South Park: The Four Marks Of...


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They are called The Four Marks Of Hope due to them possibly shifting the others fate from their original, and... Еще

Saya Phoenix
Alex Shade
Kevin Nightshade
Kagami Iruha
Haruki Nakamura
Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 2
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 1
Episode 2: Weight Gain 4000. Part 2
Episode 3: Volcano. Part 1
Episode 3: Volcano. Part 2
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 1
Episode 4: Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride. Part 2
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love to a Pig. Part 1.
Episode 5: An Elephant Makes Love To A Pig. Part 2.
Episode 6: Death. Part 1.
Episode 6: Death. Part 2.
Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 1
Episode 7: Pinkeye. Part 2
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 1.
Episode 8: Starving Marvin. Part 2.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 1.
Episode 9: Mr. Hankey, The Christmas Poo. Part 2.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 1.
Episode 10: Damien. Part 2.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 1.
Episode 11: Tom's Rhinoplasty. Part 2.

Episode 1: Cartman Gets an Anal Probe. Part 1

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I own NOTHING but my OCs Kevin, Alex, Saya, Amethyst. Everything else, all rights go to their owners.
EXTREMELY sorry in advance for it being so SUPER long. You HAVE been warned lol. Now enjoy.

WARNING: Trigger warning

Also, this story will be half scripted as well.

It was in the middle of the night when a car, and a long moving truck drove up to the supposedly most haunted house in all of South Park. But in truth, it's just the ancient protective spells of the Phoenix family that's making it seem haunted. Even after three years of all but one family member being killed there. For you see only family can live there. There were three people in the car, two males, and a female. The female was sleeping in the backseat, while the two males were up front, talking quietly so not to wake her up. Considering she didn't get any sleep in over 24 hours, and it's also very late too. Like 3 am late. *tired sigh* "Man, to think is been a month now since we started planning to move back here. Right Kevin?", the younger of the two males said. "Yeah. It has Alex. It really has been.", Said the older of the two while taking a quick, yet concerned look at the female through the mirror.


"You're worried about her too, aren't you?", Alex asked me softly in concern. All I could do was nod my head. It's been almost a six hours flight getting here cause of all the delays, and us barely getting any peace and quiet to rest, even in first class. Though next time we need to travel, we are definitely taking my private jet. After it's been rebuilt that is. Note to self: NEVER let Alex try flying it EVER again. If it wasn't for Saya being mixed with two different types of dragons, all three of us would be dead. But sadly, only Saya did. But thank the GODS for her being immortal, and came back.

I snapped out of my thoughts when Alex gently squeezed my right shoulder in both comfort, and concern. "I'm okay Alex. Just remembering what happened on the plane, *I gave him cheeky smirk* and what happened to my jet, The Hawkeye." I chuckled softly as I saw him throw his arms up as much as he could, while he sighed exasperatlly, and whisper yelled at the corner of my eye, "Oh come on Kevin! I really didn't mean to lose control, and crashed! It really wasn't my fault damn it!" I chuckled even more when he pouted and looked away. "I know it wasn't your fault Alex, I never even thought that. And neither has Saya either. But just be lucky it wasn't HER jet, The Turbowolf¹." I cringed mentally, while Alex actually cringed at the memory of her beating the shit out of him when he accidentally put a huge dent in it by punching it thinking it was mine and not her's. And if he had destroyed it instead of mine, she'd most DEFINITELY would've killed him, bring him back, and then beat him to an inch of his life if he had.

"Yeah, don't remind me. It's been a YEAR since then, and I'm STILL recovering from that beating." He said while shivering, and rubbing his arms at the memory. Poor kid. But he did learn his lesson as to never be around it while mad. "You know how much she really loves that jet. It's her baby basically. Especially since it WAS her dad's before it was her's. Same with her mom's motorcycle, The Phantom². Right?" He looked down and sighed sadly, "Yeah, I know." I really do hate seeing him like that, so while smiling softly I started to slowly and gently pet him. And with him looking so content right now, knowing that if he was part cat like Saya, he would be purring really loud right now.

With us being too focused on each other, and the road that we both failed to realize that Saya went from a peaceful sleep, to what looks like a bad nightmare. It wasn't until she started whimpering that we finally noticed that she was actually starting to have a bad flashback. Thank the GODS for us already being at the house. So I went ahead and parked. But when I accidentally closed the door a bit too hard, she jumped a bit and started to fight in her sleep from the flashback/night terror to what happened to her and her original family from her whimpering out her sister's name, Angel, and for her parents. So when Alex opened her door to help calm her down, he got a hard right hook to the nose, and breaking it, before I could tell him to be careful.

Even though he was really hurting, and was breathing hard from his broken and now bleeding nose, he tried to still calm her down by gently grabbing her wrists. But by this point she was really crying and whimpering. It's a good thing that I have my medical bag in the back with her, just in case something like this would happen. And I knew it would too. So I took out the what she calls, the medicine injector (even though it's a type of EpiPen. She's 8), and had to knock her out. After that, Alex took her inside and up to her new room that I finished setting up the day before to sleep of the extra strength tranquilizer. (What? Saya's not the only one who can see into the future, but I can only see a day into the future.) Hopefully she'll like her new room.

