoukaku said. "I'm here as a friend who's worried for your safety. Especially with the commander involved."

"I can imagine," I said.

"And that's why I reached out," Shoukaku said. "I'm worried that if she gets too angry, you won't have to imagine. She's been spreading rumors to the entire Sakura fleet to stay away from you because you hold a grudge against us."

"What? That's bullshit!" I said. "I've enjoyed my time with you and Zuikaku. You don't believe her, right?"

"Of course not!" Shoukaku said. "I've enjoyed my time with you and your friends too."

"She didn't have many nice things to say about you and Zuikaku either this morning," I said. "Get this, she had the gall to say she and her sister would've easily dealt with that Siren carrier."

"Haha! As if!" Shoukaku laughed. "I had a feeling that she was being her usual obtuse self, and that's why I reached out to you. All of that said... I'm still worried. When it comes to the commander, Akagi is nothing if not persistent."

Shoukaku then looked at me dead in the eye, in stark contrast to the playful flutist from a minute ago.

"I say this as an ally and a friend... be vigilant," Shoukaku said. "Cowardly as Akagi may be, she's sneaky, tenacious, and a powerful carrier. She's never been a fan of his secretaries, but she's never stooped as low as to slander her them. She makes grievous threats to anyone who gets close to him, and takes even the most mundane of gestures toward him as a provocation. I don't expect you to back down from her, nor would I ask you to, but I do ask that you keep a watchful eye. The last thing I want is for her to hurt you, and when it comes to the commander, nothing is off—"

"Shoukaku? What are you doing?"

Ah... speak of the devil.

Shoukaku sighed heavily and looked up. I followed her gaze and saw Akagi sitting on a branch beside us.

"Must be a sturdy branch," I remarked, to which Shoukaku giggled.

"Thank you, Jean Bart," Akagi said, sitting up straighter. "They are big, aren't they?"

Tch... however she wants to take it.

She hopped down to meet us.

"What are you doing here?" Shoukaku asked.

"Can't a girl go for a stroll?" Akagi asked.

"What are you doing here?!" Shoukaku asked more sternly.

Akagi pouted. "Perhaps I'm just looking out for the Sakura Empire by keeping an eye on the secretary ship?"

Keeping an eye on me?

"On that matter, why are you speaking to her, Shoukaku?" Akagi asked. "Didn't I warn you about her numerous times?"

Shoukaku rolled her eyes. "Jean Bart happens to be a good friend of mine. I see through your lies like glass."

"Lies?!" Akagi barked. "You haven't seen what I've seen, Shoukaku. Especially tonight."

"Tonight?" I asked. "The hell are ya talking about, foxgirl?"

She was about to speak, but paused, turning to Shoukaku.

"Shoukaku, you're dismissed."

"Dismissed?!" Shoukaku barked. "I came here on my own! What do you plan on...?"

"What was that?" Akagi asked. "You'd like more rigorous training tomorrow?"

Shoukaku opened her mouth, but Akagi raised an eyebrow, almost daring Shoukaku to talk back to her. Shoukaku sighed through her teeth, clenching her fists.

"...fine," she seethed.

She walked over to me and whispered in my ear.

"No one would blame you for teaching her a lesson here and now."

"No dawdling," Akagi said teasingly.

Shoukaku glared daggers at Akagi before taking her leave, cursing under her breath before walking out of sight behind some trees and bushes.

Ugh... God help me.

"What's your beef, foxgirl?" I asked. "And what did ya mean by 'what I witnessed tonight'?"

"You think you and your Iris slut friends can steal the commander from me?" Akagi said.

"I'd think twice about slandering my friends," I said. "Answer my question."

"Hmph... don't be stupid," Akagi grunted. "Your behavior this morning was abhorrent enough, but then you have the nerve to enter his bedroom?"

My heart dropped. "Bedroom?"

"Yes! I saw everything!" Akagi said. "Sitting on the bed with him, getting close, and looking into his eyes the way you did!"

"What the hell—were you spying on us?!" I said.

Akagi paused.

"I have to ensure my commander's safety before he goes to sleep," Akagi said. "Keep him safe from filthy insects who might try to steal him."

"I was making sure he wasn't working overtime," I said. "Purely business."

"Business?! Ha!" Akagi barked. "You knew exactly what you were doing with that outfit! That low-cut top and those shorts that barely exist... a scandalous amount of skin for 'purely business'."

