Kamen Rider Zi-O X High schoo...

By RisingHopper01

301K 4.5K 5.5K

Y/N has moved to Kuoh Town with his uncle to start his new life at Kuoh Academy. Y/N has a strange dream of b... More

Y/N L/N (Zi-O)
Harem (Updated)
Tale Of Ohma Zi-O
New School, New Beginnings
Kamen Rider! Devil! Best Match?
I'm Gonna Save Her While I Get The New Highscore!
I'm Gonna Save Her While I Get The New Highscore! Part 2
Haunting Moving Day! A Friendly Ghost Needs Help?
I Choose You To Be My Master! Oni And Devil Together At Last
A Greeedy Arranged Marriage
Time Traveling Training Camp
Mirror's Takeover
Hope is lost
Normal Devil Days (Season 1 Special)
Oppai Chimera (OVA 1)
The Mummy Who Loves Oppai (OVA 2)
Season 2: A Magical New Start! It's Showtime!
A Promotion Towards Kingship! The New King's Blade!
A Kamen Rider Joins The Church? I Become King But At A Cost
The Start Of A New Decisive Battle
We Will Answer The Cries Of The Innocent
Nexus Time! The Connection To The Full Power Of A Rider!
 Scorching Heat! Bathing Suits! Space! The Three Greatest Things Of Summer!
Open House....Open House....Open House!
The Time Stopping Vampire!
Building Up To The Leader's Summit!
 Unexpected  Visitors
Season 2 Finale: I Am The King!
The Underwear Stealing Virus! (Season 2  Special)
Season 3: I Walk The Path Of The King! Let's Start This With God Speed!
Inheriting A Legendary Generation!
Three Powers Become One! I'll Become Stronger Than A God!
The Return Of God! Orange You Glad To See Me?
The Haunting Mistake Of My Dead Future
Super Hero Senki! We're Heroes! (Special Chapter Canon)
Super Hero Senki! We're Heroes! (Special Chapter Canon) Ending
You'll Be The Hand To Reach Out For Others
The Great Ancestor! (Side Story canon)
The First Of Our Generation
Beating A Time Traveled High Sorce! (Mid Season 3 Special Canon)
Currently writing but had to show this
A Full Throttle Rating Game! Part 1
A Full Throttle Rating Game! Part 2
A Glimpse Of The Grand Time
A Special Rider Christmas!
Our Soft Boiled Time Together
Season 3 Finale: The Mother Oni
Season 3 Special

The Power Of The Destroyer Will Extinguish The Flames!

10.9K 126 232
By RisingHopper01

Y/N opens his eyes to see light peeking through the curtains. He looks around and realizes he's in his room.

Y/N: "How did I get here?" His door opens and Woz steps in. Y/N sits up when he sees him.

Woz: "Waga Maou, it's good to see you're up." Woz walks to the other side of the room and opens the curtains for the light to shine into the room.

Woz: "How are you feeling?"

Y/N: "...Sore."

Woz: "Are you hungry? I'm sure your uncle can make you something."

Y/N: "Woz...did we lose?" Woz sighs and walks up to Y/N.

Woz: "We had no choice. You and Issei were already at your limits. So we decided to forfeit the match."

Y/N: "You don't have to not say her name."

Woz: "I was only being considerate, Waga Maou."

Y/N: "Wait! Where's Asia!? Asia!" Y/N tries to get off his bed but Woz keeps him seated.

Woz: "Calm yourself, she is fine." The door flies open for Asia to run in.

Asia: "Y/N!" Asia jumps at Y/N hugging him.

Y/N: "Asia." Y/N pats Asia's head while his uncle walks in.

Junichiro: "Hey kid you okay?"

Y/N: "Uncle..."

Junichiro: "Woz told me what happened. You got beat up by your girlfriends fiancé. Man did you have to get a rich girl as a girlfriend?" Junichiro leaves the room not before yelling back.

Junichiro: "Also it's lunch time! There's food on the table!" Asia stops hugging Y/N.

Asia: "I'm so glad you're okay!" Asia starts to cry.

Y/N: "Hey hey I'm okay you don't need to cry." Y/N pets Asia's head.

Woz: "She thought the same thing happened to you, that happened to Issei."

Y/N: "What happened to Issei!?" Y/N forced to eat finally arrives at Issei's house with Asia and Woz. He walks inside Issei's room to see Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko.

Kiba: "Y/N you're awake!"

Akeno: "Oh my it's good to see you up." Koneko pulls on Y/N's sleeve for him to look at her.

Koneko: "I'm happy you're okay." Koneko blushes a little when she says this.

Y/N: "I'm also happy to see all of you okay but why are you here?"

Kiba: "Issei hasn't woken up since last night."

Akeno: "The Boosted Gear did a large toll on his body. We have been checking up on him every hour to make sure nothing else bad happens."

Y/N: "What about his parents?"

Akeno: "I casted a little magic to make them think he's sick and he's resting."

Kiba: "Let's hope he wakes up soon." Everyone is standing outside Issei's house.

Akeno: "Are you coming to school tomorrow Y/N?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah....school. I'm fine now so yes ill be at school tomorrow."

Kiba: "Well I have some things to do at home I'll see you all tomorrow." Kiba waves goodbye as he walks away.

Akeno: "I'll keep on checking on Issei's condition and Y/N...." Y/N looks at Akeno.

Akeno: "....don't push yourself too hard okay?"

Y/N: "I won't...."

Koneko: "Asia look after him."

Asia: "I will!" Akeno smiles at Y/N and leaves with Koneko. Y/N, Asia, and Woz head home as well. Outside of Y/N's house Woz speaks ups.

Woz: "Waga Maou, I have to leave you for today I'll be back tomorrow."

Y/N: "Okay...be safe..."

Woz: "You as well." Woz turns left and walks down the street.

Asia: "Y/N....are you okay?"

Y/N: "Yeah...just tried..." Y/N and Asia enter his house. A man in a black suit is standing off to the side watching Y/N and Asia go inside the house. He grabs his magenta camera and takes a picture of Y/N and Asia.

Man: "Has he given up? If he has then he doesn't deserve to be a Kamen Rider." Y/N enters his room and walks up to his mirror.

Flashback Mirror Y/N: "You give hollowed words of protecting your friends." Y/N puts his right hand on the mirror.

Flashback Mirror Y/N: "If you don't kill them, they'll kill your friends first. Just like what happened with Asia!" Y/N falls to his knees.

Flashback Mirror Y/N: "You'll be nothing more than a weak king." Y/N makes a fist with his right hand.

Flashback Rias: "Thank you Y/N now it's my turn to save you." Tears fall down Y/N's face.

Y/N: "I didn't save you....I couldn't do anything! Just like what he said I'm weak...." Asia is standing outside Y/N's door, wanting to go inside. Junichiro walks up the stairs and finds her standing at Y/N's door. He walks up to her.

Junichiro: "Lets head down stairs Asia-chan. This is something he needs to let out alone." Junichiro leads Asia downstairs not before looking at Y/N's door.

Junichiro: "Let it out kid. Once you have a clear head you got a decision ahead of you." The next morning Y/N is at school sitting at his desk. He looks to his right to see and empty seat where Issei would sat at. Y/N thinks about to what happened that morning at the front gate of the school.

Flashback Akeno: "Issei still hasn't woken up."

Flashback Kiba: "The Boosted Gear must taken a bigger toll than we thought."

Flashback Asia: "Is he really gonna be okay?"

Flashback Akeno: "He is breathing. All we can do is wait." The bell rings for lunch knocking Y/N out of his thoughts. The students begin to leave the classroom or go through their bags to get their lunch. Asia gets up from her desk holding her lunch and walks up to Y/N.

Asia: "Y/N wanna have..."

Murayama: "Hey Asia wanna have lunch together?" Murayama walks up to Asia.

Asia: "Umm I..."

Y/N: "Go with them Asia." Asia looks at Y/N who is smiling at her.

Y/N: "I'm gonna go get the homework for Issei."

Asia: "Ummm okay..." Murayama holds Asia's hand and leaves the classroom with her. After Asia and Murayama leave Y/N stands up and leaves the classroom. Y/N sits on bench not knowing where he is but wanting to be alone. Y/N sits in silence for a few minutes until he hears someone clear their throat. This knocks Y/N out of his daze and he turns to see Sona holding two drinks.

Sona: "Here." Y/N grabs the drink and Sona sits next to him. They stay silent for a few seconds but Sona breaks the silence.

Sona: "I was worried about you." Sona is blushing a little.

Sona: "Riser is someone you don't want to fight in a Game especially in your first Game. I'm glad you're okay. I saw what Riser was doing to you and I lost my composure." Y/N looks at Sona.

Sona: "I yelled out your name making Tsubaki jump.....Seeing you like this isn't right Y/N!" Sona touches Y/N's shoulder.

Sona: "I hope you can smile again." Sona removes her hand and stands up.

Sona: "Also you're in the third years area." Y/N chuckles a little and Sona giggles.

Y/N: "Thank you Sona." Sona smiles at Y/N and leaves. Y/N looks up at the sky watching the clouds.

Voice: "She was nice wasn't she?" Y/N turns to the right to see a man in a suit holding a picture.

Man: "She must be a great friend to come to you in your time of need." The man throws the picture at Y/N. Y/N catches the picture and looks at it. The picture looks distorted like two pictures from two different angles overlaid on each other. It's him and Sona laughing together.

Man: "A kamen rider can have many reasons to fight." The man walks up then stands behind the bench Y/N is sitting on.

Y/N: "How do you know about Kamen Riders"

Man: "Some fight to protect the smiles of people, protect peoples dreams, or fight for love and peace but they all have one thing in common." The man turns to Y/N.

Man: "They fight to protect. You however don't fight to protect."

Y/N: "I do!"

Man: "If you did fight to protect then you would fight with all your being." Y/N remembers Mirror Y/N's words

Man: "You made a proclamation to Sento Kiryu that day: It doesn't matter who they are devils, humans, even fallen angels! I'll protect the innocent so they can live their lives!" The man pulls out a magenta driver and walks around the bench facing Y/N. He puts the magenta driver on his waist making Y/N stand up.

Man: "There's someone who wants to live their life right now, but can't because she is seen as an object." The man grabs the handles of the driver and pulls making it rotate.

He reaches to his left and opens his Ride Booker.

He takes out a card, holds it up with three fingers.

Y/N: "Who are you!?" He taps the card with his middle finger.

Man: "A passing-through Kamen Rider. Remember that. Henshin!" He flick spins the card with his fingers and slides it in his driver. He pushes the sides making the driver rotate back.

Kamen Ride: Decade!

(If video doesn't show up it's Decade Henshin in Zi-O)

20 symbols appear in front of the man then they turn into negative Decades. The negative Decades move towards the man combining together to make a grey Decade suit. 7 dark magenta card fly out of the driver and float up towards his helmet. They quickly fly down and slot on his helmet turning his grey suit into magenta.

Decade grabs Y/N as a grey portal appears behind Y/N. They both enter it and appear in a construction site. Decade pushes Y/N to the ground.

Y/N: "Why are you doing?!"

Decade: "I have no choice but to do this." He removes his Ride Booker turning it into its sword form. Decade attacks Y/N who rolls out of the way. Y/N takes out his Ziku Driver and puts it in his waist.

Ziku Driver!

Decade stabs at Y/N, he moves his body for the attack to miss him. Y/N takes out his Zi-O ridewatch twisting it and pushing the button on top.


He slots his ridewatch in his driver pushing the button on top and making it spin.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

The magenta katakana fly at Decade pushing him back. They fly back and slot themselves in Zi-O's helmet.

Zikan Girade!

Y/N runs at Decade slashing downwards at him. Decade deflects Y/N's attack and slashes him in the chest. Y/N staggers a little bit and goes in for another attack. Decade and Y/N end up in a sword struggle.

Y/N: "What do you mean you have no choice!?"

Decade: "He hasn't told you? I guess it make sense he hasn't told you." Decade overpowers Y/N pushing him back then slashes across his stomach. He then stabs Y/N's chest making him fall on the ground.

Decade: "Then let me tell you. Every world has its own set of rules to them in this world there is no rules about Kamen Riders."

Y/N: "I don't get it! what do you mean?"

Decade: "Look at the worlds of your Senpai's they all have monster and beings that exist in that world. Makamou, Greeed, and Kivat's are some you have already met."

Y/N: "If they only exist in those worlds how come they showed up here?"