After fixing and healing his nose after he got back, it took us almost four hours to get everything inside, and unpack everything, even WITH our powers. We had to unfortunately manually bring everything in though. After that I told him to go on to bed, even though he was very reluctant to do so, he did it anyways. After making sure they were both sleeping soundly, especially Saya and see that Alex changed her into her favorite pajamas, I went downstairs to my new office. I still needed to enroll them into school that's in a few days and all. It was an hour, but I was finally done. When I looked at my phone, I was shocked to see it was 8:30 in the morning. But since it was still the weekend, I'll let them sleep in for now. Even though there is still one room left to unpack and set up, I'm letting Saya set up the basement to how she wants it to look. So with that last thought, I turned everything off, made sure the animals were fed and watered, went upstairs, changed, and went to sleep after cuddling with Alex.

It wasn't till seven hours later that I woke up to the sweet smells of bacon, eggs, toast, chocolate, and coffee. Since Alex is still in my arms, I guess Saya decided to do the cooking this time. I tried to very slowly and carefully get out of bed without waking him up, but it never works since he's always been a lighter sleeper than me. After stretching a bit, we both heading to the kitchen to see what all she cooked. And wasn't surprised at all to see her already sitting at the table reading one of her MANY books from her family's library, and using her powers to cook. Thank the GODS for that. Even after three years, there wasn't even a speck of dust, or anything, on her book. Which I'm sure all of us are greaful for, but Saya more so. "Morning Kit. How'd you sleep? And how do you like your new room?"


I'm not sure how long it's been, but I can tell that I'm must have had yet another bad flashback, and Papa had to knock me out. And by how heavy, stiff, and sore I was feeling, it must have been the extra strength tranquilizer. Ugh. Thankfully my healing is very strong so I was able to fully heal myself, even though it still took a few minutes. After I was done, I slowly got up and stretched just to be safe. Afterwards I changed out of my favorite pajamas, and into one of my many training outfits to go Air Gearing³ in later while looking around my new room, and I freaking LOVE it too. Papa really did go all out with it. There was even a cute little cave in the corner too. So cute, yet so sweet.

(But all white)

After that, I did my rounds as always. First I checked on my Papa and brother to find them still sleeping peacefully, which is good. I then went downstairs to check on our familiars/pets (just never call them pets though, they HATE that. We do it only in a joking way, and they know it), and make breakfast even though it's three something in the afternoon. After checking on them, I went to my family's LARGE library to grab a book. I was actually extremely nervous, for you see there are VERY ancient protective magics around the library, and only family can enter. I was nervous because of my DNA being altered, so hopefully it will still let me enter.

I looked for a bit for the hidden needle lock, which was in the nook on one of the tree's roots. I take a deep breath while kneeling in front of it, and put my right hand on it. I waited for the sharp pain of the needle take a bit of my blood in order to key me in, and to open the doors, but after a few seconds it never did. At first I thought it was maybe stuck, since the last time it was used was when me and my late triplet sister was one year old. But then I heard a creaking of wood on my left, and when I turned, I was shocked when I saw that the doors were actually open. It's actually letting me in? Even with my altered DNA? I looked at my hand while standing up, and saw a fast healing red pinprick mark. So I guess it did still excepted me after all. Now I just need to key in Alex, Papa, my still missing triplet younger brother, and both of our soulmates to it. And I have a feeling a few others too, but they need to EARN the honor AND privilege to actually have the right to enter. Just like mother did all those years ago.

Now, let's see what's happened to everything in there, and see if there's any cleaning that needing to be done. But when I fully opened the doors, I was VERY pleasantly surprised, extremely happy, AND grateful that everything was just where I last left it. I smiled sadly at the memory. Now, let's see if I can actually FIND the book I was looking for from three years ago. It actually took me like five minutes to find it this time. I held it for a few minutes while smiling fondly and sadly at it. The book was the last gift Angel and our parents gave me before that fatal day that changed EVERYTHING. It was an old paranormal book.

I hugged it to my chest, and left the library going back to the kitchen with a new spring in my step, happy to finally be officially home again. I truly did miss my home, regardless of what happened. After putting my book down, I started to get everything ready for breakfast. Afterwards I sat down with Mystery in my lap and began reading, while using my powers to finish everything up. I was already a quarter of the way in my book when my right wolf ear twitched when I started to hear some movements upstairs. I smiled and turned the page while putting the book mark in when they walked in. "Morning Kit. How'd you sleep? And how do you like your new room?", My Papa said/asked me, and I smile at the nickname he gave me since day one.

"Morning Papa. Morning Puppy." I giggled softly when Alex just smirked, rolled his eyes, and shook his head fondly at the nickname I gave him three years ago while going to the coffee and hot chocolate machines and making one cup of coffee for Papa, one cup of hot chocolate for me, and one cup of both for him. After giving us our cups, they both sat down as I used my power to set and put the food on the table. "I slept just fine considering what all happened. Though, I AM truly sorry for breaking your nose Alex, *sad sigh* again." I felt him lightly rub my right ear to help calm me a bit. I looked up to see him smiling softly at me, and thus making me do as well. "It's fine sis, it was an accident after all. And besides, it was actually my fault for not remembering to never grab your shoulders when you're like that. Okay?", he said. "Okay Aniki⁴." After saying that, he went back to eating, so I turned to Papa and said really excited while jumping up and down a tiny bit in my seat, making them chuckle fondly at my childish behavior (that I thankfully still have a bit), "And yes Papa, I so TRULY do absolutely LOVE my new room! Especially that cute little cave! It's absolutely PURRFECT for cuddles in my true form! You really went all out on it! Thank you SO much for it Papa!"

