Becoming Lara (Thomas Sangste...

By hellomccy

21.8K 695 174

I wrote this when I was 13-14. I apologise for my immaturity and abundance of poor grammar and terrible plot... More

14 Again
Fashionable Late
Here to stay
Pay Day
Authors note:
|>Price of fame<|
|>The big wedding<|
|>Meeting the sangsters<|
|>Beautiful delay<|
|>Solitude is bliss<|
|>Starting line<|
2 years later
A family of ten
❤️I know your sick of my authors notes but heres another one❤️
Best friends forever
Performance of the dramatics
A deep sleep
One last thing

|>Husband and wife<|

805 28 4
By hellomccy

"It's too cold outside
For angels to fly"
-Ed Sheeran
*five days later*

"We don't have to go babe" Thomas is sitting on the bed

"We do, I already agreed, I need to do this!" your rushing round grabbing things, placing things, messing things,

"Lara!" Thomas grabs your shoulders, a single tear runs down your cheek

"We don't have to do it if you don't want to" ...he's so sincere

You take a deep breath, and lean into him. He wraps his arms around you. He starts stroking your hair

You let go of Thomas and stroll over to your bed. You lie there, staring out the window onto the corresponding street. Cars speed past. Everyone, living their lives. And your just lying here, about to take a plane over to London for your ex's wedding. Yay. Happiness.

"I want to! I want to show him I'm happy" you mutter, your hands holding up your chin while you investigate the cars whizzing past,

"That's so sweet!" He jumps right next to you and hugs you,

"We should go. Plane leaves in two hours" you start to get up

"Okay babe. It's just-" he looks at his feet,

"What?" You ask

"Are you sure you want to do this? I mean. I wouldn't be able to?!" He gives you a sad smile

"I'm sure" you get up and grab your bags, Thomas does the same. Once your out the door you walk down the corridors until you come to the main door to the building, you both open it and are greeted by a wave of news reporters and people...

"Is it serous?"

"Are you official?"

"When will you be married?"

"How far along is the baby?"


Thomas grabs your arm and ushers you the opposite way, over to Juliet, your car. Your so far into your relationship with Thomas that he's now aloud to drive Juliet. Unfortunately, the crowd follows, but only so far. There's about twelve news reporters and twenty others. You assume their here for Thomas but when he starts the engine and starts to drive by them, people start yelling out your name.

Once your far away from them Thomas starts to laugh, really hard.

"Did you hear what they said?" He laughs

"Hah no? What was it?" You put on a fake laugh, because it's not funny

"They asked how far along is the baby?" He finishes his laughs with tiny giggles,

"Why do they make everything awkward?" You sigh

"Hey it's fine, their silly. We're not!" He nudges you

You giggle a little bit. Your about to go into a tunnel when you look up and see a sign above the car saying: 'Airport- 7km' and you begin to mentally prepare yourself for the events that are only 16 hours away.

Thankfully Thomas is here.
*four hours later*

The plane turbulence wakes you up, Thomas is still asleep next to you.

"Thomas" you whisper

"Mmm" he mutters

"There's someone taking photos of us" you say very quickly, looking over to the girls grabbing there phones and pointing to Thomas and yourself.

"Well then, you better smile" he says putting on a fake smile, then going back to sleep

This makes you giggle. You look down the corridor and see one of the flight attendants pushing a large box with multiple trays on it. She's really pretty, blonde hair up in a bun, blue eyes. But the tray has food in it. That's all that matters. When she gets to your isle she asks you if you want anything,

"Ah, Just two coffees and a muffin Thankyou."

She fumbles with something and picks up a chocolate muffin and hands it to you, which you then put on Thomas's tray. She quickly makes your coffees and gives you four sugars.

"Thankyou" you smile at her,

"It's a pleasure Ms. streets" she smiles back,

What? She knew who you were....

Although Thomas is already back asleep you give him his coffee and start drinking yours. You can feel the liquid running down your stomach, warming everything. You start to close your eyes. A few minutes later you hear shuffling and see Thomas is smelling the air,

"Is that coffee?" He sniffs, eyes still closed

You giggle, "it most definitely is"

He squints and sees the muffin,

"And a chocolate muffin?" He smirks

"Yep" you sip your coffee

"For me?" He persists, now looking at you

"Yes Thomas" you say blankly

"Mmm okay" he gets up licking his lips and starts to eat the muffin.