Decade: "Exactly how did they show up here? It's because of you." Decade points at Y/N.

Y/N: "Me?"

Decade: "You obtained the power of a Kamen Rider adding a new rule to the world making it change its very laws."

Y/N: "If I made those things show up how does that have to do with you attacking me!?"

Decade: "The rule isn't set in stone it's still fluctuating, changing to your decision's. The way your acting is the reason I'm attacking you." Decade transforms his Ride Booker into its gun form and fires it at Y/N. Y/N rolls out of the way and transforms his Zikan Girade into Zyu mode. He fires at Decade who keeps firing at him. The energy blasts from both weapons hit each other.

Y/N: "I still don't understand how is me acting like me a bad thing." Decade stops firing his Ride Booker.

Decade: "You don't fight with everything you have. A kamen rider fights with his or her all to protect the thing they chose to protect."

Y/N: "I...I..."

Decade: "And now your giving up, a kamen rider doesn't give you. Look at your predecessor, Sento Kiryu, he ended up killing someone in cold blood." Y/N thinks back to Sento.

Y/N: "Thats not true! Sento-Senpai would never do such a thing."

Decade: "But he did and it destroyed him. Do you know what he did?" Y/N stays silent as Decade puts his Rider Booker on his side.

Decade: "He accepted what he did and moved on from it and helped that man's friends. He made a strong ally in Kamen Rider Grease, he forgave Sento and fought alongside him. Sento didn't forget the action he had made that day he continues to fight for what he believed in hoping he can be forgiven by that man."

Y/N: "Sento-senpai..."

Decade: "I'll stop right here if you answer this question correctly. Are you giving up?" Y/N thinks to himself.

Y/N: "This isn't like Sento-senpai's situation. I can't do anything."

Decade: "*Sigh* Then you leave me no choice I have to destroy this world." Decade opens his Ride Booker and pulls out a card. He pulls on the handles of his driver and slides in the card then pushes the handles. Y/N stands up transforming his Zikan Girade into Ken mode.

Attack Ride: Blast

Decade grabs his Ride Booker and fires at Y/N. Magenta Ride Booker's appear around the original rapid firing at Y/N. Y/N hits away some shots but it's overwhelmed by the rapid fire.

Y/N: "Ahhhh!" Y/N falls to his knees.

Y/N: "Destroy the world...why?" Decade walks up to Y/N.

Decade: "Because of the law you are creating if left uncheck it will spawn Kamen Riders who will give up when the first sign of hardship shows up. Kamen Rider's who don't fight with everything they got to protect the things they sworn to protect." Decade prepares to fire at Y/N. Y/N quickly slashes upwards hitting Decades chest making him stagger back.

Decade: "You have the skill but not the will to fight!" Y/N takes out the Build ridewatch and twists it then pushes the button on top.


Y/N slots the ridewatch in on his driver hitting the button on top and making it spin.

Armor Time! (Electronic beat mixed with RabbitTank-esque music) Best Match! Build!

The Build armor poses then flies at Y/N slotting itself on him.

Decade: "Getting serious now?" Decade puts the Ride Booker back on his side again. He opens it and pulls out another card. He pulls on handles of his driver and slides the card in then pushes the handles.

Kamen Ride: Build!

Red and blue tubes appear out of the driver.

Hagane No Moonsault! Rabbit Tank!

The red and blue half's of Build's suit fly towards Decade transforming him into Kamen Rider Build.

Y/N: "What!? How...how do you have Sento-senpai's power!?"

Decade: "You're not the only one who can use the other Riders powers." Decade slides his hand up his sword and rushes at Y/N. Y/N quickly stands up hitting Decade's sword away. Y/N and Decade clash swords until Y/N summons the Drill Crusher Crusher and thrusts it at Decade. Decade deflects the attack and spins kicks using the tank tracks on his right leg to grind on Y/N pushing him back. Decade Build pulls out another card and slides it in his driver.

Final Attack Ride: Build!

Decade Build jumps in the air as chart appears trapping Y/N. Decade Build extends his right leg as he flies down the chart. He uses Builds Vortex Finish rider kick on Y/N making him explode.

Y/N: "Ahhhhh...!" A de-henshin Y/N falls on ground covered in wounds. Decade holding his Sword Rider Booker walks up to Y/N.

Y/N: "What...is gonna happen to everyone...when you destroy the world?"

Decade: "Everyone will return to their original world that had no Kamen Riders. While you will be gone forever. I wonder what the world will look like without you." Y/N looks at the ground.

Decade: "Accepting your fate." Decade raises his sword in the air.

Y/N: "I can't do anything....if I'm going to cause problems to my friends then...please senpai."

Decade: "*sigh* You really did have the makings for a kamen rider." Decade swing at Y/N.

Bakuretsu DeLance!

Green energy lands in between Decade and Y/N. This makes Decade jump back.

Decade: "Ah you again." The dust clears showing Woz in his Rider form standing in front of Y/N.

Woz: "Tsukasa Kadoya, I can't have you kill Waga Maou."

Decade: "Hmph, loyal as ever. I don't need to ask if you know." Decade flicks his wrists for two grey portals to appear behind him and Y/N.

Decade: "This doesn't mean I'm no longer going to destroy this world. I will come back for you." Decade enters his grey portal while Woz helps Y/N up to his feet.

Woz: "Lets go back, Waga Maou." They both enter their grey portal. Y/N and Woz exist the portal to appear next to the school bench he was sitting at.

Y/N: "How is killing me gonna destroy the world?"

Woz: "By killing the main Kamen Rider of a world, it will send a chain reaction leading to that worlds destruction. That is Kamen Rider Decade's power, the power of the destroyer of worlds." Woz helps Y/N sit on the bench.

Woz: "But Tsukasa usually uses his power to help worlds that had been forced to fuse together."

Y/N: "Wait destroying worlds help them?"

Woz: "You have to destroy before you can create."

Y/N: "Woz why didn't you tell me about this law thing?"

Woz: "....because I was not ordered to tell you because Waga Maou believes in you."

Y/N: "The current demon king?"

Woz: "Yes, Tsukasa is just other obstacle you must overcome. How are you feeling?"

Y/N: "Probably need to go to the nurses office for the bloody wounds but I feel fine."

Woz: "I'll help you get there." After Woz helps Y/N get to the nurses office and help come up with an excuse on how he got the wounds, Y/N heads back to class.

Asia: "Y/N!" Asia stands up in worry that Y/N is covered in bandages.

Teacher: "Y/N you're late but I can see why. I won't ask what happened but next time don't lose against Motohama or Matsuda."

Motohama & Matsuda: "We didn't do anything!" Y/N nervously scratches the back of his head then walks towards his desk.

Asia: "Y/N are you okay?"

Y/N: "I'm okay but I need to talk to everyone at the clubhouse."

Asia: "Hm?"

Y/N: "Tsukasa Kadoya....Kamen Rider Decade...do I really need to die..."

Once school is finished Y/N tells Asia to help him find everyone and tell them to meet up at the club room. Y/N is walking with Kiba who he found and told him he wants to talk to everyone at the club room.

Kiba: "What did you wanna talk about?"

Y/N: "Everyone needs to hear this." Y/N opens the door to the club room and steps in with Kiba behind him.

Y/N: "Everyone's here, good. I need to tell you all about..."

Tsukasa: "Talking behind people's backs isn't nice." Y/N notices Tsukasa leaning on Rias' desk fiddling with his camera as Akeno, Koneko, and Asia are standing next to the front door.

Akeno: "Y/N do you know who this is? He said to wait for you."

Y/N: "That's Tsukasa Kadoya, he's a Kamen Rider."

Akeno: "What does he want? I have a feeling he's not like the other Kamen Riders."

Tsukasa: "I didn't want to give a bad impression but I had no choice don't worry, I'm not going to hurt any of you."

Akeno: "Why would you hurt us?"

Tsukasa: "If you get involved I will hurt you. So I'm here to tell Y/N that involving his friends is a bad idea."

Kiba: "Are you here to hurt Y/N?" Tsukasa stops leaning on the desk and walks in the middle of the room and takes a picture of everyone.

Tsukasa: "Yes I am because I have no choice."

Akeno: "No choice? What do you mean by that?"

Tsukasa: "Ask the loyal servant." Tsukasa walks past everyone and stops next to Y/N.

Tsukasa: "Don't involved your friends. Let this be a fight between Kamen Riders."

Y/N: "......." Tsukasa leaves the club room.

Akeno: "Y/N where's Woz?"

Y/N: "You don't need to ask him I can tell you." Woz is walking down the path towards the club room. He notices Tsukasa walking out of the club room.

Woz: "Tsukasa, why are you attacking Waga Maou?"

Tsukasa: "*Sigh* I never agreed with that kids plan."

Woz: "Sougo."

Tsukasa: "This situation only happened once when I went to the world of the Shinkenger. Kaito got his Driver stole by a Ayakashi and used it."

Woz: "A kamen rider in the sentai world..."

Tsukasa: "Exactly and it took a monstrous form we didn't know what would happen if the Ayakashi stayed as a kamen rider. Only thing we knew, it wasn't gonna be something good and now we know what would happen. The law of the kamen rider would of changed that world for more kamen riders to spawn but not as heroes but monsters."

Woz: "Thats why you didn't agree with Sougo's plan."

Tsukasa: "That kid was always passionate about being King now mixed with old man stubbornness. Of course he wouldn't listen to me. So I told me if the person he chose ended up being unworthy to be a kamen rider I would destroy the world."

Woz: "The world has already been changing Makamou and Greeed have appear in this world. Is that also a reason to destroy this world?"

Tsukasa: "I still don't know much about the changes the world will make itself but if they showed up then Kamen Riders who will stop them will also show up. I can't have them be like that kid." Tsukasa walks away from Woz.

Tsukasa: "Kamen Riders are people who give hope and protect humanity." Woz watches Tsukasa leave. Y/N explains to everyone what happened to him. Woz enters the club room to see everyone with gloomy faces.

Akeno: "That man wants to kill you."

Kiba: "We won't allow that!"

Koneko: "Y/N is our friend we won't let him kill you."

Asia: "I don't want anything to happen to you!"

Akeno: "Why did this have to happen at a time when Rias isn't here...."

Kiba: "That man is lying about destroying the world by killing Y/N."

Woz: "Hes not lying it's true if Y/N dies this world is destroyed." Everyone looks at Woz when he says this.

Akeno: "Then it's true that we will be fine but Y/N is gone forever."

Woz: "Yes, his existence would be gone and your memories of him will also go away. You will live your lives like nothing happened."

Asia: "No! I don't want to forget Y/N!" Asia starts to cry and Y/N pats her head.

Akeno: "Is there a way to stop the world from changing?"

Woz: "No it can change for the better but it's up to Y/N or Tsukasa."

Akeno: "We won't let this Tsukasa touch a hair on Y/N."

Kiba: "Akeno's right if he's going to attack one of us then he's going to have to face all of us."

Koneko: "Hm hm! I'll punch him far away."

Akeno: "I'm sure Rias would agree with our decision." Akeno looks at the empty desk.

Akeno: "Now I need to go check on Issei."

Kiba: "Be careful Y/N." Y/N nods to Kiba. Y/N and Asia are walking home with Woz walking beside them.

Asia: "Y/N..."

Y/N: "Don't worry Asia nothing is gonna happen to me."

Woz: "Waga Maou, I need to talk to you about something." The three stop in front of Y/N's house.

Y/N: "Yeah what's up?"

Woz: "Alone." Y/N looks at Asia then back at Woz.

Y/N: "That's a first, Asia I'll head inside after this."

Asia: "Okay, bye Woz." Woz smiles at Asia as she walks inside the house.

Y/N: "So what did you want to talk about?"

Woz: "You haven't told them why Tsukasa is attacking you?"

Y/N: "No I haven't..."

Woz: "Keeping them in the dark will only cause harm."

Y/N: "I know but...what can I do...."

Woz: "You must understand this world rests on your shoulders. In any regular situation you can give up but this isn't a regular situation."

Y/N: ".....What should I do Woz?"

Woz: "You have to find that answer yourself but I know just letting Tsukasa kill you is not the right answer." Woz pats Y/N's shoulder then walks away. Y/N is laying on his side on his bed looking at his mirror.

Y/N: ".....If you were really trying to help me why aren't you here?" Y/N turns onto his back then hears someone knock on his door making him sit up.

Y/N: "Come in." Junichiro walks in.