I got up and ran tackled him in a massive bear hug while giggling, and with them still chuckling and him saying, "Well I'm very glad you love so much. And of course I went all out on it. This IS your true home after all." After a few moments, I heard Alex pouting saying, "Hey, I helped too you know. And besides, the cave was MY idea." I giggled more and hugged him too. "Aw, is the cute little puppy pouting? So cute!" I go back to my chair leaving him a blushing and sputtering mess. After I sat down Papa asked me about my training outfit while sipping his coffee, "So kit, why are you already in one of your training outfits?", he asked. "Oh. Um, I was actually thinking about going Air Gearing while exploring the town later today after my daily check up, and medicine of course. And I was also wondering if maybe Alex wanted to come as well?"

"Yeah, I actually would love to join you! I actually need to get the layout anyways.", Alex said excitingly with his tail wagging really fast, looking forward to some exploring again. But we all know that he wants to find some new pranking targets that deserves it. Plus it really has been a long while since we last went Gearing. "Alright you two, you can. But after we eat, and you both change your looks as well. Okay?" "Okay Papa/Kevin!" After that was said and done, we continued eating. After five minutes of eating, joking, and making small talk, Papa told us to go to his office and wait for him while he cleaned up even though we both wanted to help, he wouldn't let us. So I grabbed my book and we both left. After a few minutes of waiting, he entered the room.

Papa had Alex go first to make sure his nose was still good and everything. I do still feel really bad for breaking it, again. It took like a few minutes for him to be done. I told him to go ahead and go get ready. Unfortunately MY check up lasted almost an hour. After I was finally good to go after waiting the last five minutes for my medicine to set in, I put my book in my room and grabbed my air gear. I even used my powers to make two sets of safety gear out of my dragon scales, but changed mine to like blue. I even put on the back protector as well just in case, and made it invisible too. I even went ahead and hid my ears, tail, and made my fangs and claws shorter as well. When I got back downstairs, I found Alex already there and ready to go. But then Papa stopped us right as we were about to leave. "Before you leave, you both need to change. It's for your safety. And Saya? Thank you for wearing the back protector.", he said. Me and Alex looked at each other, thinking of who to look like, I snapped my fingers and changed our looks. I was now Amber¹*, and he was Godric²*, and we were now The Dragon Twins³*. I even made myself taller to fit his height more too. There is NO way anyone will be able to recognize us NOW.

(The back protector is white.)


After that we put our gear on, and flew away from there. EXTREMELY FAST. We decided to have a bit of a race to see who's the fastest, but because I'm lighter than him, I always win. That is, if I don't get distracted, like now. I can see my soulmate that I saved a month back about to get hit by a simi truck. So I kicked it into high gear, flew off the building, and raced to save him. I flew across the street and pushed him, sending us both flying from how fast I was going. I was just barely able to get to him in time. But unfortunately I never saw the second one, so I got hit in the back, HARD, and was sent flying even more. Of course out of instincts, and being bigger this time, I wrapped myself around him protectively, and hit the ground first. We went rolling a bit, and finally stopped with me on top of him still protecting him.

After a few moments, I heard Godric yell my name, and a bunch of running. So when I slowly opened my eyes, the first thing I see are the big blue shocked eyes of my mate. I smiled softly, yet a bit weakly at him a bit glad he's still alive and okay just as everyone else got to us. Godric got to us first of course, and slowly helped me sit up just in case I might be injured. I wasn't, just a bit winded and sore. He asked if I was really okay, and I told him I was. But I was more worried about my mate. So when I turned to my left, I saw him still staring at me with shocked eyes. The same for his friends too. So of course I softened my look and placed my hand on his shoulder and asked if he was really okay. That must have snapped him out of it, cause the next thing I knew he's in my arms, hugging me. And I also felt Godric quickly catch me so I wouldn't fall. So of course I hugged him back. After a few minutes of us sitting there hugging, we had to let go and get up.

After getting back onto the sidewalk, with some help from Godric since one of the wheels on my right skate is really loose. By their looks, they thought I was actually hurt. So to prove that I'm not, I stumped my foot down after taking the skate off, and then put all my weight on it while taking the other one off. They seemed happy about that, my mate more so of course. Thankfully my brother ALWAYS has the mini tool kit with us when skating, so I was able to fix them in less than five minutes. I needed to make sure everything was still good, but I have to wait till we get back home to do a full diagnosis on them. While I was fixing them with Godric helping me, the kids kept asking me questions, like: "Who are you?", "Are you REALLY okay?", "Do you need to go to the hospital?", "Where did you come from?", "Are you new to town?", and "Why would a stinking 6th grader save anyone, let alone a 4th grader?" The fat one asked, no DEMANDED me.