I felt my face heat up.

"This is just my normal outfit," I protested.

"I'm not dim," Akagi said. "It's part of the game you Iris whores play! Putting on a sweet, innocent face while showing off your stripper legs to soak up his attention! I know. I saw him checking you out plenty of times."

...he was checking me out?

No! Focus!

"You honestly think I'm trying to steal him?" I asked. "I know my outfit's a tad revealing, but who are you to talk? That skirt leaves nothing to the imagination, and that top's barely holding your cow-tits at bay."

"Hahaha! Jealous, much?" Akagi cackled, accentuating her chest. "You only wish you could have a chest as voluptuous as mine."

And she's calling me a slut?

"Like you weren't tempting the hell outta him this morning?" I said.

"Teasing him with my gorgeous body is part of my pampering," Akagi said, striking a pose. "I make revealing clothes look sexy, while your cutting-board chest is only good for drawing straight lines. If nothing else, I know I'm prettier than you. His last secretary almost crossed the line with her looks."

"Are ya gonna get to the damn point?" I asked. "I'd like to get to bed soon."

She glared at me. "You're definitely not as nice as the last secretary either. At least she had the decency to make delicious treats."

"Out with it already!" I barked.

She got in my face, leering at me.

"Fine," she growled. "Listen here, whore. The only ship fit to be secretary is me. I had him right where I wanted when I was secretary, but then your friend had to take him away from me, and then it was taken from me again... by you . Not only did you take him from me again, but you had the audacity to interrupt my pampering! And the punishment for keeping me away from him is... shall we say... dire."

"Hmph... ya think I'm scared of ya, foxgirl?" I said.

"You should be," Akagi sneered with a dark shadow over her eyes. "Trying to steal the commander from me will be the last mistake you'll ever make."

"Whatever, foxgirl," I said.

" Akagi ," she sternly said. "Etch my name into your birdbrain. And I'll be sure to etch it into the commander's as well. There'll be no space left for you or anyone else's when I'm done with him!"

She suddenly brought both hands up to her cheeks, and her pupils shrunk to the size of a pea.

"If he resists... I'll pamper him harder! Hold him down... and pamper, pamper, pamper until all he thinks about is Akagi, Akagi, Akagi!!! Ah... AHAHAHA!!!"

Her cackling pierced through the gardens with echoes. And I was left wide-eyed, just watching her ride on her high.

Suddenly I don't like the idea of her "pampering" him...

I waited as Akagi's maniacal laughter settled and her face returned to normal. Though, now I know the true craziness lurking beneath those eyes.

"Don't get in my way again," Akagi said in a deceptively sweet voice.

"Likewise," I remarked.

"Hmph!" she pouted. "Farewell... Jean Bart."

She turned around, flicking my chest with her tail again before strutting away out of view behind the trees and shrubbery.

Jeez... what the hell was that? I don't know, but she still doesn't scare me. If she thinks the flagship of the Vichya Dominion's gonna stand down to her, she's got another thing coming.

That said, now I understand why the commander fears her.

Hold him down... and pamper, pamper, pamper until all he thinks about is Akagi, Akagi, Akagi!!!

I don't like the sound of that. In fact, I hate it.

The more I thought about those words, the more my blood simmered.

When the commander's involved, nothing's off limits.

How extreme did Shoukaku mean? The thought of Akagi hurting him just... makes me wanna punch something!

I swear to God, Akagi... if you so much as scratch him...!

... calm down. Calm down.

I didn't realize how hard I was clenching my fists. So hard my knuckles were white.

I took some deep breaths.

It's fine. She hasn't done anything... yet. And damn it, I won't let her. I don't care if I've ruined my chances with him. I don't even care that he lied to me. I can't bear the thought of harm coming his way.

If she hurts him, there won't be a shred of mercy left in me.  


Sorry this took so long, but hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm trying to figure out who I want to do next. I like this way of storytelling and there's so many other lovely ladies in the game who I wanna try. I was considering Perseus, but I think she's a bit too similar to Jean Bart. Candidates I have are: Illustrious, Howe, Cleveland, Shinano, Essex, Zuikaku, Prinz Eugen. Perseus was up there too, but I think she's a little too like Jean Bart. I'm really leaning towards Illustrious, because of how different she is from Jean Bart, but that's for WAAAY down the road. This story is nowhere near complete, so don't worry. Anyway, thanks for reading, as always! Cheers! 

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