Y/N: "Uncle."

Junichiro: "Hey kid you doing good?"

Y/N: "Yeah...." Junichiro closes his door then grabs Y/N's computer chair and sits in it.

Junichiro: "Listen Y/N, I know how you feel." Y/N gives him a what look.

Junichiro: "Shes your first love right? I remember my first love. We met in middle school she was my junior I confessed to her and she said yes. We were inseparable and it made it much harder when we broke up."

Y/N: "Why did you break up?"

Junichiro: "We went to different high schools. She moved to Tokyo while I stayed in our home town. We both didn't want too but we know the relationship wouldn't last. But my situation is different than yours Y/N. Your girl is waiting for you to come get her."

Y/N: "But uncle..."

Junichiro: "It doesn't matter if she's a rich girl or she's someone's fiancé! She loves you and you love her right!?" Junichiro has gotten out of the computer chair and is sitting on Y/N's bed holding him with one arm.

Y/N: "Yeah?!"

Junichiro: "Then you have a decision to make Y/N! You either leave that girl alone and be known as the worst person in the world to her or you march your butt into that house and take your girl back! Don't worry I'll help you two elope." Junichiro points in the air for Y/N nervously laughs.

Junichiro: "I'm serious Y/N that's your choice. If you don't choose you might regret it forever." Junichiro lets Y/N go and walks towards the door.

Junichiro: "I got your back Y/N unlike your parents." Junichiro leaves Y/N's room.

Y/N: "If only you knew what Rias was. If I marched into their house I would be dead before I can make it out. There's nothing I can do." The next morning Y/N is walking to school with Asia who is holding his arm.

Y/N: "Asia don't worry like I said nothings gonna happen."

Asia: "I don't wanna lose you....." Y/N looks ahead to see Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko.

Y/N: "Why are you three here?"

Akeno: "After checking on Issei we decide to meet up with you."

Kiba: "To make sure that Tsukasa doesn't try anything." Koneko nods.

Y/N: "Thanks guys." The group walk towards school.

Asia: Is Issei awake?"

Akeno: "Still asleep but I think he'll wake up tomorrow."

Kiba: "We probably won't be able to see him during that time."

Y/N: "How come?"

Akeno: "Theres going to be a engagement party and we are invited because we're Rias' peerage."

Y/N: "Oh...."

Koneko: "You're not invited."

Y/N: "What?"

Kiba: "Seems Riser is still angry at you and Issei."

Akeno: "He can definitely hold a grudge."

Y/N: "I'll be fine I can throw my own party." Everyone laughs at Y/N's joke.

Tsukasa: "You truly have given up." A grey portal appears and Tsukasa steps out.

Tsukasa: "No choice but to finish this. Maybe if you asked them to help you make a plan to get you inside the dinner party. I would of decided not to attack but...."

Kiba: "Tsukasa!"

Akeno: "We won't let you hurt Y/N."

Tsukasa: "*sigh* Don't get in me way." Tsukasa places his driver on his waist. He opens his Ride Booker taking out the Decade card. He pulls on the handles on the driver.

Tsukasa: "Henshin!"

Akeno: "Asia stay behind me." Kiba summons his sword and runs at Tsukasa with Koneko behind him. Tsukasa slides the card in his driver pushing the handles. 20 symbols appear in front of him turning into negative Decades. They all move towards Tsukasa combining together to make the grey Decade suit. Kiba attacks Tsukasa with his sword but the dark magenta cards fly out of the Driver hitting him back. Koneko throws a punch at him but it's caught making Tsukasa be pushed back by her strength breaking the street underneath his feet. The cards fly towards Decades helmet slotting themselves on it and changing the grey suit to magenta.

Tsukasa: "Such strength for someone so small."

Kiba: "Haaaa!" Kiba slashes at Tsukasa again. Tsukasa kicks Koneko back then deflects Kiba's sword with his right arm and throws a punch at Kiba with his left arm.

Tsukasa: "Are you sure you want to protect him? If you stop now I won't harm any of you."

Akeno: "Thanks for the warning but you're the one who's going to get harmed." Akeno licks her lips.

Tsukasa: "If you insist on protecting him then I'm not going to hold back on you." Koneko throws another punch at Tsukasa who jumps back.

Tsukasa: "Lets change the scenery don't want anyone interrupting us." A grey appears behind Tsukasa and it floats forward teleporting everyone in an abandoned warehouse.

Akeno: "What? Teleporting magic?!" Y/N takes out his Ziku Driver and places it on his waist.

Ziku Driver!

He takes out his Zi-O ridewatch twisting it and pushing the button on top.


Y/N slots the ridewatch on his Driver and pushes the button on top of it.

Y/N: "Henshin!"

He hits the driver making it spin.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Clear purple watch straps appear around Y/N as he runs at Decade. Magenta katakana fly at Decade who hits the katakana away.

Zikan Girade!

Decade holds his sword up blocking Y/N's jumping strike. Kiba goes in from the at right side of Decade. Decade kicks Y/N back and slashes at Kiba's shoulder then swings upward hitting Y/N. Koneko runs up and throws a punch at Decade. Decade slashes her across the chest. A lightning blast comes falling down towards Decade. Decade jumps back before he gets hit by the blast.

Tsukasa: "I'll ask this again, are you sure you wanna protect him?"

Kiba: "Stop asking! We're going to fight alongside Y/N because he's our friend!"

Y/N: "Kiba..."

Akeno: "We will never abandon Y/N."

Y/N: "Akeno..."

Koneko: "We will beat you down until you can't move so you don't hurt Y/N."

Y/N: "Koneko..."

Asia: "I'm not fight but I will help everybody so they can protect Y/N."

Y/N: "Asia..."

Tsukasa: "I see your resolution, from here on out I'm not holding back."

Akeno: "Let's show him the power of Rias' peerage!" Kiba, Y/N, and Koneko run at Decade. Decade takes out a card and pulls on handles of his driver. He slides it the card in his driver and pushes on the handles.

Attack Ride: Slash

Kiba slashes at Decade who slashes back with his sword that now has a magenta streak. Once the Ride Booker sword makes contact on Kiba's sword it shatters Kiba's. The Ride Booker doesn't stop and hits Kiba in the chest. After hitting Kiba, Tsukasa goes after Y/N then Koneko hitting them with his Ride Booker. Kiba, Y/N, and Koneko all fall on the ground. Tsukasa transforms his Ride Booker into its gun mode and fires at Akeno before she can fire another lightning bolt. Akeno summons a magic circle to block the energy blasts.

Asia: "Ahh..."

Akeno: "It's okay Asia!"

Tsukasa: "Your friends seem to keep on trying why can't you?"

Y/N: "Arr...you don't understand! How can I save Rias if her family is part of the 72 Pillars! If I try to save her now I'll just die! Greyfia was right I am a low born!" Y/N slams his fist on the ground.

Tsukasa: "You don't understand either. If you wanted to save her you would fought with everything you got but you didn't, someone else had to fight for you." Y/N gasps when he hears Tsukasa say this.

Tsukasa: "And you still hold him back. Even now you hold back and you given up." Decade slides another card in his driver.

Attack Ride: Blast!

Tsukasa: "A kamen rider doesn't give up even if the odds are stacked against him or her." Tsukasa rapid fires at Y/N.

Y/N: "Ahhhh!"

Kiba: "Y/N!"

Tsukasa: "If I let you live another Kamen Riders will follow in your footsteps and I can't allow that." Kiba summons his ice sword and gets up, running at Tsukasa. Tsukasa and Kiba clash in a sword struggle.

Kiba: "We fought together and lost! That's a shame we have to live with! What's wrong with Y/N facing that truth!?"

Tsukasa: "You understand the complications of that situation but you don't understand ours. Y/N is the Kamen Rider of this world now he has a responsibility and he is failing that."

Kiba: "What responsibility is that!?"

Tsukasa: "This world never had a Kamen Rider so the world is changing. That's the responsibility he has making sure the new Kamen Riders will follow his footsteps, his legacy. If his legacy is giving up then the future riders will do just that, give up."

Kiba: "What...?" Tsukasa notices his sword is freezing and pushes Kiba back.

Tsukasa: "Oh can't have that happening." Kiba slashes at Decade. Decade goes on the defensive blocking his attacks as ice grows on his blade.

Tsukasa: "Then lets try this." Decade hits Kiba's sword making it go up. He pulls out a card and slides it in his driver.

Kamen ride: Gaim! Orange Arms!
Hanamichi on Stage!

A giant orange falls on top of Decade then unfolds revealing Decade in his Gaim form.

Y/N: "Another Riders power!? This time...Gaim?"

Kiba swings downwards at Decade Gaim. Decade Gaim swings his sword at Kiba's with an orange slice streak behind it shattering Kiba's blade again. The ice on the Ride Booker sword slowly falls off. Kiba summons the Replenish Calm sword. Decade Gaim takes out a card and slides it in his driver.

Attack Ride: Daidaimaru!

On Decade Gaim's right waist side a Daidaimaru appears with an orange juice splash. He grabs it and slashes upwards at Kiba. Kiba blocks his attack then goes on the defensive. Kiba blocks Decade Gaim's swords into a sword struggle.

Kiba: "Take this!" The black hole starts to pull Decade Gaim in.

Tsukasa: "Hm!" Decade Gaim jumps back but in the air he starts to get pulled towards Kiba.

Tsukasa: "Can't have that." Decade Gaim pulls on the handles of his driver and slides a card in.

Final Attack Ride: G-G-G-Gaim! (Orange Sparkling! Variant)

The giant orange refolds into its familiar orange form. Decade Gaim goes in head first as the orange rapidly spins.

Kiba: "What!?" Decade Gaim slams into Kiba sending him back as his sword shatters. Decade Gaim lands as his giant orange unfolds back into armor. Kiba gets on one knee and touches the ground.

Kiba: "Sword Birth!" Swords of various sizes and shapes shoot out of the ground heading towards Decade Gaim. Decade Gaim slides a card in his driver.

Final Attack Ride: G-G-G-Gaim! (Orange Au Lait! Variant)

Decade Gaim cross slashes sending two energy orange slices destroying the swords and hitting Kida.

Kiba: "Ahhhhh!" Kiba is throw back by the attack knocking him out.

Y/N: "Kiba!" Y/N tries to get up but he loses strength and falls on the ground. Koneko quickly stands up and runs at Decade Gaim. Akeno fires a blast at Decade Gaim who cuts it away as Koneko throws a punch at him making him drop his Ride Booker sword. Decade Gaim is sent flying into a steel beam.

Tsukasa: "Oi oi oi why do you have such strength?" Tsukasa gets up and points at her with his Daidaimaru.

Koneko: "Hmph!" Koneko goes after him again.

Tsukasa: "Got to make sure I don't get hit by her again." Decade Gaim slides another card in his driver.

Kamen Ride: Ghost!

Let's Go! Kakugo! Go Go Go! Ghost! GO! GO! GO! GO!

The Ore damashi flies past Koneko and phases onto Decade making him wear it. Decade Ghost grabs the hood and pulls it back.

Y/N: "Takeru-kun's power!" Koneko throws a barrage of punches at Decade Ghost. Decade Ghost uses his ghost floating to dodge all her attacks.

Tsukasa: "If I remember correctly Ghost's power is very effective against you, devils." Tsukasa fist glows orange as he attacks Koneko. Koneko plants her feet when Decade Ghost's fist makes contact on her cheek causing it to burn. 

Akeno: "Koneko! She's holding on even though the holy energy is burning her body." Koneko throws a punch at Decade Ghost but he float spins and kicks Koneko on her right cheek. Koneko tries to grab Decade Ghost's leg but he flips out of the way. Decade Ghost lands a few feet away from Koneko. Smoke is coming off of Koneko's burn marks. She runs at Decade Ghost ready to attack again.

Tsukasa: "You have spirit but how long can you last?" Koneko keeps attacking Decade ghost but all her attacks miss thanks to Decade Ghost's floating ability. Every time Koneko misses a punch Decade Ghost takes that opportunity to attack her. Decade begins his assault on Koneko pushing her back. One punch sends her on the ground on her back. Decade picks up his Ride Booker sword and transforms it back to its regular form putting it on his waist. Koneko stands up breathing heavily.

Tsukasa: "Time to finish this." Decade ghost slides a card in his Driver.

Final Attack Ride: G-G-G-Ghost!