So in order, I answered them, "My name is Amber, and this is my older twin brother, Godric. And we are The Dragon Twins. It's cause of our last name meaning Dragonborn that we even got that old nickname.", "Yes, I'm perfectly fine. I have a back protector on, so IT took the blow. But it did knock the wind out of me for a bit, and I'm a bit sore. But that's to be expected when flying through the air at high speeds, then hitting the ground back first, and then rolling for a bit. Right?", "No, I don't need to go to the hospital. And besides, our father⁴* is a doctor, so I can have him check me over just to be safe.", "we're from North Carolina.", "No, we're just visiting some family here for a few days, and then head back home." My mate apparently didn't like that from how sad his eyes got, but he can't know it's me, yet. "We're homeschooled cause of our father being a traveling doctor and all. And besides, I saw him about to get hit so I did what anyone would've done, and saved him. I just didn't see the second one is all. But I'm glad that he's still alive and okay. And also I'm done fixing my skates now, so we best be getting back to our father before he gets TOO worried. It was nice meeting you kids, but unfortunately in a way this is where we part. Bye." After that, we left for home. Good thing being part fox does come in handy. Especially when it comes to lying. But I had to though. For everyone's protection. After rounding the corner, we both shadow phased* home in the living room where I finally let myself faint, feeling Alex catch me.


We were racing on top of the buildings laughing when suddenly she went into high gear, and flew off the building. I was about to follow her when I saw her save her mate, again. At least they're safe now. Unfortunately my relief didn't last long when I saw her get hit by the hidden second truck in the back, HARD, and was sent flying even more. I saw her wrapping herself around him protectively, and hit the ground back first. They went rolling a bit, and finally stopped with her on top of him still protecting him. I jumped down and raced to her while yelling, "AMBER!" She wasn't moving at all. Oh GODS I was SO terrified of losing her. I don't care if she IS immortal, I still don't want to fucking lose her damn it! I saw and heard three other boys running to them as well, so I guess they're friends to the kid then. I got to them first of course, and I was SO fucking relieved that she was still alive and okay that I nearly past out. I wasn't sure if she had any injuries or not, so I slowly helped her sit up while asking her, "Are you really okay sis?". When she said she was, I saw a faint hint of green in her reddish brown eyes, so I knew that she was. But as she was making sure the kid was okay, I looked her over just to be sure.

Well, her white training outfit is no longer white, but now an off greyish color. The now visible back protector has a big dent in it, and a bunch of scuffs and scratches too. And it looks like one of the wheels on her right skate is really loose now too. It's a good thing that I ALWAYS carry the mini tool kit with us when skating so she'll be able to fix it. I had to quickly catch her when the kid suddenly hugged her. But by the looks of it, she knew he would. After a few minutes of them sitting there hugging, they had to let go and get up. We got back onto the sidewalk, after helping her some cause of her skate. By their looks, they probably thought she was actually hurt. So to prove that she wasn't, she stumped her foot down after taking the skate off, and then put all of her weight on it while taking the other one off. They seemed happy about that, her mate more so of course. After she sat down, I handed her the mini tool kit. She was able to fix them in less than five minutes, cause she had to make sure everything was still working good.

She won't be able to do a full diagnosis on them till we get back home. While she was fixing them with me helping, they kept asking her questions. Which was fine and all, but I'm sure both of us were mad at the fat kid demanding the last one. But my sister is very patient right now, especially as Amber. And she somehow managed to answer them all in order too. But I guess having to deal with fans almost everyday DOES come in handy after all. I saw that her mate seemed upset when she said that we were only here for a few days and then leaving for home, especially when we had to say bye. As we were slowly skating away since the motors in her's blew when she went into high gear since these were still prototypes for more speed and tricks, I can feel the kid watching us leave. And I'm pretty sure she can feel it too. As soon as we rounded the corner, she shadow phased us home into the living room, and I had just barely able to catch her in time when she fainted. Thankfully that's all she did this time too.

Kevin came in from the kitchen to see what happened, and I explained everything that happened while I carried her to her room. Afterwards, we both worked together to help change her back into her pajamas, and tend to her injuries now that they're no longer glamoured. Thankfully everything changed back to normal after she fainted. After Kevin gave her an extra dose of her medicine, we silently left while leaving the door cracked a bit. We went into our room so that I to can change back into my pajamas, and talk about what all just happened, and start planning for the next few days. By the time we were done, it was already 9 pm. So Kevin left to order some pizza, while I went to see if Saya was up yet. Thankfully she was just starting to wake up. But when she opened her eyes, they were full on green with a bit of yellow. Healing, and defensive. After we ate, me and Saya changed into our true forms, while Saya turned Kevin into a cute fluffy black and grey bat demon, and we all slept in front of the lit fire pit. The fire won't go out since it's dragon fire.

(The purple is black, and the eyes are green.)

The next two days flew by fast, and it was now the first day of school. Ugh. But unfortunately I won't start till tomorrow for some reason. So unfortunately Saya's on her own today, especially since Mystery can't go with her till tomorrow cause of both her's, and ? service paperwork are a couple of days late. After making a special breakfast of white chocolate, cinnamon, and butterscotch chips waffles for her, I had just left the kitchen when she came downstairs. I smiled at her choice of outfit, even though she both designed, AND made it herself, it's still her second favorite. Luckily she has the jacket part off for right now. "Morning sis. How'd you sleep? I made you a special breakfast today, your favorite waffles." After said that, I saw her wolf ears perk up, and she ran into the kitchen like a very hyper puppy while screaming waffles, and then started coughing taking she forgot she still has stripped throat in her excitement. I had to chuckle at her innocent and childish antics, that she thankfully still kept even after everything she's been through for the past three years.