The static of the speaker comes on and the pilot speaks,

"Ladies and gentlemen please commence to clicking those seat-belts in, we are exactly twelve minutes from landing at Heathrow Airport. The weather in London is currently 22 degrees with sunshine and a light rain warning later tonight. Thank you all for flying with us today, shoutout to how amazing you guys were and hopefully you enjoyed our presence as much as we enjoyed yours. Have an excellent day everyone." The pilot finishes

"He was nice" Thomas mutters,

"Did you hear that, we were amazing!" You smile sarcastically

"Your amazing" Thomas winks at you

"Awh stahhp it" you say in the best 'I'm a posh girl' accent you can manage.

Well. After unpacking in your hotel room, Thomas decided to visit his friends for a bit, he asks you if you wanted to join him but you had said,

"No, I just need some time.."

And obviously that 'time' had turned into four hours. The wedding ceremony wasn't until tomorrow but you were only here for four days max, and you still had to visit his parents, and Claudia, one of your closest friends. But in the meantime you decided to sit in your hotel room and do nothing. You sat there looking out at the sunny sky and at all the buildings. London was really pretty. You miss living here, you had so much fun and made so many friends. Most of whom you'd lost contact with after temporarily living in Australia. You decide to walk over to the mini bar and check what's inside. You open the door of the fridge and see that Thomas has already been there.
There's only alcohol and a few nut packets left. Thomas doesn't like nuts, or alcohol. You decide to leave the mini bar for now, and you quickly get unchanged and grab one of the complementary robes from the hooks near the mirror.

You waltz over to the shower door and walk in, take off the robe and turn the shower head.
The luke warm water spreads over your body, slowly getting hotter and hotter. You close your eyes temporarily..

Before you know it you've been in the shower for nearly fifteen minutes and you haven't done anything. Not wanting to waste any more you turn the water off and get out, grab your robe and stare at your figure in the mirror.
Your curly hair now wet and straightened onto your back. Your shoulders broad but fragile. All your flaws stand out and you suddenly want to run away from the mirror. You feel ugly and gross. You feel uneasy. Then you hear the hotel door open and Thomas come in,

"I'm back" he yells through the rooms, you hear him walk over to the bed and flop down

"Lara?" He asks

"In here" you yell back, you happily turn away from the mirror and walk towards the door, for a split second you stop.

'Can I do this?' You ask yourself, thinking of Ryan.

Just then Thomas walks in, seeing you shaken up he instantly hugs you and warmth fills your body.

"You can do this" he whispers in your ear

'You can do this' the words repeat themselves in your head

Your still in a towel so you walk over to your suitcase. You open it and grab your 'young & famous' top and some cute ripped jeans, you turn back to Thomas who is leaning against a wall, smirking.

"What?" You ask

"Nothing? Continue" he says innocently

"Don't be a perv" you motion for him to leave ,

"I'm not being a perv. I'm being your boyfriend." He starts to walk over, and hugs you from behind. Your insides bubble up and you tear his arms away from you,

"Boyfriend, can you please grab the comb from the bathroom" you bat your lashes

"Okkkkkk" he hops into the bathroom, you quickly unwrap the towel and change into your jeans, you manage to put a bra on before he comes back with your comb,

"Why did you change?" He asks

"Because I needed to" you reply

"I like that bra, it's pretty" he comes closer

You look down, it's white and black lace, with a cute purple ribbon in the middle.

"It would look better on you" you hug him "can I borrow one of your old shirts?"

Lately you've been obsessive over Thomas's shirts, you just absolutely adore his cute and quirky style, especially his band shirts, like Pink Floyd, the Beatles, Led Zeppelin etc.

"I only brought Floyd and Led.. Here" he chucks you a top out of his suitcase "take Floyd, I'll have Led." He smiles and walks over to the king size bed that the hotel has provided. You quickly chuck on the top and run over to join him, sinking into his chest he wraps his arms around you and kisses your forehead.

"Do they have Netflix?" You ask looking up at him,

His eyes are so wide, big and brown. His hair is like the usual messy bed hair he always has. He looks so adorable and beautiful. He's so perfect.