The Ghost symbol appears behind Decade Ghost for orange energy to flow towards his right foot. Decade Ghost floats up in the air and extends his right leg flying at Koneko. Decade Ghost rider kicks Koneko making her explode and fly back.

Y/N: "Koneko!" Koneko lands on the ground as her body smokes from the holy energy.

Akeno: "Take this!" A giant lightning bolt blows through the roof falling towards Decade Ghost. The lightning bolt hits Decade Ghost causing a giant explosion. Asia, Akeno, and Y/N watch the dust that was kicked up by the explosion.

Akeno: "Is it over?"

Attack Ride: Defend! Please!

The dust clears to reveal Decade in his Wizard form with a red magic circle above with a fire dome above that.

Kamen Ride: Wizard! Hi-Hi, Hi-Hi-Hi!

Akeno: "He can use magic too!?"

Tsukasa: "That took a lot of magic to use didn't it?" Akeno is breathing a little faster is shocked to hear this.

Tsukasa: "Lets make sure you don't interrupt." Decade Wizard opens his Ride Booker and takes a card out. He slides it in his driver.

Final Attack Ride: W-W-W-Wizard!

Decade Wizard holds his hand out to the side as a red magic circle appears in front of it. He sticks his hand in it for another magic circle appear next to Akeno and Asia.

Akeno: "Asia!" Akeno pushes Asia away as a giant hand appears out of it and grabs her.

Asia: "Akeno!" The giant hand slams her on the ground.

Akeno: "Ahhhhh...!" The giant hand disappears back inside the magic circle as Decade Wizard removes his hand from his magic circle.

Asia: "Akeno!" Asia knees down and summons her twilight healing to heal Akeno. Decade Wizard walks up to Asia and Akeno.

Y/N: "Run, Asia run!" Asia looks up to see Decade Wizard standing over her with his sword.

Tsukasa: "Sorry but I can't have you healing these kids." With the back of his Ride Booker sword Decade Wizard knocks out Asia. She falls next to Akeno.

Y/N: "Asia!" Decade Wizard turns back into Decade.

Tsukasa: "Now are you going to let your senpai do his job like last time?" Y/N stumblingly stands up.

Y/N: "....."

Kiba: "Y/N..." Y/N looks at Kiba.

Kiba: "....Don't give up...."

Koneko: "We...don't want you to go...." Y/N looks at Koneko.

Akeno: "We...don't want to lose you...like we did...with Rias..." Y/N looks at Akeno who is looking up at him.

Akeno: "And...I won't...forgive you...if you make Asia cry!" Y/N then looks at the ground.

Y/N: "They all feel the same about Rias. They know they can't do anything and it eats away at them. If they lose me as well it would destroy them."

Tsukasa: "What having second thoughts?"

Y/N: "I can't die....I won't die! I made a promise I will save Rias! I will! AAARRRRRAAAHHH!" Y/N runs at Decade with Zikan Girade in hand. Y/N downward swings at Decade. Decade holds his Ride Booker sword up blocking his attack.

Tsukasa: "He put more power into this attack."

Y/N: "I'm not leaving my friends and I'm not going to die here today! I made a promise to Asia I'll always be by her side! And I made a promise to Rias that I will protect her! So I'll say this here and now: I WILL SAVE RIAS!" Akeno, Koneko, and Kiba smile when they hear this. Decade smirks underneath his helmet.

Tsukasa: "There's no changing my mind." Decade pushes Y/N's Zikan Girade out of the way and slashes him across the chest.

Y/N: "And I won't let you kill me!" Y/N takes out the Den-O ridewatch and twists it with his thumb pushing the button on top.


He slides the ridewatch on his driver and pushes the button on top of it. He hits his driver making it spin and runs at Decade.

Armor Time! (Sword Form standby music) Sword Form! Den-O!

The small Denliner flies out of a portal behind Y/N. Y/N swings at Decade who deflects his attack but the Denliner rams itself on his shoulder.

Tsukasa: "What!?" The Denliner turns back around and goes in for another ramming attack. Decade hits it away making it fall apart but Y/N hits Decade in the side with his Zikan Girade. The Denliner parts fly towards Y/N slotting themselves on him. Y/N stabs Decade sending him back.

Tsukasa: "The hard way it is." Tsukasa takes a card out and slides it in his driver.

Kamen Ride: Double! CycloneJoker!

A green and black circle appears around Decade. The circle splits apart into small squares and fly at Decade turning him into Deacde Double. Decade goes after Y/N swinging his sword at him. Y/N blocks his attack turning into a sword struggle.

Tsukasa: "I didn't want to use this but I guess I have no choice." Y/N looks at Decade Doubles waist to see him slide a card in his driver.

Attack Ride: Illusion!

Four Decades appears behind Decade Double, two at each side. Two Decades push Y/N back with their swords on his stomach then cross slash him sending him back a few feet. The other two Decades fire at Y/N. Y/N covers his face with his arm from the blasts. Y/N moves his arm to see Decade Double in front of him. Green energy swirls around his right fist as Decade Double punches Y/N in the air. Dark energy appears on Decade's left fist and punches Y/N while he's in the air sending him flying back. Y/N lands on and quickly gets up to see all four Decades running at him. Y/N pushes the buttons on his ridewatches.

Finish Time! Den-O!

Magenta katakana appear on his Zikan Girade. Y/N cuts down one of the Decades for another to attack him. Y/N fires the magenta katakana for it to piece through the Decade clone. Y/N swipes right and left cutting down the last two Decades.

Ore no Time Break!

Y/N holds his Zikan Girade straight up and swings downwards for the magenta katakana to go straight down at Decade Double. Decade Double jumps out of the way as the magenta katakana hits the ground. Y/N removes the Den-O ridewatch and takes out the Hibiki ridewatch pushing the button on it.


Y/N slides the Hibiki ridewatch on his driver and makes it spin. Y/N runs at Decade Double and jumps through the dust.

Armor Time! (Orchestral fanfare mixed with Onkaku ringing) Hibiki!

Decade Double looks up to see Y/N with purple fire on me. Y/N now in his Hibiki armor swings downwards with his Ongekibou at Decade Double. The Ongekibou slam onto Decade Doubles shoulders. Y/N pulls back with his right hand and swings at Decade Doubles left side slamming into it. Y/N swings with his left hand hitting Decade Double again in his right shoulder. Y/N pulls back again and slams both of his Ongekibou in Decade Doubles chest. Decade Double stumbles back from the attack.

Tsukasa: "You're finally trying good but it's not going to stop me." Decade Double takes a card out and slides it in his driver. Decade turns back into his base form.

Kamen Ride: Kiva! (Kivat Belt transformation sound)

Decade body turns see though then shatters to reveal Decade in his Kiva form. Y/N swings at Decade Kiva with his Ongekibou. Decade Kiva quickly punches Y/N in the chest pushing him back. Then he slides another card in his Driver.

Form Ride: Kiva Doggo!

Chains swirl around Decade Kiva's chest and arms shattering into new purple armor. Decade Kiva holds his new weapon the Doggo Hammer. Decade Kiva swings the giant hammer at Y/N who crosses his Ongekibou to block the attack. The slams into Y/N sending him flying. Flying through the air Y/N points his Ongekibou at Decade Kiva and fires some fireballs at him. Y/N flips and lands in his feet then pushes the buttons on his ridewatchs.

Finish Time! Hibiki!

Y/N's body lights in purple fire and runs at Decade Kiva. He jumps in the air as the purple flames flow towards his right foot. Y/N flies through the air at Decade Kiva. Decade Kiva swings his hammer at Y/N. Y/N's foot and Doggo hammer make contact. Decade Kiva tries his best to hold on but the Doggo hammer is blow out of the way as Y/N rider kick Decade Kiva.

Ongeki Time Break!

Decade Kiva explodes in purple fire knocking him out of his Kiva form. Decade rolls on the ground once he stops he gets up.

Tsukasa: "Guess I have to use this." Decade reaches in his Ride Booker and pulls out a card. He holds it up with three fingers showing Y/N while pulling on the handles of his Driver.

Y/N: "What!? That's Zi-O!" Decade taps the the card with his middle finger.

Tsukasa: "Henshin."

(If video doesn't show up it's Kamen Rider Decade's opening)

Decade slides the card in his driver and pushes on the handles.

Kamen Ride: Zi-O!
Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Decade dusts off his hands as a giant clock surrounded with smaller clocks appear behind him. Clear magenta watch straps appear around Decade. Magenta katakana appear on the giant clock then fly out and back at Decade Zi-O. They slot themselves in his helmet and light up.

Akeno: "How does he have Y/N's power?"

Tsukasa: "Lets just say I met your Demon King. Come on." Tsukasa slides his hand up his blade and goes after Y/N. Y/N removes the Hibiki ridewatch and takes out the Build Ridewatch.


He slides the ridewatch on his driver and makes it spin.

Armor Time! (Electronic beat mixed with RabbitTank-esque music) Best Match! Build!

Y/N blocks one of Decade Zi-O's attack with the Drill Breaker Breaker. Y/N pushes his sword off and thrusts the Drill Breaker Break at Decade Zi-O. Decade Zi-O moves his head for it to graze his shoulder. Decade spins and stabs Y/N. Decade quickly slides a card in his driver.

Final Attack Ride: Z-Z-Z-Zi-O! (Giri Giri Slash Variant)

Decade Zi-O slashes Y/N across the stomach as a red clock appears around Decade Zi-O. Decade Zi-O puts another card in his driver.

Final Attack Ride: Z-Z-Z-Zi-O! (Rider Kick Variant.)

Y/N hits the ground and notices magenta katakana appear around him. He looks up to see Decade Zi-O flying towards him. Y/N quickly pushes the buttons on his ridewatches and driver then make it spin.

Finish Time! Build! Vortex Time Break!

Y/N thrusts his Drill Breaker Breaker making contact on Decade Zi-O's foot.

Tsukasa: "Give up!"

Y/N: "I will never give up ever again!" An explosion happens from the clashing attacks.

Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko: "Y/N!" Out of the dust Decade Zi-O ride kick lands. The dust clears to show Y/N de-henshin and falls to the ground.

(Decade Theme ends here)

Decade Zi-O turns back into his base form and stands up. He walks up to Y/N kicking him onto his back.

Tsukasa: "It's over." Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko struggle to get back up.

Y/N: "....I guess it is....I'm not giving up I just can't move anymore. In the new world senpai...Issei will save Rias for me." Y/N smiles at Decade.

Y/N: "Cause he'll follow my footsteps." Tsukasa raises his Ride Booker sword as Y/N closes his eyes. Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko yell out for Y/N as Tsukasa swings towards him.

Y/N: "Save her for me Issei." Y/N feels a small object hit his chest. He opens his eyes to see a magenta ridewatch.

Tsukasa: "Save her yourself." Tsukasa walks away from Y/N and de-henshins. Y/N grabs the ridewatch and struggles to stand up but watches him walk away.

Tsukasa: "Remember, a Kamen Rider never gives up. Oh by the way you're a prince aren't you?" Y/N realizes what Tsukasa meant by that.

Y/N: "Thank you Tsukasa-Senpai!" Y/N does his best to bow to him. Tsukasa holds his hand up as a don't care wave goodbye. Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko walk up to Y/N.

Akeno: "So that's the reason why he attacked you."

Y/N: "Sorry I didn't tell you guys."

Koneko: "You don't need too."

Kiba: "She's right. We all feel the same way about Rias but we can't do anything about it." Kiba is carrying Asia on his back.

Y/N: "But I can." Y/N looks at the Decade ridewatch. The devils look at Decade watch as well.

Akeno: "If that resolve changed his mind..."

Kiba: "...we'll help you in any way possible...."

Koneko: "...to show them not to mess with the Rias Gremory Peerage."

Y/N: "Thanks guys." A grey portal appears in front of the group.

Y/N: "We're so late."

Akeno: "I can lie to the school about us doing some extra curricular activities."

Y/N: "How are you gonna do that?"

Akeno: "Thats a secret." Akeno winks at Y/N.

Koneko: "Lets go to the club room and relax all day."

Kiba: "I can agree to that." Y/N pats a knocked out Asia's head.

Y/N: "Yeah." After a long fight against the destroyer of worlds Tsukasa also known as Kamen Rider Decade, Y/N relaxes letting his injuries heal and holding Asia as she cry's on his chest happy he's still alive. Tsukasa is walking down a road when Woz appears in front of him.

Tsukasa: "What?"