After giving her four waffles, the honey, a couple of sliced bananas, and her favorite cappuccino mix (french vanilla, white chocolate, and hot chocolate with s'mores syrup, and honey), I sat down with my waffles and coffee/hot chocolate mix, and we both began eating. Kevin's unfortunately eating in his office. After we got done eating, more like me waiting for her to finish her second helping, I told her to go for her daily check up and medicine while I cleaned up. Ten minutes later I feel her hug me, so I hug her back and told her bye, to be careful, and that I love her. She may not be my blood sister, but she's my little sister regardless. No. Matter. What. She told me the same thing, and left for school. After I hear the door closing, I sigh in concern for her. And I'm pretty sure Kevin is too. I send out a little prayer while looking out the window, "Please be careful sis." I then go to Kevin for some cuddle time to help us both calm down.


The last two day flew by fast, and now it's the first day of school. For me that is. For some reason the school's system messed up, and now Alex won't start till tomorrow unfortunately. I got up at 4 am, and stretched a bit. I know it's really early, but I have to do double my stretches and exercises since I missed yesterday's due to being really sick. I still can't fucking believe they let him get away! That jackass mother fucking sick ass pervert tried to kill me, and then rape my "dead" body instead of that little girl I saved! Thankfully she got away and saw Alex and Kevin telling them what happened. Let's just say that that THING is LUCKY it wasn't Papa that attacked IT off of me. My Papa is like Kabuto from Naruto when he fights, but SO much worse when it comes to protecting those he considers his clan, us. So yeah, Alex got IT off of me right before anything could happen, but unfortunately after my left cheek was cut with the poisoned knife. We don't what type of poison it is, but it's green, taste a bit tangy, and nutty, and it preventing me from healing properly as well. In fact, it's actually making almost all of my powers extremely sluggish like for some reason. Which is extremely terrifying since I use my healing the most so that i won't have any what I call, pain spells. It's when EXTREMELY sharp pains goes through me at random times, and can also make me faint too.

(My cut, but bigger.)

(The knife is invisible.)

After almost an hour later, I took a cold shower. Though it looked like I took a very hot one instead after I was done, which is EXTREMELY concerning. I changed into my second favorite custom made winter outfit, but left the jacket off for now, grabbed my phone, my gear, bag, and went downstairs for breakfast leaving my bag at the bottom of the stairs. By the looks of it, it looked like Alex was about to come wake me up. Jokes on him, I've been up since 4 am. I was about to answer him back when ears perked up when he told me he made my favorite waffles for breakfast, so I ran full speed to the kitchen screaming as loud as I could, "WAFFLES!". But in my excitement, I forgot that I still have stripped throat and started coughing. I rolled my eyes at Alex when he chuckled at my actions. "Morning bro. I slept just fine actually. Finally for once.", I try saying in a slight strained whisper like voice. After having my second helping of pure heaven, he told me to go to Papa for my daily check up and medicine while he cleaned up. So I did.

I knocked first ever though the door was wide open, then walked in while saying, "Morning Papa". After our greetings, we got started. I took almost five minutes to get done. He then asked me if I had everything while leaning against his desk.

Papa - "Do you have both of your EpiPen cases?"

Saya - "Yes Papa, I do."

Papa - "Good. Do you have all four pen?"

Saya - "Yes I do."

Papa - "Good. Two of them extra strength?"

Saya - "Of course"

Papa - "Good. Do you have your medicine bottle?"

Saya - "Yes. It's in my bag."

Papa - "Good. Phone?"

Saya - "Right here." I said while showing him.

Papa - "Good. Your pink cat face keychain, and pink comb?"

Saya - "Yes, of course Papa. Both are on and in my bag as well just in case."

Papa - "Good. Knife?"

Saya - "Right here as well Papa." I showed him as well by patting my left hip since it's invisible right now. I may be more right handed, but I can still use both extremely well. Plus it always throws the enemies off.

Papa - "Good, good. You're necklace?" I saw his face really softened when he asked me that.

Saya - "Of course Papa. Always. I never take it off." I said while smiling softly and putting my right fingers over it where it's safely hidden under my shirt.

Papa - "I know you never do. I still had to ask." He said softly while coming to hug me.

Saya - "I know Papa, I know." I said while hugging him back. After a couple of minutes, we had to let go since unfortunately I still needed to go to school.

Papa - "You be careful, okay? We CAN'T lose you, not again. You may not be my blood daughter, but I love you like one regardless." He softly whispered with concern, fear, sadness, love in his eyes.

Saya - "And I will Papa, I will. I'm always careful. They WON'T find me, or us. I promise." I promised him with fire and DETERMINATION in my eyes. My look really softened as said, "I know Papa, and I'm TRULY greaful for EVERYTHING both of you have done for me. Thank you. Thank you SO much." I whispered softly, while giving him one final hug before leaving, while saying, "Love you too Papa, bye."