"Oh no, bad things happen when we watch Netflix..." He chortles

"Not really, we just kiss" you go to grab the remote but he grabs your hand and entwines it with his,

"That's right, I can kiss you whenever I want now" he gets closer and closer,

You decide to tease him, just like he teased you that night at your dinner table. When he gets close enough you lightly brush your lips over his, he goes to kiss you further but you pull away, and get up from the bed.

"Are you kidding me?" He puts his arms in the air

"I'm hungry" you do a little smile and walk towards the mini bar, you open the door and... Oh. That's right. Your boyfriend ate all the good stuff. You close the door and walk back into the room, on your bedside table is a fancy room service menu, you decide to call.

"What do we want" you say flopping down onto the bed next to a very annoyed Thomas,

You give him a weird look, his arms are crossed and he's frowning like a child.

"Huh. What's wrong" you ask blankly putting the menu down and sighing,

He quickly grabs your waist and pulls you under him, he looks at your eyes for a few seconds before he kisses you, hard. Thomas tends to use that little trick, it's so only he can pull away.

When he finally does you have to take a huge breath because you couldn't really breath.

"Ice cream" he says smiling, you catch on, give him a huge frown and turn to the phone. You dial 110 and when the man finally answers you ask for a warm chocolate sundae.

"Certainly ma'am, what room was that sorry?" He asks

"Um," you look at the door, "327" you answer

"Thankyou, that will be five minutes, anything else ma'am?" He's voice is so deep gosh

"Ah no Thankyou"

"Certainly shall I just place it on your tab Ms. Streets?"

Again. Why are people suddenly acknowledging you? It must be Thomas,

"Yeah, that should be fine" you say

"Have a good stay" he says hanging up

You put the phone down and turn around to see Thomas watching what looks like to be teen wolf? You love that show, but only because your best friends in it, and also because all the guys are super hot!

"Isn't that Dylan?" Thomas says pointing to Stiles (Dylan in teen wolf)

"Aha yes"



DYLAN!! Oh no.. You forgot to call him! He told you to call him as soon as you landed, and to tell you exactly what Ryan had said when you agreed to go. And you never did..He's going to be so angry!

"Ahh, sorry I've got to call Dylan, be right back babe" you get up and grab your phone out of your back pocket. Your typing his name into your contacts list when his icon suddenly comes up on the screen. He's calling you...

You quickly walk into the bathroom and shut the door,

"Hey Lara" He says blankly

"I know I totally forgot!" Your so mad with yourself!

"Oh, it's fine I knew you would" you hear him chuckle

"Knew I would what?" Your asks with curiosity,

"Knew that you'd forget?" He sighs "anyway, when's the wedding"

"Tomorrow" you sit down on the toilet lid

"Gross, their the worst couple in history. So are Kaya and Derek"

"I know I know."

You hear laughs from the bedroom, Thomas

"So were jack and rose!" Dylan yells

"Hey! The titanic is a great movie and it works for EVERYONE when their sad, so shut up!" Your getting defensive,

"Okay okay, well set is moving again.." He sighs

"Where?" you ask

Great. You've already travelled about five times for this silly movie. Wes insists,

"Switzerland" says Dylan

"Really, for how long?" Your chest rises, your cousins live in Switzerland and you only get to see them once every two years or so,

"Yeah! We stay for a week, and yes Lara, Wes said you could!" Dylan chortles

"Yes!! Do you want to meet them?"

"Are they nice?" Dylan shuffles

"Very!" You say

"Than yes. Anyways, I have to go but yeh, thought I'd let you know." He goes to hang up

"Wait, when?" You ask

"Oh yeah, exactly in a week. Bye" he hangs up

You sit up. And decide to do some quick planning in your head.

Your in London for the next four days, it's Tuesday. So on Saturday you go home to LA, then on Tuesday /next week you go to Switzerland, than you go to Morocco two weeks later. Than you have to visit your mum in Australia... Oh hell.


Hello, my mum wants to read some of my fanfic... Awkward.

I really love this chapter, I like how most of it is just about Thomas and Lara.. Yay



473 reads ❤️

24 votes ❤️


Freaking vote guys! And bloody comment and give me some ideas? I'm bloody dying here!!

Love you all sooo much ily






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