Woz: "You were actually helping Waga Maou weren't you?"

Tsukasa: "I have no idea what your talking about. I just thought I would give him a second chance that's all." Tsukasa walks past Woz.

Woz: "You really are a harsh Senpai." Tsukasa smirks.

Tsukasa: "He still has a lot to learn but he'll become a great kamen rider." Y/N wakes up on the day Rias and Riser's engagement party is going to happen.

Y/N: "I didn't see Woz all day yesterday. Damn it the first time I need you Woz you're not here!" Y/N sits up and gets out of bed. He changes into his school uniform and heads down stairs. He eats breakfast with his uncle and Asia.

Y/N: "We're leaving!" Junichiro pokes his head out from the other room.

Junichiro: "Be safe!"

Asia: "We will!" Asia is the first to leave and Y/N stops in the middle of the doorway.

Y/N: "Hey Uncle...!"

Junichiro: "What?!"

Y/N: "I'm going to take my girl back! So I'm gonna be late!" Y/N closes the door and heads off to school. Junichiro pokes his head out again.

Junichiro: "Go get her kid." Y/N and Asia are walking to school.

Asia: "Are you sure it's okay Akeno and everyone else don't come with us during the morning?"

Y/N: "It's fine even though Tsukasa-senpai is a little...well mean, I trust him."

Asia: "Okay..." Y/N pats Asia's head making her smile.

Voice: "Wait up!" Y/N and Asia turn to see Issei running towards them.

Asia: "Issei!"

Y/N: "It's good to see you up and running."

Issei: "Yeah, I feel great! Wait now isn't the time for that Y/N I have to talk to you!"

Y/N: "We should head to school first. We don't wanna be late like yesterday."

Asia: "Come on Issei." Y/N pushes Issei forward.

Issei: "Hey wait! Y/N we need to talk!"

Y/N: "We'll talk at lunch right now we need to get to school." Y/N, Asia, and Issei go through the school day until lunch. Issei brings Y/N to the stairs.

Issei: "Seriously! This isn't time to be calm!"

Y/N: "I'm not calm we had to come to school because of what happened yesterday." Y/N explains to Issei what happened when he was asleep.

Issei: "Arrah! So much happened when I was asleep! If I was there I would of beaten him down! Also he gives Kamen Riders a bad name."

Y/N: "Anyways what did you want to talk about?"

Issei: "Ah!" Issei takes a piece of paper out of his pocket and shows it to Y/N.

Y/N: "It has a magic circle. How did you get this?"

Issei: "Greyfia gave it to me last night."

Y/N: "Why would she give you this?"

Issei: "I don't know but she said Sir Zechs was fascinated by me."

Y/N: "Fascinated by him?"

Issei: "So are we going?"

Y/N: ".....You're going alone."

Issei: "What!? You're running away like you did with Asia!" Y/N gives Issei an angry look giving him a shiver down his spine.

Y/N: "Sorry..." Y/N shakes his head.

Y/N: "Greyfia said Sir Zechs is interested in you meaning that piece of paper might only bring one person to that engagement party."

Issei: "Ah...I never thought of that."

Y/N: "Use that paper to get to the engagement party and cause enough of a distraction so I can make it in time to help."

Issei: "But how are you going to get to the engagement party?"

Y/N: "Don't worry about me. Just get to the engagement party."

Asia: "Are you guys leaving?" Y/N and Issei look up to see Asia standing on top of the stairs.

Y/N: "We have too. Rias needs our help."

Issei: "Don't worry Asia! We'll come back but with the president as well." Asia walks down the stairs and hugs both Issei and Y/N.

Asia: "Please be careful."

Y/N & Issei: "We will!" Rias walks up to a mirror to look at the dress she is wearing.

Rias: "It's an engagement party, but this is a wedding dress, right?"

Riser: "Thats correct." A blazing magic circle appears in the room for Riser to appear.

Maid: "Lord Riser you mustn't. This is off limits to men."

Riser: "Don't be so strict, I am the star today." Riser walks up to Rias.

Riser: "Ah, the star is the bride, isn't it? Pardon me, pardon me."

Rias: "I'm not your bride yet. What is this dress?" Riser leans in towards Rias.

Riser: "It's the way I like it." Riser puts his arm around Rias.

Riser: "We can call even more of the underworld's attention to the fact that the House of Gremory and the House of Phoenix are being joined. And by wearing that dress it reinforces your resignation, right?" Riser removes his hand and walks to the center of the room.

Riser: "Ha ha ha! Take it easy. I will have a dress ready for the actual wedding that makes that one pale by comparison. The most gorgeous clothing in the whole underworld, adorning your whole body in the traditional Phoenix family flaming feathers." Riser disappears in flames.

Rias: "The way you describe it, it sounds tacky. As you'd expect of an upstart family." Rias thinks back to an injured Y/N being carried by Woz.

Rias: "Y/N..."

Maid: "Lady Rias, it is time." After school Y/N is standing outside his house to see Woz walking up to him.

Y/N: "Woz, I want to speak to the current demon king." Woz is taken aback from this but happily smirks.

Woz: "Waga Maou! I was waiting for this day for you to meet the man who's legacy you will inherit!" Woz waves his hand for a time portal to open.

Woz: "After you." Woz bows and gestures to the portal. Y/N thinks back to Issei leaving with the paper.

Flashback Issei: "Are you sure about this? We can try to see if both of us can go."

Flashback Y/N: "It's okay Issei I'll be there and we can't take that chance maybe the paper won't work at all if we tried."

Flashback Issei: "Alright! Alright!...I'll see you there!" Issei disappears in a magic circle that the paper made. Current Y/N walks towards the portal.

Y/N: "Sir Zechs you're fascinated by Issei and that's why you gave him that paper. You think he's the only one who can save your sister. I'm make you regret that decision." Y/N steps into the time portal and is blinded by its light making him close his eyes. Y/N opens his eyes to see he's in a dark room. Woz walks out of portal and knees as the portal closes.

Woz: "Waga Maou, the prince wishes to speak to you." Lights flash on blinding Y/N again.

Y/N: "Okay can we stop with the blinding light."

Sougo: "My prince." Y/N slowly opens his eyes to see a throne and someone sitting on it.

Y/N: "It's nice to finally meet you uhh..."

Sougo: "My name is Tokiwa Sougo and it's wonderful to finally meet you again my prince."

Y/N: "Again? Sougo-sama I have a request to ask of you."

Sougo: "What do you ask of me?"

Y/N: "I would like you to help me get Rias back."

Sougo: "The red haired girl you are interested in?"

Y/N: "Yes! Uhh Sougo-sama." Sougo shifts in his throne staying silent for a few seconds but it felt like hours for Y/N.

Sougo: "I will help you my prince. Think of it as an reward for all your hard work."

Y/N: "Really!?" Y/N leans towards Woz.

Y/N: "It's that easy?"

Sougo: "Of course if you so wish to destroy the world I will help you. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you my prince."

Y/N: "I-I wouldn't want that."

Sougo: "Ha ha ha! Of course you wouldn't you're a Kamen Rider. Now then let us be on our way." Sougo stands up as clear gold watch straps appear around him. The whole room lights up to reveal Sougo in his Rider form.

Y/N: "I-I can sense the power he has it's almost suffocating."

Sougo: "Woz."

Woz: "Yes, Waga Maou." Woz stands up and waves his hand for a panel to appear.

Y/N: "Wait how are we going to get there? You don't know the location." Sougo walks forward towards Y/N.

Sougo: "No location is out of my reach." Sougo places his hand on Y/N's shoulder.

Sougo: "Those clothes are not fit for a prince."

Dress Up! Please.

A red magic circle appear above Y/N then floats down. It changes his school uniform into a black suit with a magenta  tie with the Zi-O symbol on it. Sougo removes his hand.

Sougo: "Now you are ready."

Y/N: "Fancy."

Woz: "The portal is ready, Waga Maou."

Sougo & Y/N: "Good lets not make them wait." They both look at each other.

Woz: "I will call Y/N his majesty when both of you are together."

Sougo & Y/N: "Good idea."

Sougo: "From now one you will call me Ohma Zi-O my prince." Woz opens the time portal.

Y/N: "Ummm how come?"

Sougo: "I don't want anyone to know my true identity just in case we make enemies with them."

Y/N: "Good point So...Ohma-sama." The three Kamen Riders step into the portal. At the engagement party everyone is enjoying the party. Ravel is holding a fan it his face.

Ravel: "My brother won himself a bride in the Rating Game. I knew that he was going to win, but he meant to make a big scene of it. Ha ha ha." Ravel thinks back to the Rating Game and what Y/N said.

Flashback Mirror Y/N: "If your interested I'll be happy to speak with you again." Ravel blushes a little when she thinks of this. Kiba and Koneko are having some drinks with Akeno next to them.

Kiba: "Listen to her go on."

Sona: "She must have forgotten that we where relaying this."

Kiba: "President Sona..."

Sona: "The outcome notwithstanding the fight was wellmatched...no, better-than-well-matched, and that was clear to all who saw it."

Akeno: "Thank you very much. However, your concern is not necessary."

Kiba: "This probably isn't over. We don't consider it to be."

Koneko: "It's not over."

Sona: "I'm guessing Y/N has inspired you three."

Kiba: "Of course." Riser appears in the room in a flaming magic circle.

Riser: "Renowned noblemen of the underworld, on behalf of the House of Phoenix, allow me to thank you for coming. The reason I have asked you here today is that I, Riser Phoenix, would like you to share this historic moment with me, as I am engaged to Rias Gremory, the next head of the distinguished House of Gremory. Now then, allow me to present..." Riser gestures to the right.

Riser: "...my queen, Rias Gremory!" Rias appears in the room with a red magic circle. The doors to the dinning room are burst open by Issei punching the guards.

Rias: "Issei!"

Issei: "President!"

Riser: "Hey, who do you think you are?"

Issei: "I am Hyodo Issei, of the Kuoh Academy Occult Research Club! The president's—Rias Gremory's virginity belongs to me!"

Riser: "Wha-? Why, you...!"

Ravel: "What is that boy thinking?"

Y/N: "You F—— moron!" Y/N punches Issei on the back of his head.

Issei: "What the hell!? Ah Y/N! Good to see you here!"

Y/N: "Don't you change the subject you prevented freak!" Y/N points at everyone in the room.

Y/N: "Listen well! Rias is mine and I'm here to take her back!" Rias blushes when he hears this.

Issei: "No! The president's virginity is mine!" Y/N and Issei slam foreheads and begin to argue.

Riser: "Arrrrr....SEIZE THEM!"

Issei: "Hey wait, why are you wearing a suit?"

Y/N: "Oh..." A bunch of guards appear around Y/N and Issei.

Y/N: "...I'll tell you later." Issei and Y/N get ready to fight.

Akeno: "Well then, we should get going, too."

Kiba: "Yes."

Koneko: "Acknowledged." Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko go after the guards. Kiba hits a guard with his ice sword.

Kiba: "Y/N, Issei let us handle this." Koneko kicks two guards.

Koneko: "Too slow."

Issei: "Kiba! Koneko!"

Y/N: "Thanks guys!" Four guards are hit by lightning.

Akeno: "My, my, you two finally came, huh?"

Issei: "Akeno!"

Y/N: "I was getting ready." Y/N points at his suit.

Akeno: "*giggle* You look very handsome now go you two."

Issei: "Yes!"

Y/N: "I'm coming Rias!" More guards show up blocking Y/N and Issei.

Issei: "Get out of our way!" Y/N takes out his Ziku Driver. The guards are blow away from Y/N, Issei, Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko.

Kiba: "What was that?"

Akeno: "Some sort of magic?"

Sougo: "So this is the underworld." Everyone looks at the dinning room door to see the golden rider Ohma Zi-O standing in the doorway. More guards show up to seize everyone.

Sougo: "Hmph!" Sougo waves his hand and as a gold shock wave knocks out the guards.

Issei: "Who's that?"

Y/N: "The Demon King of Time, Ohma Zi-O."

Issei: "What!?"

Guest: "Whats going on?"

Guest: "Lady Rias, what is this?"

Voice: "This is the entertainment I prepared."

Issei: "Who's that?"

Y/N: "Red hair it's probably Rias' older brother."

Rias: "Brother!" The guests begin to whisper about Sir Zechs.

Sougo: "Woz."

Woz: "Yes, Waga Maou." Woz walks in the middle of the room and opens his book. He throws his right hand in the air.