I left after saying my goodbye to Alex. As I was walking to the bus stop, I saw those kids again. And thankfully my mate was there still alive and well. I put my jacket on, and the hood up. I made extra sure none of my silvery white hair was showing, my mouth being covered so that they can't see the cut on my cheek, and only showing my eyes. So I now look like my mate, but in grey camo, and more feminine. As I got there I sounded like they were singing about school, and teachers? Huh. Odd. But oh well. I was about to say hi to them, when a cute little baby showed up giggling. I giggled softly at how cute he was acting. I was so focused on him and thinking of all the cute little things I could make for him, that I didn't hear them fighting. But I WAS shocked out of it though when, I guess his brother, picked him up and swung him around hitting the fat kid with him. I was so shocked that someone would DO such a thing. And what makes matters worse, he was about to KICK THE BABY! Not on MY watch damn it!

But before I could stop him, he actually kicked him! So I ran in the road, jumped up, and caught him in midair. After making sure that he was okay, I sent my MURDEROUS glare EVER at his so called brother. And I was plasently happy to see all the colors drained from his face, true fear in his eyes, breaking out in a cold sweat, and was shaking a bit in fear knowing my eyes were red, and gold at this point (anger, and defensive). It got worse when I started walking closer to him. After I was right in front of him, I handed the baby to my cousin. After making sure he wouldn't drop him, I turned and chewed the kid out for kicking the baby as loud as I could while growling, and stabbing him in the chest with my finger with each word, and slowly making him back up. "Don't. You. EVER. Let. Me. Catch. You. EVER. Kicking. The. Baby. EVER. Again. Do you hear me!? NEVER do that again, GOT IT!?." He fell after that last stab, nodding his head so fast that he looked like a bobblehead going down a dirt road. I decided that was enough of a warning, so I grabbed the front of his jacket, and helped him up. After brushing off the snow from him, I turned to see the others staring at me shocked, and a tiny bit of fear too.

That put a LOT of strain on my throat, and I could feel I'm about to really cough too. So I moved to my cousin's side and turned away, coughing a lot. I felt him rubbing my back trying to help after putting the baby down, and it actually did. After a few moments, l was finally able to catch my breath. 'Thanks cousin, that actually helped', I said through our now reconnected mind link. I saw his eyes get SO wide, I was scared that they might actually pop out. Thankfully they didn't. Even after three LONG years, it looked like he still reconized my voice, for what I saw in his eyes, just broke my heart. For there was fear, love, concern, pain, and hope. That's what broke my heart the most actually. But considering what happened three years ago, it's understandable. But still, ouch. He, in just barely over a whisper, asked my name in fear of it not being real. That broke my heart even more, so with teary eyes, I nodded my head yes. Even though I KNEW he was going to tackle me into a hug, it still knocked us down. We just laid there for a few minutes, hugging while crying (well I was softly crying, he wasn't), and me flipping the fat kid off. After a few minutes we finally got up. He helped me up, and gave me one final hug before turning to the guys. The fat one VERY demandingly wanted to know who I was, so my cousin told them, "Guys, this is Saya Phoenix. And she's my long lost twin like cousin! We were like closer than twins we were that close growing up! Saya, these are my closest friends. Kenny, 'So THAT'S his name. Well now I know', Kyle, and Eric Cartman. But everyone just calls him Cartman." 'I can see why. His going to need both a cart AND a buff man JUST to move around he's so damn fat lol!' I heard two different faint muffled chuckling at that. Thank the GODS for him leaving out the part of me being thought to be dead too. And for them not asking what he meant by that. Though I know they really want to too.

They were shocked by that, the fat one more so. That got Stan really laughing, and me too. Oh I wish I had a camera right now. Oh wait, I do. So I took my phone out, and took the picture to show Alex later. After a bit they finally snapped out of it. Then the fat one started yawning, getting the others attention.

Stan - "Whoa, Cartman! Looks like you didn't get much sleep last night."

Carman - "That's 'cause I was having these... bogus nightmares."

Kyle - "Really? What about?"

Cartman - "Well, I dreamt that I was lying in my bed..."

The dream sequence begins.

Cartman - " the dark, when all of a sudden this bright blue light filled the room."

Through his window, one can see a spaceship land and it's light stream in.

Cartman - "Then slowly my bedroom door began to open..." [A Visitor peeks inside.]

Cartman - "...and then the next thing I remember, I was being drug through a hallway. (Weeaak!) Then I was lying on a table..."

Cartman is laying face down, Visitors lower his pajamas.

Cartman - "...and these scary aliens wanted to operate on me. And they had big heads and big black eyes."

Stan - "Dude! Visitors!"

Kyle - "Totally!"

Cartman - "What?"

Stan - That wasn't a dream Cartman, those were Visitors!

Cartman - "No, it was just a dream, my mom said so.

Stan - "Visitors are real."

Kyle - "Yeah, they abduct people and they mutilate cows."

Cartman - "Oh, shut up guys! You're just trying to make me scared. And it's not working."

Chef - [Drives up and gets out of the car.] "Hello there, children."

The Boys [in unison] "Hey, Chef." I just wave.