Woz: "IWAE!" With his sudden out burst everyone looks at Woz.

Woz: "I say to all of you again, Iwae! The man who has inherited all the Heisei Rider powers, defeated the Time Jacker Swartz, given his approval of the Reiwa generation, the ruler of the past, present, and future! The Demon King of Time, Ohma Zi-O....."  Woz gestures towards Sougo.

Woz: "....has kindly shown his presence to you all! This day should be cherished for all eternity!" Woz slams his book shut with his hand. Ohma Zi-O walks towards the center of the room. Along the way he speaks to Y/N.

Sougo: "Let us get your princess back." Y/N nods and walks alongside Sougo.

Issei: "Hey!" Issei jogs behind Y/N and Sougo. Woz steps aside and bows gesturing towards Rias and Riser. Sougo and Y/N reach the small stage Rias, Riser, and Sir Zechs are standing on. A trembling Greyfia whispers into Sir Zechs ear. He nods to her once she finishes.

Sougo: "The Princess give her back to my prince." Sougo holds out his hand to Rias. Woz and Issei stand side by side with Sougo and Y/N.

Sir Zechs: "You are Ohma-Zi-O correct?"

Sougo: "Your servant Greyfia has told you about my proposal."

Sir Zechs: "Yes she has and sorry that we have to meet in these circumstances but I can't hand over Rias to you."

Sougo: "I see you don't understand that was not a suggestion but an order."

Riser: "Ha ha ha! Why should we listen to a Demon King no one has even heard of!?" The guest all start to laugh.

Sougo: "Bite your tongue arrogant foul. I don't remember ever speaking to you."

Riser: "Bite your tongue!? I am Riser Phoenix from the House of Phoenix! I won't have some no name devil who calls himself a king tell me to be quite! You are nothing compared to me! Ha ha ha!" The guests laugh again.

Sougo: "I'm not a devil but a human." The laughter is replaced with whispers.

Riser: "What!?"

Sougo: "You arrogant devils! How does it feel to see the one who sits on the peak of everything be nothing more than mere human!? Insulting isn't it!? Ha ha ha! Listen well, all of you are all insects compare to me!" The room becomes tense after Sougo's proclamation. Some hurl insults at him but Sougo just laughs angering them more. Issei whispers to Y/N.

Issei: "This guy is gonna get us killed!"

Y/N: "I have to agree with you on that!"

Sir Zechs: "Enough!" Everyone becomes silent.

Sir Zechs: "Ohma Zi-O I must apologize for the insults our guests have said to you."

Sougo: "There is no need to apologize Sir Zechs. The whispers of an insect is nothing more than a joke to me." Y/N and Issei can feel the glares from the guests. While Woz smiles on.

Sir Zechs: "I see...but back to the topic of Rias, I can not give you Rias just like that. Riser has already won the Rating Game."

Sougo: "Than let us have one of these games." Hearing this Sir Zechs interest is peaked.

Sir Zechs: "A Rating Game between the House of Phoenix and the Demon King of Time. I must say this has peaked my interest."

Riser: "But Sir Zechs-sama I already won the Rating Game!"

Sir Zechs: "Honestly Riser I was very interested in your Rating Game against Rias. But against my sister who has no Game experience and half your forces, I was left somewhat underwhelmed."

Riser: "You are discontent with the battle?"

Sougo: "Your battle was an insult to your house and to all devils."

Riser: "What!?"

Sir Zechs: "Oh my I wouldn't say that. I just thought...."

Sougo: "No need to hold your tongue Sir Zechs. Feeling proud about a battle you won against an amateur is quite insulting."

Riser: "I beat my opponent with my overwhelming power! Is it wrong to be proud of that!?"

Sougo: "Ha ha ha! That match was not a demonstration of your power. It is comparable to a man beating a small child and being happy he did. Why would you be proud by that?" Sir Zechs smiles trying not to laugh while Rias laughs.

Issei: "This guy is crazy!"

Y/N: "I guess that what happens when you become king."

Woz: "Being the ruler of time means you can be arrogant."

Issei: "If he has the power why not show off! Oh man this King guy is so cool! Hey hey Y/N does he have a harem!?"

Y/N: "Is that all you can think right now!?"

Riser: "I will not be insult any longer!"

Sir Zechs: "Calm down Riser. What I was trying to say was is the Rating Game itself lost some of its significance. Especially this time, circumstances being what they are. The old family is losing face, is it not? This is my dear sisters engagement party. I wanted to add a little wild spice to it and I think I got what I wanted. Now Ohma Zi-O would you be facing Riser for my sisters hand?"

Sougo: "Don't you agree the one who wants to save your sister should be the one to participate." Sir Zechs looks at Issei.

Sir Zechs: "You are correct, you boy...."

Sougo: "Not him." Sougo lightly pushes Y/N forward.

Sougo: "Him."

Issei: "Wait I'm going to save Rias!" Sougo ignores Issei.

Sir Zechs: "Well there is two boys who want to save my sister."

Sougo: "Then a three way battle it will be." Y/N and Issei are standing in a area.

Issei: "We have to fight each other!"

Y/N: "I guess so." Y/N thinks back to what happened a few minutes ago.

Flashback Sir Zechs: "I see...a three way battle it is. I can see the power of the dragon user."

Flashback Y/N: "Only interested in Issei huh?"

Flashback Sougo: "And the power of a Kamen Rider."

Flashback Sir Zechs: "The power of a Kamen Rider....Well then you Dragon-user and Kamen Rider. Would you two be good enough to show me, and the upper-class nobles here, the power you both possess?"

Flashback Y/N: "I will....I'll show you I'm better than Issei!"

Flashback Issei: "Yes."

Flashback Rias: "Y/N, Issei don't do it!" Riser holds his arm in front of Rias making her stop.

Flashback Riser: "Allow me, Riser, to show you my final flames before I settle down."

Flashback Sir Zechs: "Now then, Dragon-user, What compensation would you like if you win?"

Flashback Guest: "Sir Zechs? Compensation, for a lower-class devil?"

Flashback Sir Zechs: "Upper-class or lower-class, he is still a devil. Since I asked this of him, I must pay him commensurate compensation. What do you desire? A title? Perhaps a women of great beauty? Ask me for anything you would like."

Flashback Issei: "I would like the president—I mean Lady Rias Gremory, returned, please."

Flashback Sir Zechs: "Very well. And the Kamen Rider my sister Rias Gremory's hand in marriage?"

Flashback Sougo: "Yes."

Flashback Issei: "Wait what!? I wanna change mine to that too!" Back to current time Issei is moping.

Issei: "Why couldn't I change my reward to getting married to Rias....."

Y/N: "Im not really gonna get married to her."

Issei: "Oh really!? That means I can take her for myself!" Issei jumps for joy.

Y/N: "Like hell! Like I said when I got here Rias is mine!"

Issei: "No her virginity is mine!"

Y/N: "You don't even care about Rias at all! You only think about is her virginity!"

Issei: "What was that!?" In the sky of the arena a rift opens to show Sir Zechs face. Sir Zechs uses the rift like a communicator. 

Sir Zechs: "All right, why don't you get started?"

Y/N: "Issei even though it's a three way battle doesn't mean we can't team up."

Issei: "Oh good idea! We beat Riser and you forfeit so I can be Rias' hero!"

Y/N: "No you're going to forfeit!" Y/N and Issei start to argue again. Another rift opens showing Ravel.

Ravel: "Are they even paying attention?" A third rift opens for Ohma Zi-O.

Sougo: "You two need to figure out who is going to fight first."

Y/N: "Oh right."

Issei: "Rock, paper, scissors?" Issei and Y/N play rock, paper, scissors.

Y/N & Issei: "Rock! Paper! Scissors!" Y/N wins the game.

Issei: "Aw but my cool new move..." Y/N takes out his Ziku Driver and places it on his waist.

Ziku Driver!

Y/N takes out his Zi-O ridewatch and twists it then pushes the button on top.


Y/N slides the ridewatch on his driver and pushes the button on top of it. A giant clock with smaller clocks around it appears behind Y/N.

Y/N: "Henshin!" Y/N hits his driver to make it spin.

Rider Time! Kamen Rider Zi-O!

Magenta katakana appears in the giant clock as clear magenta watch straps appear around Y/N. The magenta katakana fly out and back at Y/N slotting themselves in the helmet then lighting up.

Sir Zechs: "Interesting." Y/N runs at Riser who flies in the air. Back at the dinner party everyone is outside in the court yard watching the fight with a rift in the sky. Sougo is sitting on a throne that some Kasshine have brought for him.

Woz: "Seems like no one is approaching you, Waga Maou."

Sougo: "That does not matter to me. Watching Y/N's battle is what's important right now.....Also we have a big space to ourselves!" Sougo jokingly pushes Woz but he gets embarrassed and coughs to distract people.

Sougo: "Some quicks die hard huh Woz?"

Woz: "Ha ha very true."

Rias: "Y/N, what are you gonna do?"

Y/N takes out his Ghost ridewatch and twists then pushes the button.


He slides the ridewatch on his driver and makes it spin.

Armor Time! (Guitar beat with Ghost Driver's standby) Kaigan! Ghost!

The ghost armor floats besides Y/N as he jumps the armor splits and slots itself on Y/N.

Riser: "It's no use!" Riser fire a fireball at Y/N. The Ore, Miyamoto Musashi, Isaac Newton and Thomas Edison parka ghosts appear and put there sleeves together to block the fireball. The parka ghost let go of each other for Y/N to go forward at Riser. Y/N punches Riser in the face.

Riser: "Ha ha!" Riser throws a fire lite punch at Y/N. The Ore parka ghost grabs Riser's hand.

Riser: "What?!" Ore glows bright burning Riser with holy energy.

Riser: "Holy energy!?"

Sir Zechs: "How's that possible?" Y/N kicks Riser towards the ground. Miyamoto Musashi flies at Riser and cross slashes him. Isaac Newton causes the gravity to push Riser faster towards the ground. Riser slams onto the arena ground breaking it. Riser tries to get up but the gravity is too strong. Y/N lands on the ground and runs at Riser again. He takes out his Build ridewatch twisting it and pushing the button.


The gravity goes back to normal for Riser to get back up. Thomas Edison flies in front of Riser shocking him with electricity.

Y/N: "Thanks everyone!" Y/N removes the Ghost ridewatch and replaces it with the Build ridewatch then makes his Driver spin. The parka ghost disappear with the Ghost armor.

Armor Time! (Electronic beat mixed with RabbitTank-esque music) Best Match! Build!

The Build armor appears in front of Y/N who punches it to break it apart. The armor slots itself onto Y/N. Y/N thrusts his Drill Break Break at Riser. Riser throws a punch at Y/N making contact with his Drill Break Break.

Riser: "You weakling! Take this, the hell fire from my clan, hailed as the bird of fire, Fenghuang, the immortal bird phoenix, and let it burn you up!" The flame wings on Riser's back grow bigger. The clash causes a giant explosion. Y/N sent flying back into knight chess piece pillar. Rias watches the match intensely worried that Y/N will get hurt again.

Issei: "Y/N! Are you okay!?" Y/N gets out of the rubble.

Y/N: "I will become king! And you will knee before me Riser!" Y/N removes the Build ridewatch and takes out the Decade ridewatch pushing its button.


Y/N slides the Decade ridewatch and pushes the button on his driver. Riser flies at Y/N ready for another attack. Riser throws his punch at Y/N who makes his driver spin.

Armor Time! (Techno Rock music) Kamen Ride! Wow! Decade! Decade! De~cade!

Decade cards with the Zi-O symbol on it fly out of his driver and around Y/N. The cards grow bigger and transform into see through Y/N with one piece of the Decade armor on each of them. The see through Y/N's combine together on Y/N slotting the Decade armor on him.

(If video doesn't show up it's "The Birth of Zi-O" song)

Riser fist slams into Y/N's chest but Y/N doesn't move. Y/N raises his hand as it glows a magenta aura then makes a fist. He slams his fist into Riser's face sending him flying back.

Woz: "IWAE!" Y/N looks up to see Woz standing on top of the arena seats. The guest look over to Sougo to see Woz is gone. They begin to whisper about how Woz got there.

Woz: "The one who will inherit all rider powers! The one chosen by the Time King himself! The heir to the throne of time! His name is Y/N L/N! Using the Seventh Rider power, the power of the destroy of worlds. The Demon Prince has achieved his first Rider power up! It is known as Kamen Rider Zi-O Decade Armor!"

Kiba: "*Sigh* Does he have to do that?"

Akeno: "It's Woz. *giggle*" Koneko nods in agreement.

Sir Zechs: "How did he get there?"

Rias: "Thats Woz." Rias smiles but it soon changes to gloom.

Y/N: "The flames of the immortal phoenix you hold will be extinguished by the power I hold! The power of the destroyer of worlds!" Y/N runs at Riser.

Riser: "Nothing will extinguish my flames!" Riser flies at Y/N. They both throw a punch and make contact on each other's face. Y/N punches Riser in the stomach with his left hand. Riser tries to punch Y/N with his left fist but Y/N blocks it and punches Riser on his right side. Y/N hits Riser in the chest then uppercuts him sending him back. Riser gets up and fires two giant fireballs at Y/N. Y/N crosses his arms to block the fireballs. Y/N looks down at the Decade watch.

Y/N: "When first saw this watch it looked different than the others.....might as well try it out." The fire ball explodes on Y/N who quickly takes out the Build ridewatch.


He slides it on the Decade ridewatch.

Final Form Time! B-B-B-Build!

The bar code on Y/N's right shoulder and chest pop out and change into katakana saying "Build" on his shoulder and "Sparkling" on his chest. His helmet screen starts to rapidly change into different helmets finding the Build Sparkling.

The dust clears for everyone to see Y/N in his Decade Armor Build Sparkling form.

Rias: "What? Isn't that the Build form? It looks different though."

Kiba: "Didn't he already use that watch?"

Koneko: "White."

Akeno: "Koneko is right, this one has white and spikes on it."

Kiba: "Does adding a color and spikes make it stronger?"

Akeno: "We'll find out." Y/N gets ready to run at Riser. The spring on his left leg compresses then Y/N pushes off making the spring stretch out and bubbles appear. Riser fires more fireballs at Y/N who dodges them with his new speed. Y/N zig zags every time he pushes off his left leg bubbles show up.

Riser: "Hold still!"

Koneko: "Bubbles."

Kiba: "His Build form never did that."

Akeno: "It looks pretty *giggle*"

Y/N punches Riser in the face then in his left side making bubbles show up. Y/N kicks Riser in the chest with his right leg and the tank tracks move ripping into his chest.

Riser: "Arrrrah!" The fire wings on Riser's back grow bigger. Riser goes in for another attack. Y/N summons his Drill Breaker Breaker and thrusts it into Riser's shoulder. Y/N rips it out leaving a giant hole in Riser's shoulder. Y/N rapidly kicks Riser with his left leg pushing him back then spins kicks Riser in the face with his right leg.

Akeno: "Y/N is fighting with his true strength."

Kiba: "He's never tried to kill his opponent before."

Akeno: "Fighting Tsukasa really has changed Y/N."

Y/N pushes the button on his Decade watch.


Y/N runs and jumps as a red and blue, hourglass-shaped vortex appears. Y/N's right leg begins to produce bubbles. Y/N ride kicks through the vortex as bubbles are fired at Riser. Riser tries to destroy the blue with his fire but is overwhelmed by them. Y/N is propelled at Riser hitting him with his rider kick.

Final Attack Time Break!

Riser is sent flying and explodes into a bubble explosion. Riser gets up with flames healing his wounds.

Y/N: "That didn't stop you."

Riser: "Nothing will stop my flames!"

Y/N: "Then I'll show you the difference in our power." Y/N removes the Build ridewatch and pulls out the Den-O ridewatch. He twists it and pushes the button on top.


Y/N slides the Den-O ridewatch on the Decade ridewatch.

Final Form Time! D-D-D-Den-O!

The bar code pops out transforming into "Den-O" in his shoulder and "Climax" on his chest. The helmet rapidly changes to the Den-O Climax forms helmet.

(Only a few were shown in the show sadly also best I could find)

Y/N: "I'll finally fight at my climax!"

Kiba: "Den-O form but different."

Akeno: "It must be that pink ridewatch."

Woz: "Magenta actually."

Koneko: "Woz."

Woz: "The Decade ridewatch allows Y/N to use the power of the upgrade forms of the other Riders."

Kiba: "Upgrade forms?"

Y/N holds his hand out for a new sword to appear.


Y/N: "Whoa, a new sword! Guess I'm like Kiba now." Y/N goes after Riser slashing down his shoulder and chest. Y/N quickly attacks again slashing across Riser's chest then stabbing him.

Y/N: "What does this do?" Y/N spins the clock hand on the RideHeisaber for Kamen Rider symbols to appear.

Hey Build!
Hey Ex-Aid!

Y/N: "I should use a Kamen Rider I haven't used!"

Hey Ghost!
Hey Drive!

(Is it Hei or Hey? I just put hey but I'll change it if it's Hei in future chapters)

Y/N: "Drive?" An angry Riser uses his fire like a flamethrower.

Y/N: "Ahh!" Y/N pulls the trigger on the RideHeisaber and slashes at the flamethrower for a Max Flare shift tire to be fired. The Max Flare tire splits the flamethrower going straight at Riser.

Riser: "What!?" The Max Flare tire hits Riser in the chest making a small explosion.

Drive Dual Time Break!

Y/N: "Awesome!" Y/N swings his sword again to fire a Funky Spikes tire at Riser. The Funky Spikes tire hits Riser for green spikes to shoot out. Y/N swings his sword for a third time to fire a Midnight Shadow tire at Riser. The Midnight Shadow tire hits Riser for purple shuriken to shoot out. The Max Flare comes back and hits Riser in the back.

Riser: "No! I won't lose to you!"

Issei: "Y/N is so strong now."

Y/N: "Time for my finishing move!"


The Axe, Gun, and Rode form helmets of Den-O appear and attach themselves on Y/N's left arm. Y/N runs at Riser and jump punches him with his left arm.

Final Attack Time Break!

Riser is sent flying into a knight piece pillar. Riser explodes in rage and flies at Y/N.

Riser: "You bastard!" Y/N spins the hand on the RideHeisaber.


Y/N pulls the trigger for the RideHeisaber to glow blue and electricity comes off it. Riser gets closer to Y/N and right when he gets to the right spot, Y/N horizontal slashes Riser.

(For example)

Blade Dual Time Break!

Riser loses a arm then hits the ground. He turns around to see Y/N slowly walking to him.

Riser: "No no no!"

Y/N: "I'm finishing this." Y/N removes the Den-O ridewatch and takes out the Ghost Ridewatch. He pushes the button on top of it.


Y/N slides the Ghost ridewatch on the Decade ridewatch.

Final Form Time! Gho-Gho-Gho-Ghost!

The bar code pops out and transform into katakana saying "Ghost" on his shoulder and "Grateful" on his chest. The helmet rapidly spins to find Ghost Grateful's helmet. Y/N attacks Riser with his RideHeisaber with every hit rainbow holy energy is expelled.

Ravel: "Brother!" Riser hits the ground again and slowly stands up.

Riser: "N....o....."

Y/N: "It's over. Now kneel!" Y/N removes the Decade ridewatch and slots it in his RideHeisaber.

Finish Time!

Y/N spins the clock hand a few times.

Hey Kamen Riders!

Hei! Sei! Hei! Sei! Hei! Sei! H-H-Hei Sei (Repeat)

Y/N prepares his attack holding his sword to the side. The guest hear a bellowing laughter. They all turn to see Sougo standing up from his throne.

Sougo: "Wonderful! Finish the fight and show them the power of a Kamen Rider, my prince!" Y/N pulls the trigger.

D-D-D-Decade! Heisei Riders Ultimate Time Break!

Rainbow Decade cards with 19 Kamen Rider symbols and their names in katakana appear in line.

Y/N slashes to the left making the cards exploded into rainbow energy.

Rainbows cards appear again and Y/N slashes right making the cards exploded again. Y/N holds his sword up as more rainbow cards appear above Riser. Y/N slashes downwards for one final hit.

(Birth of Zi-O ends here)

Sir Zechs: "That holy energy has a rainbow hue to it." Rider falls to his knees his skin melting from the heat of the holy energy. Y/N walks up to Riser but Ravel appears in front of him with the help of a magic circle. Y/N walks past them not before saying some words to Riser.

Y/N: "You're strong Riser if you ever want to join me. I'll gladly accept you as one of my retainers only after you apologize to Rias." Ravel is shocked Y/N would say this. Y/N stands a few feet away from Ravel and Riser. He holds his sword out and points it at Issei. Ravel moves his brother out of the way.

Y/N: "ISSEI!" Issei is surprise by his outburst.

Y/N: "It's still a three way match! It won't end unless one of us forfeits or is defeated! Since we are both too prideful to give up let's finish this match!" Issei smirks and holds his hand up to summon his Boosted Gear.

Issei: "Boosted Gear!"

Y/N: "I'm the one who'll become King and Rias is mine! I'm not letting anyone take her away especially not from a perverted moron like you!"

Issei: "I'm gonna be Harem King and every girl is gonna be mine especially Rias! I'm not gonna let some pretty boy get my way!" Y/N stabs the RideHeisaber into the ground and runs at Issei. Once Issei sees this he runs at Y/N.

Issei: "President! Request permission to use promotion!" Rias allows Issei to use promotion.

Issei: "Promotion! Queen!" They both throw a punch that slams into each other's face.

Y/N: "Haaaaaaa!"

Issei: "Haaaaaaa!" Y/N and Issei start it slug it out punching body, head, and chest.

Kiba: "It's a full on brawl."

Akeno: "No weapons, no magic, no form changing. Just fists."

Koneko: "But Y/N is tried from his fight with Riser." Akeno and Kiba look at each other. Y/N and Issei do one strong punch that pushes them both back.

Issei: "*Heavy breathing* Even after that fight and using promotion your still this strong. Then I'll use this and end it in ten seconds!" Issei holds his Boosted Gear to his chest.

Issei: Shine forth! Over Boost!" Issei thrust his hand and in the air shining a green light.

Welsh Dragon Over Booster!

Red armor appears on Issei piece by piece until it covers his whole body.

Issei: "This is the Dragon Emperor's power, Balance Breaker Boosted Gear, Scale Mail!"

Rias: "Balance Break!? You mean, the taboo?"

Sir Zechs: "The forbidden infernal, foreign form. You are interesting Kamen Rider but it's over for you." Sir Zechs looks at Sougo who is already looking at him. Sir Zechs feels uneasy and quickly looks up at the match.

Sougo: "Hmph."

Jet engine like boosters on Issei's back boost him forward at Y/N. Issei rams his fist on Y/N's stomach making Y/M gasp for air. Y/N is sent flying back and Issei goes after him continuing his assault.


Issei sends Y/N into the walls of the arena. Y/N gets out of the rubble to see Issei coming after him.


Y/N: *heavy breathing* I won't lose against you!" Issei reaches Y/N and attacks him. Everything seems to slow down as Issei is about to hit Y/N. Y/N's fist glow with a magenta aura. He quickly moves out of Issei's attack.

(If video doesn't show up it's kamen Rider Zi-O opening)


Kiba: "He finally use it!"

Akeno: "What do you mean Kiba?"

Kiba: "His knight trait, he has never used it before." Y/N punches Issei in the face for a magenta shockwave to shoot out. Y/N continues his comeback punching Issei as magenta shockwaves happen ever time he hits Issei.


Issei tries to counter attack but all his punches are deflected or blocked. Y/N hits Issei in chest cracking his armor.

Issei: "How does he still have so much energy!?"

Y/N pushes the button on his Decade ridewatch.


Issei focuses his power into one last attack. Y/N spin round house kicks as Decade cards come out of his driver and spin with him. The Decade cards combine at Y/N's right foot. Y/N turns the round house kick into a rider kick as his foot and Issei's fist make contact.


They both struggle to win the battle. Green and magenta energy shoots out everywhere. Sir Zechs is shocked to see Y/N going toe to toe against Balance Breaker.

Y/N: "Aaaarrrrraaaaahhhhh!"

Issei: "Haaaaaaaa!"

Y/N's driver glows with a diamond like energy, it flows towards the Decade ridewatch. The ridewatch glows the same energy and transforms into Decade Complete Form ridewatch.

Complete Form!

The bar code on Y/N's chest changes into cards showing 19 kamen riders. Sougo does another bellowing laugh.

Sougo: "Wonderful! Wonderful! You have blow my expectations, Y/N! You truely will surpass me! You have found a power not even I have obtained!"