Stan - "What's gonna be for lunch today, Chef?"

Chef - "Well, today it's Salisbury steak with buttered noodles and a choice of green bean casserole or vegetable medley."

Cartman - "Kick ass." I nod in agreement while licking my hidden lips, and wagging my, thankfully still invisible, cat tail really fast in excitement. Though I can see Kenny giving me an odd look from the corner of my eye. But I ignored it, for now.

Chef - "Say, did any of you children see the alien space ship last night?" 'Say what now? Wait, so THAT'S what fucking woke me up last night! Those asses ruined my dream where I lived long enough to actually be able to marry my soulmate! Oh those bastards will PAY for that! MARK MY WORDS YOU BASTARDS! You. WILL. Pay. Damn. It!' And now Kenny's looking at me with wide surprised eyes. Huh. Odd. Hmm. I wonder...

Cartman - [Surprised.] *camera click* "Huh?"

Kyle - "Yeah, fat boy saw it!"

Cartman - "Eh, no, that, that was just a dream. And I'm not fat, I'm big boned!" 'Ha! Yeah fucking right you fucking fat as a elephant ass! Lol!' Now it's MY turn to give Kenny an odd look when he tried to stop from laughing.

Chef - "Oh, was it the ones with the big long heads and the black eyes?"

Cartman - "Oh!"

Stan - "They took him on their ship."

Chef - "Oh! [Quietly.] Did they give you an anal probe?"

Cartman - "Oh!"

Kyle - "What's an anal probe?"

Chef - 'That's when they put this big metal hoop-a-joop up yo' butt."

Kyle - "Whoa! They gave you an anal probe Cartman?"

Cartman - "No! Uh-I mean, eh, why would they do that?" 'Well, your ass IS a giant target after all lol.' I can still see Kenny trying not to laugh at the corner of my eye. What the hell? How can he hear my thoughts? Our mind link CAN'T be connected yet. We haven't even had skin on skin contact yet. Hmm. I wonder if it happened when I last saved him. I'm going to have to test it out later.

Stan - "Dude, they did, huh? Aliens stuck stuff up your ass!"

Cartman - "No!" 'Ha! Yes!'

Ike - "Eneh probe." 'Aw, you're just WAY too innocent for your own good little guy' In the back of my mind, I hear a very faint, yet very sweet sounding, male's voice that I don't recognize say, 'Yes he is.' I actually have a feeling who that sweet sounding voice belong to. But like I said, I'm going to have to test it out later.

Cartman - "Shut up, dildo!" 'No, YOU shut up you fucking fat ass cow!' The Faint Voice, 'Yeah!'

Chef - "Well, I gotta get to the cafeteria. You children watch that fat boy now. He could be under alien control." 'But wait, I thought he WAS an alien already. He most definitely LOOKS like one' The Faint Voice - 'HA HA HA HA!' 'Okay, OW. THAT made my head worse.' The Faint Voice - [Quitly.] 'Oh. Sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?' '*sigh* Yeah. I guess. Just, never do that again. Okay?' The Faint Voice - 'Okay. Again, really sorry.' 'It's fine. Really.' The Faint Voice - 'If you say so..' 'And I do.'

Chef walks back to his car, there is a picture of a Visitor on his shirt with the word "Believe" written under it. Cartman goes catatonic as Chef drives off. *camera click* 'Yes! More blackmail bitch!' The Faint Voice - '*Chuckles*'

Cartman - "Oh!"

Kyle - "We told you they were real Cartman. Sorry to hear about your ass."

Cartman - "God damn it, they didn't do anything to my ass! It was just a dream!" 'Hey! Watch it fat ass!'

They start to file onto the bus.

Kyle - "Why you walkin' so funny Cartman?" 'Ha! Always knew he was gay! He LOOKS it lol!' T.F.V - 'Yeah, same here *chuckling*'

Cartman - "Shut up!" 'No, YOU! You're fucking constant yelling is making my head worse fat ass.' My right hand twitched a bit and I tensed up a bit too when Kenny very gently put his hand on my hurt left shoulder. He must have seen the pain in my eyes cause I heard him, though muffled, softly say he was sorry and got on the bus. Still odd though.

Ike - [Waddles by.] "Oh foonuh bebe."

Kyle - "No, Ike, go home."

Ike - "Eeeeee!"

Kyle - "This is it. This one's for the game." I growled at him in warning, but I guess he didn't learn his lesson from last time.

Ike - "Purplor."

Kyle - "Kick the baby!" [He kicks Ike, who flies through the first window of the school bus and crashes out the window on the other side.] I growled and then roundhouse kicked him in the chest that sent him flying onto the bus after I checked on little Ike. I got on, grabbed the front of his jacket, drugged him to the back, and then threw him in his seat, head first. Afterwards I sat down across from Kenny, and mumbled in German with my arms crossed and looking out the window. The faint voice KNEW not to say or do anything to me right now, which I'm thankful for.

On the bus

Stan - "Good morning, Miss Crabtree."

Ms. Crabtree - "SIT DOWN! WE"RE RUNNING LATE!" 'Really bitch?'

The bus pulls away, leaving Ike behind at the bus stop. Kyle is kneeling on the seat looking out the back window at him.