C-C-C-Complete Form! Final Attack Time Break!


Diamond Decade cards appear behind Y/N. Starting from the far back the first card turns into an aura Kamen Rider Kuuga. He flies towards Y/N rider kicking Issei giving Y/N more power.

Kuuga: Ha!"

The energy Y/N is giving off grows bigger with Diamond energy replacing the magenta energy. The next card turns into Agito rider kicking towards Y/N.


Akeno: "Those are Kamen Riders!"

Woz: "Kuuga and Agito next is Ryuki." Akeno, Kiba, and Koneko look at Woz then back at the match to see Ryuki appear and rider kick.

Woz: "Faiz, Blade, Hibiki." The three kamen riders appear and rider kick at Issei.


Woz: "Kabuto, Den-O, Kiva, Decade." Four more riders appear flying towards Y/N and Issei.

Woz: "Double, OOO, Fourze, Wizard, Gaim." Five riders appear and give Y/N more power.

Woz: "Driver, Ghost, Ex-Aid, and Build." The final four riders appear and rider kick at Y/N and Issei giving Y/N the final energy he needs to defeat Issei.


Woz: "And finally Zi-O, all 20 Heisei riders." A giant diamond Decade card appears in front of Y/N's foot. Y/N's foot slams into Issei's chest and bursts through the Decade Zi-O card flying through the air with Issei.

Y/N: "Haaaaaaaaa!" Ravel watches in awe.

Ravel: "That energy it's so pretty."


Y/N: "It's over Issei!" Y/N appears behind Issei and rider kick lands as an explosion of diamond energy happens behind him. Issei falls on the ground covered in wounds. Y/N walks up to Issei and lays on the ground next to him as he de-henshins.

Y/N: "*Heavy breathing* That was fun!"

Issei: "*Heavy breathing* Ha..ha...ha! Next time I'm gonna win!"

Y/N: "I'm not gonna go easy on you next time!" Y/N and Issei fist bump.

Akeno: "They're both acting like they won."

Kiba: "It was like watching two rivals fighting each other."

Issei: "You better take care of Rias or I'll beat you into a pulp."

Y/N: "Thats never gonna happen because you will never beat me and I will never hurt Rias." The arena starts to disappear, Ravel picks her brother up so he doesn't fall. Y/N and Issei begin to fall towards the ground.

Y/N: "I'm too weak to fly!"

Issei: "I haven't learned how to fly!" Koneko catches Issei and Kiba catches Y/N. Koneko is princess carrying Issei as Kiba holds Y/N's arm over his shoulder.

Issei: "Th-Thanks Koneko."

Y/N: "Thanks Kiba." Y/N snickers at Issei.

Issei: "Shut up!"

Akeno: "Good work."

Kiba: "You two were amazing." Kiba grabs Y/N's arm in a certain way.

Y/N: "Uhhh Kiba what you doing?"

Kiba: "Go get her!" Kiba throws Y/N towards the ground.

Y/N: "I-I can't fly you idiot!" Rias flies at Y/N and hugs Y/N.

Y/N: "Rias?"

Rias: "Y/N...Thank you...Y/N. My Y/N."

Y/N: "I promised didn't I?" Y/N holds Rias' hand. Issei cries for not being the one Rias hugs. Everyone lands on the ground. Ravel puts his brother on the ground.

Y/N: "Legs are a little wobbly."

Woz: "You did extremely well, Waga Maou."

Y/N: "Thanks Woz." Riser watches Y/N and everyone happily talk.

Riser: "I'm never going to kneel to you! Arrrrah!"

Ravel: "Brother!" Riser goes after Y/N and Rias sees this standing in front of him. Y/N pulls her back and stands in front of her.

Y/N: "So that fight didn't get through your head! Then come on!" Riser throws a flame fist at Y/N. Y/N staggers a little from exhaustion. In a second or maybe faster Riser is sent flying with Kuuga's symbol.
(It's the same attack Ohma Zi-O does at the end of show. One shoting everyone.)

Riser explodes in gold energy and hits the ground. Riser looks up to see Ohma Zi-O standing in front of the group.

Sougo: "I see your still in a mood for a fight. Then let's have another one of those games! This time it's you and against me." A gold aura bursts out of Ohma Zi-O as he visor glows red. Everyone can feel the power Ohma Zi-O has.

Rias: "His power it's overwhelming! I feel like I'm drowning in it." Rias hugs Y/N's arm trembling in fear. She looks up at Y/N and can tell he doesn't feel the same way. He looks amazed by the power. Sir Zechs puts his hands on the railing looking at the ground.

Sir Zechs: "This power! Is he really human!?...I only thought he was just a demon who was full of himself...but this power...if we fought I would lose!" Sir Zechs trembles as sweat falls off his brow and onto the ground. The guests also tremble in fear of Ohma Zi-O. Riser stares at Ohma Zi-O trembling not knowing what he should do.

Woz: "Waga Maou, as much as I would love to see you beat that man but you're scaring the princess." Sougo looks at Rias who jumps a little and holds Y/N tighter. The golden aura fades making the air feel calmer.

Sougo: "I apologize for my unsightly attitude." Sougo bows to Rias then looks at Riser who squeals in fear.

Rias: "I-I must say it's nice to meet you Ohma Zi-O."

Sougo: "It's nice to finally meet you Lady Rias." Sougo walks up to the middle of the court yard.

Sougo: "We take our leave! Listen well noble devils this boy Y/N L/N is my prince!" Sougo gestures to Y/N.

Sougo: "If any of you seek to kill him you will feel my wraith! But if any of you feel arrogant enough, do try!" The visor on Ohma Zi-O glows red. Everyone is standing in the front of the mansion. Rias holds a piece of paper for it to summon a griffin.

Issei: "A griffin!?"

Y/N: "So cool!"

Akeno: "Oh, my. Under the circumstances, what if Y/N were to see the president off?"

Y/N: "Me?" Y/N looks back while petting the griffin.

Rias: "Yes. Can I ask that of you?"

Y/N: "What about everyone else?" Sougo facepalms and walks up to Y/N. He pushes him towards Rias.

Sougo: "Don't worry about them see the princess off." Y/N looks at a blushing Rias which makes him blush. He holds his hand out for her to grab it. Y/N sits on the griffin's back then helps Rias get on.

Y/N: "Well see you guys at the club room!" The griffin screeches and flies off into the sky. Issei cry's again wanting to be on a griffin with Rias. Sona watches the griffin and sighs in frustration.

Akeno: "Are you frustrated Sona?"

Sona: "Yes...but it isn't set in stone I still have a chance."

Akeno: "Oh my you're right. Maybe I should try a little harder."

Sona: "Huh?" Koneko thinks she should try harder too. Sougo chuckles a little.

Sougo: "This is where I leave." Sougo opens a time portal.

Sougo: "All of you watch over Y/N." The young devils look at each other.

Issei: "Of course we will!"

Kiba: "Yeah."

Akeno: "He is part of the Rias Gremory Peerage."

Koneko: "He's our friend and ally."

Sona: "Even though he gets lost very easily."

Sougo: "Ha ha ha! It's good to know he has touched all your hearts in some form. Do not be afraid to ask me for help."

Kiba: "Thank you Ohma Zi-O-sama." They all bow to him. Sougo and the Kasshine holding the throne step into the time portal teleporting away.

Woz: "For Waga Maou to say that to you all means he trusts all of you." Everyone looks at Woz surprised.

Issei: "He's actually really nice when he's not scary."

Akeno: "Oh we should head back we don't wanna keep those two waiting." Sir Zechs is watching Y/N and Rias fly away on the griffin.

Sir Zechs: "That boy...I'm glad he's on our side."

Greyfia: "What about the Demon King of Time?"

Sir Zechs: "You will arrange a meeting for me. We have to get on his good side or the underworld will fall by his hand. I will make that boy a high ranking devil and recognize Ohma Zi-O as a King."

Greyfia: "I will arrange the date for the meeting."

Sir Zechs: "If that boy is able to defeat the Welsh Dragon-the red dragon then he might be able to defeat the Vanishing Dragon-the white dragon." Y/N looks around at the sky.

Y/N: "Wow, the sky in the underworld is really pretty." Y/N feels a hand on his cheek and he looks at Rias.

Y/N: "Rias-senpai?" Rias removes his hand and touches Y/N's hand.

Rias: "Silly boy. Going through all this over someone like me...."

Y/N: "I made a promise I would protect you and I'm going to keep it."

Rias: "The engagement party may have been broken off this time, but talks of engagement may come up again." Y/N holds Rias' hand and puts his forehead on hers.

Y/N: "You forgot I won so your hand in marriage is mine and no one else is going to take you from me....only if you want me?" Rias pulls Y/N and kisses his lips. Rias moves back making Y/N wanting her lips.

Rias: "That was my first kiss. In Japan, that's something girl's treasure, right?"

Y/N: "I think that's everywhere but are you sure? We can just use the marriage as a cover up until you find someone." Rias rests her head on Y/N chest.

Rias: "I already have." Hearing this makes Y/N blush.

Rias: "Also I've decided to live at your house."

Y/N: "Okay....WHAT!?" The next morning Y/N is sitting in the living room with his Uncle, Asia, and Rias. Junichiro laughs from the news he heard from Rias. Asia pouts when she hears it.

Junichiro: "Ha ha ha! We should celebrate! So kid, how do you want your steak?"

Y/N: "Medium rare."

Junichiro: "Damn right!" Junichiro stands up and heads towards the kitchen.

Junichiro: "Coming to this town was a good idea!" In the club room Y/N is resting his arms on the back of the couch as Koneko sits on it eating a sandwich. Y/N and Koneko watch Akeno and Asia try to make Issei's Boosted Gear disappear. The Boosted Gear disappears for Asia, Akeno, and Issei to smile but it quickly comes back making them frown. Akeno and Asia quickly start to use magic on it again. Y/N and Woz are walking into Y/N's school to see Issei and his two friends running away from the kendo club. Y/N sighs and jogs towards them passing Kiba and saying hi. The four end up at the abandoned building. The three laugh while Y/N lectures them. Y/N decades to stop knowing they won't listen. He looks up to see Rias open the window. Rias looks down at him and smiles. Issei notices this and wraps his arm around Y/N's neck.

Issei: "So what's it like being with Rias? Did you guys do anything yet?"

Motohama: "What!? Y-you're dating Rias!?"

Matsuda: "You betrayed us Y/N!"

Issei: "He he! He's not dating Rias, he's engaged to her!" Motohama and Matsuda's jaws drop when they hear this.

Y/N: "Did you really have to tell them? The two perverts get right in Y/N's face.

Motohama: "How do her boobs feel like!?"

Matsuda: "She has some big ones too! Were they soft and heavy!?"

Issei: "Come on, come on Y/N tell us!"

Y/N: "Shut up you morons! Even if I did touch them I wouldn't tell you!"

Motohama & Matsuda & Issei: "So you have!" Rias watches the three perverts harass Y/N and laughs. Sougo is sitting on his throne holding a ridewatch.

Tsukasa: "I told you this was a bad idea." Tsukasa is resting his back on the side of the throne looking at a photo.

Sougo: "The boy is doing fine."

Tsukasa: "If you say so but I'm done. Anything bad that happens is your fault." Tsukasa walks away from Sougo leaving the photo on the arm of the throne.

Tsukasa: "This was your idea so you deal with the consequences." Tsukasa is walking down a hallway when he sees Y/N step out of window.

Mirror Y/N: "I need your help."

Tsukasa: "*Sigh* Your his mirror self aren't you?"

Mirror Y/N: "Correct."

Tsukasa: "I guess I can stay for awhile longer. What do you need help with?" Mirror Y/N looks at a black ridewatch.

Sougo picks up the distorted picture and looks at it. It's Y/N and everyone else including himself after the fight together laughing and smiling.

Sougo: "Hmph! Your photos really are bad."

(Zi-O opening ends here)

(Authors Notes: Thank you to everyone who read this. I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I had fun making it. I never thought I would make a fan fic ever but after finding Wattpad and reading other people's kamen rider stories. I started brainstorming ideas and Gaim X Danmachi was born but then Zi-O X Highschool DXD came after. I was so nervous to write it so I just posted the idea. I never was going to write them but then I just went for it and I can say it's really fun. Gaim X Danmachi will be updated from now on until I finish season 1. Once that's done I'll come back to Zi-O X Highschool DXD. Please check that story out you might like it. :)

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