Kyle - "Damn it, he's still there." 'Wait, he is?' I looked to see him there, and standing in the middle of the road no less. 'Aw, poor little guy'

Stan - "Oh, don't worry about him." '*sigh* Really cousin?' 'Sorry..' I faintly hear him say. 'Oh you fucking better be.'

Kyle - "No, dude, if something happens to him, my parents are gonna blame me." 'Damn kid.'


Stan - "Yeah, whatever, ya fat bitch." 'Really'

Ms. Crabtree - "WHAT DID YOU SAY!?"

Stan - "I said I have a bad itch."

Ms. Crabtree [calmly] "Oh."

Kyle - [Gasps.] "Oh, my God!" 'What!?' I whipped my around so fast to look, it popped. Thankfully only I heard it, I think, but still, 'ow'.

Two Visitors are holding Ike between them.

Saya - '*gasp!* Oh shit! Kevin! Alex! Can you guys hear me!?' Alex - 'We hear you loud and clear sis' Papa - 'Yes we do. What's wrong?' 'One of my new friend's little brother JUST got taken by two aliens! AND I can't do anything that could reveal WHAT I am! What do I do!?' Papa - 'Well first, you need to try to calm down. And second, what do you mean? There are no aliens. Other than us that is' Alex - 'No, we're considered mutants actually.' 'Oh yeah? Then see for yourselves then.' I let them see through my eyes for a few seconds to show them the truth. Alex - 'Shit.' 'Exactly! What do I do?' Papa - '*sigh* Unfortunately there's nothing you CAN do right now. I'm sorry saya.' 'FUCK! Shit, my mate's giving me weird looks again. I think he heard me. Got to go. Bye!' Aex/Papa - 'Bye sis/Saya.'

Stan - [Turning to see.] "Visitors!"

Kenny - "(Oh nooo!)" I saw him yank on the hood strings, and made it tighter. Ouch. That's got to be uncomfortable.

Kyle - "Ike! [Kyle runs to the front of the bus.] STOP THE BUUUUUS! Ms. Crabtree, you have to stop this bus!"


Kyle - "No."

Ms. Crabtree - "Then sit down!"

Kyle - "But I..."

Ms. Crabtree - "Arrgghhh!"

Kyle - "Arrghh!"

Kyle/Ms. Crabtree - "Arrrggghhh!" (Kyle runs back to his seat. Ms. Crabtree has the last word.) 'What the fuck was that, a damn screaming match?' Stan/The Faint Voice - 'Right?'

Stan - "Cartman, are those the same Visitors you saw?"

Cartman - "Shut up you guys, it's not working."

Kyle - "We have to do something!"

Stan - "Well, we can't do anything for now, that fat bitch won't let us."

Ms. Crabtree - "WHAT DID YOU SAY?" 'Okay, NOW I see how she got her last name. She truly IS a tree full of crabs. It's she?' Stan/The Faint Voice - '*laughs* That she is.'

Stan - "Uh, I said that rabbits eat lettuce." 'Nice save there.' 'Thanks.' I heard him say.

Ms. Crabtree - "Oh. Well, yes, they certainly do." 'Fuck she's bipolar.' Stan/The Faint Voice - 'That she -' (she makes a hard right, flinging kids onto the left side of the bus.) '- ow..' And out of pure reflex and instincts, I was able to catch and protect both Stan, AND Kenny by wrapping my arms around them, and took the hit instead. I grunted a bit both from the impact and pain. The pain is from me hitting the back of my head, HARD. And possibly cracking it too from the feel of it. I told them that I was fine, and that it just knocked the wind out of me a bit. Stan didn't believe me at first, until I made a joke about how heavy he is while lightly poking him in the side, making him laugh a bit. He got up and went back to his seat. But Kenny on the other hand, stayed. I guess he wants to make sure I was actually okay, and that he also didn't believe me either. That's sweet of him. So I nod my head in thanks, being mindful of the pain, thus making him blush faintly. Cute.

Kyle - "What am I going to do? My little brother's been abducted by aliens. [Stan farts.] You farted." [They laugh. While I just sigh in disappointment]

Cartman - "Heh, somebody's baking brownies."

Behind the bus, a space craft rises into the sky, then zooms away.

Continues in part 2.


¹ = The Turbowolf is like the TurboKat jet from the old cartoon The SwatKats, that I was redesigning but with more wolf details several years ago. But lost unfortunately.

² = The Phantom is a full on customed motorcycle from ALL my favorite types of bikes, but black and very dark purple with the logo looking like the out line of the ghost pokemon Misdreavus.

³ = Air Gear is an anime about motorized rollerblades. It's extremely epic! If you haven't seen it yet, then go so now! Lol.

⁴ = Aniki means big brother in Japanese. She loves the many different languages, so now she's fluent in them all.

¹* = Amber is her dragon name she created.

²* = Godric is his dragon name she created for him.

³* = The Dragon Twins is not only their team name for Air Gearing, and different tournaments, but also their secret selves as well. They can TRULY be themselves as them. Their flag, and badge:

⁴* = They have to say father or dad so not to give themselves away. Though Alex DESPISES saying it since Kevin IS his soulmate after all.

* = Shadow Phased/Phasing is another term for teleporting using the shadows.

(8781 words minus this)

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